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Auctions J. H. BETHUNE & CO. THURSDAY, 24xii JULY, 1834. iMroiiTAHT Sale oe Valuable Fkeeiiold Hotel and otjieb I’komhtieb, CaiiteuTON, WAIKABAI'A. Under conduct of the Registrar of tho Supreme Court, upon tho application of tho Mortgagee. i MESSRS.). If. BETHUNE A CO. have receiver! inetructiona from A. S. Allan, Euq,, Registrar of tho Supreme Court at Wellington, to noil hy public auction, at their Rooms, corner of Foatheruton and Brandon- | directs, on Thorn Jay, 24th July, at 2 o’clock, without reserve —, (X) All that splendid piece of land part of Section No. 207 on the Taratahi Plain Block, situated in tho centre of tho rising township of Carterton, having a frontage of 424 links to tho main street and COO links to Bclvidere-road, hy a depth of 1000 links, together with the buildings erected thereon, consisting of the well-known MARQUIS OF NORMANBY HOTEL, containing billiard room, two parlors, commerced, dining, and private rooms, kitchen and double bar on ground floor ; private sitting-room, bathroom, and eighteen bedrooms on tho tipper 1 floor ; stables, loose hexes, harness- 1 room, Ac,, now in the occupation of Mr Robert 7.lliter, at a rental of £OSO per annum, five and a-balf years to run. Also, the buildings of tho tobacconist shop and four rooms, rented at £1 per week, ■ for two years ; chemist shop and nine rooms, rented at per week ; tailor’s shop and two rooms, rented at twelve shillings and sixpence per week ; and auction room and oflicos, rented at £1 per week <2) All that valuable farm, containing 52a Up sp, more or less, being flection No. 177, Taratahi I’lain Block, laid down in grass, fenced and subdivided into four paddocks, together with fourroomed dwelliughouse, stable, Ac., erected thereon For further particulars, apply to Mebhus BBAKU A GUAY, Solicitors, Mastcrlon ; Mmsus BUCKLEY, STAFFORD, & FXTZHERBICRT, Solicitors, Wellington ; Or to 438 THE AUCTIONEERS. THURSDAY, 24xu JULY. OOMX’ACT FREEHOLD I’ROI’KRTIES, Kilbiruie and Bulhill Cully. By order of tho Mortgagee, under conduct of tho Registrar of tho Supreme Court under tho provisions of tho Laud Transfer Act, 1870, and Amendment Act, 1880. Messrs j. ii. bethune a co. have been favored with instructions from A. S. Allan, Esq., Registrar of the Supreme Court at Wellington, to sell hy public auction at their rooms, on Thursday, 24th July, at 2 o’clock — Lot I.—That valuable block of land containing half an acre, being allotments 15 and 10 in North Kilbiruie, having a frontage of 194 links to Charleaatreet North, hy a depth of 201 Jinks, together with a nearly new four roomed dwelling-house and offices erected thereon. This laud is fenced and adjoins tho Town Belt. Lot 2.—Allotment No, 1, Kilbirnie, containing ono quarter of au acre, having a frontage of 104 links to Hamilton-read by a depth of 241 links. This laud is lot on lease to Ah Hop, Ah Fung, and J. Hung, for a teim of 7 yeprs, from Ist December, 1882. And Under tho provisions of “ Tho Property X,aw Consolidation Act, 1883.” Lot 3.—A1l that parcel of land containing 1 acre and 38 perches, having a frontage to tho road leading up Pelhill Gully, being section No. 1, Upper Kaiwarra District, together with an excellent five-roomed dwell-ing-house erected thereon, lately occupied hy Mr A. D. Wood. This desirable lot is situated just outside the Borough of Wellington, and consequently free from city rates. For further particulars, apply to MESSSRS IZARD & BELL, Solicitors ; Or to 488 THE AUCTIONEERS. ' THURSDAY, 24tii JULY. SALE OF FREEHOLD CITY PROX’ERTIES. By order of the Mortgagees, under conduct of tho Registrar of the Supreme Court, under tho Property I,aw Uonsulidatiou Act, 1883, Messrs j. h. bktuune & co. are favored with instructions from A. S. Allan, Esq., Registrar of tho Supreme Court at Wellington, pursuant to tho provisions of the Property 1 .aw Consolidation Act, 1883, to sell by public auction at their rooms, corner of Featheiaton and Braudou-atreets, on Thursday, 24th July, at 2 o’clock— All that parcel of laud part of Section No. 253 on the plan of tho City of W elliogton, having a frontage of 30ft to Hollaud-street by a depth of 61ft, with the rights and appurtenances thereto belonging, together with tho two cottages erected thereon, at present in the occupation of Mr Holland Andrews ; After which, hy order of the Mortgagees, All that corner allotment of land at Newtown, part of Section No. 820, on the plan of the City of Wellington, having a frontage of 60ft to Dauiell street and 53ft Oin to Constable-street, together with a substantial cottage ereote-d thereon, lately in the occupation of Mr Gnwue. For further particulars as to both properties, apply to Meshbs BUCKLEY, STAFFORD, AND FITZHLKBERT, Solicitors ; Or to 437 THE AUCTIONEERS. ART - NEEDLEWORK AND WOOL REPOSITORY. JUST Received, a large and choice assortment of Art-Needlework iu Mantel Drapes, Brackets, Cushions, Chair-backs Slippers, Au. A large variety of French Fans, Hand-worked, Hand-painted, and plain. Roman Satin, Oatmeal and Zulu Cloth, Ac., Ac. J . B I R R E L , Lambton-Quay Opposite Government Buildings) ; Also at Cuha-Stbeet. 671 COAL AND COKE. EN COU RA G E NEW ZEALAND INDUSTRY By using the Beat Household Steam aud Smithy Coals from the Celebrated Brunner Coal Mines, Greymou’h. Coke for Smelting, Malting, and other purposes, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, and Fire-clay Goods of every description always on baud or made to order, and can bo obtained at the Brunner Coal Company's Yard. KENNEDY BROS., Proprietors, Customhouse-quay, Adjoining Lion Foundry, Wellington, ROBERT SCOTT, 693 Agent. Grateful _ EPPS’S COCOA! BREAK F A S T . ‘By a thorough knowledge of tho natural laws which govern the operation of digestion and nutrition, aud by a careful application of the flue properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr Kpps bus provided our breakfast table* with a delicately-flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctor’s bills. It is by tho judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may bo gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a v/uak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well forUhtal with pure blood, and a properly nourished frame,”—Sea article ia tho Civil Service Gazette.

Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold lu Mb packets by grocers, labelled thus JAMES EPPS So C 0., ITOMCKUrATUIO CHEMIST*. II LoadoiJ, England 83'-

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New Zealand Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 7222, 18 July 1884, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 7222, 18 July 1884, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 7222, 18 July 1884, Page 4