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VSI-U.U J‘I.K. : ;-> association.— ur •IKf.K.'iltAl’H.—COrvniOHT.

RESULTS OF POLLING. LI.itFi!AL SUCCESSES CO.VUNIIi. ROUT OF TilF. TORY PARTY. DEFEAT OF PROMINENT CONSERVATIVES. I Received January 22, 1 a.m.;. LONDON, .January 20. Following arc no liter naults of the polling lor lint election of a new Homy of ( oinimnu ; V. 001) lii: i I)U E (SUFFOLK;. Mr R. L. Everett ! Liberal) ... 5527 taiium E. (i. i’li'iyiiinn (toiiM-r- ---' vattve; Wlßl Tins constituency elected -Mr Evcictl ,iI the noli:- in 1-te and IXI2, amt Fijilain i’M-l, in !hU-» anil 150). Caplain 1 ’i was Parliamentary br.> utaiy Ml Cl. A limn ally in the Ballour .Ministry. 11... ~s a .-.on-m-law u! the Karl -it Kr.tUlei lie- majority* at tart election tv in. LVJ. HLAI 'KF UIA RS DIVISION OF GLASGOW. Mr 0. N. Barnes <lndependent Labour) 3281 .Mr A. It. Law (Comei-vat-ive) ... 29.4 .'.Jr A. D. i'rm-nml (Radical; ... 2058 :.h- Dan- tlflealcd Mr Provnnil at last flection by KOI volw. Mr Prot-anil had previoitev sat for the conrtitueucy ter eiyiit vr is, Mr Provand as a young mail lit.for inaiiv years in New Zealand. '1 hou ho settled in Manchester an an Italia and Chian trader. The do- j feated Coajcrvativo was Parliamentary j Secret art- to the Hoard of Trade in the lain Ministry. lie is chairman of the (d. i;t Iron Trade Association. INVERNESS. Mr Annum! Bryce (Liberal) ... 2404 Sir !!. !5. Finlay, K.C. (Unionist) 1716 Sir i.’ohei t Finlay, who was AttorneyGeneral tinder Mr Balfour. hail Bat for liivcritets sim-e 1535. 110 was also ir.citther from ISSJ. (ill 1892. •SLEA FORU (LINCOLNSHIRE). Mr JitijiDns (Liberali ... ... "4305 Rifiht lion H. Chai-Jin (Conservativcl ... ... ... ... -1062 Mr Chaplin has been a prominent figure in politics for many years. 110 is also prominent in many other thingu—on thn turf for instance. He was owner of the great Hermit wfiieli won the Derby in ISC7. A bimetallist and a protectionist, a member of several Copsorvative Ministries, ho bad represented some part of Lincolnshire in Parliament for thirty-six yearn. WANDSWORTH. Sir IJonrv Kimbcr (Conservative) 12,433 Mr A. Rood (Liberal) 11,888 Sir Henry Uttß represented Wandsworth lor twenty years. Ilia majority at previous polio varied from two to three thousand. This year it in 5-15. He in seventy-ono years of age. anti the founder of a well-known firm of London solicitor*. SUNDERLAND (two scats). Professor Stuart (Libera!) ... 13.G20 ■Mr T. Smnmcrbell (Independent Labour) 13,430 Mr Hayeic (Unionist) 7.879 : Mr .1. Pemberton (Unionist I I-’i-ect ratler) 7.211,! Pemberton, one of the defeated. | was a representative for this etcctorato in last Parliament, his coltoagno being a Conservative. Sir W, T. Doxford. The constituency had in previonu years, however, invariably returned Liberals. ST. ROLLOX DIVISION OF GLASGOW. Mr J. McK, Worn! (Liberal) ... 9453 Mr J. Wilson (Unionist) ... GO-18 Mr Wileon defeated Mr Wood in 1900 by 183 votee. imiDGETON DIVISION OF GLASGOW. Mr Clelland (Liberal) ... ... 5585 Air C. S. Dickson. K.C. (Conservative 4019 Mr Dickson, who has been Lord-Advo-cate since IUO3. wna elected for this scat in 1900 by a majority of 99! votes. MONTROSE. Right Hon John Morley (Liberal) .... 4416 Mr Sprot (Unionist) 1922 Mr Morley is Secretary of State for India. His majority at last election was 1570. STRETFORD (S.E. LANCASHIRE). Mr Nuttall (Liboml) 11,131 Mr C. A. Cripps, K.C. (Oonsorrative, ex-inornber) 8,307 Mr Cripps had sat in Parliament since 1593. liaving formerly Ijoen M.P. for Stroua (Gloucester), lie was attornev to the present King when his Majesty‘was Prince of Wales. He is Vicar-General of Canterbury, and Chancellor of York. BELFAST WEST. .Mr J. Dovlin (Nationalist) ... 4138 Mr Smiloy (Unionist) ... ... 4122 Mr Carlisio (Liberal) ... ... 153 This is the constituency for which Mr Arnold-Fosler, Into Minister for War.) lust'd lo sit. blit ho iTaecrted it on this occasion, and stood for Croyden, where ho was elected. The last Nationalist who sat for Belfast West was Mr Sexton. DARTFORD. Mr J. Rowlands (Labour) ... 9532 Right Hon S. W. Hart Dyko (Conservative) ... ... 6728 The defeated candidate for the electorate had represented it since ISBS. FERMANAGH NORTH. Mr Foatboititeahaugh (Unionist) 3-119 Mr Mitchell (RuHsollito) ... 2331 Mr }titohe!l sat in last Parliament for this electorate. The foregoing result is, therefore, a Unionist gain. LABOUR. XBW MEMUintS OUSTING CONSKRVATIVK. Mr Nicbolls, Northampton North, roplaocs Oolonol Stoptord-Sackvillo, ekxrted in 1900 by a majority of 1266 votes. Mr Wakh, Inco division of Lancashire, replaces Colonel H. B. Blundell. LIBERALS. be-klicted CKorrosED. Mr F. S. Stevenson, Byo division of Suffolk. iiE-inECTED Arran contest. Mr H. J. Tennant, Berwickshire. MrA.VV. Wills, Shnftsbury division of Dorset. Mr T. 0. I. Warner, Lichfield. Mr H. J. Wilson, Hohnflrth division of Yorkshire. Mr C. P. Allen, Stroud. Air -M. V. Davies, Chrdigannhifo. Mr N. 4V. Holme, Lancaster. Mr R. 0. Mu n re-Ferguson, Leith Burghs. NEW MEMBEIW OCSTINO CON9EHTATTTES 0U UNIONISTS. Mr W. H. Hope, Northern Division of Somerset, replaces Mr 11. H. Llewellyn, who hail represented the district since 18S5. Mr Ho;>o unsnocessfitlly contested the sent in 1909. Ho then had a minority of 526 votes.

Mr (rdiur Stank-v. Eddisburv, C.'heahir,., i-.-plae.-'t Air 11. J- T011ema,..!,,.. who h.u! r>-i>re..«tited the ili-.trit.-c lur a nuurper of a oen!.uryMr .Menielcing. Kircndbrigiitshiro. r*'-plaee-i Sir M. J. McTaggarl-Sfew-u:t, will, belli the seat lor t•eniy-tive yeure. Mr R.-.-s, Mon; .'"imery district (Wall;-), r-.pFi.-r> Colon.-l" E. Pryci-.Jijiie.-, tale of the 10-. h Lunc.-re, who had i.-p;-.- eiiud the district, ill interval-. .-luce 1885. Mr Erskine. Perth.-hire Wi-r, replaces All- John Strogun. Colon. ’. tin.i.-F.lehnrst, Maco!<*ii< W. roI Mr W. Uromley-l)ivenport. r.-;ur:u-d unoppo-id in U4K), anti tho .--itting member for over twenty Sir 'lliimiii.-. Clcn-C'oat.l. Renfr<nv.shir<; West. replaces Sir Charles Ren>h;r.v. The .same candidates eon-ti-st'd the rout in 19(W. when Sir Tin:nm-i Glen-Coats was defeated by 27n votes. Mr Richard Winfrey, South-West Norfolk replace t Air T. L. Hare, who hiel tie.-n meiuher for the district t 092. Mr Winfrey contested i in 191)0, and was Iwatcn by Oi votes. He wan also a ramlid.f.o in 1895. v.le-n Mr ll.iro hail a majority of 206. .Mr K-.-.'x. ( irence.der division of Glouthe Hou. Allen Kathutsr, a hrotli.-r el Earl, the fiitting member since 1895. Mr C. Ivlwartls. IF-iihitth (Wales), replace the Hon. G, Kenyon, elected in 1900 Jiy a majority of 111) votes, on v.'hieit oecesioM Air Eilwatds w;m rejeettvl. Mr Edwards was a l/t----hoar leader in J.ondon during the great dock strike, in which -Mr John Barns pluye-d a leading part. Mr Edwards studied for the Bar, anti is now a rising barrister. Mr Frank Nows. Bassctlaw (Notts), rci places the Right lion. Sir F. G. | Milner, who had been returned j since 1890. Mr Phillips, Pembroke and Havcrford (Wales), replaces Lieutenant-Gene-ral J. W. Laurie, 0.8., an Indian Mutiny veteran, who had been .sitting member for ten years. General Lanrio was rc-clcctcd in IDO') by a majority of 12 votes. Air Walker, Melton division of Leicester, replaces Lord Cecil Manners, a son of the Duke of Rutland. This district had been represented by one of tbo Manners family for a great many years. Air F. R. llethcll, Alaklon division of Essex, replaces tlio Hon. Charles 11. Strutt, fourth son of Baron Rayleigh, who bad sat sinco 1895, and had a majority at last poll of 1313 votes. Mr Hedges, Tunbridge division of Kent, replaces Air A. S. T. Grif-fith-Boscawcn, whoso majority in 1900 was 1085. The defeated candidate bad held the seat for sixteen years. Air Branch, Enfield division of Aliddlcsex.replaces Colonel Henry Bowles, whoso majority in 1900 Tas 3770, and who had sat for the division for seventeen years. Air Armstrong, Sudbury (Suffolk), replaces Sir Cuthbert Quiltcr, returned unopposed at last poll, and tbo sitting member for twenty years. ! Air Alarnbam, Chertsoy division of | Surrey, replaces Lord Goorgo I Bingham, son of the Earl of Ln- | can, who was elected by a majority i of 593 votes at a by-election in 1902. Air Whitbread, Huntingdonshire, replaces Air George Aloutague, who defeated his Liberal opponent in 1900 by 280. Air .Montague was secretary to tbo last President of tbo Local Government Board. Mr Blatk, Chertsoy division of Bedfordshire, replaces Lord Alwyno Compton, undo of tho Marquis of Northampton. Lord Alwync had held tho scat for ten years, and was returned unopposed at last election. During tho South African war ho organised and served with a mounted force. Air Alackarncss, Newbury division of Berkshire, replaces Mr W. A. Mount. Mr Mount, who is eighty years of age, was nnoppoeeU at last poll, and had hold tho scat for over twenty years. Sir John ‘ Jardinc, K.C.. 1.E., Roxburghshire, replaces Earl Dalkicth, Jooond son of the Duke of Bueeleugh, who had a majority of 359 at last election. Sir John, who is a retired Judge of tho High Court of Bombay, was defeated at last election for this seat. Air J. Montgomery, Bridgewater division of Somerset, replaces Air E. J. , • Stanley, who was returned un- , opposed in 1900, and had represented tho electorate for twentythree years. Mr Napior, Favoroham division of Kent, replaces Captain John Howard, returned unopposed in 1900. Air Bennett, Woodstock, replaces Air George Herbert Morrell, who sat for the scat since 1891. Air 11. C. Vcrncy, Buckingham, ro- ' places Mr Walter Carlilo. Air Howard. Eskdalo, replaces Air C. W. H. Lowthcr. Air Aloltcna, Dumfries, replaces Air W. J. Maxwell. * The Alastcr of Elibank, Peebles, replaces Sir Walter Thorburn. UNIONISTS. RE-ELECTED. Air F. B. Alildmay, Totnes. Lord Balcarrcs, Chorley. Air A. H. Smith, Hertford. Colonel J. AlcOalmont, East Antrim. Lord do Ercsby Willoughby, Horn-c.ii-tlo. Sir F. D. Dixon-Hartland, Uxbridge. Air L. Hardy, Ashford. Alajor F. C. Rascii, Chelmsford. Air T. IT. Sloan, South Belfast. Air A. F. Jeffreys, Basingstoke. RETURNED UNOPPOSED. Air Liddell, South Down. ELECTED AITEB CONTEST. Air H. Stavcley Hill, Kingswinford. Air Ashley,. Blackpool. ELECTED OUSTING LIBERALS. Air G. L. Oourthope, Bye, replaces Dr Charles F. Hutchinson, whoso majority at last poll was 534. Sir Philip Magnus, London University, replaces Sir Michael Foster, who was returned unopposed in 1900. Air Carlisle, St. Albans, replaces Air J. B. Slack. NEW MEMBERS OUSTING LIBERALS. Mr Dodd, Tyrone North, replaces Right Hon. Sergeant C. H. Hemphill, K. Solicitor-General for Ireland under Mr Gladstone. Air Gray. St. Andrew’s, replaces Captain E. C. Ellice. Air AV. C. Bridgcmcn, Oswestry, who was beaten at a by-clcction in 100-1, replaces Air A. H. Bright. Air O. Younger, Ayr, defeated in 1901, replaces Mr J. Dobbio,

NATIONALISTS. RE-ELECTED CNOPS’OSED. , v ..,r Gavan. Air Patrick White. North Al-ath. .Mr W. J. Duffy, South Galway. Mr U. Mal U-v, Connemara. Mr J. Giihotjlcv, Cork- AVest. Mr U. A AU-Hugh. -North Leitrim. Mr French. South Wexford. Air I). Sullivan. South Wwdmcath. Mr J. c. Fiynn. Ni.rth Cork. Mr J. J. O'Kelly. North Rorcommon. Mr G. Alnrnaghuu, .Mid-Tyrone. Mr J. Detdin, North Kilkt-nny. Air John Dillon, Kaoc 7>layo. ELECTED fNort’OSEU. Air U. MoKillop, South Armagh. Air O'Hara, North Monaghan. .Sir Meehan, Liex. Queen u County. Mr Ginnell, We.-ttnuyith North. Ah- Halpin, West Clare. STATE OF PARTIES. LONDON. January 21. Up to tilt" piexent the state of par- ( ties D a.s follows: ! I.iberals 224 I Unionistn ... ... 96 Nationalists ... ... 70 Labourites ... ... 40 Sir H. C. Bannennan's indei>oiidciit [ majority has created alarm in some | Nat ionalist circke in It eland. | CAPETOWN, January IDS, ( The organs of tiie Afrikander Botul i are jubilant at tho result of the British ; elections, believing it to be ant-tgoni-s- ‘ tio to Imperialism and lending to i weaken English influence in South j Africa. SPEECH BY AIR ASQUITH. LESSONS TO BE LEARNED BY LABOUR. (Received January 21, 5.15 p.m.) LONDON, January 20. Mr Asquith, Chancellor of the Exchequer, speaking at St. Andrew’s, declared that the Socialist bogey had now superseded tho Home Rule bogey. Ho welcomed Labour's enormous gains to the Commons, where Labour representatives would realise tho complex organisation of tiio body jjolifcio, unlearn tome of tlio things they originally believed, drop visionary details, and bo steadied by responsibility. A'.r Asquith denied that tho Liberals had conducted tbo campaign with mendacity and passion. They had won because tho people preferred tho plain, common-place, uncolourcd facto of history to a gaudy fictitious tariff propaganda. Liberals did not desire _ Air Chamberlain's ideal of a self-supporting, self-contained. Empire. It was tetter to encourage tho freest commercial intercourse between nations. LABOUR AND THE NATIONALISTS. LONDON, January 19. The Labour members will elect a leader and a whip. Air Ramsay Alaedonald, who has been elected as a Labour member for Leicester, in an interview, plainly avowed that tho Labourites would keep tho Liberals to their pledges concerning social reforms. Tho party, ho said, bad never discussed any arrangement with tho Nationalists though they admitted mutual sympathy in their respective aims. THE TRANSVAAL. SELF-GOVERNMENT TO BE CONCEDED. CAPETOWN. January 20. The Pretoria "News” loanis that Cabinet lias resolved to immediately grant responsible Government to the Transvaal, and that tho King’s speech will announce tho concession. MR CHAMBERLAIN CONGRATULATED. LONDON. January 19. Mr Chamberlain, in acknowledging innumerable congratulations, including many from tho colonies (which are in ■ excess of those rcceiorcd on any occasion | in tho past twenty years), said tho election would strengthen his hands, and confirm his confidence in his ultimate success. CATHOLICS AND EDUCATION. LONDON, January 19. The ‘'Catholic Weekly" states that tho Irish vote is being cast for tho Liberals on tho distinct understanding that English Catholic schools are not to bo injured by tho education legislation. AN IRISH MEMBER. SYDNEY, January 20. Air Clmrlcs McVeigh, who has boon returned for Donegal, is a native of that place, bub was long resident in Sydney. Ho migrated to Now Zealand early hi life, but ultimately went to Queensland, whore ho grow rich by mining. Ho leaves for London today.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5803, 22 January 1906, Page 5

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THE BRITISH ELECTIONS. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5803, 22 January 1906, Page 5

THE BRITISH ELECTIONS. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5803, 22 January 1906, Page 5