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. Messrs Laery and Co. report sales for week as follows Potatoes, 75s to 80s; new potatoes, per lb; onions, 120 s; pollard, 75s to 80s ; bran, 70s ; flour, £lO ; oatmeal, £lO 15s to £11; oats, 2s 4d to 2s 7d, hardening ; maize, 3s 3d to 3s 6d ; peas, 3s to 3s 3d ; milling wheat, 3s 11s to 4s ; fowls’ do, 3s 3d to 3s 6d ; seed barley, 3s 6d to 3s 9d; feed do, 2s 9d ; chaff, 75s to 80s; bacon, 6£d to 7d; hams, 7Jd to Sd ; cheese, 4d j fresh butter, 7d to Bd, with ft downward tendency; salt butter, 7d> nominal eggs, 8d to hardening ; cocks, foot, 3d ; rye grass, 2s 6d, nominal, no demand for either ; apples are getting scarce, but no improvement in values, worth from 9a to 10a ; oranges, on account of. last shipment arriving in advanced condition, range from 3s to 8s 6d; lemons, from 7a to 9s; mandarins, from 5s to 11s ; Seville oranges,

7s ; naval do, Ss to 10s ; cocoanuts, 7s to 8s ; pines and bananas soaroe, but the Arawata, to-morrow, 'will bring large quantities, of both ; Island oranges, from 8s to 10a ; figa, scarce, from 9s to 14s, according to weight; dates, from 4d to 4§d ; walnuts, 7d to 9d ; Brazil nuts, 9d to lOd ; Barcelona do, 6d to 6sd ; almonds, Sd to Sid ; preserved bananas, 7d; preserved pines, 21a per case; do ginger, to 7d. Messrs Arthur Warburton and Co. report on the share market for the week : —Banks : New Zealand, buyers £B, no setleri; Colonial, 43a ;National, 35s to 365. Insurance — New Zealand, 79s to 81s; South British, 465, cum div ; National, 18s9dto 19s 3d ; Union, 25s to 26s ; Standard, 14s to 14s 6d ; Colonial, 4s 6d ; Acoideut, 7s. Miscellaneous—Loan and Mercantile, sellers S4s ; Land Mortgage, sellers 18s ; National Mortgage, buvers 11s ; New Zealand Shipping, 20a; Union Steam, £11; Mosgiel Woollen, 74s ; Kaiapoi Woollen, 55s ; Drug Co., 19s 6d ; Westport Coal, 53s to 55s ; Wellington Trust and Loan, buyers, £6 Ss 6d ; Equitable Building, £7 2s 6d ; Welling, ton Building and Investment, £6 5s ; Wellington Ga 3 (£5 paid), sellers £9 10s ; Gear Meat buyers 80s ; Wellington Woollen.(Goa paid), sellers 20s; Welcome Goldmining (Reefton), sales Ss 3d, with right to new issue of shares ; Homeward Bound, sales 6s 6d ; Keep-it-Dark, sales 46s 6d, cum div of Is 6d per share. Messrs Arthur Warburfcon and Co. report tbe following returns of amalgam from the Reefton mines for the week : —Keep-it-Dark, 26Soz from 168 tons ; Globe, 175cz from 175 tons ; Fiery Cross, 2070 z from 84 tons , Big River, 440 z of retorted gold from 37 tons. Messrs Edwards and Mcßeath report : We have been busier this week both for town and country, especially the latter. We expect still further improvements in the demand as the summer advances. Mr D. T. Stuart reports on the share market for week to date : Banks -New Zealand, £8 10s to £9 2s 6d ; Colonial, buyers 42s 3d ; National, 365. Insurance—Colonial, 4s 9d to ss; National, 18s 9d to 19s 3d; New Zealand, 80s ; Standard, 14s to 14s 6d ; South British, sellers 45s 6d cum ; Union, 25s 6d to 265. Financial—National Mortgage, 11s to 11s 3d; Now Zealand Loan and Mercantile, 80s ; New Zealand Land Mortgage, 18s to 18s 3d ; Equitable Building, buyers £7 2s 6d (new issue), 25s to 27a 6d premium ; .Wellington Trust and Loan, buyers £6 8s 6d, sellers £6 15s; Wellington Building and Investment, £6 5s ; Sundries —New Zealand Shipping, 20s to 22s 6d ; Drug Company, sales 20s ; Mosgiel Woollen, 74s to 75s 6d ; Kaitangata Railway and Coal, buyers £IS 15s ex, sellers £2O ; Wellington Gas, unchanged ; Gear Meat, sales 80s 6d, buyers 80s ; Westport Coal, 54s to 555. Gold shares—Keep-it-Dark, 45s to 46s 6d ex ; Progress, 24s to 25s 6d ; United Alpines, 20s ; Big Rivers, 8s to 8s 6d ; Fiery Cross, 15s to 15s 6d ; Globes, 273 9d to 28s 3d ; Welcomes, 7s to 7s 6d.

JOHNSONVILLE STOCK SALE. Messrs Freeman R. Jackson and Co. report, Ootober 10th :—The beef entered today was of a good class. One grand line of 28 heavy bullocks, of tip top quality, were yarded, the remainder being about equal in all respects to the usual entries. Some cows of an ordinary stamp came to hand. The bidding, although brisk, resulted in a decline for heavy weights equal to 10s per head upon late rates. Beef generally was in favour of buyers. Sheep mustered in rather larger numbers than advertised, and were about medium quality and weight. They met with brisk competition at full rates. Lambs, in rather shorter supply, sold readily. The pigs were chiefly small stores and light porkers. Oxen, 14s 6d ; cow beef, 12s 6d the 1001 b; mutton in wool 3d, shorn 2d per lb. The line of best bullocks made from £6 15a 6d to £7 12s 6d, averaging £7 ; others averaged £5 18s 9d and £5 16s re. spectively ; cows, from £3 2s 6d to £4 2s 6d, averaging £3 I4s lOd. Sheep—Best wethers, 16s to 16s 2d ; others, 14s lOd to 15s 8d ; small lines of shorn ewes and wethers, 9s 4d ; shorn wethers, 9s 10a ; lambs, 6s 4d to Ss 9d. Pigs—Baooners, 33s Gd to 475; porkers, 15s to 18s 3d ; stores, rough lot, 4s Id ; others, 10s 3d to 11s 6d ; small pigs, 7s to 9s. WANGANUI STOCK SALE, (FROM OUR OWH CORRESPONDENT.) Wanganui, October 10. Freeman R. Jackson and Co. report on their Wanganui sale to-day “ At the sale to-day, bidding for store cattle was animated, and prices advanced on last sale’s rates. We have no alteration in the value of sheep to report. Pigs were in small supply, and sold at increased rates. Cattle— Three-year-old steers, £3 10s; two-year olds, £2 7s 6d to £2 10s ; yearling steers, 275. Sheep—Store wethers, 12s ; small fat wethers, 14s to 14s 9d ; owes and lambs, 12s. Pigs—Baconers, 37s to 59s , porkers, 18s to 245. . SYDNEY MARKETS. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company report on September 27th. Butter (duty Id per lb).—Our butter market has, until the last four or five days, continued firm at prioes mentioned m our last circular. Considerable business has been done both in South Australian and Victorian makes. Owing, however, to the volume of Sydnev orders having been considerably reduced,’ partly on account of the better prospects for our own supplies and partly on acoouut of the want of animation that generally exists toward the close of the month, Melbourne quotations have weakened considerably, and we now hear of butter being offered at as low as BJd per lb, f.o.b. Melbourne, kegs included* This collapse in values haa quite upset our own market, and at present it is extremely difficult to give a firm quotation for the various qualities. At the moment, however, we may quote Is 3d as a top figure for best coast butter, best N. Z. bulk being worth from lOd to Is. Owing to this unexpected ‘drop ’ in values, we do not feel inclined to express any decided opinion respecting the prospects of the but. ter market next month, but prices can hardly weaken still further for the next two weeks at any rate. ~ ~ Cheese (duty 2d per lb) has considerably

improved in value of late, the market being very lightly stocked, and the supplies now coming to hand quite insignificant. For really prime N.Z. makos, 8d to B£d could readily be obtained ; in fact for really rich mild cheese of good colour, as much as 9d might possibly be secured if the quality was absolutely ‘tiptop.’ We look forward to good prices for some little time to come. Bacon (duty 2d per lb).—There is little doing in bacon at present, though the market is bare of new cure light weights, which may still be quoted from9d to 9£d. Hams (duty 2d per lb) dull at from lid to Is.

Maize (free) has ruled fairly firm at up to 3s 3d during the best part of the month, but within the last two or three days the market has somewhat, and prime maize cannot be quoted at over 3s. Wheat (free). —There is slill considerable inquiry for prime N.Z. Tuscan, for milling purposes, j but ,the difficulty in obtaining freight still prevents business, and quotations are merely nominal : say 4s 6d to 4s Bd. Oats (free) Have maintained a firm tone duting the last fortnight, though the market is rather- dull at present at tbe below quotations, viz : prime milling, .2s 8d to 2s 9d; good bright stout heavy feed, 2s 8d ; good feed, 2s 5d to 2s Gd. After Melbourne buyers had almost exhausted our stocks, with the idea of securing supplies before the extra duties were imposed in Victoria on oats and barley, our own market remained very firm at the above quotations ; but since the Victorian Government have decided not to proceed with the proposed, new tariff, samples are now offering here representing large stocks at present in Melbourne which were rushed over from New Zealand in anticipation of the extra duty being imposed ; and should 1 cutting' 1 quotations be resorted to, our own market will suffer in consequence. Bran (free) has remained fairly firm at from Is 2d to Is 3d until within the last two or three days, when the market weakened considerably, and wo now are unable to quote this article at any thing above Is per bushel. Pollard (free) also rules easier than it did some few days ago, andlOd may now bo taken as a full figure, with a dul* market. Peas (free) are without alteration, 3s to 3s 6d continuing the ruling quotation for blue boiled, according to sample. Potatoes (free). —Several heavy shipments, both from Victoria and New Zealand, have just been placed upon the market, and the below quotations are hardly maintained as we write :— prime N.Z. sorts, upto S7s 6d per ton ; Circular Heads, 90s per ton ; Ballarats, (best potatoes offering at present), 90s per ton ; Warrnambools, 75s per ton. Malt (free) has during the last two weeks improved considerably, and best samples may to-day be quoted at from 7s to 7s 3d, spot parcels being well held. New Zealand hemp (free) is still in large supply, and prices show no change for the better at preeent. Fungus (free). —4Jd for spot parcels is today’s quotation, the market having an upward tendency. Flour (£<ee). —The buoyancy which characterised this market for some few weeks has largely disappeared, and although quotations are nominally maintained, transactions are on a very small scale, and buyers will not pay prices asked for. We quote: Roller brands, £lO 10s to £ll 11s ; stone brands, £9 to £lO,

Sugars (duty 100 s per ton on raw) remain unchanged at our last quotations, viz. ‘ Finest Whites,’ up to £25 ; ‘ Whites,’ up to £24 ; ‘ Yellows,’ up to £22 ; ‘ Rations,’ up to £lB, the demand for ‘Grainy Yellows’ being very strong at present. The arrivals from Queensland have been very light as yet, and as prices there show considerable firmness, we look forward to quotations being well maintained for some little time to come. ' ... Hides. —A weaker tendency has characterised the market during the past week, and faulty parcels have been difficult of sale. We quote : -Prime extra heavy, 3d to 3§d ; heavy, 2gd to 3d; medium, 2fd to 2|d; light, 2gd to 3d; dry station, 2sd to 3Jd ; yearlings, 4s to 7s 6d ; calf, Is to 2s 6d ; Copra (free) is without alteration, the dfficulty in obtaining freight impeding business to a great extent. £9 10s is a full quotfttion* a _ Tortoise shell may still De quoted at 10s 6d. Tallow (free). —Advices from Home con tinue to be of a very encouraging nature, and a strong demand has been experienced in the local market. Bright shipping lines attract most attention, but all coming forward has met with good competition. We quote:—Best beef, £2O 10s to £2l 10s, medium, £l9 to £2O; inferior, £l6 to £lB per ton. . , , New Zealand Meats (free)—No change to r °Wool (free). —We are in receipt of the following oable message from our Head Office, dated London, 21st inst. ‘ Superior greasy has advanced id per lb, and scoured has advanced id to Id per lb since the close of last sales. Other descriptions remain with, out change. Since the date of our last cable message 31,000 bales have been sold and 3000 bales have been held over for future disposal.’ From this it will be seen that there is increasing animation in the Rnglisn market, and this news, together with the generous rainfall experienced over suen a wide area in the interior during the past week, will materially aid in brightening up the pastoral outlook. The wool season was formally opened in this market to-day. lhe catalogue submitted was only small, and not very representative, while the attendance was scarcely so great as is usually attracted to witness the initial side o £ the seas ®' This was due in a measure to the fact that several large Continental buyers have noU yet reached Sydney from Europe, and this section of the trade was consequently but poorly represented. Local buyers, however mustered in force, and bid with spint for both lar<*e and small lines, paying prices which show an improvement of about 5 per cent on rates current at the commencement of last season. As far as we were enabled to judge, from the wools that have already coma to hand, the new clip.opens up m very light condition, and contains an unusually large proportion of fine quality wools. Weakness and shortness in staple is very prevalent in many clips, especially in those

from the north-western portion of the Colony. Sheepßkinß (free). —The sales have been well attended, but no improvement can be reported in prices, which rule as follows Best full-woolled, 4£d to 4£d ; extra good lots, to sd; medium, 3Jd to 4d ; short, broken and pelts, l£dto3d.

WELLINGTON MARKETS. Wholesale Prides FARM AND DAIRY PRODUCE £ 8, d. £ 8. d Milk, quart 0 0 4 to 0 0 0 Butter, fresh lb • - 0 0 9 to 0 0 10 Salt butter - . 0 0 S to 0 0 0 Cheese, Col. , 0 0 0 to 0 0 4 Eggs, dozen - 0 0 £8 to 0 0 0 Lard, lb. - 0 0 4 to 0 6 5 Bacon, lb. • • 0 to 0 0 7 Ham, lb. • - . 0 0 7 to 0 0 8 Fowls, pair , . 0 2 3 to 0 2 6 Ducks, pair 0 2 9 to 0 3 0 jleese, each - 0 2 6 to 0 3 0 Turkeys, pair 0 7 0 to 0 8 0 ' Hay and Corn Market. £ / 8. d. £ 8. d Maize, Poverty Bay • 0 3 3 to 0 3 6 Oats, feed - . 0 2 4 to 0 2 6 Wheat do - . 0 2 9 to 0 3 3 Carrots . 1 10 0 to 0 0 C Hay, ton . 3 0 0 to 0 0 0 Oaten, ton . 3 0 0 to 0 0 0 Straw, ton . 2 10 c to 3 0 0 Chaff, — . 3 5 0 to 4 0 0 Oaten hay - - 4 0 0 to 0 0 0 Wheat straw . 3 0 0 to 0 0 0 Onions per ton - - 5 L0 0 to 6 0 0 Potatoes, per ton- - 4 0 0 to 4 0 0 Floor Market. £ S. £ 8. d Sharps, per ton - . 4 0 0 to 0 0 0 Bran per ton, - 3 10 0 to 0 0 0 Adelaide Flour, per ton 12 0 0 to 12 5 0 Colonial Flour - - 9 0 0 to 10 0 0 Oatmeal . 10 5 0 to 11 0 0 Pearl Barley ■ 15 0 0 to 16 0 0 Seeds. 'ii £ 8. d £ 8," a Ryegrass, bushel . 0 2 0 to 0 3 Cocksfoot, lb. 0 0 $ to 0 0 4 Wt. Clover, lb. - - 0 0 10 to. 0 0 0 Red, do . 0 0 8. to 0 0, 9 Alsyke, lb. -. • - 0 0 10 to 0 0 c Cow Grass, lb. - • 0 0 7 to 0 0 9 Timothy, lb. - 0 0 6 t; 0 0 0 Raps b, - * - 0 0 3 to 0 0 0 Linseed, per cwt. * 0 16 0 to 0 0 0

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 867, 12 October 1888, Page 12

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COMMERCIAL NEWS New Zealand Mail, Issue 867, 12 October 1888, Page 12

COMMERCIAL NEWS New Zealand Mail, Issue 867, 12 October 1888, Page 12