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Tho Customs revenue received yestcrday totalled XG7K>3s. Laerv and Co., Ltd., Jervoia quay, report tlifi following wholcfiJile prices ruling on tro Well ngtoa produce market during tiio j*ast week Flour, id) IGs por Ion; oatmeal, £ll per ton; rolled oats, 9s to l)s Gd por dozen; primo oatonshcaf chair, 87s Gd to Uss; straw chaff. CDs per ton; food oafs, 2h 3<l to 2s :.«! per bushel; seed oaU, 2s 5d to *Js Ud per biudicl; A j Iks 3d; dun oats, 2s 6d por bushel; whole j fowl wheat, 3k Ui to 3s Gd per bushel; broken 3s to 3s 3d per bushel; maize. 4s per bu.-hel; partridge peas. 4s 3d por . bushed; split poas. la-? por cwt; pearl barley, Jss por cwt; feed barley, 3s ner bushel; iiollard. £G per ton; bran XI JOs t j X's per ton; prime potatoes, X'J to XO Kteper ton; onions, IT to £l9 in r ton; swrdes, 2s per cw t; pumpkins. 7k to 8s per sack; carrots. 35s po» Lon; cabbages. Is to 2s Gd por sack; cautiMowers, Gs to 10s per sack; mutton j birds, in kils. Gd per bird, in casks 4d ; j eggs, fresh Ik Id to Is 2d per dose; tactory ■mmon sides 7.1. rolls 7RI; poultry, f ink.-vs (liensj 7s to Ss pair. gobblers 12s ‘ to 14.-.; hens, 3s Gd to 4a per pair; rooster.-*. Is to 5s per pair; ducks, Ck .to 7s por pair; gcot-e, 5s to te por pair; butler, bulk 9d to P'd, med. nn 7d to 8d iier lb - cheese best factory Gd to GJd per lb; fun-ns. Id per lb; pcamds 2.1 to 3d per lb; honey in bulk. M ].er U.: walnuts, Gd per lb; blue peas. Is to 4a Cd per hushed; pigmvai X‘s Iss per ion; crushed malt, »s per biifsiiol; hor.v.*beans 3s Gd crushed 3s Ikl; early seed potatoes, X 8 to X 9 Ids; | rice pollard, £5; Tasmanian seed Dcrwunls, £8 IDs, t>uckt> in. ACI KIC LLTURAL EXPORTS. RETURNS FOR J FLY. According to the Agricultural Departme.itloallet, the exports of agricultural products for duly were as follows (the figures for .July of last year being given liultev 1775 cwt, valuo .£8523 (llß3cwf, £6C PI-); cheese 267 cwt, .£712 (lOTOcwt. ,1:2050; beef, 25.258 cwt. .£30,115 (20,505cwL £26.751); mutton, 70,861 cwt, ,£lO. >.045 (Mi,o2ocwt. £114.431); lamb, 72,644 cwt. X'112,072 (13,33Gcwt. £75,958); wheat, J!il,772cwt .£27.72!) (114.122 cwt. ,£16.007); oats. 85.203 bushels, £7407 (252.387c\v1, £22,703); potatoes, 32 tons. ,£216 (839 tons. XI076); hemp, 2085 tons, £47,992. Comparing the months in those products, for which tho figures are available. tho result is as follows; July 1905 .£323.349 July. 1904 267,560 Increase ••• ••• .£55,783 The four-monthly periods of 1905 falls some distance short of the same period of 1904. The ports that headed the list in tho different products for July were ns follows:—Bnider, Dunedin, 825 cwt J £3940; cheese. Dunedin. 128cwfc, £322; beef. New Plymouth, 10,763 cwt, .£15,069; mutton, Lyttelton, 29.078 cwt, *£48.412; lamb, Lyttelton, 25.043 cwt, £52,589 (and Timnru, 21.432 cwt, X 10.803); wheat, Lyttelton. 101.426 bushels. £14.515; oats, Bluff, 54,950 bushels. £4724; potatoes, Auckland. 24 lons, £191; hemp, Auckland, 874 tons, £18.945. COMMERCIAL CABLES. PRESS ASSOCIATION. LONDON, August 15. Copper—On the spot. £69 le 3d per ton; three months, £69 6s 3d. Lead, £l3 17s 6d per ton. The quantity of wheat and flour afloat for tho United Kingdom is 2,435,000 quar- j ters; for the Continent, 1,550,000 quarters; Atlantic shipments, 32,000 quarters, i Bank shares—Bank of Australasia, <£92 10s to £93 10s; New South Wales. £4O to XU; Union Bank. £46 to £4-7; National Bank of New Zealand, £5 5s to £5 15s; Bank of Now Zealand debentures 102, shares £6 10s to £7; New Zealand Loan and Mercantile debentures, 94. SYDNEY WOOL SALES. (Received August 16. 9.23 p.ra.) SYDNEY, August 16. The second series of wool sales opened to-day. Generally speaking, late rates were maintained, but business was not brisk. DUNEDIN GRAIN MARKET. DUNEDIN. August 16. Wheat.—The market is steady, and all offering can be placed at quotations. Prime Central Otago Tuscan seed 3s 6d, prime milling 3s 3d, medium' 2s lOd to 3s. sacks extra. Oats.—Consignments continue light, and are mostlj’’ sold on trucks to go into store. Seed lots Is 10d to 2s 3d, according to kind and quality, prime milling Is SJd to Is 9d, best feed Is 8d to Is 84d. inferior Is 6d to Is 7d. SOUTHERN STOCK SALES. CHRISTCHURCH. August 16. At Addington varde there was not a large entry of stock, but the quality of some of the fat cattle and sheep was exceptionally good. There were several prime lines of both from Amuri stations. The attendance was large. Beef sold at rates equal to last weeks, and though fat sheep, except special lines, opened rather lower, thev improved towards the close of the eaW Fat lambs and fat hoggets sold very well, and there was keen demand for store sheep, young breeding ewes especially. Porkers showed an advance in price and stores sold very well, but there were no buyers for baconers. In store and dairy cattle there was but little business done. Store sheep—The yarding was made up principally of ewes in lamb, with a few pens of wethers and hoggets. There was keen demand for all classes, especially young ewes, and prices were exceptionally good. The principal lots sold were 484 four and six-tooth crossbred ewes 26s 2d, 91 two and four-tooth 24s 4d, 173 eight-tooth 23s Id, 257 sound-month 235, 150 nt 20s Id to 20s 9d, 55 aged clrv owes 10s 4d, 68 wethers 20s 6d, 46 at 20s, 67 hoggets 15s 7d to 17s lOd, 151 at 16s Bd. Fat lambs—About a dozen new season’s fat lambs penned, and thev sold at 15s to 19s 6d, and one extra at 275. Fat hoggets—Only a small entry, over half of the number being comprised in one line from Cheviot. They sold fullv up to late rates, some of the smaller lots being not well finished. The chief sales were 13 nt 255. 325 at 19s lid, 21 at 186, 70 at 16s 9d to 17s lOd. 17 at 16s lOd. 19 at 15s.

Fat sheep—The supply was a moderate one in point of numbers, but included soqio extra prime lines of half-bred and merino wethers. The sale did not open quite up to the previous week's rates, butchers' requirements evidently not being so large. Towards the close of the sale, however, there was improvement, and prices fully recovered. The range of prices was:—Extra prime wethers 28s to 3As 3d, prime 24© to 37s 6d, lighter 21s to 235; extra prim© ewes 22s 6d to 265, good to prime 19s to 31s 9d, aged 16s to 18s; extra prime merino wethers 23s 6d to 295, prime 18© 6d to 21s 2d. others 13s 6d to 17s 3d.

Fat cattle—The number penned totalled 154, and a proportion of the yarding waa of prime quality. There waa a fair demand, and practically no change in values. For J. H. Davison (St. Leonard’s) onesteersold a £tl4; for D. Rutherford) (Leeli© 8 eteere at ,£lO 12s 6d to .£l2 10s; 6he fers -88 2S 6d to £97©6d; for Bealey Bros. (Hororata), 4 steers £8 15s to -813 15s, 2 heifers .£8 7s 6d to £8 15s; others made £6 17s 6d to £lO 10a, heifere £5 5s to £8 7s 6d, cows £1 10s to £7 10s, equal to 225. to 23s for prime, 19s 6d to 21s for medium, and 17s 6d to 19s for cow and inferior per 1001 b. A fair entry of veal calve© sold at 6d to 555.

Store dairy cattle—Practically no entry of store cattle. A small yarding of dairy cows met with an irregular sole, thf' beet price being £7 15s. Pigs—Only a few bacon pigs and no demand for them. Porkers were firmer, and there was a very good sale for stores. Porkers sold at 28s to 365, smaller 22s to 27s 6d, equal to 4id. to 5d per lb. A

line of 35 rough pigs from the Chatham Islands made 30s to 40k for fats and 15s to 30s for stores. One hundred store pigs from Cheviot made 18s to 235, other medium stores sold at 12s to 18s, weaners 9a tO IIS. DUNEDIN, August 16, At Rums;da market, 162 fat cattle wore yarded. There was not a creat deal of primo betd forward, but wnat there was was : n brisk demand. Alodium to good beef sold well. Rest bullocks brought from .£!) 6s to .CIO 2s 6d: one prime animal realised AllO 12s 6d; good bullocks from ±8 Ids to .CD 2s 6d. Fat shoe]}—ls6B penned. Prices for 'mod were firm at an advance of Ib. Heat wethers 2-ls to 28s 3d (one pen up t/ 2Us), good wethers 21s to 23s Gd, others up to 20s; best owes IDs to 21s Oct, others up to 18s. Hoggets—2l9 penned. These sold practically at last week’s rates: 16sto 18s, one pr: IDs 9d. x'igs —ll7 yarded. Suckers and sups were mostly of poor quality, but as there was fair demand prices remained about the same. Porkers were firm, but the sale for baconers was dull. Suckers _Bs to 13s, slips lie to 18s, stores IDs to 235, porkers 2-is to 30s, light baconers 31s to 365, heavy 38s to ids, choppers up to 50s.


L. H. B Wilson, Chairman. 0. D. Morpbxh, SdoroC»ry.

Buyer 6KLr.Br Sales £ s. ■ d. £ s. d. £ s. >1 Banks— National ol N.Z. Ltd. .. 5 13 0 5 12 Ne« Zealand .. — 6 2 G G i Financial— EciuiUble Building On..ritd.. 9 5 0 Metropolitan Permanent, £10 (cum) 12 0 0 N.Z.Alt.Plate, Ld. 1 7 0 PctO‘ e and Hutt Building Society 5 0 0 Wellington Bid., Ltd., 10* pd. .. 0 11 6 — —■ We lington Trust & Loan, Ltd. .. 7 0 0 — Gas— Ashburton 4 15 0 — — Feildtng 1 3 0 Gisborne 1 15 6 Hokitika ., 4 0 0 N«pi-r .. 25 0 0 Palmerston N., £316s 5 0 0 — — Wellington. £10 .. 17 10 0 — Insurance— National ofN-Z. .. I 1 9 1 2 6 — Meat PiibsbktxngCh’cb Meat Co. .. 10 2 0 Gear Meat, Ltd. £4 8 0 0 — — £1 2 2 6 — — Railways and ShippingW.&.M. Railway ... — — 1 14 N.Z, Snipping Union steam Ship 14 10 0 — — Woollen .Mancpactuiung — Wellington — 4 1 0 — Coal — Westport (cum) ... — G 15 0 Miscellaneous— Hydraulic Hand Miker Co. 0 10 0 pr 9 13 6 pr — K.Z, Drug Co., Ltd. £i) 2 7 6 N.Z. Pap-r Mills .. 1 3 6 1 2 6 SharlaadA to.,Ld. (ordinary) — 1 3 € — Mason, strutbers .. — 0 14

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 5669, 17 August 1905, Page 6

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FINANCE AND TRADE. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 5669, 17 August 1905, Page 6

FINANCE AND TRADE. New Zealand Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 5669, 17 August 1905, Page 6