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WFJL.LLNG'i'ON THOTTI'NG CLUB. Tin' ; 'iimncr rncci iir.' of fh<■ VVcllin;';.j ll Tripling (Ini) 'i|ieii(:'l !'t the I’etone lici-i i"‘ ion Ground mi Sal nrday. 'llm viea'lcr wa ; fa vei'rahli’. and the uDcn.lnumbered about JOOO people. I *:<• lii-ripe jm i"! oil without protest or nni-'en-im! i’f".., nl . 111 v kim!. 'I lie ( bri-t----i"i:;eii i;i)iil:ini/,' , )i I ;, i) i I < -r i eh imir nt 1 ■• c ' ■even fvcuk. Huriug I h' 1 :i (I cr ri'in lie of .LWTH M:- «-H" I.<e ■ ■•'l' i brough I lie I oi, 'lien lor, v.luu'i worked in :> :a I i .Mac! orv itninii' r I Air -/o'fii'li Amm anil e! -liK. Ticket., nn nil racci mere Hie. "e■ 11a 1 1* tho |iri'ie:'e..l cv'-itt, in wli!co they were Cl. Tiie um'!in;: was manamrl ; t , „ nifi-ifiietory numnor. Followin'; me dc'-ail . - Trial iI ,• min"-, jt a Mb -m harm--). of *.u JVM'JVC •> lit Tv.’H ;' -; y iX - . iVUiu’ ’-r \\\ Vrin^ui>h. I,v Vanoleve, 2 ]-.■<• (OiM)en ■■■ ■ ;;i Air J. Mi l.ernoii’-; li m Sunny Dove. aged. 18-<c (\V. O'auge; 2 113 Mr J. Sbaipe'-: h g Revenge, Ogl'd, BOsCf (( lll'IiCl'! • • ••• ’’ Al-0 aml oil A i'l.mii.e kb-er, d Kpnai. :ic.,r, 1 civile 11. e-, 9 '’erkaway « i 2 Hilda 10-.-c. 1 Naughty '-'nl Y.i ni|iii-di ii.- nee.' ii 1 o b M in 1 i»* t-ji■ ini round, mi‘l l ,v ■' * '[?'■ " length-. Time. Amin A)-:,-. iot'ilwm tor, 2 !•); dividend. i! U- !{•' il wa v I) nnn ie.'.p (barm--/. <>l : ‘;P 11V. ; seeinni imr-e I" i'<' '• ‘' ■> r '‘ from Ike Millie. One mil" aji-J n lent, "o ij, if. I Vine’-. A g butorc. It" \'-\U '■ -oil r.'.-TM ;'e‘-n. (OlVIK’!') J i-.i af j fVHic'- f> £ I'i'ivliiui. "■ 2A-ee (Ik Fdwaal-) , ... -2 .),, ir. T Whilakcr 1/ n ’■ ml In, t.owm--) - ..••• „( 1 1 Vei,, :;n-e<.»itkev.v Tim linn: bnr-c w:i-t Mvice passed ). v \dm 1,1 vim Ink Imr positmii through 1,. ...I ’ K 'illif'il I lino with :( Inf; 'T ( Mv liiii-li. mil w"' only beaten ; I ,|||- e lenelli. Tolilli-nMnr. GlOl I iliv nleiid, L'i o>‘. Time. -J min tkec. Welliii 1 ;,Ion Troltlriy W"(> . .11andica;) (sudilie or inmie.-si. of 75 mivs ; .-.eeond Jior '■ lo rcenirc U> and tliinl lior-.o A mows from the stake-. Two liliin-l. I

Mr V. Sauim-L'-. b g The -Uomber, by Elomionoc-r. *oc (M. ,) ... , ■■■ 1 1« ilr M. Ti(l«.inl‘.V f-h m a cod, Usee ‘Owner) - -Ji; V(|- A. Bm' bm. Day- o bf'-ak, I'lscr M’ipm-) - A'-o started—l Bodmiro .-.or. The Member assumed trie load at. a mile, ,-uid avas not afterwards win. lint; easily. '1 nfah-ml nf, J-tO; dividend, £2. Time, -miiu IGscc. Di-tri.t Handicap (-addle or harness;, if ■'! 1 iov.s; second horse to receive ;; vm : s from the slakes. . Two miles. 177 Mr K. Middment’s blk g Kddie, f,v Brookfield —fairy, Oyt‘s, oDscc fil. Edward-.) , ••• ••• 1 5i *, 1 r . T. Craig’s I) ft Sieve Hart, aged, ilArr (Owner) ■■■ -i \jj. ,v_ VV rigid Vs hlk m Hilda, aged, :!2>ec (Owner) M Mso started— 25 Revenge -loscc. Oj Epuni 2 Civile If. te*ce, CM Bn-oktiold disco, IB Comet; .'Msec, 0, C : Uaos :! (> Xemtlitv Girl 20.scc, lo Men l nut 1 22sco. -IT Violin ll'.-oc, 7 The General scratch. . . Revenge led tor a mile and a naJt.| when Eddie took tbe lead, "lie -latlei'i ,va.- uni afterward iu-tided, and -von by. 1,,,;,- dozen lengths. Tota lisa tor, 1 £1110; dividend, £l. Time, drain 00-sce. | President’s Ilandieap (saddle), of 30 ( s o vs; second horse to receive 5 sovs from the stakes. One mile and a half. 91 Mr MeFarlanc’-t b in Berlin Maid, by Berlin, aged, losco | ill. Bay) 1 e.’iti Mr T. Martin’s ht; Answer, ! aged, iltiec- (Owner) ... ... 2 ITS Mr E. Maidmonl’s bhi Flavin. I ■At:, J'lsrc of. Edward;;,) ■■■ 3 Also started—" T)cv,Mro(> 22aee, 31 Dollv Vai'r/on l.Ssee. Id Jlayhrc-ait Bseo,' 3b Lord Harold scratch. I Lord Harold was left at the post and, too!.; no part in Uw race. Berlin Maid caught the limit, horses in the first half, au-i" ivim by id;; lengths. Tolalisator,' £'.. ri ! Ids; dividend, £3. Time, 3min ,~iS 2-oscc.

!). ’. Handicap liuri'Ks), of 30 sovs; fccond horse So receive o so vs from the stakes. One mile. ,57 Mr J. A. Burkin ml's Valor. by Vtmelcve—Wtuspcr, 4yrs, lOscc (Piper) ... 1 27 Mr T. Yarr’s b « Monte Carlo, ' I aged. (11. ,Fdwards) ... - 1G Mr M. Edwards's b m Vickery, • aged. senttcfi (Owner) ... ... 3 The* only starters. Valor assumed a. gc*id lead, and won easily by six lengths. Tetalisutv.r, £SO; dividend, 15s. Time, 2min 3!)sec. • j Elect ric Handicap (saddle!, of 110 sovs ; j second horse to receive o sovs from I lie stake. One mile I K'e Hr W. Cragg’s b m Sweet Marie, by Young Berlin, oyrs, 18sec j (i'uliy) ... 1 1-VJ Mr J. Petrie's eli g Honour, aged. i.Osec I’. Edwards) ... 2 37 Mr J. Sharpe's b _g Perewite, aged, 16joc (Jobu Sharpe) ... 3 Also' started—3 FUukaway IGaec, Sl7i Comet 1-lsce, 23 Steve Hart J2sec, 2, Trio 12boc, -1 Naughty Girl .lOsoc, 4 Flavin- Smog. 2 Kosetle 3;;cc, 1 Veto scratch. ’The limit tnaro was never caught, and won by 10(1 yards. Totalizator, £2Ui; dividend, ill Gu Time, 2min

HANDICAPS FOR WEDNESDAY. The following are the handicaps for; Wednesday: 1. , ii Handicap; two miles. The! General scr, Viotta. Flavin 7sce, Dolly j Vardcn 11. 9see, Reality 20sec. Montreal 2,1 sec. Naughty Girl 26sec. Hilda 30sec, (pony). Ladv Brook SGsec. Brookfield fifeec, Ksvongo J2soc. Clyde 11.. Ef-nni 50soc. Hnlt Handicap; one mile.—Vickery scr, Monte Carlo. 2see, Valour 6see. The Member "see, Strathmore. Hoyal-v.-r vd 17soc, Roselle 20<ec, Dewdrop 22 sec. PAi.-ne Kcndicap ; two miles.—-Monte Ci.-i !<> scr. Lord Harold. Answer 17sec. Rt-.hnire 19sec. Nantes 20soc, Murmur 2‘Aee. Bob E.T., The General 24scc, A’’ Day 2(Hcc. Roynlwonu 27« cc, Daybreak 28-ce.'es’ Bracelet • one mile and n half, —•'.•"ulta. Flavin, Sweet Mario scr. Real! tv Msec, Naughty Girl Msec. ‘Fragment Usee, Comet (cony), Rocket, TallvHo, Cincinnati, IF. 21scc, Brookfield 22sec, Perowilo 22 - iec, Chaos 26scc. Plunger (UISOC. Borough Handicap; one mile ami a half. St rat bum re scr. Veto 4scc. Sweet. Mori’'' )sec. Vanriuish, Dewdrop, Montreal LTec, Steve Harle. Hilda. Ebonite. Epuni 20sec. Telegraph Handicap; one mile.— Valour scr. The Member luce. Answer, Berlin Maid, Murmur 7sec, Sweet Mario. Flavin loscc. Dolly Varden 11. Usee, Honour ISsec.


A eood dll'! of in 'imr work n> oof Mn-oiinli a - !!,<■ iJ lit t on Snturdai llion'ilin. -Mm l e! '.lie volk wm- Mint' -j,, f tie p!om/l'- ■.vl,ioli is "e y fast. s( iinmli ■ o k I.a: ■.mm ' ho trainers wen uniler ;li ; . i-ion tie' oroide! vne -Ijiiil. Fir-1. I lined 'M'/iiicnj mei Knsliii/,i (V.'d.oii' '.wm' .-in iorlonn, at rle'ii lii'-l p.jef i e ilm plo'mli. Blood ii n i,iieil. aboiil live lens tin, in front, but did not kttoi'K Fii.-.liioti about. Fir.-e. Blood ivc,. ' v. ell. mid rocordce! fmi.e Ame ior aimin’ I'm- f tirlonns. I'm i vro I'ai'-olil Sine t"r (lail-msliell .Volunteer iiiiii'e,! litiii" on to Art Jewel over (; •(; inrloiios. inn hi Imin oksoo. f.inoen’fjujird ran a mile with about her Fro.i 1 1 (.*; 11 * s (I'iedioa;; V. I'iei't ||j) ill lillitl AO

sec. liimaim and (iiibiii Crav startenl tonn Uier at- the mile mark on [be plough, but the former was pulled up coining round Cm bond. Bebop Grey ran the la-t sj>. i'ii'h/ngs m Imin 22>t. e. Hore'ar I.feukinsl shaped ’.veil in a mill- gallop vitb Tort nlla (i lov it’ Tie, latter ca>•-rii-d 'be lien'i .-.I and had siigbfli the be n of it. Boreas prilled up apj/nrienl'.' oeile sound, and may lie started in (be Cuii. They ran even furlongs in about Imin Tlsee. Canteen was not bust led in a, sprint with Bed Gauntlet. They joinpi'd off at the !ivc-fur!oiig post and ran the lialf-nnlo in Aksoo. Mel•.vend (i’ricei ami Cip:-v Jack (Obl’rien) ■vero in he.vo started from the mile post, felt 'he (irsl-naim-d. was slew to begin’•A f:!i a flying slar'r from (ho seven-!lu-lling p;: ,f lo [hi! winning post they ro--1.0-11-; ail ladii 111-i r, Gipsy .Jack tiins'ie.i! about three icngjiis in front of Afeiwoiej. 110 will ho hard to heart in the llaik 1 lainiii'ap. in which he will probably he ridden by Jones, the YaMiinrsl light-weight. (fstiul; sprinted about five furlongs on tlm plough in Imin Asei', Bln-//.-, (Jneksnnf rogitAt>rod a good pe.rformance. on the grass. With a standing start he ran si;: furlongs ie. Imin 18sce. Bottler .shaped well in a sprint heme with the Dmiediti gelding from the balf-niile pr.-t. '.Proposal (Priced made no race or it with Cherrystone (O’Bricj)). The last, seven furlongs: was run in, Imin Afisec. Hr (Tossan’s; mare is going well, and will be hard to boat in the .Maiden Plate. Advance acted as pacc-iiMkcr h r Whitney in a mile gr.liup on, the plough, done in imin W.scc. The champion went freely, and did not 1 1 nvo to extend, himself to keep ill from.. The saiee .journey tuck Skohclolf (Hewitt) about a second longer, Windwhistle stuck lo Scottish .Minstrel in a hall-nuie

I splint. v'ho-li tofd.- .“(.‘see. Sentry I(t Bric-ii! hni-lierl in trout of Walerford i H’l icei :u :i ,- ix-l nrloiig -gallop, which took Imin BKoo. Sentry Isis put on a lot. of i-nndilion since being at the Hof A Masco gave .Menschikotr and Cruciform half-pace work on the grass. Spider and Heruiosa galloped separately on the plough. Strathiiairo (Wilson) linisnecf in front of Ruamahangn (Fowler) in a. mile gallop. McDonald's other pair. Paladin (O'Brien) and Magnificent (Price) raced a, mile, the latter being in front at the finish. 'Flic last seven furlongs oi the journey took I min .‘{msec. B est Guard and ‘Ngatihuia. did useful pacing. ■xm? FINiUi- GAT.LOI’S. There was. a big attendance at the Hull raccec.nrso yesterday morning to witness the final gallops. Amongst the | visitors was a lady, three members of the i Wellington Racing Club, andji good number of Petono residents. Nearly all | Clio hoises engaged l at the mooting put in an appearance, and tl)0 tracks wore I fully engaged from five p,’clock till seven. The whole of the Cup candidates -were worked. Matcror. looks aright and well, and appears mere likely to see the .Tourney out, than Palaver or Kahuwai. Renown worked with ideal and Paphos on the grass. Thev galloped once round, the last, half at'nearly top, and finished together. Renown returned to the scraping sheds wit bout showing any effects of the hard going. Mr Baldwin’s two-year-olds Spun Gold (Gold R-etef Puwerewere) and Benefactor (Stepniak— Charity) were spurted over five furlfega. They van the distance in Imin "sec, the jast four furlongs being traversed in 03sce. tv'. Holmes had Chasseur, Bulrush and L-aurcstimv out. The last-nam-ed galloped seven furlongs in Imin GokWpuv (in bandages’) van four furlongs on the grass in 52scc. I)cwurco (Fcwlor) .started with him, but could not foot it with the Bubeaahl gelding at his pet distance. T. Qumhvan worked Palaver, The- Shannon, who has put on weight since the spring meeting, hub is still rather light on it, and .the] tiro-year-olds Destroyer and Indian! Queen. The latter is fit and will keep! Menschikolf going in the Wellesley i Stakes. Other recent, arrivals on thoi tracks wore R. Connop’s two-yoar-old Rore (WaterMI —Parlour Maid), tho consistent black gelding AYhilirea, J. jlimn and Kahuwai. Oingo and Autaia, and R. Geoseman with Coour de Lion, who did a round on the gass at three-’' ouarter pace. Sirius and Kowheto (Apreniont—Whisper). Fashion (Wilson) Was defeated by Ngatiluiia (Jenkins') in a mile gallop on tho grass. The last seven furlongs was done in Imin SS.seo.. I*ashion was beaten by about four lengths. Mcnsohikotf defeated Cruciform by about two lengths in a. half-mile spurt on tiro, grass, which took dOsec to negotiate. Advance finished some lengths in trout rf Ostiak in a, threc-nuartor mile go on tho grass, which the former ran in Imm I7scc. Xgaparu. Tscaio, Buttleaxe, Dartmoor, Cora Linn. Full Cry, Artisan and Perfection were among the other late arrivals who wore exercised.

The list of probable starters and ridds iu it ho Wellington Cup is,., as follows---Boreas 9ct3!b (Jenkins), Cor nr do Lion Sat 101 b (Whitaker), Renown H i 101 b (Davis), Tortnlla- Bst 101 b (McTaggaH), Paladin 7st 121 b (Katcliffe'' Materoa 7st 12lb (Holmes), Palaver 7st KMh> (Neale), Skoboloff 7st 71b (Hewit-f), Kahuwai 7st 61b (Kemp). Jenkins, Wilson, Price, O’Brien and Hewitt have been most consistent in the training gallops, and are pretty certain to be ine)tided among ‘he winning horsemen at the meeting. J. Gallagher arrived from Auckland on Saturday night, and did Iris shave of the work on Sunday morning. The lion J. D. Ormond will only start one ‘horse in the Wellington Cup. probably Renown, who promises to be favourite* Mr Prosser informs our represen. Active that be intends to start both Boreas and Tortnlla. iEncas. who made the final payment for the Wellington Stakes, was not brought down from Napier. Stuart Waddell’s team is .made up of Ideal, Renown Pnnhos. IT. ook.r and Menura. Mr' Stead’s Field Rose is amiss. This accounts for tbo absence of her name from the list of final payments for tire Wellington Cup. D. Chapman has brought down Black Wing (West-mere— -Echo) to compote in tbo Hack Dhno.-M Stakes on the third day. Heritns, who was engaged in the same race, lias broken down, and will not bo .seen out at the meeting. After .witnessing the form of the competitors on the tracic our representative expects the following horses to run well iu their to-morrow : Anniversary Handicap.—Bla/.cr, with a start. In Ins absence, Mel wood or Perfection. Maiden Pla le--Fashion. Lnurcstma. Wellington Cup-r-SkofaofotF, Borca*, Renown. Wellesley Queen. Prcsiden t’ > Ha nd i cap—llumimha nga, Queen’s Guard. First Flack Handicap—Gipsy Jack or Ngatilruia.

Xurscpy. llandicap—Cruciform. Battler. . Telegraph Handicap—Advance, Bla/.cr; U scratched. O-.liak or The Shan.

OHINGAITI HACK MEETING. Tim following weights have linen dc;!ared for the above meeting, to be held hi February 13th; Handicap Hurdle-, of 15 sows: , one mile an'l a hall. —Hutana and At-iA Boy list. Alb, Capture 9st 1311). Lochade and Unravelled (kite Mystery). Ost 9m. Blueberry, Nat Gould, and_ Blooinvmc Jst Bib, biirkic. Hurimaitua, Tnxy. Busy Bee. Ehinc, Ilikitca and Miss ieidt 9=l "' ohingaiti Cup. of 3A sovs; one mile and a qiiartor.—Tokatca ‘Jst 1-lb, K.uwliakaroa 9-r 41b. Eubra 9=t Itib, Poatatowha Bst 111 b, Maparu Sst 101 n. Duher -(-t 9!b, JJutana &st 41b, Capture Bst k b. Morning, Nea and Taraionto Sst lib, Xioiti Puss, Miss Foldt, Uoebade, Net Gould.', Bloomvale and Unravelled Hate .Mystery) Sst. Ladies’ Bracelet, of 10 sovs: seven furlongs— Amethyst 1M 11B:. Aurora list 7ib Te Hihia list 31b. Breeze ana Storm ils.t 21b. Hurimaitua. Ncuraug Sterling and Pubihi list. Flvin r/ Handicap, of V2 sovs: snx i\\ij nn! rs.—Tokatca 9st 91b, Lubm Dst 31b. I’nataniwha 9st, Duffer Sst Bib. Vashti 8-t 41b, Aurora Sst 31b, Taravcnto Bsi 21b, Dyrkie, Busy Bee, Hikitea, Nioui and Pass Sst.

Hammond Stakes, ol 12 sows: one mile. —Kaiwhakaroa 10s t 10H>. Lnbr.i nj-t G'b. .Maparu Kbst 3lb. Poatannviui, Hutana 9sfc 101 b, Morning, Tar.tvciito and Xca 9st Alb, Lochude OM 21_b, Sterling, Blueberry, Tn;:y, Miss Fektt. Bioomvale and Ptihihi 9st. The above meeting will ho nold \i ithout a totalisator. The iToroWbenua Hack Racing Club lias issued the programme for its annual rate meeting on March 18. For seven events a total of .£3OO is given m .stakes which is an increase of i'BO compared, with last year. Horse-owners arc reminded by adwertiiemcnt in another column that nominations for the Ashurst Hack Guineas, 1902, close on Saturday next with -Mr J. H. Vincent, secretary.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4260, 21 January 1901, Page 3

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SPORTING. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4260, 21 January 1901, Page 3

SPORTING. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4260, 21 January 1901, Page 3