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The fifth session of the Diocese of Welling, ton was opened in this city yesterday, the 10th instant, The members of the Synod assembled at St. Paul's Church at 11 o'clock, and partook together of the Holy Communion. An offertory was collected at this and at the evening office. The members of the Synod met at the Diocesan room at 3 o'clock. The President called over the names of the Synodsmen. Present : The President. Clergy—Archdeacon Stock (secretary), Rev. R. 3. Thorpe, Rev. T. Pancourt, Rev. J. Jones, Rev. R. Coffey, Rev. W. E. Paige, Rev. W. T. Western, Rev. J. E. Blackburn, Rev. C. D. De Castro. Laity—Messrs W. H. Quick (secretary), C. P. Powles, C. D. Barraud, C. Kous Marten, J. A. Plimmer, R. Hunter, Colonel Leckie, C. E. Zohrab, Captain Hewitt, H. S. Fitzherbert, K. Wilson, F. de J. Clere, W. T. Charlewood, W. France, J. W. A. Marchaut, D. Porter, H. Gaby, W. H. Lash. The President read an address, wherein he remarked that " we have met for the development of the Church, resting on the faith of its members, by God's grace ; but this required, also, systematic action of the Synod to direct and guide. Something more or less is done at each Synod, but all is necessary. As years pass on, less and less of fresh law is wanted. The action of a Synod in a new country was eminently desirable ; laws had to be made —to be obeyed in the spirit and letter. Work was ready to our hand, and we need workers. Many are affected by the indiffereutism and infidelity of the day, and work which we offer was a safe remedy. The Constitution had been in peril, in consequence of a Bill introduced into Parliament affecting trusts, which he had been able to Bet aside. Yet it is an evil that Parliament, for the sake of a few, may have the power to injure what hud been done by great care by the authors of our Constitution—won by them in spile of much opposition. Our advantages are seen by contrast. In Tasmania the Bishop wished to resign, but it did not appear to whom he could resign, nor how a successor could be elected. The Bishops

lamented that they must go to Parliament to ask for leave which" might be refused. The. The Act was, however, obtained, but such a difficulty might again arise. The same difficulty arose at Sydney, where it is urged that their is no power given to the Synod to elect a Bishop who would be a metropolitan. The Canadian Church had been in a like position. The Chnrch of Victoria had no power given until, by Act of Parliament, what we have was given to them in 1873. But the Courts of Law may again have tp be appealed to. There is an important decision of the English Privy Council, in which Bishop Memman's position as a Bishop of the Church of South Africa was largely affected. < The standards of the Church of England, it was said, were to be found not only in the formularies of the Church, but also in the decisions of the Church Court. Our position is, however, a safe one. , We have not sought for State racognition to distinguish us from other religious bodies. Bishop Selwyn's foresight had mainly provided against this danger. We were not affected by this decision with regard to our properties. There was indeed confusion, as the decision asserted that the final appeal in the Church of England and Ireland was to the Privy Council. But this has never held in the Irish Church. In our Church of New Zealand the law Courts will only act as arbitrators, to see whether what has been done by our own Courts has been well and fairly done. He had received a letter from Newcastle,asking what provision had been made for sailors. He had been obliged to say, that at present there was no special provision beyond ordinary Church work. He would earnestly call the attention of this meeting to the fact that there are many in the city who do not attend Divine service. The Diocese of Waiapu has said that it proposed to alter Statute V., so as to provide for the removal of aged clergymen. Several churches had been opened in different parts of the Diocese, and he had held many confirmations. Three deacons had been ordained in the past year. Some placea.are not .yet filled up. He Would especially thank the. lay readers of the Diocese. Sunday school work; was all, important. Te . Rawiri te Whanui had died. He '.had been ; a faithful minister and peace maker. ' The Church Missionary Society'.promise to send more help. The Maori Endowmenj; Fund of £IOOO was. nearly all raised" by themselves. The Church Col« legiate School, Wanganui, was. opened by the Rev. B. W., Harvey in this yearj and fre3h room was already wanted. He' was certain that the high character of the school w6uld supply a, long-felt want. There would be a gathering of Church, members on Thursday a,t the Athenaeum, at 8 o'clock. With God's blessing we may hope yet to continue and to extend the work already accomplished." Moved by Mr Reus Marten, an i seconded by Rev. T. Fancourt, "That the thanks of the Synod be given to the President : for his advress, and that he be requested to allow it to be printed in the report of the Synod." Carried. The report of the Standing Committee was read by Mr Powles, and schedules of Acts laid on table. Mr C. lious Marten was appointed Chairman of Committees. Notices of motion were given by Archdeacon Stock, Rev. R. J. Thorpe, Mr Rous MarteD, Rev. J. Jones, and Mr Powles. Wednesday, October 11,1882. ' Present—the President; clergy—Archdeacon Stock, Rev. T. Fanconrt, Rev. W. E. Paige, Rev: H. V. White, Rev. J. E. Blackburn, Rev. J. Jones, Rev. A. Towgood, Rev. W, Ballachey, Rev. W. T. Western, Rev. CD. De Castro, Rev. R. Coffey, Rev. A. Dasent, Rev. R. J. Thorpe; laity—Messrs W. H. Quick, H. S. Fitzherbert, G. H. Da vies, C. Rous Marten, R. Hunter, C. E. Zohrab, C. D. Barraud, Captain Hewitt, W. France, J'. A. Plimmer, K. Wilson, F. de J. Clere, J. G. Cox, G. Beetham, J. W. A. Marchaut,! W. L. Lash, W. T. Charlewood, and Colonel Leckie. Proceedings opened with prayer. The minutes of the former day's proceeding read and confirmed. Archdeacon Stock read a petition from St. Peter's Parish. It was moved by Archdeacon Stock, seconded by Mr Rous Marten, and carried, *' That the petition be received." Archdeacon Stock obtained leave to suspend Standing Order No. 20, to move the notice standing in his name, in consequ? nce °f some informality. It was Archdeacon Stock, and seconded., ,b,y Mr Rous Marten, " That a Committee be.appointed to consider the petition from St. Peter's Parish, and to present a report to the Synod as to the advisability of complying with the prayer of the petition." The Synod divided, with the following result :—Ayes—The President, and Clergy, 9 ; Laity, 12. Noes—Clergy, 4; Laity, 6. The motion was therefore declared carried. Moved by Archdeacon Stock, seconded by Mr Rous Martin and carried—" That the members of the Committee be Mr Rous Marten, Mr Plimmer, and the mover." Moved by Mr W. E. Paige, seconded by Rev. W. T. Western, and carried, " That the Committee do not exceed seven in number." —The members of the Committee appointed were Archdeacon Stock, Rev. H. V. White, Captain Hewitt, Messrs Clere, Cox, and Beetham. Moved by Rev. R. J. Thorpe, seconded by Mr Powles, and carried, " That the Synod adjourn on its rising until Friday, to allow members to attend the meeting to be held at the Athenfflum, on Thursday evning." Mr France read the report of the General Church Fund Committse. The Rev. J. Jones obtained leave to suspend standing order 36, to leave out the words " to be elected by ballot/' and to name certain persons as members of the Committee. Moved by Rev. J. Jones, seconded by Rev. A. Dasent, " That a Committee be appointed to enquire into the working of the General Church Fund during the past year, and to make such recommendations to the Synod as to it may Beem advisable for the increase and administration of the Fund. Moved, as an amendment, by the Rev. W. E. Paige, " That the motion be deferrel until after the consideration of Mr France's report. Further moved, by Rev. W. E. Paige, seconded by Rev. R. J. Thorpe, " That the debate be adjourned until the report of the Committee appointed by the Diocesan Synod in October, 1831, has been taken into consideration." Carried. Moved by Mr Powles, seconded by Rev. A. Towgood, " That the report of the Standing Committee and the balance-sheet of the

General Church Fund be adopted, and printed in theJeporfc-of.-the^Synod.!. , .. The motion was postponed by leave of the Synod. The Synod adjourned at 11.10 p.m. S:^

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 558, 14 October 1882, Page 15

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DIOCESAN SYNOD. New Zealand Mail, Issue 558, 14 October 1882, Page 15

DIOCESAN SYNOD. New Zealand Mail, Issue 558, 14 October 1882, Page 15