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- J, FIX 4ii PUS - -;a.\ r.\ by. hit. - \V:i 11 pin i (,':i 1 ralim lan Sooiolv' ty.'. ,'J ;i nyii'.v u ,\tl|lei;i; Glui, 1 1 tin iiovii'ko .\ tiiici io. Club it-: d bra by. (l. |ium UiU-'luniaM Socio!;-y ! - i ‘uvrrt.y Bay (tih-dania c Sn-i.Ty ■ hi 1 .- t'a Icilnii in ii Suoi.-ty's < Ilia in pion'Ji i p TIi i i/K's I i.lriXllo ,vs !'Tlc M -li' I 1 . (I. iinidon iiic <'.B. tv,- '.n dii A.ilifet;<• < ■; 1,.. ;i i, nn j I lyof-i.d meet iny of me::I, ~r ; 1,,. \\ ; • j- 11 y Aihlet if A.-S!ie;a- ---( ion li'l-o ■ ni-e'e lIT 4 cv'-ning. A dei: I ol -l i-yi.t I:-.fuel ion ba-, i:ci o si i)t (To iciniiier ill which 1 1 .. jo-.iyvuinmc el the ('u led Ml da n >Soeiei i/G!ia,.a pioir-b ij > Meeting flits been ih:;r,-;i 00. it i-, in I rca - enable to- expert pvo. i ( i■ i■ ■r ; in compete for medal--, id'di i;, il;e (ii !■ i.ri/.o offered for the ...ile, !-in yato -. mid 120 yard:! lull'd!;- < i,-o;'ij,>i ;ll if (lie value of the 1,., I'.ljC i-.ddeil l.l> tilft 1 111 Ul! ICtl p mill made efiiimpiotifiiiips tJioy ii mh! 1"- 'vor; h competing for, ft T 1- .;■■(!-• fair to ask champions to rim lor im-ilid -. v.dici) second raters can win -£S ami 'fill in la ■■•nlie.up events. There IS also 1:1.0 put into an amateur handicap i ha! .ho old have been given to Hie t ro-h man, ('aide Urn porsmis win, drew o -1 if-., ■••'■‘■.'.■ranime leyaoimbly expect to a ep, midi liandn-a.p on an amateur m iTo-hi- 1 v-ii any amateur pro- •. 11 . - . I;■-a ini big tin- amateur lia.ndi- (■ i;; mol (he i.duo o! ihe mednls, CO: : oro-oni. o-'-ii for athletic event.,. •) > i. j'rovi'ie liter-.' shall be seven jidaili!!! evimU, prize-. lor which ernifil* >,<• IT.' <; I and Cd for oaefi event, malmim a. lot-nl of ,C!(!. There is no n-a um for elferiny medals, instead of ilo.’r \ nine, lieeaico eli!|> cer--11 li ‘a I )'■•■ are i .a:ed 1 o eueh KUCcessfui eiunnel h or. ! ine'ie'stund Air it. Smith e errei arv of ihe X .Z.C.S. A.) ami the I True" irhe and- limnirc Ciiby Atdiletie ( hav e euteil against the inauo in v.diieh Hie pregriunme has been dri'v-ii i;i,>. ('(leap fare ; will be arranged for comiii 1:';.',., a( the Ctalodonian Societic.-,’ ('lniicj imisliii) Aleeting by .boat and raii. A meeldog of doleiraies of clubs affiiiaiei' to- I in- Zealand Caledonian Soctc-I ins’ A-sficiivtien wifi be field the 'd-,1-ou'iie liotef. '.Napier, on Thursday, cel j nary hi--' , at, S p.m. At 'be Maryborough (Vie.) sports on No,,- Year's Dav. '.V. iMcAlanns (lAyd.:) loin .he liaff-.milc in I'mhi-u At Sydney, mi lire. At; t insi;, fvlciliiims won the TOO -d , prole isioual eiiainpionship of JNTv.v Soulli Wales in ID i ce. Ti-.e i-impire City Athletic and Cvcling Civb will open their new clubrnoins. Kxcliangc Buildings, with a smoke concert on Wednesday next. Tho Ai ano a w oka. Athiotio Club hold t heir second annual mooting on January i.T’ml.' The Ihroo distance* of the Handiea-,)- TOO, 220 and -JMO yards—arc each worth T’i, hi and 10s, and there is a I'e.ied; prize, value Tii As. The I’.alfniio is'worth. :C3 iCI 10s and 10s. and Hie mile ;C1 10s. iCI 10 1 and, €>. Then I) J.'s.j a Ladies’ Bracelet, 220 yard 'in;-de; ami 220 yards Forced liana van. • 11ar. Coleman is in no form at pre- - "Ul , Htvickland, brotbor to the amateur ex-vh;un;>iou. won the three distances of the Wniroa Handicap on December 'jy,D. I.ogau ran third off scratch in (he half and mile to mou on long starts. . At the Wavorloy sports on New years Day C. Edwards won the 220 yards iTiv.dles and Quarter, and T. Hotter t he half and mile. The following championship events have been added to tbo programme or (tie Chdedcndan Societies’ meeting at T:i4to yards, mm mile and 120 i..,,-,||„s.' The 120 yards hnrdic hand'cap l-'ai Iwou omitlcd. f have to I hank Messrs \V. O. Tiayl.etl'ii l) eerel ary hotlding AAidotio C hin,* rvid A. (1. Broit (secretary Hawera. C;deitmdaii Society) for local paper with m-cuini of their sports meetings, a,so ).new;,mine of s))orts. Socrclurios please

IVrlmps fastest racing man in the v. arid to-dry is Major Taylor, the Amcricau champion. The story of his dis,.,mvv j.; somewhat. an amusing one,’ he !,;.-iii’.r taken to cycling iu a, peculiar vav. "jUuch credit is due to the coi--1 ur. <( creel: for the way that he has succi'C!let 1. S;ime years ago he was picked ire on a certain memorable tour that the ohkinie crack-i made on one of their early western circuits. He was then »■. writer in !'■ litfle restaurant at a cnonii;ii! stand that tin' circuit-riders His good nature reecinmondod iiim to the riders, and one day, when one of the trainers’ a-shtimts disappeared. (lie choice of successor fell on Taylor. He was playfully dubbed “Major,” and lias been known by that title ever since. At first ho worked only as an attendant, lint all that time he insisted that lie could ami would ride a bicycle. One day lie was permitted to try it, and to (he surprise of everyone present he ! Imped remarkably well. After (hat Taylor urac!bed on every track where llu- ;uu.-ists topped, and befbre the lunr ended iu- was a fast rider. More ! ban, I hat, he was able to defeat one <:>• f wo of Ids teachers at their own game. The next year he came out as a, Ivll-tleilged racing man, and ho has new reached the climax of his career. A l I lie Olana. annual sports on Deei mber ‘-’dud. Mr D. Wilson, px-chair.-pian walker, had a. two-inilo walk against six other.-. a fresh‘ man taking up the walk every -20 yards. Mr Wilson put iet clown, winning comfortably. The evens was the most amusing one of the i.!av. Was the meeting Under \. A.A. rules, and were the competitors niomlK ia of an affiliated -club? The second champion meeting of the akiiiatod Caledonian Societies of New Zealand wiU lie held at Napier on Frida-,', February 22ud. The athletic! cnpcircd iu the '‘Now Zealand 1 Tim f ’' ’ cif Saturday last. The full pro- ■ Taiamo is a.-: follows; .Running In c,--1 It) vards championship, golclj medal value £-A : one wiilo champion-1 "old nic'h’.l value £5; 120 yards' hirrdlo cinMUpionship. gold meanl value, «•;, ; pj't vc.rds championship, £5, £2 and 1 (-1 . ;;si_('yard:: championship. £3, £2 and: 21; ISO yards handicap, £lO. £3 and, £1: £440 yards handicap. £lO, £o and 1

I Cl.; one mile Imudrctip, ~ti, .L’l and T2 ; ! ICO 220 and 4-10 yard.-, amateur liand;i cap’,. and hi. Cycling event, i Tide championship, .UJ. L2 and .2! ; 1 t... o mdo handicap, €d, £2 and AH.: : live mile handicap, Lb, tl and £1; two , mile amateur handicap, £3, 30s and 10s. t Wrestling Chaiapicnsiiip.j —ilurucr, £0 ; 1; 1 and £2; catch-ajf-catcb-tiin, £O, £i. I ul £2; coiiar and rdli ;w, £4, £0 am! ; ,£!. Hspe .Music (championship;— i’lbj i-.,c!a:. £fj, £1 and £2; marche.v, £-1, £J • jti.-d £2; strath.-.pey;; and rods, £O, d 1 and £2, Dancing championship;-..—High-land iff ng, £4, £0 and £;.'; Highland rod, A;), .£■; and £2; rod of Tulloeii, £•'). £2 and £1; sword dance, £4, £4 and £2; Scaunt ruiblias, £4, £4 turd £2. .Special prizes of Lo will ba given io the winner:; of must points in the wrestling, pipe music and dancin''; events. Youths'' dancing events, for hoys or girls under IG, £2, £i ami 10s. .Sword dance, £x, £; and JOT. Special prize of a gold medal for the best dancer. Military event••• —Physical drill (12 men), £G ami £4; night alarm (four men and nenciti:.), £u and, 30s; bugle competition i boy-, under 18), trophy. Field championships — Hammer, £l, £2 IDs and £1 Vd; shot, £-1, £2 10s ami £1 10s; caber, £2 and £1; high jump, £4, £2 ami I ; long jump, £4 ami £1; hop, stop am! jnmo, £4 and £1; ijiioil)', £4 ami £!. Nominations for the lit) yards, one mile and 120 yards hurdles championships, L’.s (id; all other events, 21 per cent, (sixpence in the .£) of fir-t prize. No acceptance. NominatkmM i Ic-.e on Wednesday, February oth, with Mr Thomas Parker, lion, secretary, P. 0.. lii-x ill, Napier. W. J. !s. 1 laywanl, an old-lime eham.;>it,n cyclist, ami until recently captain of Ibe Pioneer Dicycle Club, lias taken up Ids residence in Wellington. OTAKf ATULlf'liG CLUB. Tl'.e annual general uicoling of members iti the above; club was held at ,the Jubilee, Hotel lon Wednesday last. Present—. Messrs Byron Drown (chairman), A!f Death, llombendcy, Landaii, Murray and Chorley. Th.c minutes of previous meeting nail and confirmed. The secretary submitted the balancesheet (showing a credit balance of £i Is lid), which was adopted. it was decided bo hold the annual sports on the 27th March next. Mr Byron Brown was elected chairman of the club. The election of officers for the ensiling year was thou proceeded with, and resulted as follows; Patrons ; W. H. Field, Esip, M.H.H.. and 10. T. Atkinson, Es;j. 'President-: V/, H. Siincox, itsip Vice-presidents: llcv Father Do Bach, 1 loin a E.. to Ao, Dr Power. Messrs Best, D'Ath, Hall and Swainson. Hon Secretary ; Air A. Chorley. Treasurer ; Mr (100. Mcßeath. Timekeepers: Messrs Horton, Bright and Forgusson. Judges: Messrs Simcox, Unwin, Bennett. and J. Coates, scn._ Protest Committee-: Messrs R. Lee, Brown, Homfccrsloy, H. Freeman and Horton Bright. Kt-i’.rter: Mr Byron Brown. Haudica-pper: Air M. H. Ayre. General Committee.: Messrs it. Lea, W r . l.ce, Mcßeath, G. Coates, Murray, liar,ton St. George, Mitchell, Landed, Homberslsy, Unwin, W. Webber and li. Swainson.. Air Byron Brown gave notice of motion as follows; —‘•That all race's be open only to bona lido residents of the district, from Paikakariki to Shannon, inclusive of both towns.” Id was decided to hold a special meeting at the Central Hotel next Monday evening, 14th inst., to discuss MiBrown’s notice of motion, and transact other general business. The meeting then terminated.

CHELTENHAM-KIWITBA SPORTS CLUB. The annual general meeting of members cf the Choltenham-Kiwitoa Sports Club was held in the Hail on Saturday last, when there waa a fair attendance. Air J. Bruce was voted to the chair. Tho balance-sheet for the past year was read, showing: Receipts: Credit in bank at commencement of year, £26 12s 4d; nominations and acceptances, £29 12s 6d; members’ subscriptions, £l6 ss; donations, £l4 2s 6d; gdtes, £29 17s; ball, £l3 Is; sheep guessing, £6 12s; sundry, £7 11s 6d; total, £142 ISs lOd. Expenditure: Prizes paid.: £G2 ; sundry incidental expenses, £6O 12s 9d; credit balance, £2O Is Id ; total, £142 13s lOd. Tho following officers were elected ; —Patron, Mr j- . Y. Lethbridge, M.H.R. ; president, Mr J. Bruce; vicepresident. Messrs jD. Downs, D. P. Buchanan, G. P. Church, F. Spencer, C. A. J. Lcvotf., W. Mitchell, W. Jones, J Meehan, F. E. Pickering. E- H. Adlans, W. F. Mcßoth, W. Reid; stewards, Messrs H. C. Currin, •W. O. S. Niecols, J. Hogg, C. Johnston, Jno. Barrow,. R. Martin, R. S. Fowler, F. C. Ross. W. Hatton, Jas. Barrow, il. Marlin. J. Patterson, J. Shirley: starter, IV. O. S. Niecols ; director of sports, C. Bray, junr. ; secretary and treasurer, "W. Eveuscn; timekeeper, H. Moxtcr.seu; judges, loft to stewards to appoint ; handicapper, J. H. Purnell (Wanganui.) , It was decided to hold the annual sports on tho first Wednesday iu March (tho 6th.) Resolved, that tenders be invited for privileges. It was agreed that the stewards be the programme, committee, and that a meeting bo held on Tuesday evening to arrange such programme. It was reported that the recreation ground trustees intended spending not less than £5 in improving tho already good running I racks before the sports day; also, that it was intended to place scats on the terrace, and otherwise improve the grounds. The question of holding a concert or dance on the night of tho sports was discussed, it eventually being deferred. It was reported by the secretary (Air Evcnson) that the receipts foe tho New Year’s Dav picnic and sports were £29 As and the expenditure £l7 3s, leaving a credit balance .of £l3 3s.‘which goes to the recreation ground trustees for expenditure in improvements.

W AIR ARAB A CALEDONIAN SOCIETY. ■V nicotine 1 of the directors of thoSociot v was boldln tho Club Hotel on Saturday last. Present: Messrs F. Hill (president), E. H. 'Waddington, \V- Dongall. C. H. Smith. TV. F. Day, G. Day. A Turner, G. Helen, A. Mntne, V . Millar, A. McLeod. D. McKenzie, J. Harvey, J. McKenzie, J. Herbert and 11. McKay. The minutes of the lost meeting Vrcre read and confirmed. The secretary produced the balancesheet of ihe recent snorts gathering, which showed the gross takings to no £3)O os 3d. After all expenses had been met. a oi'mht,balance of £63 S «.(. remained. TJji.ij ,present credit-balance of,tho Society, is about £lO3. _ The president expressed satisfaction at the financial result of the gathering, which eaffieeded any other yet held.

Air J. Stuckey forwarded liu resignation as a member of the Society, vjiich was acceptor:. Lclims -.are received from Messrs N. Bamim, J- Ch aimers, rind I>. J. Fmnkett. asking for some eonsideraricn through their having mot with accidents at ti’.o recent sports. Bannin’s letter, stated that no was severely injured and could not follow ids usual avocation, lie ckumod that Ac met his accident through carelessness cf the Society miming two events at the same time. Cnalmers was also injured in the same accident. Plunkett asked for the return of Ids entrance money in the events in which he was unable to compete through having an accident. As Plunkett was injured by one rider’s bicycle wheel striking that of another competitor, it was decided that the Society could not accept any liability, anti therefore- couid not recognise the applicant’s claim. The other two letters were referred to the president and secretary to deal with. Tlie Concert Committee submitted a bo la-'co-shect, which showed a credit balance of £l3 19s 4d. The Committee recommended granting a bonus of £4 ■ls to the secretary for his services; and also depositing £4O with the building society. The report was adopted. Messrs S. -McLeod and J. If, T;>.plin were elected momoors. The president took the opportunity of thanking all who had so materially asJsted in the success of the recent sports. . 1 The qnostimi of procuring medals was referred to the president and secretary with power to act. There being no other business, the rn ce t ing ad jo aimed.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4259, 19 January 1901, Page 7 (Supplement)

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ATHLETICS. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4259, 19 January 1901, Page 7 (Supplement)

ATHLETICS. New Zealand Times, Volume LXXI, Issue 4259, 19 January 1901, Page 7 (Supplement)