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(PER PRESS ASSOCIATION.) G: Dunedin, January 9. The entries for the rifle meeting, so far, number 325, of which 120 are from Otago. The entries from North Otago, Riverton, New South Wales, ana Queensland have not yet come to hand. January 11. The arrangements are almost complete for the Rifle Meeting. The number of entries is about 340. Of these about 300 are bonA. fide competitors, the remainder having entered for only one match. Twenty-eight competitors are here from Australia, principally from Victoria. Nothing has been heard of the New South Wales and Queensland men, and it is feared they are not coming. _ " it is expected that a team from H.M.S. Lizard will enter for the Intercolonial Match. The number of targets in use will be 33. The time has not been sufficient to erect the remainder. Captain Sommerville is, however, confident that with ti e weather the meeting will be concluded in a week. Admiral Lord Charles Scott and Lord Carrington,..iwlio..are . expected to morrow, are to be invited to accompany Lord Onslow to the meeting. ?■ ■' January 12. The weather, which has been unsettled for the past week, was showery to-day, and has made things very unpleasant for the competitors who have already gone into camp. Shooting will commence at eleven o’clook, and it is expected that the first match, which does not count in the grand, aggregate for the belt, will occupy the remainder of. the day. Telegraph communication from the range can only be expected by a cyclist and mounted man, who will carry the de-patches to the telegraph office at Mosgiel,' distant two miles and a half. £7O was asked to stretch a line to the camp. The Wiogatui railway station is about a mile and a' half from the range, but the train which carries the competitors to and fro will run down a branch line to within a quarter of a mile of the ground. A number of visitors have decided to live in town, in order to look through the Exhibition in the evening. It is not known yet whether Admiral Lord Charles Scott and Lord Carrington, who arrived to-day, will be present at the opening ceremony. The balance of the North Island men missed the express train at Ly ttelton yesterday, and are expected to arrive by the Rotorua, this evening or early to-morrow morning. ">

THE GOVERNOR’S OPENING SPEECH. Dunedin, January 13. The Exhibition Rifle Meeting, held under the auspices of the New Zealand Rifle Association, opened at the Wingatui Valley to-day. The weather was threatening all the morning, and at 10.30, shortly after the men had taken up their position at the 200yds range awaitiug the arrival of the vice-regal party, a severe hailstorm was encountered. Fortunately the storm was of short duration, and passed off a few minutes before the arrival ‘ of the special train conveying the visitors. - Throughout the day a strong southerly wind was blowing across the range. There were also two slight showers of rain. Half an hour before “cease firing” sounded the wind lessened, and those who were fortunate to fire at that time were enabled to put on a fair score at the long range. It may be mentioned, however, that Alajor Acheson, who scored 32 out of a possible 35 at 600yds, shot when the wind was at its height. The shooting all round was very fair. The site chosen for the range is about nine miles from town, and a special train runs out from town at 6.55 a.m, to within ten minutes’ walk of the camp. No better spot could possibly have been chosen, and the men are greatly pleased with it. Captain Booamerville has general control of the camp, while the official duties havebeen entrusted to Captain Collins. In consequence of the falling short of the estimate the Council found it necessary to reduce the value of the championship prizes by £4O ; and also to reduce the prize money in other matches 15 per cent., except in the Otago Match, the .money for which is subscribed locally. . Thirty-four targets were in use, but of these only 24 can be used at the 600 aDd 700 yards. Punctually at a quarter-past 11 o’clock a special train arrived with the contingent from Government House. It comprised Lord and Lady Onslow, Lord Carrington (Governor of JS ew South Wales), Captain French (bis aide-de-camp), Mr Mosey Thompson (of Auckland), Mr Walrond (Private Secretary), and Miss Coustable. A tripod was prepared and the Countess of Onslow fired the first shot, an inner (very close to the bull’s eye) ring being signalled amid cheers. His Excellency, addressing the competitors said, Captain Sommerville, officers, and men—-It gives ine pleasure to come here to the first international match which has been held in New Zealand. I trust you will have rather better weather than the opening day has been, and I hope that our friends from the other side of the water, who have come here, will not. get too bad an idea of the New Zealand climate. I am glad to have this opportunity of welcoming for the first time in Dunedin Lord Carrington, who has administered most successfully in a most -f| popular manner the Government of one of the colonies in Australia. Rifle shooting ha 3 always been one of the principal conditions of volun- . tearing and war. Since the movement took root in England the National Rifle Associa. ;S5

tion of England has teen the envy and admiration of mauy of the European Powers. You •will recollect a somewhat unfortunate chapter in the modern history, of England, when a small force was unfortunately routed and defeated by a very inferior number in the Transvaal. It is a matter of veiy great importance that those who have to fight under conditions such as that should be able to shoot well, for there can be no doubt that the disaster at Majuba Hill was entirely owing to the fact that although there was a small British force well led and well officered, they were opposed by men who knew their rifles and were thorough good marksmen. If it should ever unfortunately happen that you should he called upon to oppose a force attempting to land on your shores, with the natural advantages and configuration of your country and the cover of.yonr bush, added to the knowledge of your markmanship, you may be sure you will be able to give a good account of yourselves to th 6 enemy. For myself, I have only a very limited experience of volunteering, having at one time attained to the rank of a full private in a cadet corps—(laughter) but the slight knowledge I gained of the use of the rifle has enabled me to take an interest in all matters connected with volunteering, and I should like to draw your attention while I have.the opportunity to some words which were written by General Edwards in his recent report on the forces of the Colony. You will have noticed that- he spoke there in most favourable terms of the physique and good qualities of the men, but even a Samson and a Bayard would be of little use in these days unless he had some knowledge of the use of the rifle. The necessity of such a knowledge cannot be too strongly impressed on everyone. Even though you have a well-trained force voti can at any time_ enlarge it and make it larger and more powerful. You will all .recollect the extraordinary steps taken during the great war in America. At one time the army of the North passed upward of 2,500,000 men through its ranks, all of whom had been citizens ; and at the close of the war. a million men who had been engaged in it went back to their homes and became well ordered'and disciplined citizens. I have to declare this meeting open on behalf of myself and Lady Onslow, whom you have just seen fire the first shot. (Applause.) Three cheers were then given for Lord Ouslow, and one more for the Countess, and the parties dispersed. Shortly afterward the Wellington Match, 200, 500 (seven shots) was commenced. This match does not count in the grand aggregate for the belt. The following are the highest scorers who have fired all three ranges in this match : Major Acheson (Riverton) ... ... 92 Private Mitchell (Victoria) ... ... 92 Mr Sloan (Victoria) ... ••• ••• 90 Major Burns (Dunedin) .. ... ... 89 Corporal W. BalliDger (Wellington) ... 86 Private W. Hutcheson (Dunedin) ... 86 Private Kruse (Wanganui,Rifles) ... 79 Vol. Jas. Dickson (Peninsula) ... ... 77 Private MoDougall (Rirersdale) ... 77 Lieut. Okey (Taranaki) ... 77 Sergt. Kuchen (Wellington) ... ... 77 Private Jones (Waikari) ... ... ... 77 Corporal Kirk (Victoria)... ... .. 76 Private Hardy (South District)... ... 76 Some of those who have yet to fire at 600 yards came back with good scores, and will, in all probability, get iu the prizelist, but it is doubtful whether anyone will Bupplanb Major Acheson, 1 who beats Mitchell on the tie, having made a higher score at the long range. The match will be finished in the morning. A start was made just before six with the Hawkes Bay Match, 500 and 600yds (10 shots), counting for the belt. , Only a few competed at the shorter range, Engineer Lloyd, of the Dunedin Engineers, making 47 out of a possible 50, his scores consisting of nine bull’s eyes and an outer. Captain Hanby, who is-in’ charge of the Victorian contingent, has been informed by the Union Company that they intend making a refund of £3 per head on, the passage money. Marking to-day was rather dilatory, but some allowance must be made for men <*ho ore not need to the kind of work, and also for the fact that they were working in a strong wind.

Dunedin, January 14. This morning broke dull and threatening, but kept clear, though a strong southerly wind, which blew nil the forenoon, made it uncomfortable, the cold wintry weather being anything but pleasant. Firing commenced shortly after 8 o’clock, but the progress of the matohes was somewhat delaved owing to the Council having decided to" allow the competitors who only arrived late last night to take part in the first match, which was almost concluded on the opening day. However, before the day ended the late comers had made up their lost ground, and from this out the matches will proceed in the regular way. It has been decided to continue shooting until 7 o’clock each evening, and arrangements have been made with the railway authorities for a special train to call near the range at 7.30 to convey to Dunedin those who are living in town. Three matches were in progress to-dajr, two finishing about 5 o'clock ; while in the third several have got to fire. The Wellington match was the first to finish. Major Atcheson, of Riverton, who tied Sergeant Remington for the championship in Wanganui in 1886, took the principal prize with the fine score of 92, defeating Mitchell, of Victoria, on a tie, by having made the highest score at the long range. Mr Sloan, of Victoria, was third with 90. The Hawkes Bay Match, whioh is the first to count for the Belt, was concluded by 6 o’clock Gunner Gardiner, of the local Artillery, heading the fist with 85. Engineer Lloyd, also of Dunedin, tiedGardinor, but, like Mitchell, suffered defeat at tho 600yds range. Iu this match the bulk of the prize-money goes to tho Otago representatives, who have 18 out of the first 2S prize-takers. From three o’clock the wind gradually went down, and as there was a capital light.some excellent shooting was made. In the Marlborough Match, 10 shots at 500yds, Captain Hanby, of Victoria, made the possible, and he was

greeted with cheers as the white disc appeared after his last shot. Major Purnell, of Wanganui, and Private McCarthy, of Auckland, also made some tall shootiDg, eachbeing credited with nine bull’s-eyes and a magpie, or 4S points. Several others are well up, and a few squads have yet to fire. The general arrangements of the camp are excellent, but there, is a good deal of grumbling at the catering. Following is the result of the day’s shooting : Wellington Match, 200,500 and 600 yards; 10 shots at each distance. (Not counting for the Belt.) Major Acheson (Riverton), £lO ... Private Mitchell (Victoria), £3 92 Mr Sloan (Korowonga), £6 90 Major Burns (Dnnedin), £5 ... ••• 89 Gunner Mitchell :t”t Chalmers Art.) £5 87 Gunner Bunting (Napier Artillery). £s_ 87 Private Armstrong (N’th Dunedin Js..)£o 86 Corpl W. Ballinger Wel’tn Guards), £4 86 Pvt W. Hutchison (N’th DuDedin R )£4 86 Pvt Salek (Ashburton Rifles), £4 ... 86 Mr Walcelin (Christchurch Reserve), £4 85 Sergt Fredericks (N’th Dunedin R.). £3 85 Gunner Howe (Wellington Art.), £3 ... 84 Private Oates (Greytown Rifles), £3 ... 83 Mr Hammond (Christchurch Res.), £3 83 Gunner Webster (Auckland Art.), £3 ... 83 Private Warring (Marton Rifles), £2 ... 83 Captain Caines (Yarrawonga), £2 ... S2 Gunner Wilson (Peninsula), £2... ... S2 Private Coventry (Dunedin C.G.), £2 .. 82 Sergt. Tiffen (East Coast Hussars), £2 81 Sergt. Chalmers (Dunedin Art.;, £2 ... 81 Pvt. McCarthy (Victoriaß., Auckld.)£2 81 Pvt. Dunne (Irish Rifles, Dunedin), £2 81 Sergt. Parslow (Auckland Art.), £2 ... 81 Gunner (Pt. Chalmers A.), £2 80 Sergt. Perry (Alexandra Cavalry), £2... 80 Pvt. Foster (Christchurch Rifles), £2 ... 80 Gunner Gardner (Dunedin Art.) £2 ... 80 The following competitors get £1 each : Pvt. Torlesse (Kangiora Rifleß) 79 Pvt. Kruse (Wanganui Rifles) ... ... 79 Mr Jas. Dickson (Peninsula Rifle Club) 79 Sergt. Sandford (Christchurch Rifles) ... 79 Pvt Richardson (Dunedin City Guards) 79 Seaman Williams (Wellington Navals)... 79 Private Tvler (Raugiora Rifles) 79 P.O. Harris (Wellington Navals) ... 79 Lieut. Kennedy (EastTaieri Rifles) ... 78 Lieutenant Morrison (Dunedin Navals) 78 Mr McKay (Olutha Rifle Club) 78 Sergeant McDougall (Riversdale Rifles) 78 Pvt. Nutt (Newton Rifles, Auckland)... 78 Pvt. Atkinson (Wellington City Rifles) 7S Corporal Craig (Alexandra Artillery) ... 78 Lieut.-Com. Cosgrove (Oamaru Navals) 78 Seaman Paterson (Oamaru Navals) ... 77 Lieutenant Prain (Napier Artillery) ... 77 Sergt. Kuchen (Wellington Artillery) ... 77 Mr Hungerford (Greymouth Rifle Club) 77 Private Jones (Waikari Rifles) ... ... 77 Counted out—Engineer Lloyd (Dunedin), Captain Jolly (Cromwell). Trooper Strachan (Alexandra Cavalry), Seaman France (Wellington Navals), Lieutenant Okey (Taranaki). , Hawkes Bay Match, 500 and 600 yards; 10 shots at each range. (Counting for the Gun. (Dunedin Artillery), £lO 85 Eng. Lloyd (Dunedin Engineers), £8 ... 85 Sergt. Gray (Canterbury Scottish), £6... 84 Private Jenkins (Arrow Rifles), £5 ... 83 Private Mitchell (Victoria), £5 ... 83 Colonr-Sergt. Ka3 (Oamaru Rifles), £5... 83 Trooper Peate (Alexandra Cavalry), £5 83 Major Purnell (Wanganui), £4 ... 82 Private McCarthy (Auckland), £4 ... 82 Gunner Taylor (Auckland Artillery), £4 81 Sergeant Jones (Waikari Rifles), £4 ... 81 Pvt. Coventry (Dun. City Guards), £3 81 Sergt. Frederick (N. Dunedin R.), £3... 80 Lieut. Davey (Pitone Navals), £3 ... SO Lieut. Oakden (Peninsula Navals), £3... 80 Lieut. Morrison (Dunedin Navals), £2... 80 Sergt. Bashford (Christchurch Rifles), £2 80 Capt. Proudfoot (Dunedin Artillery), £2 80 Corp. Elliott (Waikari Rifles), £2 .., 79 Gunner Begg (Peninsula Navals), £2 ... 79 Capt. Hogg (Clutha Rifle Club), £2 ... 79 Private Cameron (Kaitangata), £2 ... 78 Corp, Scott (Christchurch Rifles), £2 ... 78 Sergt. Kuchen (Wellington Artillery), £2 78 W. Willocks (Clutha Rifle Club), £2 ... 78 Pvt. Armstrong (N. Dunedin Rifles), £2 78 Capt. Patrick (Waitahuna Rifles), £2 ... 78 Private Torlesse (Rangiora), £2 ... 78 Pvt. Ballinger (Wellington Guards), £2 77 The following take £1 each : Lieut. Ross (Napier Artillery) 77 Captain Waters (Port Chalmers Art.) ... 77 Mr Sloan (Yarrawonga 1 .. 77 Mr J. W. Williams (Napier) ... ... 77 P.O. Williams (Wellington Navals) ... 76 Mr Hungerford (Greymouth Rifle Club) 76 Seaman Whir (Thames Navals)... ... 76 Private Josling (Rangiora Rifles)- ... 76 Major Atcheson (Riverton) ... ... 7> P.O. Armstrong (Wellington Navals) ... 76 Private Dunne (Irish Rifles. Dunedin)... 76 PrivateDe Grande )Victoria) ... ... 76 Corp. T. Hutchison (North Dunedin R.) 76 Private Gill (Victoria) ... 76 Corp. McKenzie (Masterton Rifles) ... 75 Private Nutt (Newton Rifles, Auckland) 75 Private Jones (Waikari Rifles)... ... 75 Captain Draper (Victoria) ... ... 75 Bomb. Droughty (Auckland Artillery) 75 Sergt. Martin (Waitahuna Rifles) ... 74 Counted out Wakelin (Christchurch Reserves), Captain Hanby (Victoria), Gunner Foster (Port Chalmers). Sergeant Parslow (Auckland). Gunner Webster (Auckland) and Major Burns (Dunedin). Marlborough Match, 500 yards ; 10 shots. (Counting for the Belt.) Captain Hanby (Victoria) ... ... 50 Major Purnell (Wanganui) ... ... 48 Pvt. McCarthy (Victoria R,, Auckland) 48 Corporal Scott (Christchurch Rifles) ... 47 Capt. Wilniott (Queenstown Artillery) 47 Private Mitchell (Victoria) ... ... 46 Private Harding (Blenheim Rifles) ... 46 Sergt. Kuchen (Wellington Artillery)... 45 Private Kruse (Wanganui Artillery) ... 45 Mr John Smith (Dunedin) ... ... 45 Pvt. Atkinson (Wellington City Rifles) 45 Captain Cameron (Greytown Rifles) ... 45 There are still several to fire in this match, bnt they are not likely to affect the positions of the leading men. So far the highest aggregates for the Championship are : Major Purnell (Wanganui) 130 Private McCarthy (Auckland) ... ... 130 Private Mitchell (Victoria) 129 Gunner Gardiner (Dunedin) 126 Corporal Scott (Christchurch) 125

Dunedin, January 15. To-day was - very trying for shooting, owing to the baffling wind, which blew until late in the afternoon. A few light showers fell early in the morning, and about 11 o’clock a hail squall was encountered, and those who were unfortunate enough to be on the mounds at the time were completely upset : the wind chopped about a good deal all day, consequently no great .scoring was made, except at the 500yds ranae in tho Exhibition Matoh, when Captain Proudfoot. of Duuedin, and Sergeant Fraser, of Nelson, each made the possible (35). The former also had two bull's-eyes for sighters at the 500yds range. Kruse, of Wanganui, put on six bull’s-eyes and an inner with seven shots. Good progress is being made with the championship matches, and great interest is centered in the scoiss of those who nowboldleadingpositions, Gunner Taylor, of the Auckland Artillery, heads the list of aggregates at present, and is closely followed by three or four good reliable shots. There is, however, a long way to go yet, 62 shots having to be fired before it is known who will be the champion rifle shot of New Zealand for 1890. Sergeant Parslow, of Auckland, who holds the championship, has not, so far, shown up prominently, and this afternoon was absent from his squad on Biok leave.. It is believed to be nothing serious, and it is expected he will take up his firing again tomorrow morning. The Council decided to stop the competitors cooking for themselves in camp, as a means of protection to the caterer, who paid a large amount for the privilege, but aa yet have not put the decision into force. As the men were preparing to fall in after lunch the rifle of Private Simpson of the Kaitangata Rifles accidentally exploded as he was about to Bhoulder it. Fortunately the muzzle was pointing upward, and no harm was done. Simpson was at once disqualified from taking further part-in tire meeting, it being contrary to the regulations for anyone to carry. weapons loaded about the camp. The decision of the Committee is considered by some to be rather harsh, while others think it quite right ai a necessary precaution against accidents. The general regulations under whioh the men fire is very clear on tho point, and state that competitors must not load until thev have taken up their stations at the first point and the scorer has given the word, “All clear.” Whether or not Simpson’s entry money will be returned is to be considered by the Council. A strike of the markers was on the tapis this morning for shorter hours, but Captain gummervilla nipped it in the bud, threatening to fill their places by men who were awaiting their billets, and the discontents returned to work without further murmur. The following is the result of to-day’s shooting : Marlborough Match, 500yds ; 10 shots. Captain Hanby (Melbourne), £lO ... 50 Private McCarthy (Auckland), £8 ... 48 Major Purnell ( VVaDgauui), £6 ... 48 Capt Wilmott (Qucenst’n Artillery', £5 47 Corpl. Scott (Christchurch Bifles), £5 ... 47 Col.-Sergt McGregor (Onebunga), £5 46 Sergt Jones (Waikari Rifles), £4 ... 46 Private Mitchell (Victoria), £4 ... . . 46 Private Harding (Blenheim), £4 ... 46 Private Atkinson (Wellington), £2 ... 45 Private Kruse (Wanganui), £2 ... ... 45 Sergt Kuchen (Wellington Artillery), £2 45 Mr Baker (Rangiora Rifle Club), £2 .... 45 Mr McCartney Portobello Rifle C), £2 45 Mr Smith (Clutha Rifle Club), £2 ... 45 Capt Cameron (Greytown Rifles(, £2 ... 45 Lieutenant York (Waitahuna Rifles), £2 44 Corpl. York (Christchurch Reserves), £2 44 Pvt, Dunne (Irish Rifles, Auckland), £2 44 Pvt. Rutt (Newton Rifles, Auckland), £2 44 Pvt. Wakelin (Christchurch Fes.), £2... 44 Mr Hungerford (Greymouth R. Club), £2 44 Gunner Greenfield (Oamaru Art.), £2 ... 44 The following take £1 each : CaptainS. Kerman (Marton Rifles) ... 44 Gunner Howe (Wellington Artillery) ... 44 P.O. Williams (Wellington Navals) ... 44 Private Parkenson (Marton Rifles) ... 44 Mr Humphreys (Rangiora Rifle Club) ... 44 Gunner E, Buchanan (Auckland Art.)... 43 Sergeant Chalmer (Dunedin Artilleryi... 43 Gunner Driver (Port Chalmers Artillery) 43 P.O. Harris (Wellington Navals) ... 43 Private Foster (Christchurch Rifles) ... 43 Private Sontag (Waikari Rifles)... ... 43 Mr N. McTavish (Peninsula Rifle Club) 43 Sergeant Grey (Canterbury Scottish) ... 43 Private Bulley (Victoria)... ... • •• 43 Sergeant; Hempton (Taranaki Rifles) ... 43 LieutMehaffey (Queenstown Artillery)... 43 Private Purser (Blenheim City Rifles)... 43 Colour-Sergt McGregor (Oamaru Rifles) 43 Major Donald (Masterton) ... ... 43 Lieutenant Sloan (Napier Rifles) ... 43 Counted out—Lieutenant Davey (Pitone Navals), Sergeant Parslow (Auckland Artillery), Sergeant Little (Otago Hussars), Sergeant Jones (Greymouth). 'Vanganui Match, 10 shots ; 700 yards. Counting for Belt. Gunner Taylor (Auckland Art.), £lO ... 44 Seaman France (Wellington Navals), £8 42 Private Mitchell (Victoria), £6 42 Captain Patrick (Waitahuna Rifles), £5 41 Sergeant Martin (Waithuna Rifles), £5 40 Captain Draper (Victoria), £5 ... ... 39 Lieut. Praia (Napier Artillery', £4 ... 39 Sergt. Laery (Christchurch Guards), £t 39 Sergeant McGregor (Oamaru Rifles), £4 37‘ Pvt. Collins (Christchurch Reserves), £2 37 Private Foster (Christchurch Rifles), £2 35 Lieut. Blaine (Masterton Rifles), £2 ... 35 Lieut, Cameron (WAitahuna Rifles), £2 35 Gunner Begg Peninsula Navals), £2 ... 35 Colour-Sergt. Kay (Oamaru Rifles), £2 35 Seaman Burn (Wellington Navals), £2 34 Mr Dickson (Peninsula Rifle Club), £2 34 Gunr, E. Buchanan (Auckland Art.), £2 34 Sergt. Kuchen (Wellington Art.), £2... 34 Trooper Perry (Alexandra Cavalry), £2 34 Pvt. HammoDd (Chch. Reserves), £2 ... 33 Sergt. Tobin (Royal Irish, Auckland), £2 33 Lieutenant Thompson (Featherstcn), £2 33 The following take £1 each : Mr R. Neill (Peninsula Rifle Club) ... 33 Private Kruse (Wanganui Rifles) ... 33 Lieutenant Eales (Victoria) ... ••• 33 Gunner Wollett (Dunedin Navnls) ... 32 Sergeant Pollock (N. Dunedin Rifles)... 32 Captain Flyger (Wanganui) ... ... 32 Captain Proudfoot (Dunedm Artillery) 32 Private Geddas (Dunedin Highland R.) 32 Trooper O’Neill (Alexandra Cavalry) ... 32 Mr A. H. Anderson (Clutha Rifle Club) 32 Private De Grandi (Victoria) 32

m MM—BB——BMW Corporal Thomas (Cromwell Rifles) ... 32 Captain Wilmott (Queenstown Artillery) 32 Lieutenant Okey (Taranaki Rifles) ... 32 Pvt. Buckley (Christchurch Reserves)... 32 Corp. W. Ballinger (Wellington Guards) 32 Pvt. Scott (Christchurch Reserve Corps) 32 Lieutenant Davey (Pitone Navals) ... 31 Mr J. Diokson (Peninsula Rifle Club' ... 31 Private W. Coventry (Dunedin Guards) 31 Pvt. Allison (Christchurch Reserve U.) 31 Counted out —Captain Somerville (Alexandra Cavalry), Sergeant Ross (Otepopo Rifles), Captain Waters (Port Chalmers), Private Rainer (West Taieri). The Exhibition Match; 500, GOO and 700 yards ; seven shots. This match was commenced to-day, but only two of the first ranges were completed. The principal scorers are — Private Scott ( Wellington ( luards) ... 63 Gu iner Gardner (Dunedin Artillery) ... 63 Private Miller (North Dunedin Rifles)... 62 Gunner Driver (Port Chalmers Art ) ... 61 Private Co worn (Christchurch Reserve) 51 Pvt. McCarthy (Victoria K., Auckland) 61 Pvt. Armstrong (North Dunedin R:) ... 61 Lieutenant Okey (Taranaki Hjfles) ... 60 Captain Thomas (Cromwell Rifles) ... 60 Captain Proudfoot (Dunedin Artillery) 60 The 90Oyds range will probably be fired to-morrow afternoon. ‘1 he Otago Match. 300, 500 and 700 yards is under way, but only 500}ds had been got through when “ cease firing ” sounded. The highest soores at the range were : - Private Kruse (Wanganui Rifles) ... 34 P.O. Wol ett (Dunedin Artillery) ... 33 Gunner Greenwood iramam Artillery 33 Bombadier Grummett (Victoria) ... 33 Lieutenant Ross (Napiei) ... ... 33 Guuner Taylor (Auckland Ai tillory) ... 32 Captain Cairns (Victoria) ... ... 32 Sergt Kuoheu (Wellington Artillery) ... 32 Major Purnell (WAnganui) ... ... 32 Banks (Lincoln Rifles) ••• ••• ••• 32 Lieutenant Eales (Victoria) ... ... 32 Seaman Moore (Wellington Navals ... 32 It is intended to finish this match tomorrow forenoon. For the Championship three matches are finished, also two ranges of the Exhibition Match and the first stage of the Otago Match Including these the highest aggregates are : Private Mitchell (Victoria) ... ... 253 Gunner Taylor (Auckland Artillery) ... 252 Sergeant Kuchen (Wellington Art.) ... 247 Major Purnell (Wanganui) ... ... 244 Sergeant Kay (Oamaru Rifles) ... ... 243 Private Kruse (Wanganui Rifles ... 239 Captain Proudfoot (Dunedin Artillery) 236 Captain Patrick (Waitahuna Rifles) ... 236 Private McCarthy (Victoria bifles) ... 233 Private Atcheson (Kaitangata Riflea) ... 232 Lieutenant Davey (Pitone Navals) ... 232 Pvt. A. Ballinger ( Wellington Guards) 232 Private Foster (Christchurch Rifles) ... 231 Private Coventry (Dunedin Guards) ... 230 Lieutenant Rons (Napier) ... ... 229 Pvt. J. Hutchison (North Dunedin R.) 229 Gunner Begg (Peninsula Navals) ... 227 Lieutenant Morrison (Danedin Navals) 227 Captain Draper (Victoria) ... ... 22? Private De Grandi (Victoria) ... ... 227 Sergeant Jones (VVaikari Rifles) ... 226 Captaiu Scott (Christchurch Bifles) ... 226 Seaman France (Wellington Navals) ... 225 Gunner Howe (Wellington Artillery) ... 225 Mr Sloan (Victoria) ... ... ... 225 Capt. Waters (Port Chalmers Art.) ... 224 Gun. E. Buchanan (Anokland Artillery) 229 F. Humphreys (Rangiora Rifl-s) ... 223 Private Harding (Blenheim City Rifles) 223 The Victorian men mentioned in the above list cannot compete in the final stage for the championship, and are only included by way of comparison.

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 933, 17 January 1890, Page 11

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THE VOLUNTEERS. New Zealand Mail, Issue 933, 17 January 1890, Page 11

THE VOLUNTEERS. New Zealand Mail, Issue 933, 17 January 1890, Page 11