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k SPECIAL GONGEItT; What may well; ha tormoi a modal concert Was that given in the Conoott Hall last evening by the Convent pupile. It wae a real musiaal treat—thoro were eorlgS, onprasos, 'l'.tqti pcd pianoforte iten , i}i jtr.a yet.tee ooniidrt #ai ddjolilden at u o o.ook, and it would bo well for future ponoort-giyora to rijako a note of that tl rao » af * , those, wljo attended tbo.. ouablod a fcucu round the ExbibltloK Hofora ttomtfbobld. i , . Tho concert opened with ■ Baff a duet, “iTarantollo," for tbo piano, well played by Misses Waldegravo and Bn»itli. 'lho “Avq Warto.” Olmru* of Maroholli followod, an! “ Ooiitlo Flowers, with your Spoil” wa* »o woll sung by Mias N. Gallagher aa to earn an emphatic recall. In fact, encores wore tho oruor of tho evening, and so musician!/ a performance deserved such reward. Mias Long’s contribution was Somerset's “ Song of Sleep,” and Miss Falconer gave an excellent interpretation of BoCthoVcrl’s “ Hondo a C’apnocio.” A very sweet Root Was the c ‘ Hoar the, Notulli,” ddot; givgn t'y Misses Ldng Slid Stafford Vrliloh: w*fc. pd.o.. o! tlip jfciiUjCf the -■ bvqning.j lAjap; Fen dor urhe'd her deputation in nor pinging of “The Last Muster." Grieg’s “ wordischo Tanze, 5 and 18,” was cleverly and well as musioianly given by Mias Bong, and tho “ Casta Diva " chorus had Miss Stevens as soloist MLa Driscoll rendered Gounod's “ Tho Worker ” inline stylo, and the audience were hugely delighted, as they wore also with MUaos Long and Driei?ollV”T)>o I‘Tght of the SWillowa-.” Xbfi prdgraimrio Concluded Vflth thd piMI duet,“ Fa»,do which fitill further wont to Coir* vJnco a most appreciative audience that they had listened to one of the beat concerts of the season.

LOCAL INDUSTRY, STAPLE PRODUCTS AND VALUABLE WAKES. OItXPFIN AND'HOMO, MANOtAOTURINO ?, OONtfEOTIOrCKItfI, &<J. A beautiful show-case full of sweet things, topped by ft monster biscuit-tin bearing in faC-similo tbo well-known “griffin,” * f O*-Vre/c-j” , And EufekA,” aS well Us “.Griffin fcndfibfU. Liffiltod; Nelrdrt jHsctuU,” rArikßd * h*h* ttod [oft by rows upon rows of tins of biscuits, candled goods, hard and soft lollies, Christmas stockings, &0., and fronted by the disolay of the Wellington Woollen Company —this is tho bay occupied by that noted Nelson firm of Griffin and Sons, who, by their “ live ” business qualities, have done mofe to .make people disbelieve ft Sleepy ifollovV than phrbapa Any Oilier Nelson quality, if wo oxcopt her fruits, which also implies the celebrated “ K.” Unkind fate dealt a very heavy blow to enterprise in February of last year, when by moans of a disastrous fira it destroyed years of oaro and invention, Continual and valuable improvements, as well as a largo sum of money, In tho destruction of tho biscuit factories of Griffin and Soils ill Nelson. Up to that time the firm had made a specialty of biscuits* and those Who attended previous exhibitions will remember their fine displays of those wai'ea. After the fire a limited liability company was foriPod, and the directors, Chief among whom ate tho Messrs Griffin, decided to launch Out lllfco fresh Uneß, and noW tbo full business Of tho firm tCadfl of biaduits itnd cduiodtiOnery,.ortadiod pools, &d., ihilldrsritict importers of fancy confectionery, liquorice and chocolate goods and all confectioners’ requisites. A backward glance at the firm’s business as it was in the year 18G3, when founded, with a comparison of its ramificaJ;l6h§ in this yeitr of Ifcffifi, would lead the Ibokot fdrWard,to Hfcpodt £ropitbfc .thliigo and ‘n tho days that are ahead. Now for a glance at the firm’s show at tho Exhibition. Thoro are biscuits, in every conceivable shape, taste and quality, from common lunch to tbo finest iced dessert (the iocd goods are Gems indeed), and the colour is particularly noticeable, having that perfection which comes of a well-timed, closely* watched,, up-to-date travelling oVon, In all, the firm supply tho trade with a choice of no less than 170 varieties of biscuits, and the variety is truly charming. In cakes you o.*n ?ot Canterbury Fruit in half-a-dozen vario* ios, as well as Madeira, Christmas and those for brides. Self-raising flour, tho Eureka, lies tbero also in tho packets so familiar to housewives. Tho candied-pool, made in Nelson, beautifully cupped and niooly drained, is put up either sugared for households, or plain for confectioners. But how t!an one ddsctifio those tempting confections f—tho multitude of loaoagoa, the comfits (especially the dainty dessert pastilles and tho piiro gum jujubes), the gelatines, tho mixtures ; the many linos of boiled sugar goods, from tho finest acidulated frillt drctp3j tho atidkfl and caudles to the liquorice. .. ; 'i hen hoar the youngsters Chirp to their parents as they catch sight of tho surprise packets and fancies, in catchy shapes, funny gags and modern mottoes ; and don’t “ dec kiddies” cry out and shout at sight oftbe Christmas stockings f Of these things Griffin and Co. have made a, specialty, their luoky bags and ClaUs stockings being made up quite equal to Home or niado-in-Uerhiany goods, and at prices to suit all pufaofi, from 3d to ds. For expensive rippetiitos And laatos, £ldo. tlia firm provide, such dtiliitle.s aspvrappad caramels, chips, Chocolates and juboa from the boat gum obtainable. Mr W, H. Cooper looks after the interests in Wellington, bis energy on behalf of an enterprising business covers a city which has a growing taste for such good goods as Messrs Griffin and Sons are placing so woll boforo visitors to our Exhibition. Mr Griffin's agency in Wellington also looks after tho interests of tho “ K ” manufactures, as'well os Strang's coffees.

*1 lias noi seen, ttia .odtotiy “l£”? It qovecs oar .land in. journals and shops, on hoarding's, walla, boats and trains. K stands for jams, and jama which come from Nelson—and from Nelson everyone who knows anything knows wo get tho sweetest fruits as well as the noted prettiest girls. Pretty and sweet are terms ' which make a happy duo, but to poets we leave tho query whether the packing of the K. by beauty gives added charms to Kirkpatrick's bottled lusciousnesses. The fact' remains that, K spells everything that is good, and that where the symbol is seen there is a guarantee df quality. A step round the corner from whence we viewed the last exhibit noticed, and ( just opposite tho big EaiatJol display, lies a very ( ottraotiVD*lpoking. apdvr-oaso filled With BottlbB; tins, yfchilst pver/all Stands, Id thb glory of its loneliness the.magic K. In the case are jama of all tho known classes, qualities, tftstesand mixtures. The conspicuous array of glass jars tells plainly why that form ojj.pntting-iip w. so popular. The jara look a out above-the ordinary,’and so the people to-day ask for 44 K jam—in jars, please." There are also bottles and likewise tins, as of yore, and it is to bo noted right through that the firm supply all their wares in bottles and jars net weight. Jama are also put up in bulk for oonfootionors from 71b up to 561 b, not weight. Marmalade must not be forgotten, either. There it is, aa ; tempting as tho boat Scotch. A recent specialty, and one that ia bound to be swallowed with more avidity than a sensational novel, is nectarine jam. Bat K covers more than Jam.* In tho case ate to be seen bottles of Worcester K, sauce and genuine tomato sauce, which will give added relish to the dinner wbioh might be made ffjm the tinned goods lying alongside those bottles—peas and beans, ready to eat with their warming, tongues, roast fowl, outlets, boiled rabbit ana rabbit and onions, Irish stow and even Scotch flAgtrls! There’s thb preparations for d, •menu to delight tho Christmas and New Year seasons now coming fast upon ns—a menu, to specially suit the shepherd, tho miner and the wanderer Us well aa the sojourner in tho way-back Of oiir stations, goldfields, ranges and new settlements. Thoie you are, friends, take ‘your choice, and wi«h tho compliments of the season to the K. Company, and.wish well fotits enterprises. St&Aftrd, OF INVERCARGILL, AND COFFEE. . If the wayfarer in the way-back mentioned in tho previous notice make np his holiday faro as suggested, and take os dessert tho wnroa offered by Griffin and Sons, .then ho Will want something to "wash 'em down,” even though he takes his whatdver-it-may-be later on. Then what bettor is there to recommend at this moment than the coffees and the specialties of Strang, of Invercargill? Just the thing for camp and picnic is. Strang’s Soluble Coffee Powder, which, enables the hurried to make a onp of coffee as quick as tbb lively cocoa is put up by the save-time, thirsty and f hungry householder who getbeth up -late and has to 44 do a bolt*’ for the office. Then there is the Health Ko-koff, nlade with a slight mixture of cocoa, which brings out the fine taste of the coffee. All these patent and special points should be noted by townsfolk as well as by our oonsins in the country. The Strang exhibit? at the Exhibition is shown v\- an upright case within a- few steps south of the space occupied by the Farmers* Dairy Union. It is flanked on all sides, 1 and even looked down upon by framed awards earned at many exhibitions, from the yeah, ’7O right along to the most recent, all showing the high estimate in which the Strang ■ specialties'are held by .export judges. That tho public have endorsed their verdicts the large sale'of tho firm’s goods testify. Those goods are .all wall shown in the case under notice. Besides the soluble coffee powder and tho Health Ko-koff recommended above, Mr Strang's every-day-in-use brands, the Maori and the Union, are shown. Thin there are tins and packets of the pare and unadulterated peppers, both black and white, and also all grades of spices, from ginger to pimento or allspice. That the Far South is as enterprising as its Central or Northern rivals tho Strang as well as other exhibits up hero go to prove, ‘and consumers, wholesale and retail, are to-be seen making their notes for future use, and the thrifty housekeeper scans carefully all tho particulars of ties of Strang, , and no doubt her grocer will be a*ked a which will load to yet further custom^in taV Wellington market. THE VEJUFIBais a wonderful amjf -elaborate invention, which might just a's; aptly bo called the Auditor, and is intended to assist in checking and proving accounts, and for making easy the various forms of arithmetic to those who arc 44 not up " in figures,. and to snob wh«n they have largo sums to deal with in -fi s d or straight oat adding up, snbtracting or multiplyin A‘ the adoption .of the MeHale system of the 44 rod r and staff " ensures absolute accuracy. Mr J.. W‘, McHale, one time computationist at the Great Bristol Cotton Works, now Jiving in comparative retirement in Banka Peninsula,' is tho inventor, and he has made • '•lt a life-study to perfect his -Verifier.' .'That his experience goes for something may be gathered from the fact that ho is over 80. years of ago, and still hale and hearty. The Verifier shown in- the Christchurch' Exhibition ol 1883 baa been considerably improved-.and perfected. Miss Me [Tale is in ohargo of her father’s invention, her stall being opposite the exhibit of the Kaiapoi Woollen Company, and she will bo pleased to show visitoi’3 tbit it is so easily tiacd as to bo undorstauded by a third standard child at our public schools. THE EMPRESS NEEDLE is a local industry With a Christchurch patentee. In October last Mr Bobort Elston

bdtbnted this needle, just in time for showing U 150 fasifcoiii. tp .ottt Exhibition; and for jtffcfloat nSC it Is bUi;lg ffiUfillfdpTHrd* ifi Wellington, Tho needle is a simple-looking drrilngoniont, Us dfle bdiiig for rapid working jn f' wpol the yqieod-patt irn. so in vogao. itlaaii irilpi'dVom'Pit noodle, is not ao coarse, and is fauna In shape, and consequently doej not tear tho material being- forked, and Is made iu .two and modiurri. Even .a cilia c£n get In most oifcotlvO itorli T’ltb tfa'lj ingenious instrument. The crowol-worker or alow progress now; has ft royal road opened up ;.and tbo llmproas can only bo ,bonght id the Exhibitiontroift the..inventor, or : .from SUM Elftton, who can show theßttuljslcs and qualities of tho work she is doing with it every day. PKOFF.fISOR OSBOKN, KNOB4VSR. It takes an Exhibition to domonUrato how much tha /ouxig New Zealander travels, find strange to say Christchurch provides the moat enterprising. Behind a stall which displays a case full of funniositios done with the pen, and anotner case of all kinds of specimens of practical and fancy engraving, a man who ban Bat thus at all tho Colonial Exhibitions, and did the ramo at the grCttfe World’s Fait at Chicago. This Is A. P. Q?.born, df Christchurch, fthd writ iur> hijj .fovtd, i HC .doc?, many clcvoi* Mii.igs wliiio yoli \/ait. Hia pc v and ixilc sketches arc clever, his card-writing ripid, hiH graver does his will, and he can write on mctul as prettily us on paper. Ho also shows talented examples of his designing powers; and his talk on modern engraving is most interesting to those who take a dciigbt in this work. ,f. NEWUriitAY AND CO., MiNUt'ACT^UKRft. Ojlpogitb the D. 1.0. caad, and close to the to ( riiC Jiallj is a small Case, Its ebuteb.U arranged pyraniM fashion; packed with good goods. To enumerate the separate items in that ease would bo to give an inventory of baking, egg, custard and curry powders, cordials, ginger wines, bitters, vinegars, essences, oils, soda, polish, compositions—in every lino of which Mr Newberry’s factory turns out specialties, which command ready sale throughout this province, in Canterbury, and even further afield Clio preparations put up hoar the brand of the Osborne Manufacturing and Packing Company, which is tho trading title of tho firm, and a practical tost has proved that anything bearing this name is genuine and Kf good quality., btf drawn to LmbUc, a Lew*-- ic*iiq7ator for linoleums and furniture, just b nng introduced b> tho O.M.P. Co. An application of this upon her boat floorcloth and furniture makes tho thrifty wife smile tho smile of pleasure, and adds to the brightness of home. The Worcestershire sauce and Bon thorn relish, as y*»»U ai the Bangalore chutney, give zest to jildoil appetites; fill the dthof “ Osborne ” linos arc pleasant to tho taste, wholesome and economical. Eucalyptus oil is there in the case, Eclipse harness cornpo., too ; Jackson’s Volcmic polish is hard to beat, and it lies ohoek by jowl in tho best of fellowship with bottles df lonJon squash and such sweet syrups and cordials as raspberry, cloves, pineapple, currant and ginger. A good case of specimens this* showing what u being done in a quiet way in manufactures in our Own City ; and ltd contents make a furtbef rtpneal to our patriotism to encourag'd local industry and enterprise.

E. J. ZJK d Boris Ani) Tilß BARLOCK. Not to kiiovt Mr liL J. Lti Girev* in iWa city implied a good deal irioro than not to kilcm tho Barlook type-tfritor ; and not to kriow tHo Rarlohk, sftya Mir Ld Grovo, la not to know that yffii’ro allvo. .Certainly E. L. Le G. is a livo man. His roputildcffi oorerfl the whole area of nowapapordom, and he has rllfl “ paper ” for all it is worth—and for a good deal nioro, sometimes ; and in the Exhibition yda can have hint impress upon you; by word dild by flint the Barlobk ia worth ail other This jridfthilie Id ip use in -*0 offices of the greo.t railway companies or England. If Lo Grovo pere be not “on board ” when you call at the bar of the Barlock, you will find Le Grove Jits a very able substitute-advocate, and tho writer saw this young man turn off tho machine at the Exhibition tbo other day a very neat and clean pitted of work in the shape of the balancesheet of tho Kigiic Hours doniiiUtfcee; arid A. 8. Oollins also will give any information required. On the bar you can. get paoipblets and leaflets giving tho points and particulars of tho Bariock, with special emphasis note tbo point of perfectly visible writing, and on every hind arc to be seen tho fixtures, fittings and furnishings pertaining to typo-writing, and to office Work generally—copy-holders, cArbon papers, presses, cloth-baths, ribbdns, mimeographs and other labour-saving devices.

An atiracHvo hafl prepared for this afternoon, td bd carried dat oil the aporta grounds, It comprises several features, including Driscoll's high wire and trapeao ttdtj tllo American trio's acrobatic pastimes aM a u dodtli-delyifltr act " by EUclld; tlld niarvol. This dll appears Bdnea* tijnal enough to please the most fastidious. Miniflo’s Band plays this afternoon; The programme is advertised. Mias Booro’s pupils repeat their very attractive dancing entertainment to-night. The lanterns entertainments have already become established as tl future foir passim? the afternoons pleasantly away; arid M£ Soagdr his iccoiVod a delicate cotrlpliniopt to Lis enterprise and energy from Bishop Gi-inics, of Christchurch, who yesterday Wired td Mr Seftcyer that lid, vyds sending pp 51 Hainan slides. The showing of these will be looked forward to with 'special interest. That the care of the public safety is being well looked after at the Exhibition a letter received yesterday by the exocutize from the district police office goes to prove. _ The letter draws attention to the overcrowding at recent concerts, especially as to blocking the passages and exits with ohairs, and goes on to say tho police have received special inatrdolioad ad to figure enforcement t ol pror teotivo measures. The police have performed yeoman service at the Exhibition. ■ Yesterday afternoon some 90 Convent orphans were entertained by Mr Soager with a lantern show, connective readings being given by Miss May Seager. Mr Seagor, on behalf of the Executiye. hold out a further invitation to the youngsters, as they so thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Tho aquarium is to bo started upon next week; and tho glassblowers are to come in after the 18th inst. «

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New Zealand Times, Volume LVIX, Issue 2998, 9 December 1896, Page 3

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AT THE EXHIBITION. New Zealand Times, Volume LVIX, Issue 2998, 9 December 1896, Page 3

AT THE EXHIBITION. New Zealand Times, Volume LVIX, Issue 2998, 9 December 1896, Page 3