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Tho first Automobile race meeting held in Australia waa carried to a succctuful issue on tho 29th ultimo, at Aspendale Park. (Victoria), when an up-to-date motor track has Been laid down by Mr J. H. Crooko, tho proprietor of tho park, at an expense of XI7OO. The weather was perfect for outdoor sports, and this coupjod with tho novelty and attraction of witnessing motor cars and motor eye. lea at top speed attracted a crowd of be. tween 3000 and ■IOOO spectators to the prettily situated park. Tho train sorvico to tho course was insufficient and late, half the visitors arriving behind time, and missing tho parade and evolutions of some forty odd care, which event proved, ono of tho most interesting and attractive rights of tho afternoon. There woro tbroo motor car events, all handicaps, over a distance of five miles each, , and although the finishes in all three 1 events might have been a Jittlo closer, tho races proved most exciting and were eagerly followed by tho interesting spectators. Tho handicaps framed for the car events proved to bo on too liberal a scale, some of tho medium and lighter powered cars doing bettor then anticipated. Tho "Hying Mercedes’’ in tho heavy car race got within n hundred yards of tho winner—Mr It. Kdolo —and would have won had tho car been running aa well as it subsequently did in HTo "J. E. Crooko Cun’’ in which Mr G. Hobbs' car negotiated tho five miles from a standing start in 7 minutes 7 3-ssecs. os against 7 minutes 16 t-Ssecs, in tho heavy car race. Tho o»ent of tho afternoon was’tho car handicap for a UK) Guinea Cup presented by Mr J. K. Crooko. Seventeen cars started, the Mercedes on scratch being asked to concede 2900 yards to tho limit cars. In tho second lap Mr H. Hall’s 10 h.p. Popo-Uartford ran to the front and despite a good run by Mr J. Dillon’s 8-10 Humber ran in an easy winner by fifty yards in 6 minutes 35 seconds. S. Day (8 h.p. Do Dion) finished third. J. W. Moffat (10 h.p. Do Dion) fourth; whilst tho scratch car finished sixth (7 minutes 7 2-ssecs). This ovent produced a fine spectacle as tho seventeen contestants dashod round tho track taking tho turns in fine stylo, and nt times racing three abreast down the finishing straight. Mr Hall was subsequently presented with tho valuable cup by Dr A. P. Merrill on Mr Crooko’s behalf. Several of tho motor cycle events provided most exciting racing, the manner in which they shot round the turns being most alarm, ing. yet during tho afternoon there waa anly one slight accident dno to Mr S Day skidding and fulling in the motor :ydo handicap, but without serious re-

suit to either r.dop or cycle, although travelling well over forty miles an hour. iTobublv the r:-n ;i r-ruoy:.bC ;s«-m ni Cm was the ft eo-<iw car balancing cusitwt, Hi whimi c;us kml to bdamv on a nh.u'orm for ton •.worlds. Me.-*™ W. R. Urimwadm .1. \V., and ’l'. K. Rari 1 Cmd in tho find round -inn in Unrun off Mr Urimwaclo <lO h.p- Argyll) fipiv-sl an f.v v winner. sioppiugand ohiVct'le-iVjij. in *th“ case of starting «p car-*, an-! t)r- i-uuhht in which they can inn inMod'- J.i-ais. ,\f/^-7r« H. b Sfevenw <V> h.p. JMrra- nA. A. H. h.p. Talbot), ami S. Stott i'IC-iM 3.. p. Decauvi■ 3f*> to U: nart. After a moot interesting Mr Tv.-on'-j car stopped on lino lu>.t, '.viih Mr Slovens second and Mr S. Stott third. fii tho motor rvelo races the handicap vv.v won hv Mr i\ ik !)o frap «* h.p. N.S.i:. s off ir.'P vard : vl n rx-orrd a well f !mir; 1 victnrv from Mr A. K. Jxjv-b 12} h.p. Imvi-VdvalJiM off the same mar!; with Mr B. James h.p. Griffon* ST>O yards third, won hy twenty yards. Ten started and six finished. Time. Grain. The* Motor Cycle Derby for the Truck Blue Riband wrs run in two events over two and three unit**. In the two uriUtff race. Mr A. K. Hutton (7 h.o. hVancharnpi scared an o;i a v win from Mr V. Caid ff, h.p. (sriffons with Mr U. James W. h.p. Griffon) third. Time. Tain. V> l->-c-cs.. the lau't mile being covered hy the winner in huiii 10 4-.>;-vCiS. equal to fortylive mib-s an hour. in the three miu-C event: a raoM exo.ting race resulted in u half length win—Mr 11. Jenkins (A h.p. Griffon) from Air Sutton with Air V. Hard third, dime. ITseto, On points Mr Sutton won tho Blue Riband and Mr If. Jenkins and Mr V. Card tied for second place. Tho last event cl the day—a five miles’ race for Ic.dy’t.bracolet— resulted in n popular win for Mr S. H. Dav. who won hv about thirty yard* from tho penalised t’opo-Uarlfonl, with Mr Vv’. IJ. Wilkinson (PM2 h.p. Talbot) a good third. Time, Crain, ■la w-asccs. Altogether iho meeting proved a big sucrtvn, and augurs wedi for future gatherings. # Tho experience gained from tho meeting, will, no doubt, tend to even belter things in tho future. The Automobile Club of Victoria Sports’ Committee worked hard to ensure tho succc&j of tho meeting, and are to bo congratulated on the success of their efforts. On tho first day of tho A.AT.A. Meeting at the 1/xhibition there was but a poor attendance of spectator**, but on tho Monday a groat improvement was noticeable. During tho afternoon there was a constant flow of people to tho track, and when tho final of tho big event was decided in tho evening, from ton to twelve thousand watched the race. On tho whole it was Henri Mayer's day out. Iho Continental riding in lino form and with excellent judgment. Walter Unit was also well up to the mark and AlaoFarland, though unlucky, rode with some succors. In fact our visitors had things pretty much their own way, Iho local talent having to bo content with tho big handicap and some smaller plums. A few fine were inflicted for dawdling, and one competitor was sent out for six months fqr using offensive language to another rider

Of course interest centred mainly in the A.N.A. "Wheel Itacc, a mile handicap with of J-’IOO, JC3O and X'lo. In this tlio cracks found their handicaps too miff mid tho heats accordingly fell to the riders in the front and middle divisions. ‘When tho men waited for tho pistol tho hold covered only thirty yards with K. Arnst in tlio post of honour. Tho big Now Zealander undo pluckily. but Soutcr made the pace a cracker, with Cameron, Lovoy and Arnst in close attendance. A keen struggle in tho back stretch resulted in tlio two firstnamed riders taking tho lead and finishing in tho order named, with Whitson third and IJonnns fourth. A length separated tho men. and tlio time—2rain. dead—was fairU «ood.

Somo good racing was witnessed in tho A.N.A. Gold Stakco. Three distances were run in this event—halt, one and five miles, and a good final of throe miles for thouo qualifying. Tho prizes in each heat were -CIO, J>h and -Cl. and in tho deciding event. .£lO, -C!0 and X 5. Rutt won the half, and MacFarlnml tho five mile hont. Mayor showed great dash in tho final, boating Mate, in a fair go bv half a length: Unit was third three lengths away. In tho one miio International Championship Mncfarland’styro blow out when ho had the raco safe, and Rutt just managed to boat tho Yank in the last few yards os tho latter struggled in gamely on tho rim; Mayor was third five lengths away. Ivor .Lawson, tho crack American cyclist who has been racing in tho Commonwealth lor.tho past three or four months, left for America by tho s.h. Ventura on tho sth instant. Ilacing there has "gone smash” according to Lawson, and tho Australian racing circuit no longer affords tho rich harvest to tho visiting champions that it has dono - during tho last decade. Lack of heavy appearance money simply because tho sports' promoters could not afford to pay it, has been tho disturbing element in tho recent visit of tho world’s ex-champion. Lawson, during his last short visit, must have won a considerable amount in prize money for ho practically gained tho whole of tho scratch events in which ho competed. Floyd MacFnrland—Lawson’s racing partner—stays for tho "Sydney Thousand” Mooting which opens in Sydney early in March, and then leaves for America. It now seems definitely settled that there will bo no Gordon-Bonnolt Cup Raco in Europe this year. Franco and . ling land practically killed tho event by I withdrawing from tho field _ of coateeti ants. Franco because she did not conj aider that sno had aullicicnt representation compatible with her position in tho I motor world in tho teams of three cars I allowed under tho Gordon-Bonnct conditions. England's retirement was duo to the Automobile Club of Groat Britain ! and Ireland voting against tho "Cup" J event in favour of their own Tourist t Trophy Race, which is a speed contest restricted to touring cars under touring conditions. As to tho valuable Cup ' donated by Mr Gordon-Bcn nott of tho New York “Herald," this lino trophy is at present in tho hands of tho Automobile Club of Franco through tho agency of Thory who won tho event in IfKU. and again in 1005, and there- it seems likely to stay. During this six years’ life of tho Gordon-Bonnolt Race, Franco won I tho Cup four times, and England and Germany onto each, so that oven if tho Cup remains permanently in tho hands of France, she has well earned it. Having helped to squash tho Gordon-Bennett event. Franco him decided upon instituting a big motor road raco which will ho open to all comers without restriction ns 1 to number of representative-'. This I speed race will lie tho motor event of IMW. and will probably bo hold around tho circuit Fontainebleau, which is stated to bo eminently suited for moh a speed event. Tho handicaps for the "Sydney Thousand” Cycle Raco have been declared, and disclose the fact that M 3 riders have entered for this rich mile event. Tho names of Lawson and MacFarland aro missing from the nominations, tho scratch men comprising Rutt, Mayer and Farley. This is tho first occasion on which tho Australian champion, George Farley, has figured on the mark of honour in a big handicap. Riders who appear to be well in on their handicaps are:—Oood-on. Lear, McLean. Brecon. Henley, Vickery. Rivers. Hngncy, Palmer and Whitelcy. Tho raco boars an open appearance, and should provide n groat contort. Acceptances closed on the 17th instant. Included in tho field are four Austral Wheel Raco winners, viz. Forbes, Schops. Clark and Sanderg; also hist year’s winner of tho "Sydney Thousand” in Lear (Victoria), who this year is on the Ito yards mark ns against’MO yards last March. Handicaps have been issued br Mr G. R. Broadbont, tbo Longue of Victorian Wheelmen handicappcr. for tho big 27 miles road race to be held from Sale to Prospect on Thursday, 22ml February. The event is being with a view of booming Prospect, a Gippsland

I seaside resort, and *9 valuable prize ! monev in being given-—Crrt prize—a] I Mg nomination lias been received. On ! ; the ,-rratch nark are a warm batch com- J • pricing I'. Mae Far land. IX. Arust. K. ; Morgan. \V, Butt and U. Mayor. On I the* minute mark are two Dunlop Road ; ! Rare winner.-* in M. Chappell ami "W. i JJawJev; whilst \V. Samuel son is also on ! the same mark. Ifall u minute further ‘out is a warm trio in S, (Jordon. Btr-: and A. J. Clarke. Oa tlm two minute mark arc (». Morgan, T*. Pyo, and lh<* ! Aurtral Wheel Hare winner, .1. Sandberg. ilJotween this mark ami eleven niinnnv* ! —the limit—Uiero aro big batches of rid* oiri on every half minute. As the course ; ia not a sp'-ed one. several miles being ; over a loose sandv tr*.ck which will ro- ■ quire strength and stamina more than : speed riding, the probabilities arc that ; f*’>nu> of lho strong road pluggers will ; carry oil the rich prize, A youths* road race la to bo held over the suimo course on the samo day. whilst a general sports* gathering will be held at the local rc- , servo around which the road contestants I will finish. All told some dBOO will be 'given away iu» prize money, which is the i largest amount givexi for a country : sports' meeting in Victoria outside of , Melbourne. An enterprising theatre manager in Milan ha«* discovered a novel ime for the automobile which haw resulted very profitably for him. Ho made the rather inexpensive purchase of an old Ih-nz belt-driven car. A light wooden framework WiL» built extending over the entire car ami reaching nearly to the ground, tbo extreme height being nearly .nine feet. Panels were filled to the ; framework, ami on the panel.*? are posted | theatre bills and porters, while three > largo plates of ground glass, one on each t-dde, and one in the roar—aro used as screens on which cinematograph pic- . turcs or illuminated advertisements aro projected. Though this outfit ha<3 boon , .in us o only a abort time, it Ims attract:ml much attention, and is said to have ; increased tho business of tho ontorpris- [ ing manager. As an instance of tho rigour of tho , I proverbial Scots "Snwboth,” tho follow;;lng anrodoto, in tho opinion of tho ’“Liverpool Post,'* defies competition. A postman, whoso round lies between and Blair Drummond, docs his ! six miles out and sis miles in on a .bicycle on week days. On Sunday tho ■authorities compel him to walk. Sunday, Ij[ thoy say, ia a day of rest. It is not I convenient to rest both vicyclo and postman, so they rest—the bicyclo. A'woell

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5832, 24 February 1906, Page 15

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CYCLING. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5832, 24 February 1906, Page 15

CYCLING. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5832, 24 February 1906, Page 15