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PHASH3 or l THK MOON. Calculated lor Ngw Zealand M"*n Tirao.) J n.-:. v. u. M. Kirat Quarter .. .. 3 Full Moon .. •• W r ' M Dniu, Him ftis'-n, 7.7; sots, 4.JJO p.rn. iii%U V/uturat vVlmrf, 9.37 fun., 10.2 p.rn. AUUIVF.D, Fitio.»v, Jur.v 17. Ta'ciunma, M'.l tons, Grant., from Lyttolton. I’.wongim ftaloout Minws William';, Mean*. KlbhUiik. Mwlaran# Htrlnger, Hay.lon. To'Ju, W»l----sou iiu,l 2 iihiblrun, Gel) un i, Hurler, Candy, Kuv Morrlsmi. .VTwiro Wvim-Williams (2|, Walter, Hi.miffur, Muqlaml, T0.1.1,' C-uit, Dawson, MaciJmrson, M. lv-in. .MiifiniKur, Maokiu, .lank. Knrr. Lull". Woo,l, Alinayo, Walls, Hay,lon, Dyer, .MnCoiuim, Hi-i-rimr, Wilson, lie'-. Hoiilli, Ulytlio, Horns,si, Tlioiiii.i'oo, WiN-oclis, ,is’,vn, MoCilJlino, Uii'brml. ■?ou. Vial iicw.-i, SVuyto, Collin ; %S KU'fnu;e. V/aihi, H.H.. IJJJ toMFj. North, from Hprinu Crook. MifH Gilford, Mfsars Guard, Mullen. I'oole, Furman. Gam*. fiiiriuUka, from London, via Plymouth, Capeit’.vn, and Hobart, HAILFU Fiuima dri.r 17. ■J'louthern Chihk, s.g,, 15H torn, Adams, for Auckland and Cant Count. peri'min, a.';., f. 17 tons. Manning for Lyttelton. Ffis.seii 'ei'j - Haloon: Miss It.itehelor, Hir F. D. Loll, Me.ins Le.unish. Dyer. McNeil, Glondoraoii, Kelly, r^fitrloy; 10 steurmje. , Grafton, ««, ;i-‘J tons, Nordstrom, for Picton, Nek on and West Coast. Pus';em'or3 Baloon : ML’(--j Donolilfe and Mclntosh, Men-Jamc* Pollock uml ‘A ehildren, Lunas. Hon Uneven. Messrs Biuitli, Polloek, Gav/ne, O’P.ej'an, McKenzie, Mackay, PolJnrd’s Opera Company (51); 0 uteomt'e. 'l’akaimna, n/i., 3G'J tons, Grunt, for Onobunga via New Plymouth. Pancngeri-HaJoon: Mi.*** Johnston and Heiuioharnp, iiev Lea), Hir It. Htont, Messrs Berry, P.ochu, Heuluy, Thane, McDonald, Trimnell; 12 steerage. Tr-kapo, H.s., 1501 tons, Anderson, for Booth. • Aorero, h.h., 45 tons, Timmy, for Patou. LNTLItKD OCTWAHDH. S.vrutuAV, July 18. V/aihi, r;:i tons, North, for Blonheim. PusMisa .fames, Mr Lang. , . NepUno, a.»., M tons, Lekford, for Blenheml. F.XPLCTLO AUUIVADS. Kuhn, from Last Coast, this day Stonnhird, from Wanganui, this day Vieen of the Houtli, from Foxton, thin day Masvliera, from Westport, this* day , Tarav/era, from Melbourne, via Hobart and South, this day , , , _ , Ta'mmniti, from Sydney via Auckland and Last Coast, tills day , Wairoa, from Motueka and Tftknka, this day V/aihi. from Blenheim. Ulth Wavorloy, from Foxton, Kith eimanere. from Westport, Ulth Maliinupua, from Onehunga via New Plymouth, I'.Hh „ . Wakatn, from Lyttelton, via Coast, 19(Ji Waimii, from West Coast via Nelson, Ulth Star of Victoria, from London via Australia, Auckland and Last Coast, Ulth Aorere, from Patea, Ulth Ncptuno, from Blenheim, Ulth Penguin, from Lyttelton, Ulth Po-ianiond, from Tirnaru, Ulth Flora, from Auckland via Last Coast, 2m Ifaiiroto, from Fiji via Auckland and Lyttelton, ’('akupumi, from Onohitnga, via New Plymouth, 2lst

'IV Anau, from Mouth, 22ml Tallinn, from Hydnuy, 22nd Grafton, from Wont Coast, via Nelson, 22nd Htar of Victoria, loft London May 2nd (via Australia and Auckland); Uakunoa, loft London (via Amsterdam and Uehvgoa Bay) 18th April ; TuUoa. loft fiondon for Port Chulraors and Lyttelton (via Capetown) 23rd May; Indraghlri, jcfl f,'imloii (via Australia and Auckland) May •ejjd • itiinntfilca, left Plymouth May 3CHh; Rangat/m. left London Jane Ist; Maori, loft London if mm 13 th ; Uimpohn, loft Plymouth (via Auckland) ,/uim 27th; Mahtura, loft Plymouth Jiiiio 27th; Mamart, left Loudon (via Lyttelton) duly Cth; Itnlc, Jeff iM"inoiifh July 11 tli ; Hatvkca Hay. left London (via Australia and Auckland) July 11th. /li'imiorn. shin, loft Liverpool 2Jrd April; Deita, haroim, left New York UHh May; Dosulerm, haioiio left Now York 2-itli April; Znloika, ship, loft Liverpool Ith Juno Westland, ship, loft London 13th Jnimi Wnitnngi, loft London Juno 20Lh; Oamaru, IcftOlafigow June sth. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. , , , Tarawora, for Sydney, via East Coast and Auckland, this day Tasmania, for South, thin day . Aorcro, for Putoa, this day Nuptune, for Blenheim,.this day Htormbird, for Wanganui, this day Wuiroa, for Paten, this day Omapero, for South, 10th Walhl, for Blenheim, 20th V/avcrley, for Nelson and West Coast, 20th Queen of the South, for Poxton, 20th Mahinapua, for Now Plymouth and Onchunga, Mawhera, or Picton, Nelson and West Coast, 20th Wakatu, for Kaikoura and Lyttelton, 20th Penguin, for Nelson, 20th Flora, for South, Ulst Takarmna, for Lyttelton, 22nd ‘ VVainui, for Picton, Nelson nnd West Coast, Sana Manroto, for Sydney, 22nd Ti* Anau, for South, 22nd Taluno, for Molhourne, via South and Hobart, 22nd Bu Teloiiravh. —Press Association. — Copyriqht. ' Sydney, July 17. Sailed—Taltmo, for Wellington. Wanganui, July 17, Sailed, 1 p.m.—Stormbird, for Wellington. Moturka, July 17. Arrived, 12.00 p.m,—Wuiroa, from Takaka. She sailed an hour later for Wellington. Lyttelton, July 17. Arrived, 1.5 p.m.—To Anau, from Wellington. Hailed—Tarawera, for Hydnoy, via Northern ports. Passengers—Misses Kenny. Griffiths, Wright, Poison, Mcfioan, Stevens, Mesdarnes Kenny, Wright, Mores. Messrs Mayne (2), Norton, Almao, Lungnet, Finnumore. Wright, Pilkingtou, McDonald. Webster, Brandon. Hailed—Wakatu, for Wellington, via wav ports. Tu sail. 10 p.m. iHth—Penguin, for • Wellington. Pout Cii.vlmbuh, July 17. Arrived, 2 p.m. (at Hoads)—Tokoa, from London. Westport, July 17. Hailed, 1.50 p.m.—Mawhera, for Wellington. To sail, a p.m. IHfch—Omayoro, for Wellington. Spit, July 17. To sail, 5 p.m.—Tasmania, for Wellington. Okeymootii, July 17. Arrived, 3.50 p.m.—'Walnul, from Nelson. To sail, noon 10th— Wainui, for Nelson. To sail, to-morrow (IHth) Mnnawata, (or Wanganui. _ „ , New Plymouth, July 17. To nail, to-morrow afternoon (18th)—Moa, for Westport. _ „ , Dunedin, July 17. Arrived—Tokoa. from London, with 4857 tons cargo, of which 3720 tons are for this port, and the remainder for Lyttelton. The Penguin, which arrived from Nelson, via Picton, early yesterday morning, brought the following passengers : Saloon—Misses Farmar, Phillpotts, Fell (2), Dixon, Bradford, Plokonng, .Johnston, Wall. Price, Mesdames Murrell (2), Loekiing, Lampps, Mclntyre, Bcthunc, Messrs Roberts, Ligbtband, Oipps, Murrell, Noes, Dawson. Collins, Cro*l, Dixon, Pethorlok, Gillott, Bondall, Ron, Mclntyre, McNaiighton, Lnmpps, White, Jackson, XAndsay, Duval, Duncan. Cooper, Warren, Markman, Bethuno, Soager, Williams; 11 steerage. The Penguin left for Lyttelton shortly after 3 p.m. yesterday. She leaves there on the return trip to Wellington at 11 o’clock to-night. The barque Oanymodo, which is now loading coal fit Newcastle for Lyttelton, has boon chartered to follow tho barque Ilolon Donny and O.M. Tucker on the loading berth at Lyttelton, for Sydney, with produce. _ , _ . _ ,* , The barque Helen Donny was docked at Lyttelton a few days for tho purpose of having some plates repaired, which had been damaged by contact with the wharf during the late gale. On an examination of the bottom of the Mana--watu being made by a diver it was ascertained that had sustained no injury through running aground In tho river at Westport last week during n fog. Tho steamer was got oft soon after she grounded. ... , . A quantity of timber which is to bo used In tho construction of Captain Eckford’snow vessel having arrived by tho Telcapo tho work of building tho steamer will he pushed ahead. Tho Mawhera could not leave Westport yesterday morning, but left at 1.50 p.m. for Wellington. An the fitar of Victoria Is expected to leave Nauier for Wellington at 5 p.m, to-day she should arrive hero to-morrow. Strong southerly winds and heavy seas were ex■pcrloneod by the Tarawera on her passage from Hobart to the Bluff. , The Tokapo left for South at 3.45 p.m. yesterday, film leaves Lyttelton on Monday, Tiraani on Tuesday and Oannmi on Wednesday. At these places she loads produce, and then proceeds to the Bluff and takes in more cargo, leaving there for Auckland and Sydney on Friday. Tho Waihi arrived from Blenheim at 5 a.m. yesterday, and was to return at 4 o’clock tins mornin, iMu* Southern Cross left for Auckland, via East Coast, at 12.30 p.m. yesterday. , The Takapuna, which arrived from Lyttelton at 9.10 a.m. yesterday, left at 8 o'clock last night for Now Plymouth and Onohunga. Owing to ker detention ftt Onohunga tho Malnnapua’s Nelson trip has been abandoned, and she loaves for New Plymouth and Onohunga on Monday. „ „ Tho Tarawera left Lyttelton at 3.85 p.m. yesterday for Wellington. She loaves hero to-night for Sydney, via East Coast ami Auckland, and will work both Napier and Oisborno on Monday. Tho bnrquentino St. Kilda has just completed two ■very smart passages. She left Wanganui lor Westport, loaded 270 tons of coal at the latter «laee, and was back at Wanganui within nine days,, only (our of, which wore spent at sea. Captain Robertson is skipper of tho 9t. Kilda. . The To Anau, which loft for Lyttelton at 4.30 .m. on Thursday, must have had a lively time going down, as sho did not arrive at her destination till after 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Tho Tasmania is duo hero from Sydney, via Auckland and East Coast, between 9 and 10 this morning. Sho leaves for South at 5 p.m. Tho Wainui arrived at Groyrnouth, from Nelson, ut 3.50 p.m. yesterday, and leaves thero at nooi today for Nelson and Wellington. , The Omapero leaves Westport at 3 p.m. to-day for Wellington, and if tho flan Francisco mail has arrived hero she will take on tho Southern portion on Sunday afternoon. , t The Orafton loft for Picton, Nolson and West Coast at midnight last night. In order to enter into her new running between Dnnodinand Auckland, tho To Anau, which Is duo hero from tho South next Wednesday, returns to headquarters tho same day, and then comes North cargo-steamer Tekoa arrived at Port Chalmers from Loudon yesterday afternoon. Tho Mahinapna, which is waiting tho arrival of tho Alameda at Auckland, is expected to leave Onohunga at 8 this morning. Bho cannot, therefore, arrive hero with tho ’Frisco mail before tomorrow. t , Tho Moa loaves Now Plymouth for Westport this afternoon.

Tho Mnnawatu leaves Groymouth for Wanganui to-day.

ARRIVAL OF THE RIMUTAKA. The Now Zealand Shipping Company’s steamer Rimutaka, from London via Plymouth, Capetown, and Hobart, passed Farewell Spit at 2 p.m. yesterday, and drooped anchor in Wellington harbour at about 11,43 last night. The lateness of her arrival prevented a .report of her voyage being obtained. bat tho following is her list of passengers:— For Wellington—Saloon: Misses L. and F. Johnson, Clavering, A. Mann, W. Whyte, Wright, Mrs Johnson. Messrs R. M. Smith, H. Sharpe. Thirdtdass: Misses McDonald (7», Nlclc, Young, Mesdamea McDonald, Nicio. Young, Messrs W. Lambourne, D. McDonald. W. Nlcio, IT. Tarto, T. H. Williams, Young (2), Masters McDonald (3). There are U passengers lor other ports.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LVIX, Issue 2875, 18 July 1896, Page 2

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SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LVIX, Issue 2875, 18 July 1896, Page 2

SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LVIX, Issue 2875, 18 July 1896, Page 2