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TAKAPUXA JOCKJSY CLUB. I'I'.US.S ASSOCIATION • AUCKLAND, .November 29. Til'! Takapuna Jockey Club’s spring meeting v;l; comiiic'iiced to-day, and, although Ihe weather vvns ratlur threatening in the '-ariy morning, it chared up later. ami remained linn. Tim attendance niw satisfactory, and .some interesting sport aas provided. Tim sum of .IXI7O "a,, put threugh ine totalbator in eight races. Following are the results:— Trial Handicap, one mile.—Mr V,'. Walter’.; b c .Marshal .Sunk, by Sunk—llmcherna, Jyrs, Bsfc (Abbott), 1; Jlosipiiele, 7st 121 b, 2; Green and Gold, 7,;. 7.b, 3. Also started—Sly .Mist 71b, Queen Amm 7-J 71b, Lingard 7s-t bib, Irish 7s(, 21b, ilkllluwer 7,-;t 21b, WelleaM 7sl. Won easily by five lengths. Time, Imin A-j 6-b,ee. Dividends—lnside, S2> 10s Od and XL ss; outside, il2 11s bd and lb’s (hi. Cambria IJa.udicup, four furlongs.— Mr Vv. Lovett's Desdeuiona, by Hotchkiss—Dunoon, 7>‘. 12!I) (Jenkins). 1; fkibbingtem. Bsl 81b. 2; To Aroim. 7st kb. 3. Wo i by a. length. Time, 53 2-bsec. Dividends—lnside, X'! lbs; outside, XI 13s. Ht. Andrew's Handicap, one mile and a quarter.—Mr ,1. C. Col beck’s I) in Formula, by is, by ilotchk Lss~ Kormo, byrs. Ist Sib (Lindsay), 1; Matamn.i.ibarakehe, 7st Sib, 2; Romeo, 7st lib. 3. Ain.) startl'd--St. Olga 7st. 121 b. I’ulty 7.-t Sib, Treslinm 7st bib, Glndisla (Ft 1211). Duetur (Ist 71li. Formula. >‘'en;. to the front liaif a mile from home, and won comfortably by half a length. Treslir.m and i-’l. Olga fell early in the race. Tim.', tbuiu J 3 3-osee. Dividends— lesiile. X' f Ss (id and XI Is (jd ; out-iil ■. X 7 3s and I’Js til. .Maiden Hurdles, one mile ami a half. .—Mr D. Ross's hr g F.rermore, by Hippocampus--.She, 0-t 71b (Doss), 1; Marine, list. 71b, 2: The Swimmer, list 121 b, 3. Alsu started—Kn'ier." INt 7ib, Admiral Hawke 10M 7ib, Ivu.vhai 9st, 12;h. Gipsy J.ass list 71b. Midnight !M 71b. Lady Da-h 9st 71b, Terser -r----aiieu list bib, Dick list 3!b, Tuni fist 31b. Gunfire <),; 3.b, Sirdar A Wuhan to list, b'on by over two lengths. Time, 3min 2 4-ssee. Dividends —Inside, .Cl 7ls and X2 lbs (Jtl; outside, ,Xl2 17s and £b Ss 3d.

first Hack Handicap, five furlongs. —Mr W. Walter’s b c Marshal 3vrs, Sst 21b (Abbott), I: Bloodstain;. 7st. 2; Cygnet, 7st Sib, 2- ALo started—Powerful Sst 121 b. Green and Gold 7st 1211), Redeemed Tit. 711). Ben Blair 7st 41b. Bastion 7st. S. atoma 7at. Vynctto 7s t, Soult Fish Gst 71b. Won by tlireo lengths. lime, him risen. Dividends—lnside, Cl lls and £G -Is; outside. £2 Is and £5. First Handicap Hurdles, two miles. —Hr E. G. EMclt’s cli m Miss Drury, by Drury Dane, aged, list 101 b (Howard). 1; Tip, Dst, 2: Bellman, J2st 41b, 3. Also started—Tim lOst 51b, Princess of Thule 10st. Inchcape Sst 121 b. liippowai 1 Dst 101 b. Won by a couple of louetlw. Time, 3miu oOsoc. Dividends—lnside, £2 lls and £0 3s 'id: outside, ,£2 12s Od and £ll Bs. First Pony Handicap, six furlongs.— Mr J. Reynolds's br g Sentinel,by Soult —Tbe, 4yrs, Bst (Scents), 1; First Whisper, 7st 2; Annoyed, Sst 131 b, 3, Also started—Stopaway Dst 61b. Cuisine 7st 81b,' Souica Ost 101 b. Won by a length. Time, lmin.?s 2-ssec. Dividends—lnside, £2 2s fid and ,£3 12s; outside, .01 17s Gd and £2 IGs Gd. Cheltenham Handicap, five furlongs. —Mr G. Tuck’s b g Landlook, syrs, by Flintlock—Dreamland Dst 21b (Julian), 1; Lady- Soult, Ost 101 b, 2; St. Olga, Bsb 12:1b. 3. Also started—Mechanic 7,-fc 31b. Geordie 7st 121 b, Despatch 7st, Mary Seaton fist 71b. Won by about two lengths. Time, Imin 4sec. Dividends—lnside. £2 8s Gd and £4 2s 6d; outside, £2 14s 6d and £2 3s Gd. WOODVILLE DOMINATIONS. The following nominations have been received for the summer meeting of the Woodville Jockey Club:— FIRST DAY. Hack Hurdles.—Vathok, Su nines, Beivn Ideal, Xloer, Mourner, St. Rene, Ashleaf, Melrose, Flanagan, Dreyfus, Redshank. Grandstand Handicap—Bounce, Brilliantino, La Torpedo, Waireka, Ra.pids, Kowheto, Kingman. Shackle, Putipai. Asteroid, Waitoa, Heritas, Blackwing, Atliol liroso, Craftsman, The Gucsser, Baldie, Rajah, Mnskotoon, Melrose, Gold Seal. Woodville Handicap.—Aroha, Benefactor. Fakir, Queen’s Guard, Bowman, To Pake, Plaidic. Dexterity, Kahuivai, St. Denis, Platypus, Wilson, la, Motor, Ballynocty, Laureate, Roseplot, Meta McCarthy, liispan, Hinctaura, Murmur. Flying Hack.—Rapids. Malauku, Kingman, Muralo. Roll Call, Putipai, Lass o’ Clowrie, En Garde, Sea King, Gold Dust, Fairwater, Heritas, Kudu, Gold Dredge. Ziska, Report, Cave. Borough Handicap.—Aroha, West Gua.rd,Whario, Jewel Gun, Marianthus, St. Dhnis, Inspan. Argylc, la, Pure Silver, Mongoaui. Field Battery, Tho Rioter, Laureate, Roseplob, Murmur. Welter Hack.-—Bounce. Apprentice, Waireka, Liquefy, Waitoa, Ashleaf, Ziska, Craftsman, Tho Guesser, Baldie. Lissa. Mnskotoon, Melrose.

Electric Handicap. Brilliantine, Shrapnel Shell, Liquefy, Snnfisli, "West Guard, To Pake, To Taiaha. Groonslceve, Sliackle, Turepo, St. Denis, Platypus, Argyie. Pure Silver, Mongonui. Field Battery, Gold Seal, Hinot aura, ROl nano flf. SECOND DAY. Stewards’ Handicap.—Bounce, ‘Brilliautrino, Wairoka. Rapids, Kowlieto, Kingman Capuiot, Shackle, Putipai, Asteroid, Horitas, Mussel, Blackwing, Athol Brosc, The Guesscr, Muskctoon, Melrose. Hurdles.—Samo as first day, with the addition of Waitohi. Kuahino Hack Welter.—Apprentice, Liquefy, Roll Cali, Waitoa, Heritas, Ziska, Craftsman. The Guasser, Baldio, Lissa, Musketoou, Fire King. Summer Handicap.—Aroha, Bounce, Benefactor, Fakir 2 Quecn’s Guard, Bowman, To Pake, Plaidio, Jewel Gun, Dexterity, St. Denis, Inspau, Platypus, Wilson, la, Mongonui, Motor, Ballyneety, The Rioter, Laureate, Roseplob, Meta McCarthy, Murmur. Telegraph Handicap.—La Torpedo, Waireka. Rapids. Kingman, Muralo, Notes. Putipai, Lass o’ Gowrio, Eu Garde, Gold Dust, Heritas. Kudu, Gold Dredge, Ziska, Report, Rajah, Godd Seal, Cave. Railway Handicap.—Shrapnel Shell, Sutifish, West Guard. To Taiaha, Greonsloevo, Shackle, Turepo, St. Denis, Platypus. Argylo, Pure Silver, Morvgonui, Field Battery, Laureate, Gold Seal, Romanoff. Higlvweight Handicap.—Aroha, Brilliantino, Liquefy, Kowhcte, Te Pake, Whario, Jewel Gun, Mariauthus. Turepo, Blackwing. Argyle. Wilson, Craftsman. Field Battery, The Rioter, Lady’s Link, Roscplot, Murmur, Romanoff.

FFILDIXG JOCKFV CT'TB. The .spring meeting of tr.’e feibline .Turiny (. !nb, to be imld to-day and toinorrow, i;ruin,to I'm one of Uie nine': snecessfat this popular club line yet h-ld. Fur tin.' conve.ii-nc:; of inventor., unable to attend, a telegraph office will bo in u.-.e on the course. The (ir-.t r.tceach day is linn 'I to start ut 12.30 p.m. and others at intervals of three-quar-lers of an hour. The following horses are suggested as likely to run forward in their engagements, the events heIng named in their order on the curd: —-Flying Handicap, West Gnaid ami Float: -Maiden Plate, Asteroid _aml iiounce; Ft. Andrew’s Handicap, -Halberdier and la; Acrangi Hack Flat Dace, Comfort and Lissa.; Spring Hurdles, and Waiwera; Wniauia Hack Hurdles, llcer and In tlm Van; .KLvitea, Stakes. Mariatlius and Queen's Guard; Fitzroy Hack Flying, Muralo and Bounce. K.MKOURA RACIXG CLUB. Tlio fallowing handicaps have been declared by .Ur Ulic. Shannon for the annual meeting of the Kaikcura Hack Racing Chili, to be held on Boxing Day:— Kaikonra Stakes, of 3b sows; one, mile and a quarter.—Plainstoue list. 131 b, Lepimto list 51b, Seaweed list, Tho Fourier lOst 81b, Bulrush K)st lit), Reverse 9,1, Ivilgarlic bst 10!b, Artful, | .Mary ,Bst 71b. Hack ( J laud leap, of 15 sovs ; one mine-.—Kulnina lOst 71b. Reverse i)st lllb, Ivilgarlic 9st 71b. True Blue and FI hid ora, 9st, Artful Mary, Snapshot. Barooo, Soubrottc, Lyddite, Tawa, Antelope and Artful 'Waiwera Bst 71b. Publicans’ Handicap, of 20 sows; six furlongs.—l’luimstoup H’.st Olh. Lcpautn list 131 b, Seaweed list 71b, The Pearler list lib. Bulrush lOst 13ib, Wimbledon lOst 121 b, An R"voir lOst, Artgowan fist. Handicap Trot, of 20 sows: ano mile and a half.—Simon R ser, -Merry Bsec, Doctor G. 12scc, Deuvdrup 20sec. Violet and Ilium 2usec, Tommy and Daisy 11. 27seo. Jlambi-r. Chester, Vingo, Silver Grey and Directed- 23,sec, Crown, Lord Hicks and Coronalir.n SSsec. County Cup, of ’2O soars; seven furlungs.—Lepan'lo list 101 b, Bulrush lOst HO), Kulnina lOst 71b, Au Kovoir !).-,) 131 b, True Blue 9st, Artful Alary, SoubreUc, Lyddite and Tawa Set 7U>. DUNKDIX, Xoycmber 29. Owing to heavy showers the- T.ahuna Park trotting races have boon postponed till Wednesday and Saturday next.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 4825, 1 December 1902, Page 3

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SPORTING. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 4825, 1 December 1902, Page 3

SPORTING. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 4825, 1 December 1902, Page 3