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To-day’s Supplement contains "Echoe of the Week," •• PlayA;fcfid Flayers;" “ The Bystander,” fashion ’ notes 'and society gossip, household-hints, newsy paragraphs, stories, etc.

We are informed that there is a slight improvement in the condition of Mr’Justice Eichmond. who has been laid up Lor some’Jinje past with a sever® attack of influenza. Thi Justice will preside at the pf the Supreme Court bn ’ Monday no«t, k:,"' ' ' Last month 39 estates wei'9, pia®®4 W the Lands, of the; Public. Trustee, T?b®, largest - were—lsabella! Wilkie,’.-Auckland,, 10,500 ; ’James pethoriok, kWeilingtoni; 1600; Louisa E.’ Reid, Wollingfon, .£9OO ; §qyalj : 'Rody, 7 MMbouruo/2500;- l J6’3eph'll. y Walker, 'Qh);igtehurch, .e 380; Janet Grubb, Wellington, £325; Am Cook, Upper Moutoro; 4300.: H- A- Rosenberg, Cape Foulwind, 4300. 5

Aimoeting of. Of editors,, in, thp, ostato. of Charles Collior’.k.wool-claasor. wak hald in :tbe S Official Assignee’s office yesterday morning;] There' were seven creditors .pre; ; "sent. The" Official Assignee gave it as his opinion tfiat an, .assignment .by.the debtor, at itertain""interesta in' wool" and ■ leases" could be sot aside ; and -there was also a question whether the plant claimed by the debtor’s sons was Tn tbo order and dis■position of the bankrupt at the time of his insolvency. In order to ‘ enable: the MelT rose Borough Council, which is the principal creditor (for costs in "a suit brought by the debtor), to decide whether it will ,’flndi the funds to test the questions, the meeting was adjourned till’ 11 a.m. on .Monday:week.T .•: 'i -g -k iue X gold medal has been presented to the Beys’ Mr "A'k'-Niobl, *of ..Willis'; street, to be won' by the boy who gains most points in all the.classes during tho, -year. Mr M. Eller, of. Willis street,, bite; pKcentod three tanned pillows for the ambma’nfiQ jftTetohers.. i •- ”• “The Laud of the.kMoa” at the Opera House Last', night, drew a very large at; tendance, every seat being occupied. The notion of the play went smoothly .throughbht'aud with great,spirit; hearty and en-j ' thusia?tic applause being given by the audience fplpse,<?f ! each act.':This' ftfternoon at 3 aufto will be given benefit 1 ;qf I ebildrflß rn4 those ' who: cannot wi attend at Right, The mnungoujent intimate that to-night's peffortehhc® ’ jg’ ijinjed: tq conclude, punctually at" 19 njinutes to J 1 o’clock, in ample time- to .eiiahie soWtfy visitors'-toicatohithe.traiu.,,.,;. ; The question of who is -responsible for the. maintenance of the boy Augustus Cederland was argued before Mr Martin, 6 8.M., yesterday by Messrs Young and Monteatb,- who appeared.;for ‘the parties interested.' His Worship said he would take 'time to consider the matter. -,

. Evidence was taken yesterday in a case Ip yhteh Samuel Barnett, of Christchurch, jgu®3 Sh® B'ntep Steam, Ship: Company for .£2OO, the test a )C«ce of fnrs stated to haye been shipped 9P 7^J a P una at iWMHffgton, andyvnioh never reactted .(testinn&op.- Edwards W pla.inLitf- Mil'l Mr Wiiford for thu defoxidant Coippyny.. l '-Theijyjdonte taten will be‘-for-warded to SBfmS&yfSfa fffete the further MBaring of td®

■iilAn appUe#iop ; was ipade; tp Ifr.lfd/rtfa, S,M., by Hr Jellisoo* yesterday for a nonsuit in the civil case m which: 1?. W- HjU s and Co, are suing Eiehard Bond ftnd Catherine-Seward for>Bß6-45,; the value,of .materials supplied in a contract for buildft l) 0USB on Scarborough terrace. The .case jvao partly heard on Tuesday, when . Mr enphiyed' for- the 'plaintiffs, l 'Me: Jollicoe forces Seward fnd Mr SVUfprd, for. Bond. 3 HlS'' Worshijp ’' *<s&s'' ‘plication,- holding..,, that a case wiade diit, and the further hearing will take’’ .place oi^Tuesdayjnext. . ,* f ,; : v. . The VTellingteU Kennel Club’s next show will be op jlfO J.sth and 16th ; of The hearing" of the case in ?.* #• J)avy is charged with applying tho trpde -lua'i .of Joseph lyertheiui to a bps of sewing maching appliances with intent to , defi i aud"Wns resumed' before' Hft ’’JfasfiK' g.M., yesterday. Mr Jellicoe; for the d.e--ißoes, urged that a trade 1 mark was property, that Joseph Wertbeiia was an alien and incapable by law “ of holding property iniNew Zealand,, and further^, that the trade mark in question 'WW invalid by reason of its not haying been renas’pd in JBDI.-‘ His Worship said he should sepd ’the case ipv trial,, and adjourned it until this morning for that purpose. Mr Has elided appeared for the prosecution.'* “■ 'i-y tj ; Two young men named Eiehard Matthews and Ernest Fowler were lshed 2a ‘ Sd. each, without costs, at the Magistrates Court yesterday, for loitering on- the footpath in Cuba, street. .. . . _ - - The Land of the.Moa Company have /ied finitely arranged to open in Sydney on the - 26 tn October. Their intermediate dates will be:—Dunedin, 20th August.; ,■ Auckland, 9th September; and Christchurch, Ist October. ■ “ i

The schooner Orpheus, which left Napier on July IGth for Dunedin with a cargo of scrap iron, put into this port yesterday morning, water, provisions and fuel being short. The Orpheus left Napier about two- months ago for Dunedin, but was blown back to that port twice. A change of captains , was then made. Captain Urquhart being sent from Auckland to take charge of the vessel, but he met with no greater success than the former captain. The schooner, on her latest start from Napier, when off Banks’ Peninsula a week ago, met with a heavy southerly gale, which blew her off the land. On the weather moderating, the Orpheus was again put on her course, and, after sighting Timaru, another southerly gale, more severe than the previous one, drove the vessel back as far as the, Kaikouras. No damage was done to the vessel, although two jibs were split. A mountainous sea was running at the time, but the schooner behaved in a splendid manner. Captain Urquhart then shaped his course for Wellington to replenish his stores, fuel, provisions and water being very short. The Orpheus will make another start for Dunedin when the weather on the coast moderates.

The Skating Rink was open again last night, and was well attended. The rink will be open again on Tuesday night. The prizes won at the recent Sunday school scholars’ examination are to be presented by His' Worship the Mayor at the Wesleyan Schoolroom on Monday evening next. In order to make the meeting attractive the committee have arranged for a number of fine lime-light views to be exhibited. The examiners will give short addresses bearing on the work done by the scholars in the recent examination.

Mr Tallis Trimnell’s organ recital ''on Thursday evening'promises to be one of the most attractive of the several musical treats that gentleman has yet given. Mr J. Prouse is to sing two solos, and Mrs Richards and MrE. ; F. Pollock will each contribute an item to the programme. The charges of perjury preferred against Constable Nestor, of Eketahuna, wore again called on in the Magistrate’s Court at Masterton . yesterday morning. Tho principal witness (Mr W. W. Bodmin) was called, writes our correspondent, but did not appear. A letter was read from the witness (who had been subpeenaed in Auckland) stating that, owing to urgent business arrangements, he would be unable to reach Wellington until next week. He also stated that: he knew' nothing about the case. The Bench said it was very hard that a charge of this sort should beheld, over tho head of a public officer for three, months. Tho Crown should have had its witnesses present. Mr Beard pointed out that tho Crown had done its best to ensure the attendance of witnesses. His Worship said both informations would be dismissed; If the Crown wished to lay fresh informations it could do so.

The hearing of the case in which Thomas Dickson is charged with a breach of the Bankruptcy Act by failing to keep proper books was yesterday, adjourned until this morning. , The Art Gallery Had a large -number of visitors‘yesterday, both thrbugh ’ the 'day and at night)' The musical' programme, whioli consisted of instrumental pieces by Mrs, Miss,and Messrs Kennedy, a song by Miss i Wood (of Christchurch), trio by Misses Newton - and a piano-- solo -by Mr Coney, gave ovary satisfaction to (the large audience. To night the music will ; bo given by 1 Miss Stuarf," assisted by some her friends., , ~, ... . /■„ ■1 A -very attractive programme should draw'a' crowded audience to the Skating ■Rink oh Monday evening, when the Irish National Federation give' their annual (‘ social.” Mrs H. J. Miller is to sing -Grouch’s delightful, ballad “ Kathleen Mavdurnean,” ahd.s the i popular.; “ Come

Back- to .Erin j’? ~tli9 fayoprite ," ICillarney ” will bo suug. by. Miss Marion Sampson, and jdr,.B;i; D, Dunne, from Dunedin, will ’contribute two.songs ’“The Wearing of the Green ” and "The Oruiskeen Lawn.” ■ Ad- 1 dresses will be given by the chairman (the Hon ’ Major ‘Steward, . M.H.R.),’ Messrs Collins and O’Reganj [M.’sH.E.i' and Mr A. S. Paterson, on the subjects announced in an advertisement olsew)iere. ; A dance .will follow the concert..; The unvarying success, of .the “ socials ” previously conducted by the Federation should be a guarantee that the present one thoroughly enjoyable. k ; The annual gouepftl meeting of the Port Nicholson Yacht Club is to be held in the. Empire Hotel;on Friday, the 9th inst.,’at 8 p.m. The list of winning numbers in tho Wellington Poultry Show < art union ’is published in our advertisement columns. Thev Aitehite oattlh btefighfcby the Pete gain, from Lyttelton were under ‘the charge who baa gained many prices in the show ring fop his Ayrshires during the last,five years, This'grand-looking and well-bred lot are to be offered -by Messrs A. G.’.Tnine and Go., at their Hutt” saleyards, next' Wednesday.! k’-; - ]'■ ; k' Mrs Mollish, who has been teacher at the Foxton.; ,• School, ■[ was; -presented ,by the scholars with aif address and a handsome sealskin:’ mil ff ’ 1 and satehel combined;'' .’ on the eve of her departure for the Ashurst School. . , i,. .

' J kA l singular - series of. gun, accidents .occurred at Otaki' on Thursday afternoon. Four young men named Geo. Wright, Arthur Bright, A.’McClelland and Frank oat,og’ Vere out - shooting; and while, firing’ at ai kakft Wright accidentally shot McClelland in the legs and Bright in the legs and |body.’ i! While : Wright was bandagink tho {wounds someone ..stbod.on one, of the guns lying about,'the result, being thac it exploded and shot Wright in the sole of his foot-. ,oTho injuries;are npt.of.a serious nature, hi rck The Garrison Band play a, soleoted programme at' Nbiftownki 'Park"-, to’mbrrbw, under the direotion of Bandmaster Herd, anvmnonoingkat 3.45 p.m. A collection’ will (bo taken In aid of the Timaru oonteat. ff Another patient ’’ of thb' Mount View AsyJum,- Henry Obon, died iu the institution yesterday from rheumatic .The do- , cqasbd was admitted J into the ‘ institution from Blenheim in ,1888. : A’quantity of bush along tho side of the Hntt road, near Ngahauranga, -.caught fire last-night. The firs was plainly visible in Wellington;’"-’'' ’■ •’ ‘

7 J ■‘'Messrs Gustaf Dillherg and Purnell Rabbidge, of Sydney, have recently invented a telephonic apparatus which sbonld ’ possess' peculiar interest■ to’country ’■people,' - and- especially -to I sheep-fartaers. It is dG3orihed-as : 'an : improved telephonic instrument designed for usb in poorly in-, ’rotated lines, and for which existing wires of ah ordinary-wire fence can be’-used;,’. M r i Henry Hughes,‘of Lambton quay, has,protected the patent so far as New. Zealand is concerned.

The only case as yet set down for hearing a); the sitting, of the -[.Divorce ’Court is that of Perris v. Ferris,., an application for dissolution of marriage on the .husband’s petition;: ;vib’kk,. : ■.

' Messrs Zohrab.aud Co. report - the r sale gf the underihbhtiohbd properties :—Mr T. Q’libayy’s iptete?h'-teethe [lCumeroa Hotel, atEuipetete te Rinjn) 3 * 9 f b'Mas-., ferteh; and Mr fames Gres?t ipteftef' te Rpyftl gqk tel, Mq.riepiqa, .tq Sfr ;;g;— R; Tzard,; phs~ W®}? criokator, has beep traneforred tQ tho Bank of New South Wales at New Plymouth’. The lois of his services will be considerably felt by! the Wellington Club next season. Owing to the exhibition .at the Art Gallery continuing during the whole of next week. Mr Maughan Barnett’s next concert will be given on Wednesday week, instead of on Monday next. 'j'; . k ) ■ . Miss’ Emily Reeve,-- the well-known Auckland musi oian, intends to study next year at one of the' German Conservatoires. Ai the Wellmgton Hotel, Moles worth street, imraed lately obp o,k,lte tho'Parliamentary Buildings, flrSt’-olaVs aetemmodation Js pr6yi(|ed fdr travellers', visitira iiiid 'pdniian'eiit pdardetk. Tlib best brands of wines aikd spirits arc' in stock. ; The hotel is under the persdnal s'apervision of* Mrs-Hate*.*’*'-** — .-.wi**.*-- • ' A.. Gr. Taine and. Cq..sell horses,. &0., today, at 8 o’*clock. ~.. Townsei}3 and Pg,ul horse skle to-day. “ .’V.. r '* Abraham and Williaihs "seil horses %£ Palmerston North to-day, 1 p.m. . iLaery and Co..sell unredeemed,- pledges at 111 o’clock to-day.'''—-- rick? i..*. -| -.Claims and aooounia“'ligamst the Star of Victoria must be rendered by Monday, . rol Laery and Co. sell fruit at 9 o’clock to-day. i%nwti£cd7that;-clsimß ftlM&wt slgned'esfete'-df ffourßeijie mast be a.ent' in by Wedfl’esdayt "" t 'A second-hand billiard table is ady®rii§6d for. ' -

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New Zealand Times, Volume LVII, Issue 2579, 3 August 1895, Page 2

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NEWS OF THE DAY. New Zealand Times, Volume LVII, Issue 2579, 3 August 1895, Page 2

NEWS OF THE DAY. New Zealand Times, Volume LVII, Issue 2579, 3 August 1895, Page 2