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TAHUN A PARK TROTTING CLUiL pkkss associatio.v. DUNEDIN, February 23. The first day '(..l the Tahitna. Pai! fretting Cil'.h’s Electing was veil a tended. The sum of C 3107 was pas a through the machine, as against JUHi-} last year. Result,: • - Trial Handicap, of 30 so'.. tv.' miles. - Tonic, 7-or, I ; .Aliracio 2: Pic Willow, A-cc, 3. Tim;., Amin .'{•> 2-Aac. Dividend, Cl 10,-. Steward,’ Pony Handicap, of -Id sir. - : two miles.-—Cohden, 22.-oc, 1; dohi i: ' 11. 2; Hi’da. J Isec, 3 Tim,-', Amin 18:>ec. Dividend, L'J 1.”.,. Progressive llandicap (harness), of 4 i -ov.s; two miles.—Sc. Simon. 0.-mc. 1 . Dromedary, llsoc, 2; Sn-ic AViidc. Usee, ,‘i. Tlirce other-? started. TireAmin 46.hc0. Dividend, ,C.l 12 . Tahuna Cup, of i!i() ; ov, ; two mii’ —Biuhon, 21sco, 1 ; Answer, 23sec. 2 Afodcsty, 2osec, A. Abo .-.tartec' Premier m.t, AVizard 12scc. Alani lAsec, Plan 2 isec. Daybreak 2Asec Derby 27seo, Miss Wilkin 27sec. AVo by four lengths. Time, Amin !;,et Dividend, Cl Bs. Ladies’ Bracelet, of 40 so vs : < i milo and a half.—Michael. 29.-:cc, 1 Donald, 27,sec, 2; Felix, lAsce, f

1 imo, -1 min !2see. Dividend. Cl. 1-1 . Anniversary Handicap (harness;, n 100 sovs ; one mile and a, half.—iln-.i Prince, l.’Jseo, 1: Strathmore, P), i c 2: All Day, l-'isce. It. Six other--. sta. v t ed. Won by thirty lengths. Time 3min .3-1 see. Dividend, £l3 16*. I Dunedin Pony Handicap, of 2A sovs one milo and a half.—Gwynne, A.-ee, i Ltz, losco, 2; Johnny 11., , osee, A Time, 4min 12sec. Flcctric Handicap, op -VI sovs; e-w mile.—A’ictor. 12;-ec, .1 ; Answer, Asr : 2;- Garry Owen, 12-av, IL Time, 2m : ; 38:-ec. Dividend, £2 2-. Dash Handicap (ha iTIP-' i, (if .ji) S')V one milo. ’ — Strutlnnorp, I I . i; Dromedary, Itlsci;, 2; All Day, 1t!,.,-;.-3. Time, 2inin -17src. Divides;’, / Ids. OTAH lIHU TROTTING CLUB. A [JOKLArVD, February 23. For the hist day of tlio Ohihe 1 : Trotting Club’s Summer .Meeting t! weather was overcast air! the go;; fairly heavy. Ihe attendance was Urea Iho sum of .62898 10s Hirer'’ the tote lisa tor in 10s ticket.',. Ittnlts :

Maiden Trot, Tland'cip, one ini'o a.r a halt.—The Anleern.t, 37soc, I: Ala

tha, tiOseo, 2; Tattle Torn,, ,' Scratched—Co'ensu and lonely Florenc Time, drain 35soc. Dividend, 2ns. Maiden Pony Trot, five fin-longs.— TJrooklnnd, 1; Spray, 2; Motokorca, ,* Time. Imin Olsce. Dividend, 31 1 Scratched—Soultfish, Venn?,, Katikan and Miss O’Rourke. Ota holm Trotting Cr.p, two miles.— Jokor. 22scc, 1; Hollywood, 36>cc. 2 Coh, 32sec, 3. All started. Time, smi 39sec. Dividend, 295. 1 Hurdles, one mile and a half.---Vr mis, 1 ; Fairy, 2: Sprcydon. Scratched— Hinomoa, Flower and Nc haven. Time, 3min Dsoe. Divider!'’ £4 2s. Harness Trot, two miles,—Holly woof 3Gsoc, 1 ; Duke C.. 14scc, 2; W'-oniA SfXsec, 3. Scratched—lluon Loigl; Time, oinin 42sec. Dividend, £1 ss. Suburban Pony Handicap, .six finlongs and a half.—Miss Lane, 1; To; sail, 2; Certain, 3. Scratched-—Lnd TTowi; Ker. Talisman and Snultdsl Time, Imin 31Lsec. Dividoud, £1 13s. Eiecdric Trot Handicap, ono mile.— Little Agues, 2Dscc, 1; Comet V. 20scc. 2; Joker, 9scc (including ssci penalty), 3. Scratched—Gay Belle Time, 2mtn JlXsoc. Dividend, £5 19s. Flying Stakes, live furlongs.—Lad) Doshoro, 1; The Spray, 2 ; Miss Lane 3. Sm-alchcd—Bavaria. Athol, Hint raoa. Fairy Tale and Katikara. Time Imin 81 see. Dividend, £1 3s.'


On the tracks this morning, Sm Fran ran twelve furlongs in 2miu 50scc and Bride and- Dreamland the sara distance in 2min 52scc. Advance an Borons covered five furlongs in linn s;;ec Advance went particularly well doing his work easily. Finland am Fleet Admiral ran a mile in Imin 52sec Watoh Dog half a mile in 53 2-ssec, Fulminate half a mile in Slsec. LCarabine and dean Sweep covered fourteen furlongs in 3min 16iscc. Retting— Wakeful was well backe at 5 to I for the Newmarket- Handicap Fulminate and Watch Dog, worn eac backed for £2OOO at 12 to A. Advn.nowas firmer at 10 to 1. Fortune Telle was backed for £SOOO, and is not quoted at 25 to 1. There is nothing doing on the Cup. (Receiver February 24, 4.37 p.m.) MELBOURNE. February 24. Lancaster and Sagacity ran half a raib in 52sec. Foret galloped a mile in Imi 49isec, and Dandy Dick the same distance _in a soccnd 1 ess’. Wita light weight up Stagolighf ran six furlongs in Imin- 12} sec and was not extended. Town Clack" ant: The Turk gaßopod a mile strongly. Res. common ran six furlongs smartly'on tin tan, and defeated Lady Atratna. Fad ladoen strode round at thrce-quavtc pace.

Duke of Portland has been scratchci for the Newmarket Handicap. _ There has been no change in the bet ting market.

DUNEDIN JOCKEY CLUB. DUNEDIN, February 22. The following acceptances have bee: received :

First Hurdles, of SO so vs; ouo mil and three-quarters.—llex 12st 51b Dundee list 71b. First Hack Handicap, of GO sovs : on mile.—La Reino Bst 121 b, Gladys 11. 8-

91b, Terrapin Bst 41b, AVild AVest 7s' lllb, Muscovite 7st 91b, Redan 7*t 51b Ayrdale 6st lllb. Gunrose (Ist iOll.r Stockmaid 6st 91b, Fighting Alac 6s' 71b.

Dunedin Cup, of -100 sovs; one and o-balf miles.—Tortulla Bst 131 b. Paladi' Bst tUb, Stratlmairn Bst 71b, Cameo !V filb, Jupiter Sst 51b, Nihilist Sst 211', Pampero 7st fllh, Glcnaladnln 6st 10lb. Publicans,’ Handicap, of 150 sovs; seven furlongs.—St. Denis Sst 31b, Her mesa Bst 21b.. Red Banner 7st 131 b Hyn nr,list 7st 12tb, Brisa 7st 71b, Gladys IT 6st 13ih, yfagnificeiit 6st 111 b. Stewards’ Welter Handicap. of fe! sovs ; six furlongs.—Goldspur list s!b Decoy lOsfc Hb. St. Denis 9st 131 b, Brisa list olb. Spider Pst 31b, La Heine 03 Cadet Sst 121 b, Off Chance Sst 101 V Senior Wrangler Sst 71b, Hellene 3-1 21b. Lady Madge Sst. Champagne Stakes, of 150 sovs; sly furlongs.—-Menschilcoff 9st 101 b, Red Gauntlet 9st 31b, Canteen 9st lib. Windwhistle 9st, Count of Kolmer Sst 101 b. Entries for tho Maiden Plato:—Lore Rule, The Sluraberer. Muscovite. V del West, Blackpool, Wild Lily, Grand Shot Koimu-i, Terrapin, Redan. Mosca., The following; arc the general entries for the Dunedin Jockey Club's autumn meeting:

Selling Race, of 40 sovs; sis furlongs.

—Lord Rule, Sub Rosa, Silvermaid, Belligerent, AVitcheraft, Young Fox, Norinc, Illumination, Scimitar, Tno Czar, Battlcory, Proposal, Galileo. Disposal Handicap, of 50 sovs; seven furlongs.—Lord Rule, Sub Rosa, Young Fox, Silvermaid, AVitcheraft, Norine, The Czar, Belligerent, Proposal, AVihl ; Trial Handicap, of -10 .sores; six furlongs.—Lord Rule, Terrapin, Muscovite Blackpool, Western Belle, Young Fox, Slmnberer, AVild West,, Koinnri, Airedale, Grandshot, Hellene, STTarpshell, Mosca, Lady Madge, Secret Service, Galileo. AA'ingatui Stakes, of 125 sovs; six furlongs.—Komuri. Goldspur, Mensreiiilioff, Rod Gauntlet. Farewell Handicap, of 60 sovs; one mile.—Decoy, Spider. Brisa,' Illumination, Cherrystone, Silvermaid, Bracken, La Koine, Belligerent, Grandshot, Nihilist, St. Dennis, Proposal. STRATFORD RACING CLUB. The following weights have been declared by Mr J. E. Hon.’-ys for the above meeting ; Handicap Hurdles, one mile! and a half.—Alamaku 12sl; Alb, Heart Whist 91b, Sultana 10st 91b, Puango lOst 91b, Ornprah lOst 21b, Avant Garde 9st 81b, Discount 9sr 71b, Wee Guard 9st Sib. Patroclus 9st 3ib, P'urutia, Alorpliina, Exception and Buckshot 9,st. St. Patrick's Hiindicap, one mile and a quarter.—Dartmoor lOst 31b, Tukapa 9st 71b, AVild A r ixen Bst 81b, Siandra Bst 71b, Bowman Bsfc 41b, Brown Bill Bst, ( Haydn Bst, Puanga 7>.t 91b, St. Ada 7st j 81b, Otaio 7st 71b, St. Vincent 7nt 71b, Sydney 7st 31b, Erapleyor 6st 101 b. Flying Handicap, six furlongs.—Dartmoor lOst, Tukapn 9r,t 91b, Lady 801 l 9st 31 b, Alariantbus Bst 121 b, Wai-iti 8»t

121 b, Somnolent Bst 1 Dib. Discount Bst 31h, Firing Jib Bst 3lh, Bones Bst 3!!,', Bugler Bst Sib, Kohina 7st 131 b, Mary 7st 111 b. Roikura 7st 91b, Sophia 7st 41b, Kiel brook 7st 21b, Tupara, Puketapu, Pikimai, Crawler, Waircka. Motoura and Fakir 7st, Van Cst 11.1 b, Golden Crown Gst llib, Thcsbe, Forward Guard, Tinpiiti. Koniki, Miss Guard (late Florin) and Flying Shell Gst Ihib. Welter Handicap, seven furlongs.— Taplow list 91b. Tukana. list 11b, Lady Bell lOst 91b, Wai-iti lOst 81b, Mariantlms lOst 31b. Flying Jib lOst, Str Ada 'lst I,llb. Heart Whist 9,;t 101 b, Pyroxlyn 9st 71b, Kohma 9st 71h, Omprah 9st 3ih. Otaio 9st 3lh, Wee Guard 9st. Sydney Sst 13Ih, Mc-tnura Bst 91b, Fakir Bst 11 h. Golden Crown Bst 71b, Morphine, Bst 71b, Purutia Sst 71b, Employer Sst 71b, Masher Sst 71b, Hirangi B'st 711), Kaipai S;t. 71b, Woodwork Sst 71b, Buckshot Sst 71b.

Stratford Cup. one mile.—Taplow 9m 131 b, Dartmoor 9st 13!h, Tukapa Ost 61b, Wai-iti Sst 121 b, Lady Bell Sst 91b, Bowsprit Rst 91b, Siandra Sst 51b, Wiki Vixen Sst 31b, Bowman 7st 131 b. Somnolent 7st 121 b, Tokatca, 7st 111 b, Bones 7st 91b, Haydn 7st 8!b, Brown Bill 7st 3!b, Maro 7st 71b, Discount 7st 31b, St. Vincent 7st, Pikimai Gst 101 b. Puketanu Gst 101 b, Motoura Gst 101 b, Waireka. Gst. 10!b, Van Gst 101 b, Impati Gst 7!b, Tbesbe Gst 7ib, Forwa.i-d Guard Gst 71b Werekino Gst 71b, Employer Gst 71b, Flying Shell Gst 71b.

By his victories at Egmont, Dartmoor has incurred 71b penalty at Woodville.

J. Armstrong left on Saturday last for Woodville with Gipsy Jack, who is expected to run well there. Mr N. H. Hayr. the Auckland totalisation proprietor, left for Sydney on ■Saturday, to attend the V.R.C. Meeting next month.

Mr James Cook, Air Hnyr’s manager, leaves for Dunedin to-dav" and will be present at the D.J.C. Meeting this week.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4290, 25 February 1901, Page 3

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SPORTING. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4290, 25 February 1901, Page 3

SPORTING. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4290, 25 February 1901, Page 3