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Tlwn Water.—o.lo a.m.; 10.42. SUN.—Rises. 4*lß a.m.; sets, 7*2 p.m. METEOROLOGICAL —Y KSTKKDA V, 3T OO n Barometer, SO-20; thermometer, 62. p.m.—Barometer. 20 S 3: thermometer, 5». Midnight.— Barometer, 29 89; thermometer. 58. Wind.-N.W., light. ARRIVED.

Deckmeeb I.—Penguin, s.s., ■442 tons, Edio, from 'the South. Passengers—Saloon : Mimes Blanchard, Porter, Bapiey, and Brownlow, Mrs Fitzgerald anti 2 children, Messrs Nichols, Brooks, Bartlett, Pra't, McCarthy, Brownlow, Kothschihl, and Lucy; 17 steerage. Wheeler, agent. ■ „ . Jane Douglas, ss„ 78 tons, Fraser, from Foxton. Passeneers-Cabin : Miss Smith, Mcsdamcs Downes and Cotter, Mr and Mrs Dunn. iUwmdey, agent. Sophia It. Luhrs, barque, CGI tons, Faton, from Newcastle. Williams, agent . . Auckland, ship, 1244 tons, McDmipal, fr"rnLondon. Passengers—Saloon: C. W. Taylor. Second cabin : Albert Temple, John McLaren. tide Steerace • Charles, John, and Walter Penn * SyLyTS, and Cecil Gilliland : Arthur (*), Sarah, Ernest, Amy, and Edith Wiflin : John, Tom, and Herbert Davy; George Mrs, and Nora X arkhouse ; John and Sarali Capethorne. Jane and Amelia Koutledge: P.scliel and William I leteher, Emma Evans; William Martin ; John Hail; J. Cnnnlngham : Thomas Clay : and T. H. Hudson _ Mohaka, s.s.. 39 tons, Smith, from Blenheim. Levin and Co., agents. . - , Wakatlpu, s.s., 1158 tons. Wheeler, from Sydney. Passen^'fers: 20 saloon and 10 steerage, wheeler, SAILED, December I.— Patea, s.s., 59 tons. Gibbons, for i’atea. W. and C. Turnbull and Go., agents. Charles Edward, p.s,. 121 tons, Whitwell, for Wanganui. Deacon and Martin, agent. Tub,ss., 04 tons, Wills, for I,yttelton. VV. and (J, Turnbull and Co., agents. Penguin, s.s., 4G2 tons. Edio, for Picton and Nelson. Passengers—Saloon: Misses Stone and Kemp, Mr and Mrs Canning and family, Messrs Campbell, Branton, Herd, Plilon, Hoddar, Gentry, Canning, and Hansford. Wheeler, agent. . Huia s.s., 99 tons. Berriraan, for Wanganui, n, and G Turnbull and Co., agents. „ , Grafton, s.s.. 294 tons, Johnston, for Nelson and West Coast ports. Passengers-Raloon : Mrs and Miss Gilmer and child. Messrs Campbell, Burke, Benston, Bamlord, Green, and Hayhlttle ; 7 steerage. Williams, agent. EXPECTED AERIVALS. London.—Orarl. Aug. 31: Margaret Galbraith, Sept. 13 ; Mercia, Sept. 29.; Waitara, Sept. 30. Liverpool.—PJsing Star (via Dunedin) sailed Sept 15. East Coast.—Oretl, tills day.

Sydney.—Merksworth. early. , Melbourne, via the South. —To Anau, this day.

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Melbourne via Southern ports.—Ringarcoma, oth. Manuk mi, &c—Penguin, 4th. Fiji.—Taiaroa, about lath. Picton and Nelson.—Wanaka, Bill. Wanganui Charles Edward and Hum, 3rd. Poitou.— Jane Douglas, this day. . Blenheim.—Napier, earlv ; Mohaka, this day. Lyttelton, Timaro, and Oamaru.—Orcti, this day. Patea.--Patea, early. . , Auckland, via the East Coast. —Te Anau, this day. Sydney..—V/akatipn, this day. London.—Wairoa, ship, sth. IMPORTS. Penguin, from Dunedin : I case. Ilallenstein Bros.; 1 do N.Z. Express. Co.; 3 cases, X truss, 0 hhds ale. Curtis : 1 case. 9 boxes, 6 bdls, Ballinger : 5 boxes, 1 pci, 1 bdl, Garland ; 1 cask. 1 keg, 1 case, Remington • 2 bdls, 2 cases, 1 cask, 3 coils, Hayes : 3 hhds ale, Martin and Downes; 1 cask. 1 case. Wiggins : 1 rase cigars, Nathan; 1 do, P. Moeller and Co.; 1 do, Heaton: 1 case, 3 trunks, Lindsay : 12 cases. 10 crates, N.Z. Drug Co.: 29 bdls iron, 2 boxes, E W. Mills; 2 hhds ale. Smith and Overend; 2 cases, Turnbull and Smith; 1 coil, Dawson ; G bdls iron, Duthlo : 40 cases gin, Cheymol ;1 pkg seeds, Beetham; 20 sacks barley, 4 cases, Plimmer Reeves ; 1 case, C. Smith ; 1 pel, J. Smith ; 1 do. Lowater; 1 do, Steel: 10 sacks, Krull and Co.; 2 cases stone. Helyer ; 2 cases fish, Edmonds; 3 pkgs. Moore ; 5 do, Pratt. From Oamaru: 1 box, J. and T. Meek ; 340 sacks .Tonr, Bannatyne and Co.; 90 do malt. McCarthy;6oo do flour, W. and (5. Turnbull and Co. From Christchurch : 13 bdls, Dawson : 1 sack seed, Buchanan : 2 crates, Hill; 1 case, Harnourt; 10 do bacon, 10 do cheese, Logan ; 14 loose cheese, 2 cases bacon. Jamieaon Bros.; 2 cases do. 10 loose cheese. Bishop and Co.; I pci, Davis and Co.; 2 cases, N.Z. Drug Co.; 5 bags bacon. McCullum; 5 pkgs, Howden ; 1 case, 1 casting gear, 6 pkgs, Pratt. BY TELEGRAPH. (united press association.) Lyttelton, December 1, Arrived, 0.30 a.m.—Hawea; 0.50 a.m., Albion, from Wellington, _ , ,

■Wanganui, December 1. Arrived, 2 ft.m.—Wakatu, from Wellington. Aucklanp, December!. Arrived— Cspeculador, from whaling cruise ; Santa Cruz, from Suva. _ _ _ . v Sailed—Waiwera, for .Norfolk Island; Emgarooma, for the South. , _ . Tlie Auckland whaling barque Especulador has arrived from a lengthy era se, but has not been particularly fortunate, only 25 tuna of oil having been taken. On one occasion one of the crew, a native of Java, had a narrow escape from death, having fallen from the main royal yard to the vessel’s deck.

The following vessels were in port last night:— ■Steamers—Hinemoa, Manawatu. Stormbird, Napier, Wakatipu, Mohaka, and .Tane Douglas. Ships— Wairoa, Piako, Pleione, and Auckland. Barque.— S, E. l.nhra. Schooners, &c.—Aurora, Mary Ellen, Star of the Sea. and Sarah Pile. It will be seen by adveriisement that the U.b.S. Co. have commenced giving their usual reductions to thoaoj who wish to pay visits to other parts of the colony by granting return tickets at greatly reduce l ! fates, Return tickets,will bo available until the end of February. .. . , The U.S.S. Co.’s Penguin from the South arrived In harbor at 10.30 a.m. yesterday. From purser Lig«,dns we learn she left Port Chalmers on 23th ult. at 7 p.m., and arrived at Oaraaru at 3 a.ra. next morning ; left again 12 hours later, and arrived at Lyttelton at 6. 50 a.m. on Wednesday; left again at 3.45 p.m., and arrived here as above. Strong north-west winds were experienced up the coast. She left for Picton and Nelson last night. The steamer Tui for Kaikoura and Lyttelton sailed vesterday evening. . . The steamer Jane Douglas from Foxton arrived in harbor at 5 o’clock yesterday morning. She returns to Foxton and Kanyitikei to-day. Tho steamer Huia for Wanganui sailed at 3 p.m. vesterday, and is due here again Sunday morning. The steamer Charles .Edward left for Wanganui and Nelson yesterday forenoon. She returns here on Saturday, and leaves.again the same day for Wanganui, taking with her-as passengers the Pomeroy Theatrical Company. . . , , The U.S.S Co.’s fine steamer Tc Anan iwlue here to-day from Melbourne via the South, and sails during the afternoon for Auckland via the East Coast. The TJ.S.S. Co’s Wanaka from the Manukau and intermediate ports is duo here to-day. In the afternoon she sails for Lyttelton direct. The steamer Patea for Vatea sailed last night. The Sarah Pile and Star of the Sea commenced discharg ng to-day at the breastwork. The steamer Mohaka from Blenheim arrived at the wharf'at 0 o'clock yesterday evening, and sails again to The steamers Go-Ahead and Kiwi from the East Coast may be looked f r to-day. The Orcti, which left Napier at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, had not arrived up to midnight. The barque Sophia R. Luhrs, one of the Black Diamond liners, arrived off the Heads Wednesday night, but, owing to the nor’-west wind of yesterday, was unable to get in. At dusk, however, last evening, she got under weigh, and by midnight was coming up the harbor t The wharf should be unusually busy to-day. The steamers re Acan and Wakatipu both have a coiis'dorable quant ty of cargo to put out. The ship Auckland will also haul into the No. 2 berth and open hatches. The Wanaka also arrives, so that the acquirements of the wharf will be fully tested. The U.S.S. Co.’s Wakatipu, from Sydney, arrived in harbor last evening at 7 o’clock, and after steaming half way up the harbor went into quarantine. For some reason she was not boarded, so that her mails will not he landed until this morning. She left Sydney on the 26Lh, and brings 29 saloon and 16 steerage passengers. , . Mr John McLaren, formerly pilot of Wanganui, who has had a trip to the old country, returned last night i>y the ship Auckland, from London.


The ship Auckland, one of the Albion Shipping Company's fine fleet of vessels, under command Of Captain McDougal, arrived in port In tow of ihe a.s. Grafton, at 7 o’clock list evening. She comes here consigned to Messrs W. acd G, 1 urnbull and Co., and is the largest vessel that has visited us this season, dh© Is *»n iron vessel of great length, and has 2000 tons «»( general merchandise oh board. Her passage has been a most uneventful and somewhat protracted one of 104 days, occasioned by a continuance of light head winds. Her passengers, 34 in number, all arrive in excellent spir ts and good health, no sickness h»viog occurred or casualties of any kind. Havi g a riuanti-y of powder on hoard, the ship was brought up at the powder ground, but by the forenoon it is expected that the combustible - ortion of her ca*vo will be landed, when she will be immediately berthed at tho Queen’s Wharf. As soon as her anchor was down last evening, tho authorities boarded her and were not Ion r in granting her a clean bill of health. From Capt. McDougal’s private log we cull the following particulars regar *ing the voyage:—Lef : London on 18th August: arrived at Gravesend on the 19th, and took in her powder ; left shortly afterwards, and came to an anchor in the Downs thes<me day: weighed anchor on the 20th, and beat down Channel; landed her pil t on the 24th, on which day she took her final departure. ! _ine weather, with light winds, were experienced to picking rp the N.E. Tiades on September 9th, in lat. 28deg N., lon* 20de< W. The Trades were light, ;md only of a week's duration, being lost in lat. lldeg S., lone, sideg N. W. and N.W. winds were then met with until the 21st, when the SE. Trades were

s picked up. in lat. sdeg 33tn!o N. and 20deg W.; these proved moderate; crossed the Equator in 24deg T»V, havirg been then 35 days out; on the 2nd October exchanged signals with the ship Fiery Cross, from San Francisco to Liverpool, 70 days out. The S.E. Trades wre lost on 6th October, in 24deg 3,S6deg W. There had been a succession of JST.E wind', which carried the vessel to 42deg S., I7deg W.; passed the meridian of Greenwich on the 17th October, in 42deg 3.; rounded the Cape on 21st October, in the same lat. The winds still continued well from the north, which drove her down as far as 47 eg, in which parallel she ran her easting down. Passed T ismauia on the 10th ultimo, in 4Sdeg S.. and previously was in company with the ship Lmnedio, of the same line, bound to Ot*go, From thence to arrival off bo New Zealand coast had Ucbt and variable weather with baffling winds; made Cape Farewell on the 29th nil., and arrived off the Heads on Wednesday night, took the pilot on board, arriving as above. The Auckland chores to pore re mar - ably clean, both aloft and below, reflecting credit to the officers in charge. She will be entered at the Customs to-day, and commence discharging at once. SHIPPING SUMMARY. The busv season of the year basset in, and since the ■disp itch of our last summary the port has exhibited considerable signs of activity. Wool, tallow, and other coh>ir a\ produc » have been, aud still are being, rapidly f.dv.ti ted from the neighboring ports, and the result h* * been that the early but not the regular wool have received uausutlly rapid dispatch. The tot d number of arrivals of vessels of ati classes during the month amount to 125, the aggregate tun* nag-* being 32.514. The departures were l2i), the tonnuge.oi which amounted to 30,514. Tuo comparison with that of last year is satisfactory la tho D-cem’ber Summary of last-year the arrivals were 1 6. tho tonnage being 18,047. and the sailing ve-*se T . 22. with a tonnage of 0643. The wool clip this ®*w>a would, fudging by the consignments, appear to bo highly satisfactory to growers of this

I staple, and the result is that the port and the shipping interest prospers accordingly. , The Harbor Board on the Ist day of .November took over tho charge of the Queen e Wharf, in accordance with the terms inclu ed In t Act which gave powers to that effect in the last session of Parliament The working of tho Act goes along smoothly and the unanimous verdict of merchants and sea cap ams is, that the Harbor Board liave readily and successfully grappled with a branch of their legitimate duties (which had, owing to municipal complications, been withheld for ton ion" a period. The Board works most harmon - ously under tho presidency of its Chairman, MrW. H Levin and the gentlemen of the Trust who devote so" much of their valuable time to the in terests of their fellow citizens may lie 'congratulated upon their having retained the services of such - an intelligent, trustworthy, and really useful executive officer as Mr I,yon, tho Secretary to the Trust. Ere our next summary leaves, wo expect to bo ame to chronicle the fact of still further harbor improvements. The marine surveys rendered necessary by the proposed and almost officially authorised reclamation of the To Aro foreshore are complete, and the time of tho commencement of the work is merely a matter of detail, which will have to ho settled between the City Corporation and V t Harbor Board. The all-important subject of the reclamation of the Te Aro foreshore, as a matter of course, suggests the construction of a (lock on the reclaimed land. It is to be regretted that excitement attendant upon tiie Mayoral and general elections have in a measure subordinated this latter alluded to prospect. Perhaps after the general elections are settled, merchants, mechanics, and citizens generally will notice the importance of deciding upon some dock scheme. At any rate it is a consummation to be wished devoutly. The American bargue Virginia sailed for Auckland, in ballast, on the 7th November. She is chartered to carry gum from the port mentioned to New York. H.M.S. Emerald left the harbor on the morning of the 14th ult., in a manner as quiet and as unostentatious as signalised her arrival from the South Pacino archipelago some three months ago. The s.s. Westport, a handy, smart boat, built on the Clyde, and purchased from the stocks by Captain E. W. Williams, who intends running her as a collier between this port and Westport, put in appearance from Cardiff, via Westport, at midnight on the 10th ult. The arrivals during the past month have been, for this period of the year, singularly few, and. In addition to the Westport, consist of the barque Unicorn, from Glasgow, which vessel put in an appearance on the Bth November; tho screw steamer Kangaroo, which reached here from Adelaide on the 24thi ult. ; and the ship Auckland, which arrived at the Heads yesterday from London. The Unicorn, after unloading, was chartered by the New Zealand Shipping Company, and left on Wednesday, in ballast, for Oamaru whore she loads up with wool for London. It cannot but prove a matter of congratulation to colonial shippers in the north of England that tho New Zealand Shipping Company have> opened a branch establishment in Liverpool. AUhong tlieoff-shoot from the parent tree has only been a ruck within the past few months, the agency h-s already despatched three ships to various ports in the colony. The casual tbs on the coast have been fortunately confined to two in number, and in neither instance was there a loss of life. The vessel England s Glory was cast away at the Bluff on November 7 last, particulars of which appear elsewhere. The U .S.S. Co. s s.s Penguin, about the swiftest, and owing perhaps to'the geniality of her late commander, Captain Malcolm, the most popular packet on the New dearland coast, on the night of the 19th instant, at about 815 grounded in the French Pass on a flat shelf of rock, upon which she remained 225 hours, when she floated off of her own accord, and ar.ived in Wellington some few hours subsequently. The Penguin was Immed atoly after her arrival placed upon the Patent Slip, where she sati fac orily underwent a critical examination, and was floated off the same day, it being shown that she bad sustained n 4 the slightest damage. The Customs’ authorities instituted an i n quiry before the Stipendiary Magistrate and a nautlcal assessor, tho result being that the certificate of Captain Malcolm was returned. He was, however, somewhat severely censured. An account of the investigation appears elsewhere.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 6439, 2 December 1881, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 6439, 2 December 1881, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 6439, 2 December 1881, Page 4