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The Customs duties collected at the port og . Wellington for the week ending Satur- i day amounted to L 5351 5s Id. Beer duty,. ! T. 62 11s lid. George Thomas and Co. report _ produce prices : “There is considerable activity in the demand for Tartarian, Danish, and Canadian ; seed oats ; a great variety of samples are-offer- , ing some of which are somewhat unreliable, so that great care is needed in sampling we quote 2s 2d, 2s and 2s 3d respectively for above-named descriptions. Early seed potatoes are scarce, and orders remain unexecuted for want of supplios, stocks seeming throughout the Colony to have quite run out ; kidneys and flukes are worth L 5 to L 5 10s, other descriptions L 5 per ton. Flour still remains unreliable as far as a steady market is concerned ; the quality all round, however,, is excellent ; we quote roller process LlO 15s ; stoue, LlO 5s to LlO 15s, with, if anything, a downward ten- | dency The following lines are unaltered at last quoted rates—Feed oats, 1? 9d to 2s; straw chaff, '

L 3 5s ; sheaf do, L 4 5s ; oatmeal, L9los to LlO \ fowl wheat, 3s 10d- barley, 2s 9d ; maize, 3s 8d to 3s lOd ; bran, L 4 : pollard, L 4 10s ; Derwent potatoes (Oamaru), L2 5s ; Blenheim do, L2 ; Kaikoura do, 35s to 40s per ton ; carrots, 37s 6d; turnips, 38s; prime onions, L 8; second quality, LS-Tjo L 6; factory cure bacon and hams, 6gd to 7d ; prime cheese, 4d ; other descriptions, Id to 2d per lb ; honey, 3d to‘4d ; fresh butter,la ; salt do, unsaleable ; eggs, firm, lOd per doz; A good demand exists for poultry, and prices vary according to the value of the consignments; fowls run from 3s to 3s 6d; ducks, 4s _6d ; geese, 7s ; and turkeys, 6s to 7s 6d per pair. Oranges in moderate condition, are ruling at 4s to 5a and best picked |over 7s per case ; peanuts, 2£d to 3d per lb ; cocoanuts, 103 per sack f preserved pines in syrup (Fiji), 10s per dozen. Usual shipment of Hobart fruit, apples ex Te Anau, just to hand, show a slight improvement on last realisations, but as the condition and quality of the several consignments differ. materially, we can simply generalise by reporting prices from 5s Gd to 9s 9d per case.’’ Messrs Edwards and Mcßeath report:— The market has been a shade quieter this week, but we have been fairly busy. Country engagements have been most numerous, both male and female servants being in demand. Servants of all classes are plentiful, male and female. Messrs Arthur. Warburton and Co report for the week : —Banks—New Zealand, sellers Ll 6 ss, sales Ll 6 ; National, 335; Colonial, 42s 6d ; Insurance —New Zealand, 67s 6d; South British, 30s ; '.Union, 22s ; National, 16s 6d j Standard, 12s 6d ;• Colonial, 5s 2d. Miscellaneous —Loan and Mercantile, 665; Land Mortgage, 21s Gd ; National Mortgage, 9s; Union Steam, Lll 10s; Mosgiel Woollen, 70s; Kaiapoi, 72s 6d; New Zealand Drug, ISs 6d cum div; Napier Gas, Ll2 10s; Wanganui Gas, . sales Ll2; Hokitika Gas, L 7 ss; Kaitangata Coal, Ll 5 10s cum div; Westport Coal, 20s; Wellington Trust and Loan, sales L 6 6s; Equitable Building, sellers L 6 10s ; Wellington Gas, Ll 9, L9los, 42s 6d ; Gear Meat, 735. Messrs Arthur Warburton and Co. report the following returns of amalgam from the Reef ton mines-for the week: —Globe, 2900 z from 170 tons ; Progress, 86oz. During the past four weeks business has not been very brisk. Town trade is especially dull, and competition is excessively keen. There is £an entire absence of anything approaching speculation, Jbuyers operating only in accordance with their requirements. We regret to notice that a good deal of paper was returned on the “ fourth,” and the applications to merchants for assistance prove that bankers are restricting the of their smaller clients. As tending to bring about a revival in prices, we are pleased to observe that stocks generally are light; in some instances there is an absolute scarcity of several lines, which will, however, be replaced by early arrivals. Ale and stout —Stout has met with the usual seasonable inquiry, and prices are unaltered ; Dog’s Head is worth 11s 6d and 7s 6d for quarts and pints ; Bull Dog, Us 3d and 7s 3d ; Griffins’, 11s and 7s ; Johnson’s 10s 6d and 7s. Ale is in fairly good request, Dog’s Head commanding most attention; 11s 9d and 7s 9d are quoted for this brand. _ We have been shown samples of a recent of Bass’ bottled by Griffin, and Griffin’s sparkling pale, the condition of which is excellent; 11s 6d and 7s Gd. are present values. In bulk ale there is little doing; ex Blair Drummond a few hogsheads of Bass’ No. 4 export found uyers at L 9 to L 9 10s, d.p. Spirits.—Brandy —Hennessy’s is in full supply, and quoted t 35s 9d. for parcels. Denis Mounie is second favorite, large sales being effected at 31s_ 6d to - 32s 6d foir cases; 10s 6d for Jiulk. Bisquit, Dubouche, in cases, 22s 6d ; 7s 3d in bulk Lucien,.Foucauld and Co., 20s; bulk, 7s 6d ; Marc Roger, in quarters, 5s 9d to 6s ; Jobit’s,. 7s 6d in quarters. Whisky—Net many trans- - actions to- report; Teacher’s commands 8s 6d to 83 9d, in bulk; 2ls 6d in case ; Usher’s, 9s 6dand 22s 6d s case, 17s 6d ; Walker’s, . 20s to 21s ; Kinahan’s LL, 21s 6d. Rum —Red Heart is still out of stock. Lemon Hart’s-, fine Jamaica and Royal Navy have sold very freely at 22s 6d and 18s 6d respectively. Geneva —Reputed four gallons are quoted at 13s Gd.and 13s 9d for 15 and 10 under proof 20 under proof is in very light supply. Old Tomi—Booth’s is worth 15s 6d, and, pending' the arrival of further shipments, 11s 6d is easily obtained for Burnett's. Dried Fruits —Currants- are now very firm, sid to 5Jd being spot values. A sharp advance has taken place in London, so present prices will, we think, be maintained. Sultanas are unprocurable.. Elemes not much inquired for, and quotations, irregular, ranging from to 6d. Figs command 7s 6d; prunes, 2Slb tins, 93jd to lOd ; ditto, jars, Is 2|d ; muscatels, according to> sample, lid to Is 3d. Dessert Fruits—J; Lusk Canning Co. Flag brand, in 2Jlb tins, command 12s 6d to 13s for peaches, apricots, ana pears ; the same [packer’s tart fruits are worth. 8s 6d. Sugar—ln sympathy with the decline in value of Auckland, mentioned in our last, the price of China A has receded 10s per ton L 25 10s to L 26 are quoted for parcels, somelarge lines having been quitted at the formerfigure. Ex Blair Drummond, American granulated, in casks, has met with much inquiry at.. L 25 10s. Fiji is out of first hands; but agents, expect further supplies shortly. Auckland is. worth L 26 to 2t26 10s, L 25 10s, L 23 10s, and T,9.1 for Nos.. 1,2, A, and 3. Competition in, sugar exhibits uo sign of abatement,, many houses- selling at actual cost. SaltStocks of London coarse and fine are m, excess of requirements, and quotations are con--sequently weak ; 59s and ’TDs are nominal values ; Eivs-rpooi is not in supply. Fish; —Iff reliance may be placed upon ceived by, the last San Francisco mail, salmon is likely, to. rule high until next season. Cock--tail and Coleman’s Thistle brands, both. Columbia. River catches, ane now worth- 9.5, but. holders are not anxious to-sell, anticipating an immediate increase. In neighboring markets. Cocktail has already reached 9s 6d. Lobsters j are quiet at 9s to 9s 3d» Oysters sell Yvell_at 5s- 6d to 5s 9d. Sardines realise 9s to 9s 6d forhalves, and 4s 9d to. 5h for quarters. Other kinds of tinned fish in _ little request. Rice—No alteration in price of; ho, X Japan to note good sales. are re- > ported at LlB to. LIS 10s; Rangoon is. difii- ■ cult to quit at Ll 5 to Ll 5 10s ; Patna. >3 not i procurable. Oils.—Stocks of kerosene are barely ' sufficient to carry us on until further shipments arrive, therefore-prices are decidedly firm; lsSd to Is 9d is obtained for 150-degandlssJdto lsfid for 130-deg. With the approach of summer and i the replenishing of the market by shipments ; afloat, prises wall decline. Tobacco—Agents report a very strong inquiry for Juno, each shipment being taken up- 611 arrival at tariff prices. At the moment stocks are btw-e, but 70: cases are expected per Aorangi, almost due N all of which is booked for immediate delivery.. Transactions in other brands of black tobaccos, are hardly worth recording; a few cases, off Swan and Triumph twist, 22’s and 14's„ and Over-the-water and Triumph nailrod, lfi’s, have found buyers at Is 2d to Is 2id 5 Ruby I twist, Gin, has sold well at 2s 4d to. 2a 4M. Candles.—London sperms have beer, in light supply, but stocks are augmented by the arrival of 1500 boxes per Blair Drummond. Until tihes? were lauded, the TO worth

7id to 73d, but quotations are now slightly easier. Price’s other makes are neglected, holders being willing to-clear stocks at anything near cost. Belmont’s are nominally worth 7Vd to 7fd ; Battersea wax, 8d ; National’s, SM. A small ‘parcel of Greig s (London) colonial wax were placed, ex Tongariro, at 7id for sixes and eights, Sid for self-fa tting bedroom’s, and 9d for composite carnage. Woolpacks and Cornsacks.—-The Hampshire is just in with a cargo of above, and the former have had much attention.' Trices are very firm at 3s for 10|lb. The season has j ust opened for bags. Cement prices are unaltered with a fair K. Jackson and Co., Johnsonville, report —We had a full market to-day. The cattle were of good equality and made 16s 6d to 17s the 1001 b. Trices for sheep were well maintained. Pigs were yarded in usual numbers, and sold at last sale’s values. Our quotations are : —Cattle—Bullocks, Li 2s 6d to LB, average, L 7 11s ’9d ; another line of 42 brought from L 6 5s to LB, average, L 7 10s 3d ; and some lighter bullocks, LG 7s 6d to L 7 los, average, L 7. Sheep—Wethers in wool, 14s 6d to 15s Id : lighter weights; 12s to 13s Sd ; shorn wethers, 9s 4d to 9s 6d; wethers in wool brought 2s OJd, and shorn-sheep. Is Ojd per lb. Pigs—Baconers, 3os to 45s ; good porkers, 17s to 19s : smaller sorts, 10s to 12s.

WELLINGTON MARKETS. Wholesale Prices. FARM AND dairy produce. d. £ s. d. £ s. Milk, quart - - Butter, fresh lb - * 0 0 4 to 0 0 11 to 0 0 0 1 0 0 Salt butter - - 0 0 0 to 0 0 6 - Cheese, Col. ■0 0 3 tQ 0 0 5 h Eggs, dozen Lard, lb. ' - * 0 -'0 10 to 0 0 4£ to 0 0 0 0 0 5h Bacon, lb. - - 0 i,0 6 to 0 0 0 Ham, lb. - 0 0 7 to 0 0 0 Fowls, pair . Bucks, pair - 0 3 0 to 0 0 0 - >0 0 0 to 0 3 6 ■ Geese, each - 0 2 6 to 0 3 0 Turkeys, each 0 4 0 to 0 5 6 Hay and Corn Market. £ d. £ s. d. s. Maize. Poverty Bay - 0 4 0 to 0 0 0 • Oats, feed - - 0 1 10 to 0 2 0 Wheat do - - 0 :3 6 to 0 3 9 • Carrots • 2 0 0 to 0 0 0 Hay, ton - 4 >0 0 to 0 0 0 ' Oaten, ton 4 0 0 to 5 0 0 Straw, ton • 8 0 0 to 3 10 0 Chaff,— - 3 * -5 0 to 3 15 0 Oaten hay - - 4 0 0 to 4 10 0 Wheat straw - 3 0 0 to 0 0 0 Onions, per cwt - - 0 <0«;0 to 0 7 6 Potatoes, per ton * 2 '6 '0 to 2 1U 0 Flour Market. Wholesale. d. £ s. d. £ s. Sharps, per ton * . 4 5 0 to 4 10 0 Bran ner ton, - 3 15 ”0 to 4 0 0 Adelaide Flour, per ton 12 0 0 to 12 5 0 Colonial Flour - - 10 15 0 to 11 0 0 Oatmeal . 10 10 0 to 10 15 0 Pearl Barley 15 € 'O to 16 0 0 Seeds. £ s. d £ 8. d Ryegrass, bushel • 0 S '0 to 0 4 0 Cocksfoot, lb. r • 0 0:3i to 0 0 Wt. Clover, lb. - - 0 0 10 to 0 0 0 Red, do . 0 .0 :8 to 0 0 9 Alsyke, lb. • - 0 0 10 to 0 0 C Cow Grass, lb. - - 0 0 7 to 0 0 8 Timothy, lb. - 0 0 6 0 0 0 Rape b. * . 0 0 4 to 0 0 0 Linseed, per cwt. • 0 16 0 to = 0 0 0

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 810, 9 September 1887, Page 18

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COMMERCIAL NEWS New Zealand Mail, Issue 810, 9 September 1887, Page 18

COMMERCIAL NEWS New Zealand Mail, Issue 810, 9 September 1887, Page 18