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There were no devrN'pme.-i G, "crterda; ~, r-.A-iscticn with Ike mining diwiuc. a l , Jii.’Oi'.. ..nm&cncd I'; aUevid a.*: ';h--Supreme C-jur: j,-n Mend;" wid net in rrqm. • •;! ihur.eky Th': Wellington Citv Cornell given riO'ti.o in thh i.-suo ci: in. intention to i oial loan of 000 00 • for tin; of a Town Hal! and Muuieipal officer. Vlio Wellington Land Board will hold a, at the Cvarthcato', dluotor'-rn, a.t JU yon. tu March 20, to interview applicants for tocilont in the Lavnjduio catyro. A poll oil the raternr or:, or the On--lew Bourngh Council v,;i! be- I.mtwi on the A’OfU in;A . on tl - 1 •'moral that tie i!nti;i" uu Unimprovou Was A't U in Hie borough. At Iho A lon. nt Cool- Police Station "id,,. before Air W. ILkirelh.. J.P., 11. hivt-olfoTidcr for drunken,lasw wax convicted, and discharged. and .-ent I o Uic lloudfal for general treatment.

At a meeting of the .'lari ;* Brothers’ Old Boy:,’ Aotoeiutiou,- if was establish. a, mayaKinc in eo:;;a..alien with the a.-cajeiatioc.. Prize •> were awarded to Metr-a's K. .i. Fitzgibbou and C. Ga'nblo for beat original panes .

The (,-.rc-aere into of propa-md I) ri < •!;: dairy factory on Ni JI ill. Carter! on, wax bought. by the uewlyfcnr.ed IVrkvalo Company for .(MO an acre. Twenty years ape (V, rites oil" ••orm.pur.dcnl) I iie table ra Vo Isr acre.

\v;m Air X. It. .Mob ill" (not Mel

viHe, ;e, publl-ihcil in ’i\ eduesday ‘Mimes-/') who gained fust priac fur c.. peri mental science in Hie teachers’ ola:

i) c xa.i’iinatieu this year. A'lr vi 1 la, vho e pai'cnts-; re-isle in U clhne'lau, nl-pas.'i-d his I) .cxiuuinii'ion at Hie sumo tinm. Tho members of (he t’hy (A niusii. wii.h th« .!•’ -gincer and Town Clerk, will pay what may be termed their annual visitlo the WaiiUiienia(a waterworks to-day.

The a-dd ili.cind .•.(•iraj'x aivonimociatiou aml otic, r contemplated wni L; in connection with the proposed extension of the water supply system of I lie city will be inspected. The. (hirot Raino hi (lie match lor the host, of sovoil games, between .Mr Mason (Hie chess champion of New Zealand) ami Mr Bimws, both members of the Wellington Chess (Hub, eras concluded fast evening, when Mr Mason won. The Games .now stand:—Mr Bunion Iwo wins, and Mr Mason one win. The Hallway department is roolalining several acres of land at New .Plymouth, and intends to erect a. new railway station, and place sidings thereon. This step has been rendered necessary by the henry increase in business in tile Taranakl district of recent years. A large number of men arc employed iu connection with the works. Miss M. Dynau. pupil-teacher, lias heen transferred from Ihe Mamikon to 11 i.o Levin School, anil Miss Violet Hollo is to (ill Iho Mauakau vacancy. Mias .Mary Did/,ell has been appointed pnpilI earlier at the Waikunao School, Miss Selina Oliver to Park V ale (Hour Carterton), and Mias Margaret Meßctu .to the llukamu School. Mr Lawrence .Arcus has been appointed a teacher in the Daleiield School. Messrs (A.O.i'’.), Kcr.-duiw and W. (1.0.0. x., M.u.), Mclntyre iKcchahitcis), and Fhuiaghau (U.A.0.D.) havo beau appointed by flic Executive Gonmiittco of the Wellington Friendly Societies’ jubilee Orphanage to carry into eifect the following resolution: “That in the opinion of this executive ic is desirable that the Wellington Fiienelly Societies’ Council should bo the governing body of the Jubilee Orphanage in future.” In Hie case brought by the police in the Magistrate’s Court yesttu'day against Evelyn ilarconrt.Tbr riding a hie veto on a, footpath in lluwkcstone orescent, to Iho danger of persons using such footpath, Dr McArthur reserved his judgment. Mr Ollivier raised. tho point that a footway In, a private .street was not a public place.. Other charges of a similar kind laid against John Walter Williams, Alfred Shorard and Mary Warren wore hold over pending a decision in the first-mentioned case. The Tadiamcntary vote of £3OO for tins encouragement of .swimming iu puolid schools has been alloeated amongst tlio various Education Boards as follows:—Auckland £Ol i)s l()d, Otago £l7 17h Od, North Canterbury £ls Is yd, Wellington £33 4s ■■id. Wanganui i: 1.7 s 7d, Southland £2l 12s, • Hawke's Buy £lB 8a 2d, Nelson £l2 12s, Taranaki £8 18s lOd, South Canterbury £l2 2s 9d, Marlborough £1 Ids Grey £3 IBs 3d, Westport £3 Is -Id. The allocathni has boon made on the basis of tiro average. attendance. Dr McArthur, S.M., yesterday sent Hannah McCarthy to prison for three mouths for being a habitual drunkard. Mary Vaughan, for vagabondage, was similarly punished, an additional sc’intonco of fourteen days being inflicted for drunkenness. Homy' Hargreaves was fined Ids for. drunkuuu&s, and first offenders were morn leniently treated. Stanley Smith was further remanded until Monday on, a charge of having stolon a gold watch .and chain from Harriet llichardson, and a like remand' was made in tlio matter of Ngaliiaa Matu, charged with theft e.f a gun from Thomas Stewart, of Otaihaiiga. The part'* of Imperial officers and lad ies who, under Hie eicevouagc of Mr T. E- Donne, Superintendent of Government Tourist and Health 11 exerts, recently traveled overland to Auckland, via the Wanganui river and Taupe, bad a most agreeable experience. They were delighted with what they saw of the Wanganui river, especially above I’ipiriki, and I lie cameras, which must of them tarried, wore iu retjuhition the whole time. At Tokaauu,. Taiipo ami Wairako the visitors wore most cordially greeted by the Maoris, who. by some mysterious' agency, learned cf their coming, and loaded them with precious gifts. At Tokaauu their reieoption was a warm one, taking, in fact, the form of a public reception, with triumphal arches, etc., complete. The visitors expressed the opinion that tho trip was the most pleasant of all their pleasant experiences in New Zealand.

A special meeting of the City Council was hold yesterday.morning, and was attended by the Mayor, Councillors Barber, Smith. Luke.' Winder. Kv.uis,. Anderson, Murdoch, laiml, Tolhurst and Vfilloston. Tito object, of the nicotine- was to c-on-tirm a special order passed' at a previous meeting abolishing the wards of the city. Councillor Lnki? fonnaliy proposed'a motion continuing the resolution, which was seconded by Councillor Smith. Councillor Anderson opposed the proposal, contending that the change had not been asked for, and that the Question should hs submitted to -the ratepayers. It had been boasted by certain persons that if 'the wards were abolished they would bo able to return all the members of'tho Council from one end of the city. Councillor Izard'supported tho motion, .which .yvoulcl, ,he said,-- bo tho best thing for -tho city, Ho hoped , tiro voting would be unanimous. Councillor Anderson called for a division on the motion, with the result that he was the onlv “no.”

B£j A tvkij’irjnß ofT.ce sad bureau ’is no", open as Duurcbia. DuneJla district. Igo boars of e.~s-.r.v:..x. are; from 0 a.m lo 5 P.m. T'.lrgrarri er? eiiivorcd rc- ' guisily. l.he A'.’au£.duc:ai-;-u Aoerd i s. decided to 'aseepA rho Govcromeiit' ; scheme in legt.rd so limr c::sia ijayrncn: ; of tcsehs-rs tes.rrin; rhs jigdit l" sscure e. ■ < s-isutasde adjuiGneiii fo: . Hie la Hue. V racst cejivXjle isiasiiee wee held lest night by ■"2 . wain Liodeitafsl. whs;! some oi tho new musts brought out h" the society';, popular conductor (.Mr leobsil Parker) was; put in rehearsal. las uni cunt cl er.thu’iyrni di. played-by nisuibcv;; went a iony v.s-iy to show t"s‘ she ■■• scent king rest they have had has lv the cllcct ci a-wukejj I us' osise a nc.w ialcrcss iu thcwsmh c‘l 1,.e sosieiv. -iiL.ic-luvurs >A .■ j look foi-v-aid to a grs;o musis-nl treat mi tho next apoesraa c oi the iV citing ton Licdcr!Hei in iiublie. The i.i uu*! weekiy .re cu best aid under tho ;i imp icy:; of I, lie dJissions to Sctuiieii via,, g'ivi.n by ah’ ,1. Moore last evening, tJicrc being a largo attcadn’lteo of sailor-.. I he; V hss Jiinti as to iioiv to deal with accidents, various bails on health, were gi; cu. -Mi ftxcclloiit iuiisi- ■ on I prcs'ii'amnia was coni Hbu ted by Airs llano, iiisi.-.ts-d by .’.lives • t/hnlkc-r ami Daniel ami A.fc-:.,i.-; Rurtbu, Thonipson ami Lugse. Mi Aloorc i,-, leaving fur a short holiday, mid opportunity wars taken so wi-;h him ii jibrnsaul. trip amt a safe return. A motion.-of sympat liy was pa-seMi to the mother of Air A;-h----.lcy, (lie sailor ivlio- died in the huspuai on Thur.-.diiy.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4295, 2 March 1901, Page 5

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LOCAL AND GENERAL New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4295, 2 March 1901, Page 5

LOCAL AND GENERAL New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4295, 2 March 1901, Page 5