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FIXTURES Aucrast 13. 15. 17. —Canterbury J.OAnnual 29—Arnbcr)ey Svccplcchaeo Club S-vtcmhcr 4, s—Marlon J.C. Sc'p.embor 11—Danucvlrkc ft.C. Si-.Jtember 23. 24 —Otaki .Ma. ri 11. C. 6v.;tciiibor 26, 23 Avondale J.C. S. ptember 26, 27—Geraldine R.C. fu'ijiember 26, 23 Wanganui R.C.


There is said to bo a likelihood of J. V. iiliamson taking Hauler© umi Okaikaa to .Sidney uMcr the National me-otang It is a pity that tho latter Jumper cunnot got over lUe habit ol tanking l/hueol:, dS ia tho reason of liis absence i'rom i*.ecarton. A* a result he has to run in heavy bandages.

Nat Williams at present has ton horses In his stables at Clarevillc, but the Winter HciiiUicup carKli'-aie, Leapuiu, La the only one In full work.

The yearling half-sister to Master Sou It (by Penury) is very well spoken of, and it is said that her owner recently turned down a good odor for this promising youngster.

The Auckland Racing Club has shown no niggardly spirit in allotting the blalio money for the coming season, £32.676 lug devoted to tills. The summer fixture Is always the popular one. and it is Interesting to note that at it there are now fix races of tbe four figures value. Continuance and, and Continuance with Koran and The Native are warm favourites in’ Wellington for the Grand N.tional Steeplechase and Hurdles, whilst Captain Jingle and Koran have been supported to a considerable extent. Nowo from Rlccarton is to the effect that Mr J. George's team, Parltnta, Koval Arms, and Crown Pearl arc doing well on tho tracks. This trio of New Plymouthowned horses should show some distinction during the progress of tho C.J.C. meeting. The Soult mare Salute is a warm favourite in Wellington for tho Winter Cup, Whilst Mangaroa, Prosper and Ladrone are the next in order of favouritism. The latter, with R. Hatch in tho saddle, was rosponsible for a very pleasing gallop on the Otaki course yesterday.

Leapuki, a much-fancied Winter Cup candidate. U doing all that hia trainer wishes at Clareville. Tills gelding, who carries Hr W. M, Halley, the Palmerston North sporteman’s colours, is expected to run forward In flat events at Rlccarton. Koran, a much-fancied candidate for the Grand National Hurdles, will. pass through Wellington to-day on route to Christchurch lx» charge of hia trainer, M. Gardner. The son of Pilgrim’s Progress will bo ridden by I*. Traill in hia Riccarton contests.

In Silver Cluse and To Roll tho stable 6 resided over by G. Delaney at Fending IwKljps a couple of promising Grand National Hurdle candidates. Some critics are selecting the latter, who made a bold showing at the Wanganui winter meeting, to give an even better display at Riccarton.

The Conqueror —Jeanne D’Aro coll ie fast getting into form under J. Driscoll’s guidance at Avvapunl. Tho yojmgster gives promise of running with some success next season. Unfortunately his owner, Mr S. W Taiham, ia an inmate of a private hospital suffering from a pulmonary complaint, but h& many friende are looking forward to hia speedy return to good health.

Lady Moutoa, and Moutoa Girl, who have been having an idle time recently, are to again join tho active brigade at Moutoa. These two descendants of Soult have been much improved by their holiday.

Tho massive gelding by Captain Webb — Brenda is being Initiated in the Jumping business by L. Gray at Mr F. S. Easton s private track at Moutoa, So far this animal’s displays have been very pleasing, and thero is every prospect of him making something of an acquisition to the hurdle brigade.

The half-sister to Lady Moutoa (by Sir Laddo) belonging to Mr F. S. Easton has furnished into a fine type of a racer. Being well grown and nicely put together, this juvenile should be hoard of next season.

It is fair to assume that Prince Palatine is entitled to rate as the best horse in England.- Lord Derby’s horse, bieudiast, heal him in the Coronation Citiv one mile and -a ha*t,‘ but subsequently Prince Palatine won the Ascot Gold Cup. one mile and a half. Steadfast did not run in that, but the two met again in tho Eclipse Stakes, of £IO,OOO. one mile and a quarter, at bandown Park. Prince Palatine proved too good for Steadfast this time, and the former, who U by Persimmon from Lady Llghlfoot is undoubtedly a great horse from a mile and a quarter onwards, bach carried 10st, Inclusive of a 101 b and last year Swyntord won with a similar weight. Aa a two-year-old Prince • Palatine won £2926; last season he accounted for £7379: and aa this season ho already has fully £12.00) to his credit, be has done well for Mr T. PUkingtou, who purchased him as a yearling for 1-XO guineas from Mr W. Hall Walker. The latter, it may be remembered, leased Minoru to the late King Edward, and Mr valuer has bred a Derby and tit. Legor winner, without having the pleasure of either being . successful in hia colors. Prince Palatine won last year's at. Leger, Tho amount put through tho totalisator in Tasmania by tho who.o of tho clubs during the present season was £192,631. The machine is evidently somewhat slow in creating a "gambling fever" in the State named.

Not only was S. Wootton fined £lO for using insulting language to the starter at Gatwlck (England) last month, but he had to tender a written apology to Mr Coventry. Wootton was fortunate In getting off so lightly. Tho Prix dn Jockey Club (French Derby), of £7831, was run In Juno, and in a field of seventeen the winner .turned up in Frlant 11.. a colt by Ghampaubert from Facondo. De Vlris was favourite. • while the totalisator odds against the winner were long. The ground was heavy, and that may have been in a measure responsible for the success of Friant XI., who subsequently missed a place in the Grand Prix do Paris, won by Uouli. Tho latter ran in the French Derby, with F. Wootton in tho saddle, hut as be got no closer than fifth, it is not surprising be -started at a long price when, • about a fortnight later, he accounted for the Grand Prix. WORK AT RICCARTON SPECIAL TO THIS ‘‘TIMES.” CHRISTCHURCH. August 1. At Elooarton this morning Martme was the first to commence work, and she accomplished a mile on the gross in Imln nicely. Genius rattled oyer half-a-mile in 65J500, while Gold Pin and Kiugsway were companions in a mile gallop, which occupied thero Imin 545600. Countermine galloped six furlongs In 1 min 203ae0, while Qunflash was going very nicely at the end of hvo furlongs, which he covered in Imin 91sec. Query and Gnome rattled over five furlongs together In imin 65seo, and this time may bo considered very satisfactory, whl:e Medallist sprinted four furlongs up tho back stretch. - Myall and Stephanos covered seven furlongs in Imin 3915e0, while Silver Blaze took Imin 65iaeo to cover a mile. Portland Bill and Armstrong registered a good performance by getting to the end of four furlongs in 53 l-Sseo. and Mumura and Cronatadt were fully extended while running a mile in Imin 65iseo. Umeraboy was going bettor than Grand Siam at tbe end of five furlongs, which they covered In Imin lOiseo, while Max had Shillelagh well beaten at the end of a similar distance, which occupied Imin 95 3 °Jack Ashore and Simon Pure galloped a mile in Imin 58iaec. Colleen Mary was going very nicely at the end of four furlongs, which were left behind in 55seo. , Troon and Bucco covered seven inrlongs in Imin 42Jsec. while Prosper and La Ruin.; were companions in a spr.ut over d\e fur longs, which occupied Imm oJboc. Parallel rau tour furlongs in oSJsec, white Soa Queen was indulged in three-quartei pace work. , , , . Morcodo sprinted four furlongs in 55»scc. while Mirro was given a good working galMagdala and Salato finished tosrctlior at tho end of seven furlongs, which occupied imin 37150 C, and Sea Bing spurted hall-a-mlle in 545 see. . . Ballv had Waikaraka well beaten at the end of a seven-furlong gallop, which occupied Imin 40scc. and Early Morn rattled over four furiongs in Imin 9iscc. Daylight Bill was given a useful working gallop, and Mira who is looking very well, was given steady work on the sand. Corso ran seven furlongs in Imm 43sec. while Black Northern and Uranium were companions in a six furlong sprint, occupying Imin 24seo. Taketumu had Alexis well beaten at the end of six furlongs, which occupied imin

£3)=ec, while Compass was given a coup e ol rounds at a good useful pace. Wiitie Cockade registered an attractive ?crforraance by getting to the end of seven tirlon'-s in Imin 37scc, and Continuums (C. Jones) and Zante (Tntchcn) were seat over me big country. The former jumped ail his fences very cleverly, and ouipaicd li.s companion. k , .. Ability (L. Hcgarty) and another ne?«-' tiated a round of the hurdles, jumping (Kelly), Bonrrasquo (L. Coleman), and John 'F. Flynn) were sent over around of tho hurdles, tho latter giving a flmsiu-d d-.*oiay Bourrasnue camo down at the ee 7,nd to last hurdle, but his rider escaped with a bad shaking*


F£OM OHS OWN CORRESPONDENT MASTER 1 ON. August I. The annual meeting of the Mastcrt. a Racing Club was held this afternoon, j-t C. F. Val.anco, president, occupied u.e choir. , . _ . In speaking to tbe adoption of the anXUui rcp.jri and uuiaine-shcet, Mr J. d. Sioodie, a steward ol the club, said to at t> ere appealed to bo little chance of u.e club regaining the day it hud totil aa A result ol ibe rccommeiidunonb oi u.e Conference. Racing CLubs should bestir iiioaidolvob and see to their luguia, especially aa Rev. J. J.-North and others wore going round me country condemning The policy of the present Govern meat in reran! to granting additional peimiuj was ' r go slow.' . Mr A. G. Fiimer. another steward, expressed th© opinion that there was evciy chance of me ciub regaining ub lost daj s racing, especially as the action in connection with the Eaiigitikei Club bad provided a ioop-uole. „ , ,j . . Mr D. McLachlan, one of the oldest stewards of the club, said ail the racing clu-i8 should lei I J. J. North and Co. see that t: oy wore as strong, and stronger than, ttTutfe who opposed racing. I’ho ope?i letter Sent uy “J. X North and Co." to the Government was nothing more nor less Uk;q a threat. It was time the racing duos formed a body to defend their rights. (Hear, hear). . A . fl The following omcera were elected; F* fcron, A. \V Cave: president. 0. F. Vailancej Vice-presidents, J. McAra, J. lorus, A. G. Pilmor, D. McLachlan: time-keeper, A. Henderson; treasurer, C. F. VaUa-ncci clerk of course. It. \F. Smith: stewards, 0. J. Bennett U. Boick. 0. 0. Cooper. \V. Cooper, Frank Dorset, Frederick Dorset, H. Douglas. P. Harrison, J. B. Moodie. A. J Welca, /. Whittaker, G- H. Yates; audh tor, G. W. Sellar. t , . . At a meeting of stewards held subsoouontiy Messrs 0. F. Vallance, D, McJLacb* lan, Wl Cooper, Frank Dorset, J. McAra, A. Welch, and A 0. PUmer were appoinU ed a ground committee.

MANAWATU HUNT. WEXQETB FOB BTEEPLECHA6E MEETING. F&ESS ABBOCIATION. PALMEIiSTON, Auenst 1. Tho following weights have been deflated by Mr Coyle for the Mauawatu Hunt’s annual steeplechase meeting on the Awapuui course on Wednesday next; — WAIICANAE UUBDLEH, one mile and three-quarters.—Waijmnehu 12.6, Jack 11.9, Avon 11.8, Uerberu 11.5. Fummile 11.5, Gipsy Dot 11.3, The Itogue 11.3, Salubrious 11.3, inuorau 11.3, Major Webb 11. Crusader U, Scamp U. MAIDEN HANDICAP, one mile.—Maxima 10.2. Lockwood 9.10, Appoletio 9.6, Boxer 9.6, Lady Worry 9.5. Woiwetu 9.4. Vesuvius 9.4, Master Webb 9, Jim 9, Little John 9, MANAWATU STEEPLECHASE, three miles and a half. —Tile Chief 13.2, Post Haste .12.7, Jaok 11.9, Bullion 11.7, Consul 11.5, Oroua Downs 11.2, Retainer 11.2, Elwell 11, Koka 11. KIWTTEA BHACELET, two miles.-Teo-tane 13.8, Sunrose 11.11, Flying Cloud 11.9. Lady. Worry 11.6, Ucrbera 11-6,' Blsurlng 11.6, Reekless 11.5, Cbasso 11.2. Hinerau 11.2, Lady Devero U.2, Major Webb 11, Crusader 11.

LEVIN HACK HANDICAP, one mile.— Golden Age 10. Florence Nightingale 9.11, Uimitaugi 9.10, Marima 9.10, Porteullis 9.9, Oakum 9.7. Vesuvius 9, Waiwetu 9. SHANNON STEEPLECHASE, two miles.— Jaok 12, Kiwitea 11.7, Chasse 11.7, Salubrious 11.6, The Rogue 11.6, Venture 11.6, Oroua Downs 11.6, Lady Devero 11.3, Merrylogs 11.3, Major Webb 11.3, The Scamp 11. FXTZHEBBEBT HUNTERS’ PLAT. two miles. —Teetane 13.3, Himitaugl 12.7, ter 11.13. Flying Cloud 11.4. Laventure 10.13. Uerbora 10A3, Farronlte 10.12, Gipsy Dot 10.12, Avon 10.12, Chasse 10.11, Lady Devero 10,lu. Little John 10.9, Princess 10.7, Master Webb 10.7.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 8189, 2 August 1912, Page 9

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RACING NEWS New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 8189, 2 August 1912, Page 9

RACING NEWS New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 8189, 2 August 1912, Page 9