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Cabinet has authorised a further progress payment of £IO,OOO towards tho construction of the North Island Alain Trunk Railway.

Air P. J. O’Regan will lecture, in the Wadostown schoolroom this evening, on “Rating on Unimproved Values.-’’ Mr A. R. Atkinson, M.H.R., will preside.

TV© Premier received* information yesterday that the troopship Cornwall with tho Sixth Contingent aboard had reached Capetown after a voyage from New Zealand of forty days. At the Mount Cook Police-Station yesterday, Margaret Robinson and Caroline Smythe were each fined 5s for drunkenness, in default twenty-four hours’ imprisonment. Air John Kays was the presiding J.P. H.M.S. Mildura left for Auckland last night. She will spend some." time there to enable her crew to go through a course of musketry drill. Eventually .site will prpceed to Australia, to take part in the reception of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall.

The ■ following is the Supreme Coiirt list for to-day;—Before Mr Justice Edwards—United .■ Press Association v. Niool Brothers; Patents Act, re Benedict’s patent. Before Mr Justice Cooper (in divorce) —Gadsby v. Gadsby and 1 another; Robertson v Robertson and another; Grouhard v. Groivhard and another; Collier v. C011ier..... The following additional subscriptions have been received towards the Queen's Statue Fund ; —Registrar-General’s Department, £1; and trom Matinborongh— J. Martin, £3 3s; M. S. Martin, £1 Is; A. O. Considine, £1 Is; Tanered Cooper, 7s 6d ; M. Rickman, 2s 6d ; W. J. Martin, £2 2s; Mrs W. J. Martin, £2 2s; George Pain, £1 Is ; Mrs A. 0. Considine, £1 Is; D. T. Cameron, £i Is. The total subscribed to date is £1360 2s -Ul. At a well attended meeting of_ the "Wharf Labourers’ Union held last night, the secretary and one of the members were appointed agents to represent the union before the Arbitration Court. Several new members were enrolled, and the secretary’s monthly report showed the union, to be in a sound position. It w as decided to make some alterations in the rules, and to include a. rule for the issuing of clearance cards. The election of the Maori Council for they jKurahaupo Maori District, held at Morton on Tuesday, resulted in the following being returnedHarea Rowana. *broua Bridge; Keepa V/aitere, Parewanui ; "Wireti Paranihi. lieu lieu; Urn ti Angjna, Whangaehu; Pene Pirore, Rata Hone Reweti, Bulls; Winiata Te Puhnki, Kauangaroa ; Ngahiraka Eongohikala. Ford ell; Pitihira Roiri, Foxton; T© Raika Kereama, Feilcling; Karena ti Mana o Tauhaki. Turakina.

Five cows yarded for sale at Taratahi oh Tuesday were condemned by the Stock Inspector and, ordered to bo destroyed.

Firewood is said £o be becoming very scarce in Taranaki, where a few years ago there was dense forest. _ The reason is that tho country is being cleared rapidly, and converted into grass land.

Lieutenant C. A. P. Hawkins, of the Hth Hussars, is at present in Wanganui ou sick leave. Lieutenant Hawkins was originally a member of the Third Contingent, and received one of the Imperial cavalry commissions. Tie will proceed to Egypt to join his regiment in the course of a-few months.

The acceptances received for the St. Patrick’s Day celebration sports, to lit held at the Basin Reserve on Saturday, are particularly good. Nearly all the men engaged have accepted, including will known performers from Napier, Wanganui, Christchurch. Blenheim, GDborne, Foxton, Master!ou. Palmerston and other centres. In each of the cycling events there arc sixteen engaged.

Mr Allan On - writes as follows;—In an interview with . a “ New Zealand Times ” reporter, the Rev J. K. Elliott is reported to have, said that the Benevolent Trustees had reduced the average cost of maintenance per inmate of the Ohiro Home from 13s 5d in 1898-99 to os 3d. There is a want of accuracy in this. In 1895 the cost was os 3d, in 1896 it was 6s 8d and in 1897 it was 6s 7il. Mr Elliott’s remark would lead people to believe that 13s 5d was a fair average for previous years. -Moreover, the figure ho quotes for 1898.99 (Bis oil) is altogether wrong—it should he 7s 8d per head.

The Yorkshire Society held its monthly meeting last night at the Trocndero. Sir H. Field was in the chair. The society, with regret, accepted tiro resignation, of Air E. Bold as lion secretary, members testifying to the able manner in which he had performed the duties of the otficc. . Air G. E. Burton was elected in hi.s stead. Air .1. H. Helliwell thou gave his initiatory sketch on Yorkshire cities and towns. Sheffield being the chosen one. He described the industrial, municipal and educational progress of this great city, which was incidentally described as the "Alecca of Yorkshire cricketers.” Advantage was taken of the meeting to give a hearty send-off t.o one of the vice-presidents, Mr A. H. Harbottle, who has decided

“that Yorkshire is the best place after all.” The chairman, on behalf of the society, presented him with a handsome silver-mounted cigar case as a token of esteem.

The honorary secretary of the Carlton Musical and Dramatic Club, Mr G. E. Burton, has handed over to us the sum of £7, being the proceeds of the entertainment lately given by that organisation for thei benefit of Mrs J. M. Russell and family. , The amount is made up as follows : —Sale of tickets, £5 ss; “Ab-sent-minded Beggar,” collection, 12s (id ; subscription from, a gentleman member of the club, 10s; from a lady connected with the club, 12s 6d; total, £7. The club gave everything free of expenses of any'kind, and the “Now Zealand Times'’ Company advertised the entertainment gratuitously. A distinctive feature of the performance was the recital of Mr R. Feilding, one of the “corner men,” of original verses composed by himself, with the injunction at the close to “Pay, pay,, pay.” and which resulted in a shower of silver coins. We shall have pleasure in handing over to Mrs Russell the amount realised by tho entertainment.

The now railway carriages for th© Government railways, which are being manufactured in America, have nothing in their external appearance to distinguish them from those at present in use. Tho design is much the same, though the oar is a trifle longer, the exact measurement being 48ft 7iu. The carriage is divided into five compartments, each of which will accommodate six passengers, and is excellently finished. The seats are nicely upholstered, and the woodwork of the carriage is neatly designed and of a serviceable character, the ornamentation of the roof being relieved by neat hand-paint, ing in each corner. A feature of the carriages are the window blinds, which are fitted with Forsyth’s catches, and are so easily'manipulated that the pub. lie will find-'them’a refreshing change from, the somewat cumbersome appliances now in use. One of the compartments will be specially sot apart for ladies only. There are two lavatories, replete with the latest appliances, and the ventilation is capitally arranged. Bach of the carriages’ is fitted up with the Westinghouse brake and water and air tanks. Sixty-three carriages have been the-Government, thir-ty-three are to be sent to Christehltrch, eighteen to AVollington and twelve to Auckland. ' : ,

The report of Mr R. L. Mostayer, M.1.C.E., with regard to the Wanganui water supply,, but dealing mainly with alternative schemes for obtaining an additional supply, was submitted to the Borough Council on Tuesday evening. The report dealt with the following proposed sources of supply;:—The present works at Virginia and Westmere Lakes; the Kaitoke, Wiritoa, Kohata ; and Paori Lakes; the artesian wells in and about IheNown; the Brunswick Valley streams; Jackson's Creek; the Wanganui River;, and the Mangawhero Falls. The present,reservoirs (Virginia and AVestmere Lakes) are considered too small for the requirements .of the town ; the water is- liable to contamination, arid the supply is uncertain and otherwise unsatisfactory. The source of supply recommended by.Mr Mestayer is the Wanganui River, at a point about twenty-five miles from the town.' Tho estimate for the reservoirs, filter beds, pumping power and main is approximately (exclusive of land) £51,500. This scheme had overwhelming advantages over all the others suggested, and Mr Mestayer recommends its adoption.

At the Magistrate’s Court at Dunedin, on Monday,- “Captain” John Der. rick Bussell, a : theatrical manager claimed £36 19s 4dfrom Richard Reeve I Collins, saddler, of Feilding. Mr W. C. | Macgregor" represented the ; plaintiff, who was present, -arid Mr Sim the defendant. It' appears that the parties were partners'in New South "Wales In the possession of a “skyopticou,” with which they gave magic lantern entertainments. Defendant was, to pay £IOO for two years’ profits out of the show, paying .-625 ’■-'down'. and the balance in bills at three,,six and nine months. The suit was to reccyer.the amount of these bills. Defendant ,\vas alleged tp, have' levanted at:Singleton,.New Smith Wales, with all .the takings, leaving,.the coml pany stranded! and on plaintiff's return to Sydney ho was"arrested, it being alleged that the “skydpticon” nms, riot his property. He was acquitted in the Supreme Court! and Collinsdisappeared to Brisbane, and plaiiitiff had .onlyßecently managed to serve notice on him. Defendant, in his evidence, taken on commission, stated in defence that no consideration was given, for the promissory notes, and that the transaction was a fraud on the part of plaintiff. Judgment was given for the amount claimed, with costs (£7 7sV . The defendant’s application for stay of execution for fourteen days to‘enable him to bring a partnership action in the Supreme Court was grants.

The centre of attraction in. Rotorua 1 at present is the great geyser at Rotomahajfta; which large numbers of people are visiting daily. x\n eruption takes place every forty minutes. On Sunday fast there were several narrow escapes from injury by falling stones. One of the principal thoroughfares which will be used by the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall when they visit Wellington is one of the worst-kept in the whole city—Bowen street. On the Government House side of the street the footpath is an irregular embankment covered with long grass. -The road is full of ruts, and the other pathway is wretchedly uneven. It would be an excellent idea to continue the asphalting of Die north end of Lambton (piny to the Government House entrance, and to improve the sidewalk. Through the good offices of Hr Maurjice Cohen, the Manawatu Agricultural and Pastoral Association has secured from the Mint, Birmingham, Ltd., a consignment of medals to he awarded to competitors at tho association’s show. They are, indeed, works of the highest art. and as such likely to bo eagerly sought after by stock-owners. The face presents the owner’s name and the particulars of the prize. The shield on which this is set out is finished off like a mirror in burnished silver. L'pon this mirror, in relief, are representations of flax and wheat. Surmounting the whole are the sheltering fronds of a fern tree. Ou the rererse side a group of animals , is displayed in relief, a. place being found also for a background show of machinery. The medals are by far the most perfect specimens of tho kind ever introduced into the colony

Tho first meeting of creditors in the estate of Nels Rasmussen, baker, of Newtown, was held at the office of tho Official Assignee (Mr J. Ashcroft) yesterday. Mr Ashcroft stated that an examination showed the affairs .of the estate to he not at all satisfactory. He was led to believe that, the hock debts amounted to £120; init the examination made showed that they only amounted to about £SO. The cash takings were smaller than might reasonably have been expected, and it was difficult- to account for debtor’s financial position. The bankrupt stated that a book produced showed the amount of his takings, also what book debts had been collected. He was practically penniless, and his wife had no means. Tho sickness and deaths in the family had been very expensive. The creditors agreed to allow the bankrupt £2 out of the money he had 1 collected. Tho stock and horse and cart are to ho sold at auction, and the book debts collected.

The constable in charge of the Clyde quay Police Station is on the look-out for cyclists who ride at night without lights, and l as the result of informations laid by him several offenders wore dealt with, by Messrs W. Gill -and! J. P. Luke, the presiding Justices at the Stipendiary Magistrate’s Court yesterday. C. Smith and R. Anton were each fined Is, without costs. E. Jones, E. Hyde, J. W. Bridge, S. Dnrroch, J. Day, H. Goodwin, W. Young and U. Shannon were each, fined 2s Gd and 7s Gd costs. Eor .soliciting hire on the platform of the Manarwa-tu Railway Station, George Jackson was fined 5s a,nd 7s costs, and Charles Hargreaves 2s Gd and 7s costs. Inspector Doyle and his assistants have been rounding up unregistered dogs. For being the owners of such dogs, the following fines were imposed;-—W. Burman and W. Grace, 2s 6d, without costs; E. Bonthorne, W. H. Burnett, M. Corbett, L. Fox, E. Goodwin, F. Hunt, J. H. Johns, J. G. Jacobsen, H. F. Logan, VV. H. Napier, N. Lee, J. Tasker, R. Williamson and J. Wilson were each fined Is and-costs 7s. William Wilson was fined 2s Gd and 7s costs for allowing offensive matter to accumulate on his premises in Vivian street.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4305, 14 March 1901, Page 5

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LOCAL AND GENERAL New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4305, 14 March 1901, Page 5

LOCAL AND GENERAL New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4305, 14 March 1901, Page 5