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Appended are the entries for the vocal music section of the New Zealand competitions, which commence on October 25th and continue until November 4th. It will be seen that this branch is wonderfully lengthy one. embracing, in addition to almost every ono with a voice to te£t their singing abilities. The subjects are varied, ranging from humorous to grand opera, and the competitions will, therefore, not suffer from monotony. The syllabus is a lengthy one embracing, in addition to vocal competitions, instrumental music, 'recitations. literature, original verse, oratory and debating, dramatic, physical drill, and kindred matters- The judges include such well-known gentlemen as Messrs Harold Gregson (instrumental), C. N. Baeyertz (vocal, oratory, and debating, etc.), and Charles Wilson (literature), and these napies are in themselves a guarantee of the value of the competitions. 1 The entries for the instrumental section appeared in yesterday’s '‘Times," the entries for the elocutionary class will appear on Friday, and the entries for the other sections will appear in duo course, SOPRANO SOLO. Test Piece, “Jewel Song” from “Faust" (Gounod), or “Ah! lo sq*" from “II Fiauto Ma-gico" (Mozart). Misses - G. B. Price and I. O. G. Jones (Wellington), Mosdames C. Taiaroa Reid and A. Bunn (Wellington), Misses Flora Sutherland (Wanganui), G. B. Baker, G. S. Palmer, and M. Grant (Christchurch), R. Lyons and L. Sill (Auckland), M. A. Macfarlano (Hokitika), Mrs P. Lewis (Wanganui). MEZZO-SOPRANO SOLO. Test PioCe, “Too Late" (Tschaikowsky). Misses E. Y. Cameron and Boris M. Tennent (Wellington), Misses Kathleen Major, M. Knight, 11, Lyons, and A. B. Laver (Auckland), Misses Gladys Sybil Palmer and Mabel Grant (Christchurch), Miss S. Sweetman (Hastings), Miss F. J. Pacey (Bunedin). CONTRALTO SOLO. Test Piece, “Ohc.Faro" (Have I Lost Thee?) from Gluck’s “Orpheo.” Miss M. Stewart and Mrs A. M. Willis (Wellington), Mrs 1. Symes (Wanganui), Mrs R. B’Ath (Otaki), Miss B. Millar (Palmerston North), Misses E. E. Rankin, Roy P. Livingston and Vera Humphries (Christchurch), Miss G. M. Watkins (Petone), Miss Mt- Knight (Auckland), Miss L. Ivimcy (Bunedin). TENOR SOLO. Test Piece, “Balia Sua Pace,” from Mozart’s “Bon Giovanni." Messrs J. Searle, H. Phipps. T.B. Collins, O. 0. Crump, R. Porteous, W. Shancott (Wellington), XL F. Green (Masterton), G. Litchfield (Blenheim), J. Cathcart (Johnsonvillo), G. F. Brisbane (Bunedin), R. Ba«kiviJJe-Long and W. Aspinall (Auckland), J. B. Bowman (Petono), W. E. Saunders (Lower Hutt), O. D. Avison (Hastings). J. F. Bryant (Groymouth). BARITONE SOLO. Test Piece, “Wolfram’s Romance," from “Tannhauser" (Wagner). Messrs F. J. Blandford, A. L. Scoullar, W. Godfrey, Frank Charlton, W. W. Goudio, G. H. Blundell L. C. Travers, J. A. Boherty, W. H. Church. A. H. Robins, R. Bishop, B. V. Lilliorap (Wellington), R. J. Young (Mastertou). K. H. Bellow, H. V. Burton, 0. B. Farrow (Auckland), E. S. Maloney, T. M. Charters. P. J. McDonald (Christchurch), W. H. Harvey (Petone), F. Bulk A. Lucas (Blenheim), C. G. Chambers (Wanganui), R. E. On* (Lower Hutt), A. G. Thompson (Nelson). BASS SOLO. Test Piece, “Vulcan's Song" (Gounod). Messrs J. McO Hamilton, T. M. 3Pearn. P. W. Haycock, T. E. Jones (Wellington). L. Fleming, R. S. Maloney J. 0. McLean, Q Wilkinson (Christchurch), W. Waters (Bunedin), R. H. Bellow, 0. B. Farrow (Auckland), H. Holland (Mornington), E. J. Gatland (Onehnngu). R- H- Orr (Lower Hutt), S. V. Croft (Greymouth). A. G. Thompson (Nelson).


Tost Piece. "How Beautiful are the Feet

("Messiah.") MiEBCS M. Sifflett, G. B. Price, and Mrs A. Dnnn (Wellington). Miea F. (Wonennui), Miss J. H. Urquhart and Mrs S. Canavan (Blenheim). Misses A B I-aver. U Still (Auckland). Miss N. Foster (Potono). Mrs P. Lewis (Wanganui). Mia. S. Swoctman (Hastings), Miss M. A. Macfarlane (Hokitika). SACRED CONTRALTO SOLO. Test Piece, Heoit, and Aria, from "St. Paul. ’ "But the Lord is Mindful of His Own. Miss M. Stewart and Mrs A. M. Willis (Wellington). Mm I. Symes Miss F. Millar (Palmerston North), Misses V. Humphries, G. D. Baker, M. Grant. G. S. Palmer. B. P. Livingstone (Christchurch). Miss M. Knight (Auckland). Miss G. M. Watkins (Petone). Misses L. Ivunoy and F. J. Pa coy (Dunedin). SACRED TENOR SOLO. Test Piece. "Be Thou Faithful Unto Death," "St. Paul" (Mendelssohn.) ■ Messrs J. Searle. T. D. Collins. F. J. Blandford, William Shapcott. H. Phipps, W. F. House, T. McDowell. E. Porteous, N. Fletcher (Wellington), H. F. Green .(Masterton), J. Cathoart (Jolmsonville), G. latchfield (Blenheim), G. F. Brisbane (Dunedin), E. Baskivill e-Long. W. Aspinall (Auck**nd). J. B. Bowman (Petone), W. E. Saunders (Lower Hutt), O. D. Avison (Hastings), J. F. Bryant (Greymouth). r ~ SACREL BASS SOLO. Test Piece, /‘Though Faithless Men" (Se il rigor), from "The Jewess” (Halevy.) Messrs J, McO. Hamilton (Wellington). A. G. McLean (Wanganui), E. H. Dellow, B, Farrow (Auckland), R. S._ Maloney. G. Wllkenson ■ (Christchurch), H. Holland (Mornington), E. J, Gallond (Onehunga). K. R. Orr (Lower Hutt), S. V. Croft (Greymouth), A. G. Thompson (Nelson). SACRED BARITONE SOLO. Teat Piece, "It is Enough” ("Elijah.") Messrs FTDharlton, F. J. Blandford, W. Godfrev, G. 0. Hood, J. F. Jones. E. B. L. Reado. W. W. Goudie, J. A. Doherty, 'Vv. H. Church, A. H. Robins, F. W. Laycock, R. Bishop. G. S. Davidson. L. C. Travers, D. V. I.ilHcrap (Wellington), R. 11. Bellow,* H. V. Burton. 0. F. Farrow (Auckland), R. S. Maloney, T. K. Chartres, F. J. Me Donald (Christchurch). A. Lucas (Blenheim), 0. O. Chambers (Wanganui), E. R. Orr (I,ower Hutt). H. Fisher, R. J. Young (Masterton). A. G. Tliompson (Nelson). SIGHT-REALING. (ANY AGE.) Messrs O. T. Reid. F. J. Blandford. E. B. L. Eeade, E. Cameron (Wellington). Miss R. Lyons, ,Me«srs R. 11. Dellow, O. E. Farrow, (Auckland). Mr G. H. Ralph (Alfredton), Mr W. E Saunders (Lower Hutt), Mr H, F. Green (Masterton), M ; ss I. M. Curlett 'Christchurch), Mr A. G. Tliompson (Nelson). . SONG. (GIRINS UNDER 15.) Test Piece, "New. “Year’s ■ Song” (Mallinson.) (This song. sung in any key.) Misses Marjory Jones, Eunice Wyatt,

Borothy Mona Castle (Wellington). E. A. Joes (Invercargill).



Test Piece, “Three for Jack" (Squire Chappell.)

Musters Gilbert Beale, Leonard Maxwell Shearer (Wellington), George Sirrup (X,ahialua). SOPRANO SOLO. I (FOR COMPETITORS WHO HAVE NEVER RECEIVED A FEE.) Test Piece, “My Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair" (Haydn). Misses Agues F. Jennings, Borothy Jones, Mabel Muiray, Ethel Lissack, Mrs'M. Slide tt (AA elliuglon), Misses Georgia© Bunalord Barker*, Mabel Grant, Gladys Sybil Palmer (Christchurch). Mrs Scott Canavaii (Blenheim), Miss Flora Sutherland (Wanganui). CONTRALTO SONG. (FOE COMPETITORS WHO HA AT) NEVER RECEIVED A FEE.) “Fascination," Dessauer. Misses May Stewart, 11. F. Tregonnang, Mrs Ada Mary Willis (AV-ellingtou), Misses E. E. Rankin, Vera Humphries, lima Munel Ouriett, Roy. P. Livingstone (Christchurch), Miss Lily Ivimey (Bunedin), Mrs 1- Symes (Wanganui). TENOR SOLO. (FOR COMPETITORS AVHO HAVE NEVER RECEIVED A FEE.) j Test Piece, “Serenade'' (Raff). Messrs Thomas David Collins, Waiter Frederick Hawse, John Searle, Thomas Mo Do well, Percivai Martin, Colin Ca.mpbo.ii Grump, XI. Porteous (Wellington), James Oatltcart (Johnsonville), Geo. i\ Brisbane (Dunedin), Arthur Rose (Blenheim), H. V. Rowe (Pe.tonof, Robert BasklvUlo-Long (Auckland), AV'm, Edward Saunders (Lower Hutt), Oswald D. Avison (Hastings). ; HASS SOLO. (FOR COMPETITORS WHO HAVE NEVER RECEIVED A FEE.) Test' Piece, “Ich Groile Nicht" (Schumann). Messrs A. L. Sooullar, AV. AV. Goudie, T. M. Ream, A. li. Robins, F. AY. Layoook (AVeliington), R. S. Maloney, G. AVUkxnson (Giirtotcmireii), R. R. Orr . (Lower . Hutt), C. G. Cham bora (Wanganui), R. J. Young (Masterton), A. G. Thomson (Nelson).. SCOTCH SONG. (LADY OR GENTLEMAN. Own selection.) Misses E. Lissack, E. Cameron, Mca-, dames A. Higgins on, A. M. Wiihe, Messrs )H. Phipps, F. J. Biaaidford, 11. Xtioharas, W. AY. Goudie, T. E. Jones (Wellington), Mitoses F. Sutherland, D. Sutherland, Mfcsdames 1. Symes, P. Lewis, Mr 0. G. Chambers (Wanganui), Messrs G. J. Blaokle, J. l J acey (Bunedin), Mr J. Gathcairt (Joimsonville), Messrs L. Fleming, R. P. Lavingetono (GhxiiStohurch), Miss o. H. Urquhart, Mi’s S. Canavan, Alx A. Lucas (Blenheim), Mtos M. Pleasant, Mrs M. it-ait, Messrs AV. E. Saunders, It. It. Orr (Lower Hutt), Miss It. Lyons, Messrs M. Knight, AA r . Aspinall, AV. Parker (Auckland), Miss S. Sweetman. (Hastings). . IRISH SONG.

(LADY OR GENTLEMAN, Own selection.) Mesdamea A. M. 'Willis, M. Sdfflott, Messrs E. Liasaok, 11. Richards, M. Murray, H, Phipps, F. Blandford (Wellington), Messrs F. J. Pacey, G. S. Elockio (Dune-din), R. R. Orr. W. E. Saunders (Lower Hutt), Miss I). Sutherland,, Mcsdames P. Lewis, 1., Symes Mr 0. G. Chambers (Wanganui), Mrs S. Oanavan, Messrs F. Bull, A. Lucas (Blenheim), Miss S. Sweet-man (Hastings), Hr Wm. Parker (Pirongia), Miss R. Lyons, Messrs K. Baskiville-Long, M. Knight, W, Aspinal] (Auckland), Mr j. Oathcart (Johnsonvilo/, Miea R. P. Livingstone (Christchurch) DUET. (LADIES.) Test Piece, "Tho Land of Joy," Maugham Barnett (Hopkiuson). Hisses H. F. Trogonning and. G. P. Price (Wellington), Hisses XUta Lyon and Knight (Auckland), Misses Flora on-a D. Sutherland (Wanganui), Miss Q. Helen Gardner and another (Dunedin). DUET* (GENTLEMEN.) Teat Piece. What of the Night" (flarjeant). In F and G. Messrs Frank Lunley and James Cathcxart. c. 0. Cramp and G. Hood, Charlton and House, James Oalvort and William Fielding II F. Wood and x». LlUlorap, H. Holland* and T. Patter. It. Pontoons, and T. N Peanw, A. W. Robdna and F. Hassall. S. N. Hutton and E. Noton, H. Phippaand F. Layoock (Wellington). A. G. McLean and B. Ilodgo (Wanganui), W. E. Saunders and R Orr (Lower Hutt). A. Rose and F. Bull (Blenheim), A. 5.,. Oookson and T, Brown (Invercargill), L. Probblc and J. Hall (Christchurch), Hoary F. Green and R. J. Young (Mastcrton), O. E. Farrow and W. Aspinall (Auckland), Croft and Bryant (Greymouth). DUET. (LADY AND GENTLEMAN.) Test Piece, "Down tho Valo" (JF. W. Molr). Mies G. B. Price and Mr M. Pe&rne. Mr H. Phipps and lady (Wellington). Miss Major andT Mr Farrow (Auckland), Mrs P. Lewis and Mr Cecil Chambers (Wanganui), Miss Vera Edwards and Mr H. F. Green (Masterton), Mies Urquhart and Mr■ P. Bull. Miss Grace and Mr A. Rose, Mis Vigubalt and Mr Gordon Litchfield (Blenheim). • QUARTETTE. (OPEN TO ALL—MALE.) Own Selection (serious). ! idlers Quartette (Invercargill), The Lyric Four (Auckland), Wanganui Quartette (J. T. Muir. J. D. Mcßeth, W. Pawson, McLean), Petone Quartette (O. D. Arison, A. Anderson. Casey, and M. Ryan), Mr Blandford s party (Wellington). QUARTETTE. (OPEN TO ALL—MALE.) Own Selection (humorous). Mr Blandford’s party, St. Andrew's Choir Quartette (Wellington), Idlers Quartette (Invercargill), The Lyric Four (Auckland), Wanganui Quartette (Wanganui), Petone Quartette (Petone). QUARTETTE. (OPEN TO ALL—MIXED VOICES.) Teat Piece, "Sweet and Low" (Barnby). Miss Mabel Peck, Mrs H. Patience and Messrs 0. C. Crump and Harry Holland; Misses G. B. Price and H. F. Tregonning, Messrs T. M. Pearne and 0. M. Bear; Miss Mueller and Mrs Fee, Messrs Fletcher and Hutton (Wellington); Misses Rita Lyons and Knight, Messrs Long and Farrow (Auckland), Miss Vera Edwards and Mrs A. Edwards; Messrs H. F. Green and E. J. Young (Masterton); Blenheim Quartette (Blenheim); Misses Laver and Johnston, Messrs Aspinall and Gatland ; Miss Sill and Mrs Offer, Messrs Blakely and Barton (Onehunga); Mesdames A M. and Peter Lewis, Messrs Chambers and J. Thawley (Wanganui); Christchurch Quartette (Christchurch).


Thrco Teste: (a) anthem, "Thanks be to God," "Elijah’' (Mendelssohn); (b) hymn. “Eternal Father Strong to Save," Dr Dvkee (unaccompanied); (c) part song, "Soldiers’ Chorus" ("Paust"). From 20 to 40 voices, exclusive of conductor. Berhampore Baptist Choir, St. Mary of the Angels’ Choir. Courtenay Place Congregational Choir (Wellington), St. Andrew's

Presbyterian Church Choir (Christchurch), Grafton Road Methodist Choir (Auckland), Green Island Choir (Dunedin). 1 HUMOROUS SONG. (LADY OR GENTLEMAN.) Own Selection and not in character. Messrs F. J. Blandford. John Seario, Rowland F. Dighy. J. B. McNeill. D-D. N. Isaacs (Wellington), Frank J. McDonald. JLcisVe Etnnlne (ClmstelmrcSt). Glffoi'd Remmington (Napier), Chas. H. Gray (Petone), Francis S. Gardner (Auckland). O. D. Avison (Hastings), E. G. House (Lower Hutt, Misses Florence J. Pacey and G. Helen Gardner (Dunedin). HUMOROUS SONG. (LADS' OR GENTLEMAN.) Own Selection, in character. Miss G. Helen Gardner and Mr Arthur Davie (Dunedin), Messrs J. B. McNeill, . E. Grant, Rowland F. Digby (Scatouu), Gifford Bemmington (Napier). SONG. (LADY OB GENTLEMAN.) Own Selection, accompanied by seif. Misses Doris M. Tcnnent. A. M. St. George. G. B. Price, Florence 1.. Dodds, Mesdames C. T. Heid, 11. Low, Mcssra F. Blandford. Douglas V. Luhorap, Gerald Bell. S'anlcv Rankin (Wellington). Mira Flora Sutherland (Wanganui). Miss Geergine D Barker (l.'hrislrhnrcb). Mr 11m. Aspinall (Auckland), Mr Oswald D. Avison (Hastings), Misses Florence J. Pacey and G. Helen Gardner (Dunedin), Mr A. G. Thompson (Nelson).

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 7929, 12 October 1911, Page 5

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COMPETITIONS New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 7929, 12 October 1911, Page 5

COMPETITIONS New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 7929, 12 October 1911, Page 5