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A GREAT HARDWARE HOUSE. A stroll through Messrs E. W. Mills and Co’s splendidly equipped warehouses on Jervois Quay, Hunter and Victoria Streets, brings the suggestion home to the practical man, that here is truly a business closely wrapped up in the development of the colony. The pioneer settler will here find all the requisites necessary to conquer the forest; the agriculturist may obtain the most perfected machinery for his business, and the market gardener the latest tiling in implements. The miner and the contractor can be supplied at a moment’s notice with the tools and necessaries of their crafts. The ship chandlery department is a perfect emporium for “ those who go down to the sea in ships.” Local industry may draw all its supplies from this source, while last, but not least, the safety of the threads of the commercial world are provided for by the best safes in the market. THE OLD FAVOURITE LINE.

"What colonist of fifteen years standing, but remembers the days when Maoriland was but tributary', as it were, to the ports of Melbourne and Sydney, in the way of steam communication with the motherland. And what enthusiasm was generated in our midst when the N.Z. Shipping Company courageously put an end to that state of affairs by inaugurating the direct steam service. Since then the Company has kept thoroughly abreast of the times in the equipment of its vessels, and in all concerning the comfort of the travelling public, fully maintaining its good name. The Company’s announcement on page S will well repay perusal.


The Railway Department evidently means to keep up its reputation for enterprise and study of popular requirements. The arrangements for the 189(3-97 tourist season, details of which will lie found on page b, are a distinct encouragement to the people to spend their holiday nest-egg in the best possible way, namely, in exploring the beauties of their country, And where else will such variety be found as in Maoriland V ■ —an Italy, a Switzerland, a Norway and a Britain rolled into one. For a moderate fare the people’s own ironways will speed them to all these sights. Coming nearer home we notice that cheap excursion tickets will be available for residents of the Hawke’s Bay, Taranaki and Wellington districts who mean to do the Exhibition.

A CRACK. It is spelt Humber —a household word in cycling circles for the last fifteen or twenty years. New makes are entering the market almost daily, but still the Humber Holds a leading position. Messrs Inglis Bros, are the Wellington agents for the Humber wheels, and a visit to their show-rooms in Willis street should be made by those intending to enter the ranks of the cycling fraternity. Messrs Inglis’ reputation for reliable repair works is too well-known to need emphasising. A VIRTUOSOS PRONOUNCEMENT. The “ Dresden”: Who does not know the name— facile princeps in the piano trade. Here connoisseurs can obtain the instruments by any of their favourite makers. And not only have we variety at the Dresden: the fact of De Kontski declaring of me of the Co’s. Erard’s : " I never could presume to find such a fine piano in New Zealand before coming to your city,” reads more eloquently for quality than columns of bald statement.


Among the many examples of practical State Socialism in this colony, our Public Trust Cilice stands in the front rank. The office makes no monopoly of its business. It competes with private enterprise, and is fast winning the day on its merits. The Public Trustee, with an absolute State guarantee at bis back, will act as your executor oi agent", invest your funds, Ac., Ac. Me never dies, never leaves the country, and never becomes disqualified. Applicants are reminded that tin* Public Trust (Xlice has acccredited agents in all cent res. NATURE’S CURES. Nature may Ih> “ red-handed,” hut she has furnished mankind with many a healing and health-giving - agency. Many and eloquent are the testimonies to the efficiency one of these —“ Puriri ” Natural Mineral Water—in renewing the system. Messrs. Ehrenfried, of Auckland, are the proprietors and bottlers of the Puriri water.


The name “Fitzgerald’s” is verily synonymous with relief from many ills that do beset mankind. Mr. Fitzgerald, besides his business of consulting chemist and public vaccinator, manufactures specialties of bis own. Among the best known of these is the Anti-Seasickness Mixture, in which Air. Fitzgerald’s experience as a ship surgeon has enabled him to fill a decided want. STALE CO-OPERATION AO A IN. The battle of contending parlies has waged, and is still waging" round the Government Advances to Settlers’ Act. Our present object is simply to draw attention to the transparent benefits of this system of State aid to settlers, details of which are given on page 7. The most conspicuous advantages offered by the office superintended by Mr John McGowan, are (1) the merely nominal expenses incurred by borro".v,-rs, for valuation fees and law costs, (i’j the fact that the Act provides for the extinction of principal by a.small extra annual interest charge. In brief, 1 he State, as a co-operative concern, does not look for prefit from its members. THE RISE OF SPORT. ’ If proof were wanting of the growth of healthy outdoor sportingproclivities among both sexes, which is such a marked feature of this.// n de sierle, a visit to an establishment such as that of Air W. 11. Tisdall, of Lambton quay, would satisfy the most sceptical. The golfer, the shootist, the angler, et hoc ijcuus oimo', will find Tisdall s a veritable sportsman’s Paradise, both in the variety and quality of the wares there temptingly set forth. WHERE THE BOOKS COME FROM. For every' book and periodical issued from the press a century ago, over one hundred are now sent forth to satisfy the reading world. Where do they come from r Well, Messrs Cassell and Co., one of the great cosmopolitan firms, which has extended its operations to these southern colonies, are responsible for no small share of this literary feast. Ample support of this statement will he found on another page. “ LINOLEUM RODGERS.” The name explains itself. It signifies that the head of the firm of JL .J. Rodgers and Co., Manners street, is known to the public as a specialist in that line. A perusal of the firm’s price-list, which includes mats, carpets, curtains, Ac., will show that small profits and quick returns are its guiding principle. A GREAT AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTION.

Commencing its career at early stage of colonial development, the Australian Mutual Provident Society, or A.ALP. as it is commonly spoken of, has grown in strength and stature side by side with the several colonies, and thereby attained a position which compels the admiration of the insurance world. The A.AI.P. claims to be the largest life office in the British Empire, a fact of which we dwellers under the Southern Cross may well feel a little inclined to boast about. Noticeable points in the A.AI.P. are its annual bonuses and the very stringent method of valuing the Society’s securities for the purpose of doubly safeguarding the interest of its members.

“ CLEANLINESS AND CIVILITY. ” This is the appropriate motto adopted by Mr C. J. Miller, hairdresser and tobacconist of Willis street, and a visit to his establishment will fully bear out the legend. QUALITY AND GOOD VALUE TELL. There is something peculiarly attractive and wholesome about a first-class, well-kept provision store. This is what strikes a visitor to Crespin’s Co-operative Cash stores in Cuba street. This firm is making a special bid for the Christmas trade, and if the prices detailed elsewhere, combined with quality, are any criterion, we feel sure that Wellington housewives will see that Messrs Ctespin’s enterprise is fully rewarded. LUGS, FURS, AND FANCY COSTUMES. Our readers are reminde 1 that Mr 11. Shetlander, of 21, Willis street, makes a speciality of the above articles, in connection with his extensive clothing an 1 out • fitting trade. CH R 1 STM AS PE E SEATS. To give is truly a, source of genuine pleasure. The festive season of gifts and giving* is close upon us whither shall we wend our steps? Well, true it is that nowhere have we seen a finer assortment of articles suitable for presents as that at Messrs. Wilkins and Field’s, Manners street. Everything is fresh, tempting", and plainly marked. Space forbids a detailed notice of their bew.lding variety, but readers will find details in another part of this journal, and particulars of other articles of which the firm make a speciality.


The publication of the Imperial Album of New 7 Zealand Scenery, marks a distinct advance in the photo-engraver’s art in this colony. The N. '/. Scenery Publication Co., may be fairly congratulated on the excellence of their production, which is, moreover, a truly popular undertaking, when the price is considered. The album is the best value in its line that we have yet come across, and no better souvenir for Home friends could be found.


ATien a traveller embarks ah >ard one of the familiar red-funnel boats, he may set his mind at rest as to comfort and everything else that makes a sea voyage en joyable. That all goes without saying on the

Union line —a line which is a first-class advertisement to the colony wherever its boats may go. Excursionists who mean to d » the West Coast Sounds this season are referred to the Company’s tempting advertisement on our cover.


Maorilanders havejust reason to be proud of their national life oliiee. Its progress and prosperity have heen such as in a like period of existence are unsurpassed by any other life insurance oilice within the jjritish dominions. The oilice is deservedly popular, for besides the big fact of a State guarantee, its premium rates are moderate and its business limited to New Zealand, the healthiest country in the world. With these advantages the “ Government Info” is bound to keep up the steadily increasing ratio of progress demonstrated elsewhere in clear tables. THE CUP THAT CHEERS. The name of Nelson, Monte and Co. is a familiar one from Dan to Heersheba, or, perhaps, speaking more correctly, from the coves of Stewart Island to the gumdigger’s whare in the Far North. The firm claims the largest sale for its teas in Australasia —another feather in New Zealand’s cap, and one that has been fairly won by merit. That quality and study of customers’ tastes tell has been once more proved in the case of the Nelson-Moate Company. THE “ LOAN AND MERCANTILE.” No need for its full name. This gigantic financial institution is familiar to the agricultural, pastoral and trading classes throughout the colonies. There is very little that a country settler or pastoralist wants doing, that the Loan and Mercantile wont manage for him better and cheaper than he could do it himself. This is the natural economic outcome of a big capital and a huge business. Among the facts given in the Company’s announcement we note it is the largest wool-broking firm in the world THE PLACE FOR STYLE. All and sundry who want the very latest and tlii! very best in mercery and hats should drop in at No. 57, Lambton quay, and see Messrs Davis and Clater’s stock for themselves. One of the best things in the outfitting line we have seen for the coming hot weather is the cellular clothing, the noted “ clothed in air” goods, for which the firm are sole agents. WHAT LOCAL INDUSTRY CAN DO. One of the smartest shows at the Exhibition is that of Messrs Rouse and Harrell, of the Empire Steam Carriage Factory, Courtenay place and Yo-k Street. The exhibit instantly stamps the firm as a pushing one. Messrs Rouse and Murrell turn out an article of their own which really can’t he beat; at the same time importing several lines of Yankee and English specialities to meet varying tastes. Truly it is through such industries as the one in ijuestion that we are progressing towards

that desired goal—a sol f-contained community.


If there is any city firm which has merited its success, it is assuredly “The Economic ” drapery and millinery establishment on Lambton quay. The “ Economic” people set themselves out to draw the public, and they have done so on the principle that if a thing is worth doing 1 at all it is worth doing well. The latest attraction to tue firm’s dainty Christmas Carnival, now on, is a mechanical spectacle f*»r the youngsters, entitled “Jack Frost at the North Pole,” which is shown every afternoon from 3 till 5.


Devotees of the wheel owe a lot to the enterprise of Air S. E. V right, of Lambton (piay. He it was who set the fashion towards the light and graceful American bikes, which arc having such a boom in the city this season. Air \\ right claims to have had the pick of the Yankee make q and, after careful consideration, selected the Stearns and the Barnes machines as his ieiding lines. The result is that “ Vella w Fellows” and “White Flyers ” now occupy a front rank position in the local market and on our roads and tracks. The “ Reliance ”is known all over AN ellington as a real good wheel which bears out its name, and a bargain at its price of .£l7. 'The “Geneva" and the World are also favourably known makes in Air Wright’s stock. lint the cycling novelty at the present time is undoubtedly “Old Hickory, an American wooden bite, a marvel of construction and strength, which reduces vibration to a minimum. Don’t fail to inspect the new-comer—that’s our advice. R aiders are referred to pages (bund lit for particulars of the tests and performances of Air V right's machines. It “ reads like a book,” and anyone setting eyes on these f iseinat iiig pages will perforce go on to th ■> end. SANITARY ENGINEERING. Sanitary engineering is a science to which more and more attention is. rightly, being given now-a-days. Alessrs ,7. Alexander and Co, of Mercer-street, have a well deserved reputation in this line. We note that both partners in the business. Air J. Alexander and Air F. W. Smith hold ii'g'i certificates and medals.from the City amt Guilds of London Institute. Alessrs Alexander’s business includes plumbing, g ts lit ting in all its launches, also dairy req iisites, taik», chimney cowls, etc The firm .employs' none hut certificited men under the personal supervision of the principals, and we can confidently recommend the establishment to our friends. A WELLINGTON LAN DAI ARE. Our friends will find the description which Messrs J tines Smith and Co give of their Te Aro House establishment on another page most interesting, and even instructive, reading". Messrs S nith have followed the sound business policy of advertising judiciously and keeping the resultant pattonage by studying their customers in every detail. Te An< House, as is widely known, is a complete furnishing, drapery and clothing emporium. Half -a. - dozen local industries flourish under its roof, while the firm are heavy importers of all the best goods from overseas. Te Aro House is noted for its extremely moderate scale of prices all t lirough. The secret lies greatly in the size and comprehensiveness of the business. The various departments all work into each other’s hinds. Result: economy all round, and the public gets the benefit.


The best place in Wellington to see American inventiveness in hard concrete fact is at the Yeivx and .Jones Company’s headquarters in the National Mutual Life ILiildiu gs. Here the retailer will find a boon —just the thing lie had sighed for — in that wonderful, infallible cashier, the “ National Cash Register.” The Company are agents for that king among typewriters, the Yost, which, by the way, was the machine selected by Nansen for his famous voyage in tie Frarn. And their article much in evidence is the famous Columbia bicycle, a thing of joy and beauty for ever —and strength too, we may add. This machine is claimed to be the “ best that money can buy.” The Yerex and Jones Co. make all visitors on inspection bent right welcome.

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New Zealand Mail, 3 December 1896, Page 22

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PUBLISHER’S DEPARTMENT. New Zealand Mail, 3 December 1896, Page 22

PUBLISHER’S DEPARTMENT. New Zealand Mail, 3 December 1896, Page 22