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(By “Advance.'’) Tin-: wkllixuton meeting, T!u‘ for the minor hand!rm> ov iil.s at the \Wllin;;s on meelinß tin-. centrally fair nm-sMs-;*j!i£ ihe of hor?es handicappvd. The appends? table tfivrs the number of hor>rs IjamlicapjHsl and the aavepiancos ret-i ;ved for the piVM nt mooting and a year ago, when Mr Chadwick made the handicaps:— lOrt.v itvtf.

r.j—tv itn-so Althotiixli the 1 of;il received for the seven bandieap events to be decidid to-d.iv number >-ix more than ;i year ago, it will Ite notice;! ‘bat the total ontr-e.s are forty more than last year. The fields are satisfactory with the exception of the Haeh Hurdles, in which on'y .six horses atv< engaged. On h's form-at the Wairarapa meeting the .Annive-sary Handicap on paper looks the best of good things for Boris. He carried t*.o over a mile and a distance. beating Martian 9.5 and others, and is now hbndieapped at B.G. Recent form points to Apa (8.01 as the best of th.e let encaged in the Ruapehu Marl: Handicap, six flirtings. On tbesieond day of the R-angtikei meeting Apa won easily, carrying 9.0 and iio-.v lias a stone less The Fordell stable Jsss r. second string in the race in Tnpono (7.81. Geologist (7.0). a winner at Woodvillc and Taranaki, may be (be best of the half-dozen engaged in the Hack Hurdles. Petrovna should account for nil the ton weights in the Telegraph Handicap, and Aiba anneor* to hold alt helow her perfectly safe. The hitter is generally considered well treated with Sal. She won at Tanhcrenikan carrying 9.3 over six furlongs and 10.5 over five furlongs. Should Apa win the six furlongs event he will incur 71b penally in the Tongariro Haek Race, one mile. This will increase his impost to 5.4, which is not a prohibitive weight. If started be will run well. Togos may beat all the others. Tnree of the eleven youngsters left in •he Nursery Handicap, arc trained at Porirua. Among the light-weights are romn that can gallop half a mile fast, and Ivnnoff, who will probably bo sent out. favourite on his form through Kirriemuir at Riecarton. will have to be "rrtty well to concede his opponents the weight. Ailsa will t.”1:0 beating in the Electric Handicap 'f started. In her absence lugk-netik may win. THE FOXTON MEETING. The Foxton Club r.hotild have a successful meeting on Monday and Tuesday next. In the eight events on the card the houses engaged total lOC. With tho exception of the Flying Handicap, in which only s"vcn horses arc engaged, tho club received a splendid response I from owners. As will ho seen on the appended tsvhle of i*:; 1 r n- and acceptances in two events all the horses entered continued their engagement;— Electric Handicap ... 31 22 Cup U II Hurdles 12 12 'Flying 12 7 Hack Welter 17 17 Open Welter U 11 100 80 Tho writer fancies lint the following may run prominently:— Electric Handicap—Contender and Probability. Maiden Hurdles—Flying Cloud and Dalkoy. Cup—Nonette and Mussell. Trial Haek Race—Splendid Idea and Xavier. Hurdles—Apiti and Inglewood. Flying—Kremlin. Welter Hack—Bonheur and Makikihi. Open Welter—Sardonyx and Royal Bine. CHATTER, Mr J. E. Henrys returned to Wellington yesterday after a fortnight’s holiday, and will assist at tho opening of tho new racecourse at Trcntham today. Arolight’s name appears among the acceptances for both tho Wellington ami Foxton meetings. Sir Geraint, who has so far failed to strike form this season, has declined his first day’s engagement at Foxton. Tho Porirua stable will ho represented at Foxton by Marguerite and Flamcn. Wi Hutana will bo represented at Foxton by Phemic and Grand Jury. ’Hie Martinhorongh Maori sportsman informed the writer that he intended to give the game best shortly. Tlte veteran horseman, R. Dcrritt, who will have the mount on Solution in the Wellington Cup to-day, has ridden six previous winners of the race, viz.: Foul Play (16S0), Natator (18S1). Tasman (1885), Cynisea (1892). Vogongang (1891) and Fniiorm (1898). The Hutt stables will be represented at Foxton by Sardonyx, Curcnagh, and Xarior. The hitter is the fu)l_ brother to Te Kninni, and did a satisfactory gallop over seven furlongs on Thursday morning. He i« engaged in tlie Trial Hack and Welter Races, both run over a mile course. After the successful manner in which W. Price handled Solution tn her engagements, tho writer is somewhat surprised at that horeernan not having the mount on the Souk mare in tho Wellington Cup. Price is_ one of the most cap-able horsemen in the country. Tho writer has seen a good deal of him at meetings in this island, nnd can speak of his behaviour both on end on: the course, as most exemplary. Mr George Payne, formerly a resident of this city, will assist at opening of the new course to-day with lirolc and Chivalry.

Kxmoor, who showed good form at Alanawatu meeting, will not ho soon out al Trenthani. The district will bo represented :u Tieutbam to-dny by Mr V.. M. Haves, sporting editor of the “Otago Witness,” whose interesting contributions are read throughout the South Island, also in the North. Mr J. F. Hartland. Secretary of (ho Auckland Pacing Club, will bo anion”; the official visitors at Trcntham to-day. Tim I’orirua stable may win tho first, race on the now course with Boris, ami ('. Jenkins the gold-mounted whip to ho presented to the rider. Tim omission of F. Holmes to _ make the final payment for Makaroff in the Wellington Cup, leans Mr Fricdlandcr without a representative in that race. Air H. Good is tho new owner of Inglewood. The Sylvia Bark gelding will probably be taken to Australia for hurdle rating there. B. Dceley, who steered Butty to victory in the Auckland Cup, will have tho mount on tho St. Legcr gelding in the Wellington Cup. New Zealand-bred horses were in evidence at tho Wistralia holiday meeting. Bint a (Castor-Badiant) won the Derby, and ran third in the Berth Cup, two miles, to Czarevitch ; Wlieelarra (Phoebus Apollo—Chyrsolitc) was second in the Burse, Golden Lily (Multiform —Corolla) was second in the Plate: Hildebrand (by Phoebus Apollo Hilda) won the Maiden Plate, of 200 f-ovs. one mile; Prophecy (Phoebus Apollo—Problem) won (bo Sapling Stakes, of 200 sovs, for two-year-olds, and Swan Handicap, six furlongs. In the last-named event the half-sister to Solution carried 9.0. and ran the distance in Imin 18 3-ssec. Tim horses named wore until a few weeks ago trained by John Dae, the Auckland trainer. Spinder (hv Stopniak—Cobweb) full brother to Spider, won the Commonwealth Handicap, of 200 sovs. six furlongs, for two-year-olds. Golden Lily, carrying 9.3. was beaten a nook in the Fremantle Plate, of 200 sovs, seven furlongs. At the Palmer*-!rm South meeting. Ointment tbv the Workman—LinauientV ha'Mu-other to Lotion, 'won two race*;. and ran second in another. Grand Wapitis went ants** prior to the WeM Australia meeting, and will not mm-cI elite in the G-'dew West. The Prince of Wales’s Cnp, run at Olei.tta on New Vrnr’s Hay. was r,o named ou neenunt of the vi«Jt to India of the Prinoe. who, with the Princess of Wales, wan to be present to see t!ie event .run. It was formerly known as the M'acnberson Cup. The race is of mr.n* imnortanee than in any previous rear, ou account of the visit their I?oval i 1 gd' r.f .-r-*. anil was being looked fow»"I to in India with almost as ~,..,>1, j.-ff-rest os the X leeroy s C no itself. In earrvrng off hot'' the Vieerov’s Cijn and P'dnee of Wales’s Cue with Lmi” Tom. Dr Spooner Hart W -.-tiered a notable feat. The Melbourn o jookoy, W. Ibtni, would no

doubt again have the mount on Long Tom, who is trained by T, Ferguson, late of Victoria. so that ixmg TomV dual victory is an interesting item to racing men in that Slate, ipiito apart from the fact that his owner iwell known and liked there. The four placed horses in the Prince of Walesa Cup were 1 red in Australia, or to ho more parlitiilar. in New South Wales. The event was a handicap, and Great ■Scot would no douM to- called upon to give weight to everything starting. There were a few F-nglish-bred horses amongst those engaged. Air .1. O. Kvitt. the veteran hand!-, cannot-, has juitTirientty recovered from a severe illne-s to he ah!" to do tho weight adjusting at the V.’hangtirei and Takapuna meetings this mouth. Turf statistics for the season just ended in Kngland place Isinglass (by Isonomy) at the head of the list of winning stallions with -lit races, worth .CJl.itt2, o! which £13,110 was contributed by Cherry La--. Gallinnle (also by Isonomy). follows with 39 races, worth £23,951 10s: and in order succeed:—St, Fni>f|»in thy St. Simon), 11 races, worth £21,731): Cylh ne (liy Boiiavisia), 31 races, worth £21.55(5 10s; Persimmon (by St. Simon), 215 races, worth £1(i,37.": Florir-al 11. (by St. Simon), 23J races, worth £11.7-18: St. Simon (hv Galopin), 12 races, worth £12.38-5: Ladas (by Hampton), 2(5J races, worth £10,501; Flying Fox (by Onne), one race, worth £9285 (this, exclusive of his French successes); St. Serf (by St. S’lnon). Hi races, worth £5000; ‘ Desmond by St. Simon) 31 races, worth £8423: Ayrshire (by Hampton), 28 races, worth £B-118; K(, Angelo (hv Galopin or Clairvanx). 31 races, worth £9139: Winkfieid (by Barcaldine). 15 raw*, worth £72.39; Donovan (dead)—son of Galopin—2l races, worth £7031; Hightaway (by Wisdom), IX races, worth £0710; Pride (by Merry Hampton). 20 races, worth £0509: Matchmaker (by Donovan). 21 raoes, worth £0107; and Alis‘Ht!inu-h (hy Onr.e), 20 races, worth £5922. Tim Australasian-bred ((ires who got ou the winning list are—Abercom. four races, worth £O-10: Ani-iim, 15 races, worth £193; Carbine. 20 met*, worth ,£>iol : Merman, four races worth .€517; Patron, four nice*, worth £407; .-ltd Tien ten, 10 races, worth £1772. Nnmn, who appears among the horses engaged at the Nelson meeting, is nowowned hv Air J. Troy, of Petone. At, the Sydney Tnttersall’s meeting, Tenakoo (late Tupara) won the Hurdle Hace. two miles, in 3min ‘W.sec. Tho rnriimr-up. Baden, was ridden by C. O’Neill, who took Tupara to Sydney Deferring to the Hotchkiss gelding's win. a Sydney scribe wrote as follows; Surprises are rarely araoriatod with hurdle races; hut Tenakoe's victory on Saturday was totally unexpected: and while, at least, five of the eight starters received support, the ringinen gen-erally-secured “a skinner.” as the New Zealander was not asked for. Although

not in tho front, Tonakoo waa in a t-oml poutiuu :iJI tin- way, ami tin l r.ianCf’r in '.*hurb h*> ran up to lit, 1 I “mini h at t.iio Ixit Jump, and them drew away, stamps him as being a bit above Uio lion•,a racing over tho sticks in tho metropolis. Tin- last Sydney mail to hand contains a page 'of snapshots of tho tricks performed by Clarenco O NoiU’s pony. Tho London “Sportsman" announces another brwxiing compctitipn, and nstm •vliat is tho most suitable) stallion in tho world for Hachlcr’s Pride. An international committee has boon appointed Mr J. Brown ropn-w-ntinK Australia, and .Mr Spencer Clollnn Now Zealand. In order to make it moro interorsting. it was resolved tc>_ exclude Flying Fox from tho competition. Tenakoo tlato Tupara) was luindicappod at 11.12 in a hurdle roco at Canterbury Park on (ho (itb inst. Stray .Lad, by Pygmalion, won a welter milo at Adehiith' on New Vi'a.-’s Day. lloboro' has tho record of contesting the Hail way Handicap, run at the Auokland Summer rnoH ing. in six suor«t“ivo yours. In the race of 1900 ho '.vim called upon to carry 10. ID, ami Ids record was unpriced to Renown (H. 11), Formula (7.5). Takapumi. (7..‘i>. In tiefollowing year with 0.12 in the saddle ho DnLthed Mccoml to Cruciform (0.0); and in UH>2 under tho name impost ho filled a like position to Or loir (B.S). Tho succeeding year tho veteran triumphed when he carried 9.0 homo in front of Starahoot (8.0), Petrovna (8.7), and 13 others. In 1901 lie ran unplaced under ?.!> to Lady Annie (7.9), Golden Vein (8.0), and Ailsa (7.10). and under a like impost ho had a similar record in the race run on the 20th of lint month. Tho black Tilly by Soult—Sataneila, purchased by Mr A. Kidd at the Auckland sales, was. it is reported. Ijonght (or -Mr It. IV. Paterson, of Wellington. ’ Altogether four youngsters wore bought’ tt Auckland for till® district. Despite tho illfortunc which M. Edmond Blanc experienced in the early part of hint season, when a wave of in•luenzii passed over his well-appointed dahlra at La Fouillennc. and. at a critical period, put several of tho-best pons of Flying F.ox temporarily out of court, tho returns for tho flat racing reason, which closed in t ho groat son of Onno at tho hood of !ho lint of winning stallions with 21 winners of £ to, 000 Tho previous soav>n. Flying Fox had such good performnrs as Ajax Gonvornniit, Val d’Or. Adam. .Tardy, nnd others in full commission. and was returned with 25 winner® of races worth £53.000: while in 19(13 ho wan reprefsonted by nine winners of £OOOO, making a grand total for tho first throe years of his stud career t.f £IOI.OOO for 55 races: and though tho non of Ormo cost his owner 37,500 jpiinvoa, ho Vior mode n. good mtnrn already. Tho host of Flying Fox’s it*. p'e»*rit"hivea during tho post season was Tat d'Or, who won four races, including tho Eel ipso Stakrv. worth nearly £1(5.000, Gouvo-n.tnt ooming next,'with £12.000. and followed ty .Tardy £SOOO. Adam and Muskerry .shout Clsoo each. Tho Irish stallion AViukfield’s TVtdc, who was first pnrclnifvd !iy M Wane, but .subsequently le.-tfud Jo Count <le Clanay. comra on flio list with nine winner* of £28.500. ->( which Finns-eur, who numbered among Ids viotosir*,- tbo well-endowed IVi* do Paris, contributed no less than £21.001. During the three lad seasons (he winnings of the progeny of AVrak field’s Pride have ’ £(’,o.o‘M;. The d-fnnr' Csll!--t rate has third place on tin- witinimg- | *t..alliim list with £22.00!); (bon fellow j Fhlldwiek. £IO.OOO. Pontoon, -ire of the unbeaten Pro-'ige. £1" '' and Lufiu. .£BOOO. 1

Mr IT. Good leaves for Sydney on Saturday to toe Maniapoto race in tno Newmarket Handicap. The Soult hon*<> has Us.n left in the New Zealand St. Later Stakes, to bo run at the Wellington Autumn Meeting, and may thoreforo atpiin sport K»lk in this colony. G. Price, tho well-known lightweight, recently returned to Mellington alter (Spending a fortnight’s holiday at Rotorua.

wo:,. Ift'iC. Annivonsarv Handicap ... 21— 7 32-m Kmipcliu Hack 27—l-"i w—u (’up (final payment) 2S'-11 TO — 1-1 Telegraph Handicap 22- it :»2 — 10 T« ngaiiro Hack 22-1,2 Nursery Handicap 1C- 8 L’O—11 Kloct ric Handicap 19- 9 19— 9

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5802, 20 January 1906, Page 14

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TURF TOPICS New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5802, 20 January 1906, Page 14

TURF TOPICS New Zealand Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5802, 20 January 1906, Page 14