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THIS DAY'S SADR AT JPJNXAY jyjTcLEOD AND £JO.’S 57, CUBA STREET. A COMPLETE CLEARANCE. LAST PEW DAYS OP SALE. Remnants in Dress Goods. Black and Coloured Calicoes, Sheetings. Towels. Rare and exceptional Millinery at Half-price. Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Ribbons, Laces, Ties, at Clearing Prices. FINL.AA M'LiEOD & CO 57, CUBA STREET. 012 Watson THREE 2 -; ; V if; STAB WUsky IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. SALE I SALE! O 818 N i A L r» . BA M ART. PEACHES APRICOTS PEARS ... KEROSENE lOd. Tin lOd Tin lOd Tin «d Tin . »« Tin CAMPBELL'S. il, MANNERS 51ßi... t. AND CORNER WILSON & EIDDIPOBD STREETS. NEWTOWN, H JAMES GODBER, MELBOURNE HOUSE. 81 and 86, Cuba street, AS just imported a large etock of CARR’S CELEBRATED BISCUITS, Also, new and beautiful novelties in TABLE DECORATIONS, Eto., To arrive ex Tekoa. A large quantity of nplendid CHRISTMAS GOODS. Latest design, in WEDDING CAKES. Inspection invited. Strawberries and Cream, Ices, etc., usual. 724 NSW GOODS For AUTHMN AND WINTER WEAR. * A. PATERSON, TAILOR, 43, CUBA STREET, . JS now landing a Choice Shipment of TWEEDS. SERGES. VICUNAS AND WORSTEDS. OVERCOATS MADE TO ORDER—A SPECIALITY. A. PATERSON UP-TO-DATE TAILOR, Cuba street ft Every dog has his day,” and every man has his dqy to wear glasses. The changes which come to the eye as the result of advancing years are beyond the power of the individual to remedy. The eye hitherto normal will need the aid of glasses at less than ten years after thirty-five. The future welfare of your eyes depends upon your first glasses. They must be right—Just Bight. Either too strong or too weak means injury at this period. We know the eye and its needs. ALFRED LEVI, 39, LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON. T. H. MORRISON, Manager. ABSOLUTELY PURC THEREFORE THE BEST. GEM CO.’S EXTRACT OF MEAT • smnr tr*., gkayilh. so in*. a* vena, 6a.—4 very little it fcfco ...i w,wit n! pounds of pn«i laeat. OMoSuabit throughout tin CfcAoagv RSt FOH IT, »«ci Take Bite €M<soy£ THE B LRGAINB FOR ALL. 30 DOZ WHITE HONEYCOMB TOWELS, Is lid doz 35 DOZ WHITE TURKISH TOWELS, 3s 6d doz, 4d each 40 DOZ WHITE TURKISH TOWEL usual price lid, now Is 4d pair 27 DOZ WHITE TURKISH TOWELS usual price Is Id, sale price. Is fid .pair 29 DOZ WHITE TURKISH TOWELS, usual price Is 3d, Is fid, f ‘ 2s, now Is, Is 2d, Is fid PLAIN AND TWILL SHEETING, d, 9d, lOd, Is 3d, 2s, worth from lOd to 2s fid WOMEN’S RIB AND PLAIN CASHMERE HOSE, fid. Bd, lOd, Is, Is 3d, Is fid, Is Od, 2s, 2s fid, 3s fid; usual price was from 9d to 4s 200 LADIES’ NEAT PRINTS, Is fid, 2S, 2s fid, 3s, 3s 9d, 5s fid; usual price 2s, 2s 9d to 5s fid 500 PAIR LADIES’ BLACK AND TAN KID GLOVES, Is. Is fid, 2s, 2s fid, 3s fid. Is Gd, ss; were sold previous. Is 9d, 2s up fis 9d 600 LADIES’ SKIRTS AND BLOUSES. Now is the time to get good, cheap. Skirts and Blouses, all made on (he premises MEN’S SUITS, all wool tweed, 15s fid, 17s fid, 21s, 2Gs fid to 40s, all reduced iroin 21s to 50s TAILORING ON THE PREMISES. STYLE & FIT E. J. WALSH & CO. 75, WILLIS STREET. IRONMONGERY. 'JOS? IRONMONGERY THE CHEAPEST IRON MONGER Tg Now Selling the following at Specia Low Prices for CASH: RANGES—LUKE’S. SCOTTB AND SHAOKLOCK’S AMERICAN STOVES—NEW DOVER AND TASMA, specially cheap TILED GRATES—THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORT MENT IN THE CITY M ANTELPIBOES—SOLID MARBLE, IMITATION MAR BLE AND WALNUT, new design* FENCING WIRE—ALWAYS AT BEDROCK PRICES some slightly damaged will he aold cheap AMERICAN AXES—OUR 3s fid AXE ALWAYS GIVES SATISFACTION BUILDING MATERIAL IRON, FELT. NALLS, RIDGING, faj. uUTING, ENAMELLED OILS, PAINTS, all at Bedrock Priooa for Cash GEORGE WINDER CHEAPEST IBONMOKORB, LOWER CUBA STREET, Writs for Prices. . '-'IASH . g AMPLE*. CASH S^ KS - X*TE have secured a really good Xmas ” TREAT for our Customers. W* have' purchased for CASH the whole of e TRAVELLER’S Samples at less than ENGLISH cost. Wo shall give our customers the BENEFIT of this TRANSACTION for the Xmas Season only. REMEMBEB-NO DUTY FREIGHT or EXPENSES of any kind has been PAID on these goods by us. The-** consist of PLATEDWARB, BBUSHWABB. CUTLERY, ENAMELLEDWARE. I and Household Goods generally, too numerous to mention—only one of each line. CALL EARLY FOR BARGAINS. PRICES IN PLAIN FIGURES, ALL GOODS SPOT CASH. Goods delivered within the City. LAMBTON QUAY. ol and Steel Pills B 6 noiiwwloagoa loading remedy lor all Pe ms) >lainl3. Recommended by the Medical Faculty genuine bear the signature ol| Wm. Martin (re red without which none are genuine). No Lady Id to without them. Order of all Chemists lesela and by post. New Zealand Drug Oo rtchn-.-b Agents - Bharland & 00., Ltd ■ auj bt>(l Wellington, and New Zealand Dru ChTffl*rhnrch TAKE NEUROL for neuralgia. IT CURES. 28 PEE BOX. ROM ALL <gggjgßAOT STOREABSOLUTE GENUINE SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES ■y^sam NOWON AT PEARCES BOOT ARCADE. CUBA STREET. A,& I.BURT LIMITED, WELLINGTON. STEAM SPECIALITIES. A FAIRBANKS’ T| RENEWABLE VULCANISED ASBESTOS DISC GLOBE VALVES. ILIAIEBANKS’ VALVES are distinct -6- from any others. 'Thousands in nse, and, owing to the popularity of this make, many inferior and obsolete valves have come upon the market. Therefore, ask for FAIRBANKS’, and take no other. These VALVES are so constructed that the usual defects known to exist in Globe Valves are eliminated. They ate provided with Vulcanised Asbestos Disc Rings. The Ring is composed of the fibre of Asbestos, to which is added, by patented process, waterproof vulcanising material, making a very datable packing which will not crack or flake off. It is held central on its seat by guides cast on the body of the valve. It is also secured on the spindle without the use of nits, screws, pins, wires or anything that is liable to become detached while in use. The Vulcanised Asbestos King Is forced into a brass holder, and the metal is spun or turned over the edges of the ring, so it cannot drop out. The Disc consists of ring and brass holder complete, ready for use, and can be put into the valve by eimnly removing the bonnet, slipping the old disc from end of spindle, substituting new one and .replacing bonnet; the whole operation squiring only a few moments’ time and no skill. These Vo'vea have a raised round seat upon which scale, grit or- sediment is Isas likely to lodge than on the. broad, fat teats commonly "tised; The Staffing Boxes are all packed with Braided Round Asbestos Packing, which is very dhrsbli, and cannot be blown or washed vuc. _ Used by Steam Ship Companies; Public Works Department, Weilingtor Harbour Board, Freezing Works, D«iry Factories and all intelligent users of steam.. We invite inspection and trial by all Interested in this line of goods. PENBEBTHY INJECTORS. . _ IMPORTANT TO'SKSBAM USERS- ■ jenkins sp.os; mm mm STAND at thy Head, and are always m Jfsrrsa to by American (Steam-Attars, when the Best ie called to r. SOME OF THE REASONS WHY: 1. Contain the Jenkins Disc, whioh is perfectly tight under any and all pressures of steam, and ia not affected by oil or acids. , , 2. Sand or Grit of any kind will not injure the seat. 4. Disc can be renewed by any handy man in a few minutes, without removing the valve from its place. S. In renewing the Jenkins Valve you have only to provide the new disc and not a brass holder as well (as. in other valves on the market), which means a saving of over 60 per cent, in cost of maintenance alone, in favour of the Jenkins Valve. 6. Every Valve tested before leaving the factory. ... JENKINS BEOS, are the original makers of Steam Valves, with renewable discs, in the United States, and, owing to the popularity their manufactures have attained, many inferior imitations have come upon the market. Be sure, therefore, that you get the genuine valves with their registered Trade Mark [JENKINS! oast on the body. . . _ Used by the Union Steam Ship Company and other with the greatSßt satisfaction. JENKINS AND MACK, WEUINBTON. Sola Agents for New Zealand. Q.EORGB THOMAS & CO AUCTIONEERS, FRUIT, GRAIN AND PRODUCT BROKERS, And COMMISSION AGENT*. WELLINGTON FRUIT MARKET. GRAIN and PRODUCE DEPARTMENT, Harris straat. Auction Sales of Fruit and Farm Produos hsld Daily. Furniture and Land Salsa '« arranged. Cask Advances mads -against Consignments of Fruit, Grain and othar Farm Prodaea. Farmers and others who place Fruit, Grain and Produce in our hands may be assured that we do not, under any circumstances whatever, speculate in Fruit and Produce on our own account, and they can rely abeolntely on the fact that our one sole object is to get as high as possible a price for onr client. We have no other interest* to NO CHARGE FOR STORAGE. GEORGE TJ*Ci£AS AhO CO. RALEIGH CYCLES. DEAR SIB OR MADAM,— EE RALEIGH AND OTHER FREE WHEELS. HAVING in view the fact that all plain bearings ini cycles were abolished years ago, we did not rest content until it was demonstrated at the Crystal Palace during the National Show, and admitted by all the principal and independent expert* that we possessed THE BEST ADJUSTABLE BALL-BEARING FRICTION LESS FREE WHEEL on the market. Plain bearing free wheel gears do not, of course, allow cycles to . run as fast as those with ball bearings, or fixed gears, and they are not adjustable. In time the type of plain bearing free will also become free both ways, and ley are not adjustable, in time tne of plain bearing free wheel gear dso become free both ways, and therefore useless. . As tbis. freedom generally happens when the rider is putting pressure upon hie pedals, he is liable to be thrown. Plain bearing free wheel gears have only one advantage, and that is to the manufacture, who can get them made by cheap labour at lees than half the coat, and in one-quarter of the time that it lakes to make ours with ball bearings containing 124 perfectly gauged; steel balls. It ia therefore on account of cheap and quick construction that nearly . all cycle manufacturers, and the principal makere of cycle parts, are pushing the sale of plain bsmng free wheels, most of which, net being really free, are bringing free wheeling W dlsrspute. For further information apply INCUS BROS, wilm» BTfcurr. The westt- t goal comp >' LIMITED. RETAIL DEPOT—The Company’s Retail Depot in Manners street has on baud stocks of COALBROOKDALB COAL and all other kinds of Coal and Firewood, and delivers at any part of the town at current prices. Telephone. No. 222. WASHING DAY *-A PLEASURE BY USING mm os I notice to master butchers. B WELLINGTON MEAT EXPORT COMP ANT,. LIMITED, is prepared to Slaughter Stock lor Batchers upon the following term*; — I, a* Cattle, each ... ... .» 0 Sheep and Lamb* —cb .«• 0 S Pigs and Calves, each ... 1 * For these fee# the Company will provide all labour; the owners will get the benefit of Government inspection, and will be asked only to deliver their stock at, the Company’s Yards, and to remove their meat when dressed. „ The nee of the Company's Chilling Room to a reasonable extent will be allowed to each butcher. .. . . , ~ Hides, sheepskins and fat to be the property of the batcher. . , _ , The blood and each portion* of the offal as are not retailed for food to be the property of the Company. , .. For the information of butchers, .tne charges made for the use of the principal Abattoirs at Dunedin, .without any labour and without the use of an artificially chilled room, are at follows: — Cattle, each J ! Sheep, each JJ • Pigs {under 1001 b) ■•• ® J Pigs (over 1001 b) "* i 2 Calves, each ® * DILNOT BLADDEN, •■eretary. SAUSAGE CASINGS. OPPENHEIMER’S (OF NEW TORE) are THE B*«T. VERT KEG i* gnaimntaed as foh Quality. Aik Your Dealer for Them. IN ICE CHESTS. SHOW CASES NO one should be without one of MAX KEEISSIG’S PATENT ICECTESTB. It will save its own cost in the first twelve months, and wiU last for a Ida-tame.. Any Factory arid Showroom, Willis ■^jr ANTED, home-made Jam to bo put into Jars supplied by Peter Hutson and Co.. Wallace street. I* point* E-NiIWA/ caaava —j> street. Please write for AIR-TIGHT SHOWCASE AND BNCLOSUBBMANUFACTURER. Specimens of onr work may be seen at H. W. Llovd’s. Lambton quarVollauan and Tucker’?. Cuba street, andW. Saleh's Willis street. . Estimates given gratis. Fittings of any description guarantee*. Telephone. UN,

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4289, 23 February 1901, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4289, 23 February 1901, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4289, 23 February 1901, Page 3