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Tfiid CLEMENCY OF THE CROWA--Ibo lie vernei on;. is uudeiateod !r vc under cm.w.iissadon tin que.ti 01 extendin'; the dernenoy ct the Crot 1 " a cerUun number oi. prUoiitra in t rmok, of tin i- 'onvja >J the •' ev.-loa uf King Ed.wrJ. a imgfovs ' c i i r- a. A ciivier pigeon heicnginy to Mr •Lynch, r;f d'.artiuly terrace, iu U. oily, wy , idaeir.'l Ireai an up-count rw-v/nv Metisa en Saturday !y :. did ant bene . M AV' A. .a V.hen ace a. !,<,■•■ ’ , lot' m Wc!h:f;;tou line i c -a ssw 'd'.e- e : A o rei. a. _et mo <voa ; a I A.;,. .a. |a. The d 0 ■ ; ■ O" ■ • -Pd lir i:■ t-vd: rnav !,,,.y ~ l-v' y. y ay; hoA avard I*; r.iv.r .mu fob. .u.i-e fA, IAjIA H '•r- .0 d ; bat : !,'• hi: I '' ii'-oi/ni o; ■d, I'; a,: ; na -yicivvod, hut that red ! !,i> Jvndi of kind ncordr., -,v!j „e , P ii-ee vheu n had rO uvbnal. d ■d IVD'AiJ. 'd/Aißrxdd; cox or n,r>rnAMLI/ifits. Tha - ’' Ab>iv Zea'-ioa Ft iirniilh rd it; operaiive As-ncailion, LiiiJilt'd, eoa; Seeiiead oijerab intia y P -■-i!.-; , '■ hr neoeni i iou i > a, cuui idno lion oi. n;o-P o the M>it 1 ,pi X'c.,- /oaiau' 1 , ’ovuiad vrLtJ t!io oi/jc, I of lai.iitg ■A- I; r,v of fleur KO far ua lia> niill.-. are eoiiceriie'd, ii a I>J oi’i 0 O'f I;;./, 1, !■ i i I! ll' I•> 1 ■Oi 1 d 111,1 the nre-aiic ary ae’r.e'o’-, iiiiila- v, hi'di t!u r. m!,'ng nuil-, I i/niput U tile a-. oiiiiion, ano v.ii! cell to Uu ’■jilhil, , fur o period of tv.’o year.:; 31 r it Alee',;, of Oa.un'l’l', is l'v iitnei >.:i 1(1-; dh eciy ot ;he a:-.-uv::diou. am Me.-a-r., J. l . V/. irtito and ho. are (lu \\’cllingi. u a a cut 2 . ’.VVhk.INOTOX (IAKKJ.St 3 If,AM), With ivlVrou-v In (he cniuilienl;n Inb ’i have ! >.vn taade on I lie Wcllirt;. to" (iarri on biand'-, \\, irurn •he VdaUgWHU eoufed, .Mr T. llcrd, haiahna. iin i;f i !u; AVeilinylon Garmon Jbi'ub ha; inrale an explanation lo a '•'Timte' 1 I'eno. I or. Of e-nir.-e, Ah- (bn! .lory, !„H ~1 ion !,v die f i l-iia; a red i’IMMU a (aer, i.i' ,I har e (ie"n eire il il-Ml, hut hr consider., U, riea 1 o the hand ho i.t.idaln its no..if ion in I lie mil (or. 'J ho (land, lo- say... colored lor lile eoniprlil ion i tire.; non'! !i ; ago, iii gemi iailh, and inniej the ladi- i I led, il wouii! he nhle < o ccnipelr. Am i ll" hack as ir.vo .ninidb-; ;o'o hi- eonnnein I Ihe ’ora rid ee of (be te |jAa--o fur l.dn; 'xnaiiet il.ioil The imy uanf call-; unon (he, baud sinec if. won the (diri-.lrliureh. exliibiiion eonle- ■ liave, however, rendererl it. iiupossihle for the band to put in an appearance in anything like its full aimigth. As a sample of the risks that ( lie bandsmen undergo, it may bo mentioned that one im-mber of I In; band vra.-;; discharged from, id-; employment for losing half a da - , at tin,’ reeeption. ef the Indian I roups eu Holiday ki.jf. Ad r .Herd iceogoi (dial, (he %v ltiri.lni.ival of the Ganmo.i Ihnn.l. will, remove a big attraction from the c-eulest, I )U +, iu ,'pisl'ee to the hand and zlu ropula-tion, lie eonid :nnt appear v.rtli only a seel ion of it;> members, on srieh an importiuit occasion. The expem.:) i 1 auolluT ciillianl(y, eonsidrrimr (lie nrmy e.i'ls made npiui Hie h.ui il lately; still, (hat objection, he says, could have been got over if a milder erii'ld have been counted upon. Air Herd i - somewhat amused a! the man oaf ion. that lie is afraid to meet some of (he competitors (hat liave entered for the contest., and eau afford to let it. lias.'', dt is true that tho band, did lose some of its best phiycrs, but that was ;ot:i inuatli.-; ago, and sine" I'.nt lime it won tho exliibiiion contest at Christchurch, plainly showing that il had quite got ever the loss. Air Herd says that the charge of professionalism levelled at the- band is contemptuously splenetic, and is not crni(iucivo to that friendly rivalry that should characterise all such contests. A, .MEMORIAL -TO QUEER VICTORIA, lii many quarters people are wondering in what way they can erect a. suitable ami porruiiuout memorial to our late beloved Queen. Attention is being called to a. -chomc which is felt to bo appropmlo, c.iul one l which from its very na.Liire should commend itself to th e ovmpatli.v of most . people. It Is proposed thitt a, .school for iMucri girls be established similar to the one doing such excellent work at Ilukarnro, Napier, which, however, is altogether inadequate for ilm voquiremeuts of both islands, it being: always/ full and constantly obliged lo reitfeo applications, A start wast made to found such a school in Auckland a. few yearn ago, in comivifiuoratrjn of the Queen’s .Diamond

, Jubilee, and known as the Queen Vic- ' tor : a. School for Maori Girls. Since, however, the whole comnumity owes a debt to the Maori nice, it is now proposed to take ii|> this as a colonial rather than a local scheme, and place it upon a satisfactory hash; by endeavouring to raise a. sum of say £IO,OOO. At the recent meeting of tho Anglican General Synod lu Id iu Napier, the matter was discussed, and tlio following resolution was passed:—“Tliah this Synod Ins beard with warm approval of tho movement on foot to establish the Queen Victoria School for Maori Girls in Auckland, as a. permanent memorial iu Mew Zealand cf our late beloved Uuoon, and oommends the effort to the sympathy of the church people of the province.*" It is now ucsirod that tins scheme should bu paw into effect with as littlo delay as possible, and au appeal is being tiiudo to the public to assist. Tho followin'’; reasons, ‘ for supporting the scheme are urged :—l. The claim ol our Maori sisters upon ns for Christian education is a very strong anti very urgent one. Successful efforts have been mado iu various centres for tlio education of the boys, but comparitiveiy little has been done for tlio girls, ft is of lUlle iiir expecting a. higher moral and spiritual tone iu the Maori kahigas if the women of the future are. left without, (bat. elevating influence which only Christian education can supply. 2. Very little has been douo in the past by (lie women of Mow Zealand for their Maori .dsters. '1 Jus will, give a fresh opportunity before it is tc;. fate. M. A school for -Maori girls would be a, must lilting memorial to our beloved Queen in thiil it would carry out pn object always dear to her heart, viz,, the bimefiling of the women of the native races over which she ruled. 4, Auckland lias been, selected as the most suitable poidiinu, because fa) the largest number of Alivris 08,000’) reside hi that: diocese, ami it is the centre of some of the larged. tribes; (hi less has been done for I hem in the nay of education Hum, for I ho.-e iu other parts: and (c) a small vt ommcnccmcnt has already b.oen inado the re. o. It is believed that, (he Maoi is tiicmseives will cordially sympathise v ith and give assistance to the scheme, v, hich is heartily comm ended by the I’rimate of iNe.v Zealand, ffe are roquested to state that subscriptions sent to 3lis Fancourt, Thorndon quay, Wellington. will be publicly acknowledged. Airs Wallis, of Bishcpsconrt, will receive subscriptions on her return to Wellington.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4295, 2 March 1901, Page 5

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TOPICS OF THE DAY New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4295, 2 March 1901, Page 5

TOPICS OF THE DAY New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4295, 2 March 1901, Page 5