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LAMBOURN SURPRISES hack cup to katesbridge SUCCFSS FOR 13URRA SAHIB [by TI'LKGKAriI I'ItKSS ASSOC'IA TlOXj 1! ASTIXGS, Saturday Tito concluditifj; day of the Hawke's Hay Jockey Club's Autumn Meeting luis hold at Hastings to-day in perfect weather. Tin: track was fast. The attendance was the best tor several years. The totalis;itor handled ;1'21,702, compared with L"I-SU-'IP for seven races last .season, an increase of I'tilL'l. The total for tiie meeting n.i> JXHi.IiISS IDs tor 10 races. ai_aii;-t i".?( 'IS Ills tor it rami's last year, an increase of L'.MJU. J! on I1s: KAUEMU Hl' R DLKS, first e 111', second r-jo. tnirii L 10, about I', miles. - -1 oucen's Dream, 11.7 el- Nicholson), I; I—l Onoho, !».;> i.e. L. Kerr), Do/ie Boy, in, >L..< W. Utti.-l, !t. Also started: \_ 2 "\iai.tcca lo.ti; :4—:! I.aily Furst, Hi.'J; (; a; Royal Stuart, iUi. Lous'th ami p.half; live lt-n ut lis. Malacca was fourth Time, lini'Hi t-ss. TVVYFORD 11 AN DIC'A P, first tloo, second A" 15. third i~>. ti fur. 3-3 Khurja, -•( rir 7 7 ii; G. Howell). 1; 2—2 Ba.tlecai'n, >.7 ill. X. Wisirimo. l—l Sunny Knight, 7.1;;. ear. S.3S jP. Atkinsß it. Also started: 1-1 Ashaboy, ~12; ..(---•> -L's. }[cad; two and a-liaif lengths. Ashaboy was fourth, fline, tin II 3-5s \.\'.\ ELi'X'TI! 1 0 HANDICAP, firs! lss, second Lin. til rd (i tur. 7 o Lady Garvagh, >.n iL. Cullen), 1; I s < ill- J • C»l I lit )ki il , Naila -si'i iK (! UoweK). li. Also started: •_> Calanaelt, 0.0. I I K instep. s. I; 3 4 Sua; or:, 5.2; 11 in naaoiiy. 11 -13 Bnnsbv. s.u; !>••• s Holiday Pa v. sn v ' ir - Si Loch Moitjh, 1- 1- Lama. 12 ' 11 Versatile, in 11 Vane hove, ,s- , \Valerport s.o, Ila't a head; head t atana'ch was fourth. Time, lni 15 l-ss. TE MAIIANGA HANDICAP, First i-.'OO. KtTimd C 35. thinly t 15; IS mites 9 —lo--Lambourn, 7.12 (W. J. Mudford) ■ • ■ • 7 —7.- -Native Song, S.l'-', car. 5.5 tS. i'araniore) ■ ■ • • • • •• 10—0 —Boldstep. 7.2. car. 7.3 ID. W. Redstone! . . ■ • • • \i,,i Started. ——2 Kathbella. ».10; t—l Little 11 oh in, 0 o Piastre. 5.3, •• -> t-aj Fox. 7.1; 1; .s—* Uuntintr Cat. • -t*. ear. s._. 2 _; 4 -l White Kajah. 7.7 . :i - :■'« Char inn Cross. 7 ; 11 11 Master Cyklon. 7.n. Three k-mtlhs; two lengths. Kathbella was Jourili. Time. Ulll 5 1 -•">>. JI'VK\ lli K HANDICAP. first t 100, second t2i>. third fin. two-year-olds, o ■ fur -1- ~ 1 Burra Sahib, O.'J 11-\ Atkins), 1,1 * The Whipper, 7.0 is, Waddeli). 2; - - at. Bills 7 (W" J. Hnniihton) 3. .\isn starteiH 5-.-A tiaj Genet. 5.12; in- in Utfamla. Burma, 7.">; s- -. ['eiaiitl ju'listv •_ ' Grey Spv( 7.U-, l'J -12 Si,van,i. . .n. ear. ..i. r, ii Cai'taiu Star. 7.0. ear. 7.:!; ti- .> Daneci", 7.0. ear. 7..V.; 11 U \ aleony. rr.r. 7.1. Two and a-lialf leii'-rths; two lengths. Gav Genet «a> fourth. Time. lin >s HASTINGS HACK CUP, First and trophy valued at I seeond ' tliO, third £' 1o: 1' 4 miles 6 ——Katesbridge, 7.5, ear. 1 ■ I j - Aitken) ■ ■ ■■ ■ 4—3 Centennial, 7.5, ear. 7.1:? tw. J ■ n Brousrtiton/ . • ■ • ■ • • • ~ 1—l—Phyto, S.O (H. X. \\ igir;ns) Also Started.—;! —;t Xntivp Chief, g—<) Lndv Ex, 5.2; - —Ka.ika, . .13,_- ( s. Citv Sons, 0--(> Indian Sun, <>. ear., 30—-H> Pinoeeiiio, u--0 IHver Hde, '•• • 7.2. Neck; half a length. Lady Lx fourth Time, 'Jm l-r»s. OK AW A HAN I> I CAP, first tfj^u tliird fin. <> ftir.---.-t Hui, < -'J tS. \\ ad de!!)' 1; 1 Poutatau, 7.1-', ear. IJ K- CiUow'clll. 2; 2 Smiling Personality, ..l> -H. \V Redstone) Also started: I I roelaluation, 7.0. Head; five lengths lime, lm I, '\KITIO HANDICAP, first LIOO, second p\~, third C> 0 fur. and 2nnyds.—- I Flying SPY, tl ear. 7.13 .W L Aitken).!, 5— Hinerangi, 7.. <W. J. Mudford), -, > • Myrna toy, 7.7 (S. Waddeli), :i. Also started: I—21 —2 Roeon, 9.5; :v—l Koyal Pajeant, ... 4—a Blandisher. 8.0; 0-0 Iddo. i}"'; Callearcliite. b —l Queen L.ardine. <.-• _. lengths; two lengths. Roeon was fourth. Dint, lrn 2U 3-os. BIRCinVOOD HUNT MEETING AT INVERCARGiLL SURCOAT AND HEIDELBERG WIN [by I'KLECKAt'H —I'HKSH ASSOCIATION j IN VERCA KG ILL, Saturday The Birehwood Hunt races were held at Invereargill to-day in fire weather, before a eood attendance. The track was sliKhtiy heavy The totalisator handled compared with f 12,077 last year, ari increase of ilssl. Results: — HUNTERS' FLAT HANDICAP first £!»n and trophy valued at £'■) .is. seeond l •>. third .Lit): Kentlenien riders; 1 mile.—l Southern Light, 11.2 (Mr H. \V ln.-all). 1, 0 I Astral Flame, 11 .n <Mr. I, Jones). 2; - Kelly) •< Al-o started: t>--•"> El Caliallo. 11.1-i: j - Corbaa. 11.10; -i Red. Owl, I 1.2. Three lengths; two lengths hi I aballo was tourt.i Time, lm IS" OTAU'IAU TliOT. first ':I03, seeond t:2tc third tin; llimt 3.13 IS nnlrs.—O--. Bonny Samly. 1 1 ml' 1 A I -a wxin). 1 , 1 3 Scatlelt C'Hara :'aiyds bhd ih. loddi -)•> Fcnclla, Isyds bhd 'l> f odd) Also started: 5 -2 Bright Lass and Jrrvathan (bracketed), 3-1 falhav, 11 --1< I ill" Pestry, Hi—lC. Golden Sunshine '---1 Lu«troiis and Southern Wraek ibraeketed). 17—in Redoubt. 1 Seatterbrain, l.>—ll Sir Diarhlon. 10—12 Slieve View, s—. Keyburn limit and Rev Chimes. bhd (bracketed); ti Come Away, IS--H, Sunny Dell. 30yds bhd; 7—o Fransol, 12—10 Nancy Guy 11—M Ratepayer is. 1 hreefjuarters of a length each way Naney (rtiy was fourth Times: 3m 33 4-.'»s, 3m 31s, 3m BIRCH WOOD N O VIC E HAND\C AP. first t•-•">{ secand tin. tliird t's: <> tiir.-J-.-1 Bantas, 5.7 (CI Barclay). 1; •>-- i Anglo-Prench. 5.7, car s 'K. ford). -• —7, Royal Money, 1-J (h,. f3r»krr). •». A 1 sn ' (started • 2-2 Lake Mist. S.ln. ear -3: Slaniannnn car. 5.5; 'i f. Crinkle 6 7 ear' si- 7 > Minion, 5.,. car. SO; 4-—t Sally Sa-ie, 5.7, ear, s.7':, EtW len', r Mis; leri-.;tli Mint on was I mirth lime lm" I 5 ' I -ss. TERI STEEI'LES. firs! Clin ami tronh> valued at 15 ss, seeond t25. third tin. phont miles.---! -t Spendthrift, in. I (1. J Bo vie) | - S s Trisox, 111 iH. Shannon). l'-'l 3 Bow Street, 0.0 M). A. Hamill), 3. Aiso started: <i- <i Gay Boa In. 13; 11—11 Pnni.-'-rt; 2 1 Sii|.er"N. HfS; 7 -7 famline if i.7; 10-0 Rifle Ranffe, !>>; ft lo Empire Sua, On, ear 0.0; 5 \ ikificr '.in ear. '.* 1-. 3 1 Pride o ( antral 11.0 r;ir. '1.3. Five lea-tlis; threr-Qiiarters of a l"n'rth Gav Boa was fourth Time. 4m 10 1 -5s •' PR ESI DENT'S HANDICAP. First CI 30. second £'2s third PI 5; I", miles 5—2- Peony Rose, s7. ear S. l (L i latt<-rbai 1-. i X —i Waitoru, >.7 'G B .relay) Also Start-!. 5 5 -loa:;'- S'.nsr 0.3. ear f. to- 2:: I,'oval I, ■ner-r 5.5, C fi Araboa. 7 1 ear 7 7,7 7 FI lelis, 7.(1. Head,, neck M ilia's Soasr was fourth Time. '_' ms. t-.",s WAIJ.AGI-: TROT, of U33; limit 3.1 ; T; miles. First Dni-nai: so Fcnclla, limit 1 I). Todd). I; I 3 Bollond, limit <A B Ratlrav) 2; I 1 Atlins, limit (L. Klemiek), '3. Also started; 17--10 .Ricky Coojran,-3 -I !,o\ali-t. 0 5 fameh Hour. .15 17 Ratepayer. 15 11 Samara, IS I s Sunny Dell, limit. Head; half a length Times: 2m 525, 2m 52 1-5-, 2ie .., 2-ss, S- cond Di'-jsion: 1 I Hi June Tide, limit (R, Smilli), I; 2 -2 Scarlet! O'Hara. limit f!T Todd), 2; I I Orfltren, limit '.I V.'alshi 3. A l-o started: O S Brown ("loud II 15 Frails d 111 ehi( l's I 'r'ole. rj o Xa nr.' Guy. 7 12 [."■•y cliitne-. limit 5 7 Dehlcr I■m r|. 1,1,,1. 11l I", i-'.adia--ro. I- Head ic-el; Tim- s : r, I I -5-, 2ui 51 2-ss. 'Jm t ;'.-5s GARD.VKR M I\' OR lAL STn-'.pr.ES J-'ir-t c |and t rop.'iy value-! at (.15 15, si i-' ■ 1111 tin third '2O, aim"! 2S niiles 1 I Sureoat. 100 (P ,1. Ho;, lei I 4 ; Uinht Scout, OS ! I), A Hamill) 2 f> 5 Attire, on (A Hmram) :: AI so Started.--2 -2 La Boca, 10.0; 3 ;( Corlian ti.lO; 7—7 Scotch Queen, 0.0. car. fj.,V o -ii Soiilliern (io!d, on. car. O.I 1 ,. Half a.leimth; lentil li. Corbaa was fourth. Time, .".lit 17 3-ss. K !■;XNEI«S HANDICAP, first CIOO. secoml e-jo tiiird CIO; 7 fur. 1 1 Southern Sail, 0.1 (D A. Hamill). 1; 5 5 Triple Cone, S.l (W. Connor). 2; 0 7 Feather Boa, 7.2 (L. Clnfterbiick). 3. Also started: 7 0 Aspire, s.l; s ii Merry Simon, 5.2 : 22 Aekemma, 7.11; 3 3 (odd Ifobe, !) s J >i' lil a . ,7.0; 1 I Krinvh w. 7.5; 10 10 linololl, 7.0 Three lenaths; head; Ackemnia was fourth Time, lm 27 2-5s RAKANUI AWARDED 7.13 GREAT EASTER REHANDICAP [BY 'IT. I. Ml ft A I'll -I'ItKSS ASSOCIATION] PA LM F.RSTOX NORTH, Sunday Raktltiui has been reliandieapped 7!b. Biakine 7.13. for the C.J.C. Great, Easter .Handicap.


HIGH CASTE BEATEN TRIUMPH FOR BEAU VITE LENGTH MARGIN AT FINISH SYDNEY, March 00 Tlie Now Zealand iour-year-oUI IJeaii ite made an auspicious reappearance in public at Rosehill vestenlav liy witioitiK the Ivauson .Stakes aoainst. select coiupany in a manner that again revealed his high class and gonit popularity with Sydney racegoers, who cheered hint to the echo. The owner, Alt', lialpli Stewart, was delighted, ami expressed the opinion that Mean Vile should now win all the autumn lor-ag., races in which he competes Although the race was not a real test of Beau Vitc's ability, owing tu the first three fitrluiigs being run a! a slow pace in 4 Is, the last six were traversed in the brilliant tune "I lin IP.s. Gold Salute established a good lead, which he maintained until well down the straight, where Hindi Caste drew level and looked like a winner unlil Beau Yite produced his usual dogged finish. Sprinting from behind, Bean Yite overhauled High Caste, to wm going assay by a length. The Auckland-owned Proud Fox, who made his Australian debut in Ihe Three and Four-year-old Handicap, won by Haridelle, .shaped poorly and finished last. Results: - RAWSON STAKES, First i'3so. second ISO, third 110; w eight -toi -agc; o fur Beau Vitb i.s.Z.). R. Stewart's Or h. I.vts, by B'.au l'ere Dominant 0.0 (IT McMuncmni) I High Caste i N ./-.-bred), 0.0 (E. Bartle) . 2 Gold Salute i N.Z.-bred). S.ll (F. Sheen) 3 Seven started. Length, three-quarters of a length. Mosaic was fourth Time. Im 52'.5. Railway handicap, hrst ti.-.0, second 105, third , far. -Evorgreen, "E C larcinont's" br c, Oyrs, b,s Chatham -Emerald, 7.0 (W. Cook), 1; Amiable, 0.0 (L. J. O'tiuliivun), 2; Petruchio, 7.12 (R. Parsons). ,'T Nine starled Neck; length and it-half. Fearless was fourth. Time, lm 2-1 Ls. AUTUMN HANDICAP, first Hot), second tlo. tliird 121); I mile and 0 fur.— Royal Sceptre, I>. 11. Osborne's cli g, tyrs, by Excitement Care Free, i.\., I; Scientist, ,s.i .J, iiioinpson), 2; Cooranga, s.s 11,. ,j. O Sullivan), 0. Nine starlet!. Half a length; Ihree-tiuarlers of a length. Time. 211! I! is REMARKS BY RIDERS PLAN LAID FOR LAST RUN "NOT CHAMPION OF SPRING" SYDNEY, March 30 Commenting on the contest for the Hanson Stakes at Rosehill yesterday. A. W. Dexter writes iri the Sydney Sunday Sun a* follows: "Beau Vite drew first blood against his old rival. High Caste in the Rawson Stakes, the first of their autumn duels, at Rosehill yesterday, but his jockey, Ted McMenamiii. declared inunedlately after the race that the New Zealander is not the champion of last spring. 'He did not pick up speed nearly as quickly as lie used to do. I'he race was run to suit him, yet I did not think I had any chance of svinuing until the last bit. when Gold Salute and High Caste tired,' said McMena mill. Beau Vlte's owner, Mr. Ralph Stewart, disagreed with Mc.Menamin. Beau Vite was having his first start for two months. He had never previously won in similar circumstances. and Mr. Stewart said that lie would prove at Handwick this Easter that he is greater than ever. Later, McMenamin added that, even if Beau Vite were as good as in the spring, he was certainly no better. "I am only sorry that Beau Vite was not entered in the Sydney Cup," said Mr. Stewart. "He would liave had a big weight, but I think lie would have won." Mr. Stewart, McMenamin, and the trainer. F. McGrath, believe that a discussion, which lasted an hour one day last week, laid the foundation for the success. Mr. Sfesvarf'insisted that Beau Vite he given the last run,; "I want Beau Vite to follow High Caste this time," Mr. Stewart told McMenamin, and, .'"although the jockey would have been the object of severe criticism had he been beaten on Beau Vite, McMenamin carried out the orders to Hie letter Neither Mr. Stewart nor his jockey anticipated a slow pace early, especially with Gold Salute in the field, but the first half mile was run in 50 seconds. "McMenamin, however, had his instructions, and. when Bartle made no attempt to keep High Caste near Hie front, ho had no alternative but to drop behind him Beau Vite was second last along the back and when he tried to force through along tlie rails about the" five furlongs he svas cut hack and had to come right to the outside, Reaii Vite ran wide on tlie outside at the home turn, and even a furlong from home he appeared to have only a moderate chance against High Caste and Gold Salute, who was slicking like glue after making most of ihe early pace." The iockey. E. Bartle. offered no excuse for High Caste's failure. SUN BELLE IN FORM RECORD AT MOONEE VALLEY (Ren! 5.5 p.m.) MELBOURNE. March 30 111 winning tlie Moonee Ponds Handicap, the principal event at the Moonee Valley Racing Club's meeting yesterday, the Beau l'ere mare Sun Belle established a course record of 2m OP.s for a mile and a-ha!f. Results: — MOONEE PONDS HANDICAP, first C7OO, second £2OO, third tioo; IV 2 miles.— Sun Belle, Claude Hatch's br in, 4yrs, by Beau Pere— Summer Time, 7.11 (J. Purtell), 1; Throttle, 7.0 (T. Unkovich). 2; Hathersaf;e, 7.S <S. Ralph), 3, .Thirteen slarted. Three leiuths, two lengths Time, 2in 1 1 ,s- a course record. KXOM, HANDICAP, flrsl C-JxO. sr.-.m.1 iSo third !: I 0; I mile. Prince Ronald, E J Struck and T. R. Bradfield's br g. s,vrs. bs Ron.-ard Princess Bibi seo. ..3 10. k'<-r) P The Decoration, 7.0 <W Beresfonli, 2; Contact 7.S ,H Ralph), 0 Twelve started. Length and I liree-qua rtors: half a head. Time Ito 3s' s ELLERSLIE TRACK HUNTER'S ROSE GOES FAST NIGHT PILOT AND BRAHMAN BY AR(HER \ smart four furlongs by Hunter's Rove, a solid five bv ill' Pa-ifisl and Brih-li Mint ami u-ef.i: effort- over six b>. Brazilian hj" lie a I Night Hawk. Night Pilot and Braharoe ami Valniint. «en features of Hie traoiing oi., ratio;.- at EiPrslie mi Salurday. 'I lie N'.. I (trass was used for galloping and the going V a.- .i I rifle dead Details: , Three Furlongs, lundveyor (Poad.i. 0-".s- BrOi-h Camp (Ped). :is 2-5-; Kinder•rarten i.Markwiekl 111 2-ss; Rani Asi- iGilclirist). Ills: Clinch (Smith), as 2-5-. Four Furlongs. Hinders Rose (Markwick) lOs- Ri'val Message (Cleaver) and Sir Cameroii (Green), lo 1-5:.; Hunting King ('['remain) shaded Dependable ' Gil'dirisl). Toiietle ( (learn) and Replete ( Mes-ervy) 10 I ss; While Mark (Tremain), 5lls; Grey Wings (W. Kern and lialashiel 'M. Kerr). | ;?.r,s; Gold Bloom heal Bronze Ora tOleaser). 51 2-ss, Aeushia I Messcrvy), 53 l-5s- ' Klving March (Corriganj. 53 3-ss: Eimijiv Fox ( Messervv). 5o I ss ; Sir Reynard (|l.irris) Is'aini'inawa 1 Marl-;w iek i and f'ainilla (Tremain 1 50 3 ss : Riirolonga 0 hi'plin) and Marehbv i.lenkins). Sos; lea (',o!it 'Trent:' in I iiiel R.i :ht lOi.val O leaveri .",0-. |)i:i Pa-a l('!«;>v<TI. 52 2 5-; Vet. I. i ,'I or. y) .",ss. la: I lliree wilh a Bronze |-'ivc- !•"11r11 ics Brit e-li Mml (C 11.■ 11•-1-( I -haded To,- I'.-, .fi -I 'Walker). El I 5 _l, a < Hiirvev ( I'oiiks), 1.7 2-5; Water \ isen ( I'.ugbs I. 10 1-5 . Norllda m!"r (Ma ria I. I. Hi Hoomli- u-DaisV iCIi.-Mf-rj. !>; Vfllllire 1 ''.'ill; i ;i ml llappienat O'a uieron). I .s, la.-t four. 1-5,. Six Furlongs Niglil Pilot ( Bagln ) and nr.'ihntan (Harris). 1.17 2-">s. last four. 51s; Brazilian <Mc Is i nuoii) heal Ni'-'hl Hawk 01 recti). 1.17 1-5. las' four, ,51s; Maori Star K'amaiiek) and Master Warden (Smith), 1.22; Yalmilil (Hearn), 1.17 4-5. Once Round. British _ Talent (Messcrvy) and Royal Appellanl l Spick) 1.57 3-s<, last mile in 1.10; Hot Shot (Chaplin), 1.50 1-5 la.-t six in 1.23 2-5; Bo.y Lu and Wharcniaiia, 1.50. Rarolonga (Chaplin) jumped two hurdles. Rival (Ritchie) was sent over six. being accompanied over Hie last four by Rlngshof <( 'leaveri. All jumped well. Beverley (Williams), Agog (Maria), Leighton Buzzard (Neil), and Baldric (Cleaver) weld once round the steeplechase country, Leighton Buzzard, who was in front most of the way fell at the second feme of the double. Rey Lu (Baker) and Beeswing i Kerr) joined in at (lie sotlwall to go over the fences on the flat. Ife.v -Lu jumped well. Beeswing I ell a Her landing at the soil wail. TURF REMINDERS To-day.— FLisvera Trotting Club, entries. To-morrow.--Taranaki Trotting Club, acceptances.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 23928, 31 March 1941, Page 5

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HASTINGS RACES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 23928, 31 March 1941, Page 5

HASTINGS RACES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 23928, 31 March 1941, Page 5