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The judgments in thej Brunner mine ease and other eases, and an article on the Tjnitel States navy yards will hi found oa the back page.

Tho Customs returns for yesterday amounted to £12393 17a Gd.

Early this morning two men, Hugh Speirs and Angus Blank, were arrested on a charge of assault and robbery in Taranaki street. The Wellington contingent of the Permanent Artillery returned from Sawena by the Tutanokai yesterday morning. Mr John W. Douglas, of Te Mahacga, has scratched the whole of tbo horses entered in his late father’s name in Australia and New Zealand.

The "Railway Department has accepted the tender of Messrs hi. W. Mills and Oo for the supply of castor oil to tho New Zealand Railways

William Jonnuax, baker, of Wellington, hn» filed a petition ia bankruptcy, and tho first meeting of creditors has bean summoned for Wednesday next. ■

The building oa Thorndon quay destroyed by firo early yesterday morning was owned by Mr G. Beetham. It was insured for £43 in the National office.

Out of 106 passengers from Sydney by the Wnik.-re last evening, 75 landed hero. Seven Chinamen were among the steerage passengers.

Tho Government has completed arrangements for the purchase, under the Lands for Battlement Act. of Messrs Fell’s Scarborough estate, Marlborough. A woman named Margaret Ferguson, with a couple of aliases, was arrested last night on a ch rge of having stolen a gold watch valued at £5lO, the property of Peter Miller. Mr C. Arthur won a third prize for variegated non-oayenne-fed canaries at the pigeon and Jcaaary show, and obtained aj similar honour in the evenly-marked any variety class.

Messrs Macdonald, W Ison and Co. submitted to auction yesterday a farm property at Otaki containing 659 acres, which, not reaching the reserve price fixed, was passed in, and is now open for-private sale. Cabled information has been received by the police of the arrest of a man named Robert Stuart at Hobart on a charge of having deserted his wife and family now living in Wellington. Should it bo decided to bring the man back, Constable Johnston will leave for Tasmania for that purpose to-day. Mr Durward Lely will to-night conclude his successful season at the Opera House with “ The Union Jaok,” an entertainment wh ch is specially suitable to the time. Piaulein Elly Fnohs, the gifted violinist who has played here with so much distinction, will be associated with Mr Lely in his farewell to Wellington. At a meeting of the Board of Examiners of Engine-drivers held at the Chief Inspector of Machinery's office, tho following were grantedoarti’fioates: Winding engine-drivers’ certificates of competency, 15; traction and locomotive engine-drivers’ certificates of competency, 5: traction and locomotive enginedrivers’ certificates of service, 4 : total, 21. Two daya have now been spent by the Stipendiary Magistrate in making the preliminary investigation into the charges of theft preferred against John Craig, and even now the evidence for tho prosecution is not completed. Soma important witnesses remain to be examined, and the whole of tomorrow will no doubt be occupied with the case.

Two shops were destroyed by fire at Carterton on Tuesday evening. Tnat in the occupation of A. N. Baggarley was, with its oontents, insured in the United office for £l5O, but the details of insurance on tha other-H. H. Woltera’—are unknown. The outbreak originated in tha former’s premises, and is supposed to have been started by a spark from the fireplace. Francis Barnes and Thomas Brown, the two men-o’-warsmen alleged to have been implicated in an assault on tha police during Sunday night, were again remanded yesterday by Mr Kenny, on the application of Mr Wilford. Lieutenant Freeman, of the fl agship, was present, and on his undertaking that the man would be forthcoming again to(]:,y fchay were allowed to return to thsir vessel.

' “Interested” wishes to know if some arrangement could not bemadelwith Mr Williams, owner of s.a. Duoo, to ran a second trip to tho Royal Arthur. Oar correspondent says : Although some huad-eds availed themselves of the opportunity of seeing tha flagship last Sunday, there area great many more who would gladly pay a shil iug to see all the latest imp-ovoments on this splendid vessel, before it is too Uta, as she leaves on Saturday next.”

The Stipendiary Magistrate yesterday again rerdandod a man named W. Doyle till to-mor-rowto enable the offender, who had bean found guilty of being a rogue and vagabond, an opportunity of procuring the means of getting away to Auckland. Sydney Carter, for failing to comply with a maintenance order, was sentenced to U days’ imprisonment, the being saspendod for a fortnight: to give time for the payment of arrears amounting to £2 10s. At the Magistrate’s Court, Upper Hutt, yesterday, before Messrs Synes and Wilkins, Justices, Frank Nattrass and Lsonard Murray were charged with furiously riding their bicycles. The accused, who were represented by Mr Bnnny, satisfied the Bench of their innocence, and the case was dismissed. William Morris, a prohibited parson, was fined '2oa and 7s ousts for being unlawfully on the Grand National Hotel promises. His plea wa- that he was there on business. A prohibition order was issued against a native, on the application of his mother, to be in force for J2 months. In the oivil case Ward v. Diion, claim J!3 18s 61 for milk supplied, a verdict was given in favour of plaintiff with casts.

The seventh annual report of the Wellington Sailors’ Best mentions with regret the death of Mr 0. D Barraud, who had been "chairman of the Best from its inception. Mr W. Kennedv was elected to fill the vacancy caused by Mr Barrand's death, and Captain Bose was elected chairman of the committee. Captains Bibot and Strang and Messrs Aitkan. Kennedy and T. 0. Williams retire from the committee. Captain Babot and Messrs J. G. W. Aitken, W. Kennedy, J. O. Martin and T. 0. Williams have been nominated by the committee to fill the vacant seats. The excursion to Day’s Bay resulted in a profit of 412 IQs Bd. The balance-sheet shows a credit balance of 483 6s 6d. The committee thanks Messrs Whiti oombe and Tombs for printing the report, the Nkw Zesi.JlNd Tt.ieß and Evening Post for advertising, Mr W. A. Turnbull for a donation of books and those persona who have so I liberally oont-ibutod funds, books and periodicals The annual meeting will be held at 5 p’slopk this evening

The second term of the Girls’ High School for 1898 was opened yesterday morning. The premises of Messrs Joseph Nathan and Co. will be closed for a holt lay to-morrow. Members of the Wellington Cycle Corps will meet at the Volunteer drillshed this evening at 7.30.

The sojourned meeting for confirmation of thp b.irgeft* roll for the ensuing year will be neil or Monday, 30th inst. 7; i.t v .Jj’s exhibition are requested to uia -etar.y application for space.

Applications are invited bv the Canterbury Col'i-ge f»r position of PiOfessor of English language, literature and history. An entertainment will bo given at St. Thomas’ bchoolroorn. Riddiford street, thi# evening. An excellent prog -arums has been X>repared.

Ah M will adlresa a meeting <-i Trades Unionists on *' Tne Policy Must C cfidueivo to the Welfare of the Working ’da s-‘5 ’ in the Exchange Buildings, on Vn’day right. Mr J. Hutcheson, M.H.Rm *vill preside.

The annual meeting of St. Paul’s Parish Club is to oe bold this evening in tho schoolroom, whoa important will bo discussed. The prop *>ed syllabus of makings for the en-niug five months contains debates, speeches, lectures, concerts, o;c., of a most var:ed and amusing character.

A new lodge, which will be known as the Hope of Petoae Lodge, 1.0.G.T., was established at Petone last night. The following were elected as the first officers : -C.T , Bro. Ralph; V.T., Sister Bowen, sen ; secretary, Bro. McEwen ; P.S., Sister M. S own ; treasurer. Sister W. Lilly ; chaplain, Sister J. Jones ; M., Bro. Stokes ; guard, Bro List; A.S., Sister McEwan; X).M., cister Martin Mr G. P. Richardson forwards & copy of his financial tables, and writes :—“ The Editor Nk\t> Times. —Sir, —I enclose you the financial tables prepared by me, which you have criticised without seeing. As to any comments which have been or may be made on them, I disclaim all responsibility, as I have h*d no hind or part in them. 1 take responsibility for the tables, and if I consider it necessary to comment on them I shall take the ity for my comments.' Mr Biohardson assumes too much We saw bis tables before commenting not on them so much as on the construction put uuon them. As to his repudiation of responsibility for the comments made on his figures, he Is to be commended as a prudent man for thus protecting himself against his Conservative 44 friends.”

On ” the drainage muddle,” u Ratepayer ” writes The thanks of the citizens are due to you for your leading article in Monday morning’s issue on the drainage muddle. 4ny information on this subject so far has com© in the f.hap© of reports to the Council, and these need to be taken, as far as the public are concerned, with a grain of salt. The latest of these reports, after the Bing, Harris incident, provides that in rainy weather provision is to be make to turn the sewage into the harbour This would mean that for at least five months of the year the sewage would be diverted into its original channel after an expenditure of .£200,000. It is time someone ihis matter up and gave the citizens some idea of the result of how their money has been spent. At the monthly meeting of the Melrose Borough Council this evening the Public Works Committee will recommend as ; follows That the following works be carried out at Kilbirnio in accordance with the report of the Inspector of Works, viz: Formation and metalling on the Wellington road, and the formation of the footpath in Busaco road; that the Wellington City Council be asked to erect two electric lights —one at the intersection of Aro street with the Holloway roxd, Mitchollbown, and the other at the intersecdon with Entrance street, Taibvill© -upon tbo same terms upon which lights were erected on the Ohiro road ; that it be an instruction to the Town Clerk to taka legal proceedings in auy case of deposit of building or other material uppn streets; that sumps be placed in the Hamilton road, Kilbirnie, to connect with the o>ncrete culvert.

A moat enjoyablo evening waa spent at the Wellington College last night, the occasion being the fifth annual supper of the Old Boys. Thera was a record attendance, amongst those present being several leading citizens The chairman, Mr J. P Firth [prinaipalot Wellington College) apologised on behalf of several absentees, including Mr A. da B. Brandon, Dr Martin, Mr C. J. Hardy and Mr W. G Tustin. The evening was pleasantly sg’.nt, a number of songs and recitations being given by the old boys, and the usual toasts honoured, including those of “ The Queen,” ” The Black and Gold,” and “ The Old Boys’ Association.” Mr M. Myers, in proposing the colours, referred to the great improvements which had been made to the College and its surroundings of late. Mr Firth, who responded to the toast, referring to several fUtte-mg references to himself, said that a great deal of the success and popularity was due to the old boys who bad interested themselves m maintaining the best traditions of the College. Mr ft. C. Kirk, in responding to the toast of the Old Boys’ Association, impressed on those present the desirability of making ae strong as possible the volunteer corps about to bo started The singing of “ Auld Lang Syne ” brought to a o'.ose a most onjoyabe reunion.

On Friday Laery and Co. will sell, at their rooms fancy goods, stationery, &c., in great variety. Tne Seatoun Road Board gives notice of its in tention to levy certain rates. To-day Francis Sidey and Co. will sell on benail of the bank some magnificent brass and iron bedsteads.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 3443, 26 May 1898, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. New Zealand Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 3443, 26 May 1898, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. New Zealand Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 3443, 26 May 1898, Page 2