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WELLINGTON TABLE TALK (BY "ERIE.”) As women imi proverbially given to much letter writing, it is <jiiinatural wo should feel a personal interest m Sir Joseph Ward's mission to the I'.uro-[H-a/i Boatnl Conh-reuee. We Id) immcnou gratitude when w got penny pontage for Now Zealand, hilt we still groan over the way onr stamps disappear, amt hopo if all the many ■.vell-cnn-nidcred little plana which o'tr ambassador has in hi» pocket. <a«»i he successfully arranged, we shall • av.- ;;••• many more of onr “pin money" shillings. It i-> an accepted fact that the Lords of Creation who belong to ns a“v think wo write mins'v -arv I■»t•’> ■ ■ l"i- that is a more mill'tor of opinion. Il Sir ,li»eph retnriH with yet cheaper rat ;■» lor onr letters and patM !•.. we shall plaen him high oil onr hilt, of Slale-men-KnigMs. A:) the Homan tVniferenee will not nt after Thut-vl-iv of each tviek, we hope llm New Zealand parly will he able to romhine much pleasure with their hipunc»«. This arrangement will give Diem I faro clear days for sighWeing and social fiinctimm. Thu Continental Sun-; day in largely used as n. day of pleawre. j

The many-dd-d Edineii does lint confine his cogitations to matters of science and inventions. He has very ptononneed opinions about fond and sleep. Ihi calls ours an lute of over-cat im- and over-sleeping, and speaks scathingly of “Food Drnnkemn-**” to a writer in nil Americin magazine. Ho aho says we sleep away the keenest, part of ear intellects. His own mental powers are always in .such excellent walking order I that’ho can claim to ho an_ authority ! upon the advantages of .1 minimntn of j food and si.-ep. a theory wide h he pr.ic. j lines most rigidly. The subject may lie: worth the attention of men and women; who live hv tlie work - of their brains. I Several of Edison'? fm-eheaihave lived' to he eve.;- ICi) years old, and the prac- I tieo of limiting I‘ood and sh-ep seems to. havo been a family detour. j

A lady who has had frequent oppor(miitiw of' seeing ami knowing Queen Alexandra's hahils of lift* says that her Ms-jestv has >ii mnrtrk dde habit of going to sloop in a natural anil refreshing manner for live or ton minutes whenever an opportunity occurs. A lady (■Mies Hughes) who was going to photograph hor wan asked to wait a lew minutco ns her Majesty was fatigued. At tho end of ton minutes the Queen awoke, looking fresh and young as usual. Tim Koval attendants attribute hop Majesty's alelitv to do so much without wearing hereof cut to this most useful capability for taking “Forty winks” whenever there in an interval in her busy day. she quietly folds her hands and sits up in her chair as if she were awake and sleeps peacefully Kdison would disagree with Koyal mevliodn in tiiis respect.

Miss Greenwood has let her house on tho Terrace to tho Hon. C. C. Ilowen. Sneaker of the Legislative Conned, lor the coming seseion, and intends to winter with lier sister, Mrs A. Greenwood, in Australia.

There is quite an exodus of people of private means. Living is so expensive in Wellington, adder! to which is tho inconvenience and worry about nor- j rants, as well as the enormous rentals for houses, ami various travellers who have returned have found it. quite as J cheap to travel as to keep house in our eity. ...

Mrs nn<l Miss Goto have let t heir lioimo to Atr M.wrico Denniston, ami gono to Australia to visit Mr Ross Gore. It is quite* possible they may go on to England and bo away for an indefinite ■period.

Mrs and Misses Farqnhar-Smith am lotting thoir house in Pipitea street, and have taken single tickets homo in t!m Corinthio. and have no fixer! idea of returning till they aro tired of roving.

Alias May Seddon has gone for a trip to Christchurch.

Airs Seddon, who only returned from Dunedin on Afonday. has gone to Napier and Gisborne with the Premier.

Mira Kls-io Simpson has gono to visit friends in Dunedin.

Tandy Ward's' sister, Airs Boyes, has tot timed to her homo in Napier.

Sir Joseph Ward’s youngest son, “little Pat,” remains in Dunedin with his aunt. Airs Henderson, during his parents’ absence from Now Zealand. * * ♦

Tho engagement is announced of Mini Dorothy Willis, daughter of tho late Alajor Willis (Rangitikoi) to Air Duncan Al.-nzies, only son of tho lato Hon. Dr Alonaios, formerly of tho Legislative Council. Tho hrido elect's mother was a Alisa Rfddiford, and Aim Afenr.ies was tho eldest daughter of the lato Dr Foatherston. Consequently tills engagement is of wide interest to all old settlors, an they belong to two of our oldest und most respected pioneer families.

Alias Hector in shortly to bo married to Air Saxby, of Hawke's Bay.

Tlio marriage of Miss Julius to tlio Her. A. L. Hanaell took place in the CVi't hcdral (Christchurch) on Wednesday afternoon. Tho service was fully choral, and tho beautiful Cathedral looked very bright filled with (treat numbers of gaily-clad guests. 'Die Right; Rev. Bishop of Wellington, assisted by tho Dran of Christchurch tMr Harper) performed tho ceremony. Tho hrido was given away hy her father, tho Bishop of Christchurch. When rich white duche-see satin and lovely Honiton laco aro tho component parts of a wedding gown it cannot fail to bo beautiful. This much admired gown had a long Court train, lined with frills of white do soio. Tho hodico had a transparent yolto and elbow alcoves, all soft with drapings of IToniton lace. Tho bride wore a loroly veil of Honiton boo over a small spray of orange blossom, and carried a bouquet of hot-honso flowers, with tulle streamers. Her two sisters. Misses -Ada and Bertha Julius, were her bridesmaids. They wore frocks of white taffetas, ranch frilled with Valenciennes lace, with pointed bolto of rose pink velvet. They were white chiffon hats with Neapolitan violets and a tiny pink feather under tho brim. Their bouquets wore of pink azaleas and were tho gift of the bridegroom. Tho Vicar of St. Peter’s, tho Rev. IT. Davys, was best man, and Mr Percy Elworthy was groomsman.

Tlio Bishop and Mrs Julius held a very largo reception at Bishops court, where a largo marquee was erected on the lawn, hut the weather was so uncertain that tho house was thrown open in case tho guests were driven to fthc'Jtcr. Somo exquisite ’gowns were

worn, hut liedr name is legion. and it is im po ihie to d< .'.nli" them. Mrs Hansel!'.- traveli:n.; «..wn was of myrtle gr. e„ elo’l. with white facing* and small white hat. Dr John draco. eldest son of the late Hon. Dr (Ir.un, who is praet-sing in Honolnln, is shortly to he married. Mrs I’. A. Loiighnan has her sister, Mrs Webb, visit in" her. Mr am! Mrs C. If. Hardy leave for Auckland on Saturday. Mr Hardy has received the- appointment of tutor of St. John's Theologies! College in that city. .Mr I’erey "Willi,a me. late of the Melam-eiaii .Mission staff, is warden of t!>- Col K-e. The ffiitt Valley I Tort icnltnral Society had a lovely day for their show. They aho ha-1 t ftci advantage of plenty of -pace and ventilation in the new drill sited. A meat many peopi-- journeyed oat in re,, fhia show, for rhe Unit Horticultural-. always have such a quantity of luvelv (lowers at. their shows. Mr Wilford, M. H. ID. made a very cheerful and optimistic speech in opening the -ho-w. which was natural, as the wish would he father to the thought with him ; n his own electorate. The new vari-ties of gladioli attracted a great eh-aI of attention, an'! Mr Jackson's were ave ry fine- lot, Mr Cooper, however, got the first prize. The art nf begonia-growing seems to have reached per tee i ion, and .Mr Chapman had don tin of < xqnidte plants in full hlomn. The new dahlia. Kin" Edward VJL, was r<"urn by .Mr .Vn.-iis. of the Deilcvno Gardena. A pot of fine maidenhair fan was enormous and without a Haw. The siring hand of Messrs Wood enlivened fliu proeeislinj's. On Monday afternoon Mm Butt en-

| On .MoiMiay ;iftornoon Mm Butt rn- ! UDairif".| a l;ir;'n iMiinliur of friomta ;it j tior rcM'lonr'-. SI, tho Tormco. It was ! .*. fop hop only <j;iuj»htrr, : '.v;;o r/.’f; m.-irr on WVufjifsdny. A very | ihfuty tea uas laid in the dining-room. \ r»'»* and ivero preftilv v!(.-omt*-d v.itli wldt(- eliljia vaM's filjcfl J vvil li pin!* and white swvH’-t peas. The j lirah'sriKiids lo he, assisted the hridc to entertain the giuwts, and they v.*fu’e a proUy rjuartette of .voting liostndm grao*»fully t’orricn! out thrir thili’os. 4he liurnhera of heautiful pro-

j J'entu were in the raorning room. | Amongst these were n great many hand:no am pitM-e.s of t-ilvorware, beautifully ; hound hook.i. manicitro wits. cloclck, ohoto frames, scent bottler, and orcrytiiing (, hn one can think of. and last, but not le'st, some very substantial cheque*. l'r«dair.s we were allowed a peep at the very pretty trousseau. Many of the <lainty tilings were the skilful work of Mrn Butt, who is an accomplished mrcdlewomau, and who must havo spent many patient hours in making them so fine and pretty. The swcoi wedding dresH was of white silk beautifully trimmed with fine Maltese law. An opera coat was of cream Irish poplin, lim'd with quilted satin, and profusely i-rimmed with kilted chiffon frills and •silk embroidery. A coffee jacket of cream lace was very elaborately made and trimmed. All manner of sweet blouses of delicate* hues were there, a« well as drewing-gowns and frocks, and all the endless*' pretty possessions that go to make up a good trousseau. The wedding took place at St. Peter’s Church on Wednesday afternoon. The bridesmaids were Mis-cn Kwon. Watson, and Blundell. The hwt man and groomsmen were Afr ('. Butt, Air J. Owen, and Air J. D. Stent-

Afrs Butt received her guests on Afon<kiy afternoon in a white satin Mouse brocaded with black, and trimmed with black lace, and a Mack voile skirt. .Amongst the guests were Lady Stout, wearing a delicate grey costume and hat with heliotrope flowers. • * *

Mi-n Tin ft wore a pretty cream voile with lace yoke and elbow n!coves. Afr, Firth had a light grey smartly-cut directoire coat and skirt with touches of Irish green.

Aims Coates had a black voilo gown and hat with .violets.

Airs Quick had a handsome black gown and bonnet edged with steel embroidery and hunches of violets.

Airs Alyors wore a bright blue silk muslin frock and round black hat. Mrs Hales had a black costume relieved with white hire and black picture bat.

Afro Simpson had a green-grey tailormade costume ami cream lace front.

Mrs W. Wan! had a stylish tight tailor-made cent and skirt with flora! silk front.

Mrs Macarthy had a pretty white gown with touches of pink. A fra Stafford had a black voile gown with handsome cream vest. Airs 0. P. Knight had a becoming grey costume and round hat with roses. Aim Finch wore a cigar-brown voile and cream insertion.

Airs Watson had a costumo of black lare over white silk. Afirs Fulton had a black costumo.

Airs Rosa wore black and white and a becoming white hat with black velvet. Amongst others present were Aire Nathan. Airs Harrison, Airs Stuart, Aliss Finch, Airs Hoggard and many others.

Dr and Airs AlcLean aro going homo, via America, and expect to bo absent about a year.

-Mrs Kennedy Macdonald gave a most charming “At Homo" on Tuesday afternoon at her beautiful residence ‘ Seinerled.” the Terrace. It was given in honour of Aliss Preston, a lady from England who enmo out some time ago to visit her sister. Airs Stevenson, of ‘‘Como,” Clifton terrace. Aliss Preston is returning very shortly to England, and this pleasant party gave her friends an opportunity to bid her bon voyage. This largo, luxurious house* is an ideal one for an extensive entertainment. Every one of tho beautiful rooms was tastefully- decorated with lovely flowors. A most elaborate and delicious tea was laid in tho big dining-room with a splendid service of Dresden china and lovely silver adjuncts to tho variety of nice things ranging from luscious grapes through the long list of cokes and sandwiches, trifles and tipsy cakes to every sort of dainty sweets.

Tho graphophonc had some vorv choice records of Melba, and manv English artists sang to ns. Several ladies played and sang. Tho palmist upstairs had a crowded audience all tho afternoon, so anxious were tho guests to know how much gcod fortune tho future hold for then}.

Airs Macdonald wore* a lovely gown of white satin brocaded with black. Aliss Alacdonnld had a very pretty costume of deep cream yoilo, with folded bolt of satin am! yoke of lace, and elbow sleeves with lace frills.

Afisrt Preston, tho guest of the occasion. wore a very stylish dark bine voile with wide insertions of cream lace, and a black hat.

Mrs Stevenson had a black laco drees

o-, Kiii-" t-ilk ami pretty cream asrf. and ln< ■eh -hr.d.d r<, .Mr, ifl■! ir: i v. rc-c Mack gown of fliirn ercp .. Mi <■;imi,, iVr.ii! and black hat , V.' ii, r ;!!'-■ • .Mi-.- ShMmu, . gr.-.vii with cream lace am! M’S" rial. JNI ir-s May ‘ Si-'lrliHi, mouse-grey costume wit h cream yoke am! fofh d bodice, eivain _ Mrs Milk navy him.- ccMtume anil black chiffon hat. M vi I - ’. handsome blue costume ami black hat. Ali-s Pit!, grey cashme.rp costume - with lao“ embroidery ami iial with vio- . lets. f Alka-s Milk pretty 'white embroidered uiudiun ami white hats caught up > with large pin!; roses. f Mm .V ih id. brown costume with cream l ire front and toque to match. Mrs (Cap!.l !!<••. I bin ok taffetas crossed with crimson velvet ami pretty embroidered I.lnc .silk vest. Light hotictt with pink flowers. Mrs Jack Hose, slykh bind: silk am! lace gown ami rottml white hat with ■ touches of pale bine. ■ Mrs li. Ko<e, navy blue costume ami pretty feather stoic ami cream hat. , jiao Caw (.Scotland), cream costume ami < cri c iiat. yi:., !\i-;-r (Grcymouthl. pretty flora! muslin ami chiffon hat with blue flowers. Mrs McArthur, buhl brown voile with lies' vest, ; largo Mack hat. Mrs M. Myers, cream gown ami toque ’i a little pale blue. 1 .Miss Hmlgson wore white gown am! hat. Afro John IllumHl. handsome black taffetas gown wit it cream embroideries ami black toque. Mw. It. Blundell. grey silk with beautiful trimmings, ami black hat. Mrs C. hVingham, siyfisii embroidered mnn!in ami cream hat with roses. Mrs Ha.!<«, black and cream .silk, ami hat with roses. Mrs itennah, pretty blue gown and - black toque. .Mrs I foliawooi, stylish grey tailor coat and skirt and brown hat. Mrs Xott (Brisbane), white muslin and pretty pink hat. Mrs A. L. Wilson, silver grey brocade ami black chiffon hat. Mrs Kenny, black vdlo gown and pretty toque. A fra ibn Wilson, fawn cos in mo and ro'O pink hat. Aim Hamer, light grey costurno and pink hat. Mrs M. P. Cameron, soft cream muslin gown and pretty burnt straw hat. Mm O’Hara Smith, black voiio costnmo with white spots, ami black and white bonnet. Mrs Pilcher, brown voile and hat to match. Miss Kember, fawn costume, piped with green and violet toque. Mrs Donne, pretty bine costume and hat. Miss V. Warburtnn. pretty cream costume ami mauve hat. Airs Prances, brown voile gown and black bonnet. Alisa Frances, pale blue costume and win’to hat. Airs Aloe, hlrtck silk gown with white spots, and toque of pink roses. Aims If. Alee, cream tailor-made serge

and violet toque. - Min C. Plimmor, liandsomo blue jovn and black bat. Mra Blake, black and white gown and blank hat. Mra Hester, black gown and jetted cane and black hat. Mrr Isaacs, ’-ora- pretty can de nil crope-d<«-chcno over cream glace. Mrs Bolton, cream, and pale blue hat. Mrs Devine, hand-'omo black gown with white lace. Miss Devine, -pretty cream costume. Mm Wylie, cream voile gown and round white hat, with blue rosette, Mrs D. T. Stuart, royal blue costume and hat. Mra J. Patterson, handsome black gown and black bonnet. Miss Patterson, pretty cream costume. Mrs IJusscJJ, black tniFotnn with handsome laco insertions, and cream hat. Miss Quinlan, pretty cream frock and light hat. Miss K-.'-r fCroymouth) is the guest of Mrs Sodden.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5832, 24 February 1906, Page 9

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SOCIETY GOSSIP. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5832, 24 February 1906, Page 9

SOCIETY GOSSIP. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5832, 24 February 1906, Page 9