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GAMES IN AUCKLAND CLUB AND INTER-CLUB GREENS SLIGHTLY HOLDING Chih and inter-club bowling games were'continued in Auckland on Saturday, when the greens were a trifle holding after rain. Club matches resuited as follows: —- Auckland. Percentage fours: A. W. White, H. Lamb, Warman, Till, 20. v. G. H. Beaumont, Fillmore, North, Maher, 31; E. J- Broun, Binns, Scott. Barber, 2!). v. Lornas, .Johnson, Grocott. Wool Icy, '-'7; Tyler, Harkins, Caradus, Pitkethlcy, 23. v. Edwards, C. Colebrook, Christian, D. Campbell. .18; Dennison, A. Goodwin, Garrett., Glenister. 23, v. Whitclior;i, B. \V. Beaumont, -Hacket. J. Hill. 20; Waker, Dunne, Baleman, Bremner, .17, v. Joass, Franklin, dcryou. Bennet, Hi; P. A. Colebrook, Cameron, W. White, R. Campbell, '-'7. v. Thomson, 'Kinsr.' Robertson, Keys, 2.'i; W. Wilson, ■ A. R. Clarke, Hislop. Hardie Neil. 22. v. Bull. (i. Smith. Bishop, Oake. 13; Sauvarin. F. Williams, Matheson, Montgomery, •_'<>. v. Weaver, A. E. Brown, Gray-Campbell. Giile.s, 20; Remington, Andrew. McDonald. Osmond, lit, v. Malcolm. Hughes. I. Clarke, McJ'hail. 15; Keyvar. Waller, Orsborn, Bockett, I!», v.,A.vdon. Young. Hedley. Barker, 1.0; Forbes. Hammond, Burton. A. Clarke, 20, v. Neal. Allan, Dymock, SleeJe, ,17; Lane, MeCrea, Colieutt, Graham. 2.5, v. Dc Reiizy, Fletcher. Self. Nicholson, 22. Te Papapa.—Percentage fours: Catley. Blank, Pinches, Speight, 31, v. Buckley, Baker, Tapp. Harriman, 0; Lardner, Orman, Keegan, Pilkington, 10. v. Maxwell, Willis, Collier, Noonan, I."i. Mount Albert.—Percentage fours: C. Oldham. A. Oldham. Baker. Brodie, 2<"> v. Younger, Delugar, Baxter, Dimery, 21; Thorn. A. Taylor, Pool, Maxwell, I I, v. 'Smerdon, Weller, K. Thomas, A. Stevens, 23; tSmithson, Whilefield, Hawke, Harbetl, 17 v. Morris, Hatton, Clark. Stewart, 21; Watson, Glover, Nyberg. R. Thomas, 11). v. Hicks. Howell. M. Morris. Jenkin, l.">; West, Gillespie, McKay, Connew. 20, v. Wilkinson, Pope Sage, Town ley, 26; Cowdre.v, G. Taylor, Lane,' 1">, v. Harvey, Boagcy, Marlow, IS; Bl.vth, W. I'homas, <). Baildon, |3, v. Cossey, Barton Ciitforth. 21. McLean buckles: R., T. Walker, S. Walker, Humphrey (chalengers), 23, v. Evitt, Young, Bennett. Townley, 20. Balmoral.—Percentage fours: Benn N C. Smith. Orange. Garry. 27, v. Ilcasman. Curnow, W. W. King. Blakemore, 21; Larkin, Pnlhairi, Stevens, Clarke. 20, v. Chambers. Foreman, Balderson. Gifford, 17; Guthrie Kaddy. Weeks, Winks, 1!). v. Blair, Hindman, Play-fair, Clews, IS; Thompson. Birkenhead. 'I utchy. Gladstone. 27. v. Bernard. R. V. Atkinson. Bafey. Halford, 1!); A. A. Bucklev, Spry, W. Richardson, Sawyers. 27, v - L I'■ Preston, Bennett, Scott. Robertson, 17; Leonard. Nicholl, Clark, F. Preston. 25, v - W. H. Reynolds, Jones. Arkle W. C Franks. 20; Thomas, Blank, Meredith. Lavland, 20, v. Mills. Miller. Peterson. liow•and. 21; Trewln. E. A. Reynolds, Dunciimb Randell. 30, v. West. A, Smith, Curler, Benson, 18; Sayers. Bailey. Speir, C. C. King 27. v. Gentles, J. F. Atkinson Davis. Bush. 10: D. Richardson, Rowley, Cartwright, 33, v. Curson, Tattersall, Nimmo, 1<1; Vercoe, Price, Durrani, Goldsmith, 26, v. Fleming. Hanlon. Cook. Kemp. 19; Lainir. Ward, A. E. Buckley, H. Franks. 27. v. Thayer Coppins. Meltzer, Horwood. 0. Epsom.—Percentage fours: Cane, Dallen, Collins, S. Harrison. J7. v. Sutcliffc, ITollis, pickin, G nibble, I; W.vlic, Rolfe, Coutts, Inglis, 32,' v. Cooper. Petchcll, Parkinson, George, 10; Rossiter. Robinson, Yearbury, Drummond, I t, v. Cerntty. Baker, Gallaher. Brash. 32; In wood. Mowbray, Moses, 21. v. Hedlund, Riffkin, Daniel. 13. Grey Lynn.—Percentage fours: Ka.v-Rtrat-ton, Snell, Binns, 1 J>, v. Pollock, Rams'botlom, Cox. 1(1; Strong, Francis, G. Fletcher, 20 v. Brigsrs. A. S. Halls, Dougan, 26; McLeod,' Armitago, Winsom, IS, v. Coakley, Trcwheela, Winter, 22. St. Hpllers.—Percentage fours: Conynham, W. Thompson, McLaren, Eshelby, 12, v. S. Lcric'e, S. Diamond, Toser, Tyndall, 28; Long, McKay, 23, v. Cammell, Whaley, 38; W. Drake, Carron, Drury, Russell, 27, v. Rogers, Le.gatt, .Watkin, 10: .C. Henderson, Dean, Donald, Myers, 20, v.'Lambert, Hooton, 1-

J. Diamond, A. White, 15; Morris, A. Le Grice, H. Williams, Darrow, 20, v. Fyfe, M. Miller, Moe, Ramsay, 'Jit; It. Clarke. Johnston, Da vies, Boyce, 32, v. Tremewan, l?orrit-t, A. Cameron, lieid, II; Potts, Mor (Tan. Langhill, Cliffe, 10. v. K«aly, B. Thompson, Pearce, L'ricc, 21); S, While, jim.. Whittome, J. Jlenderson, McMahon, is, v. T. May, H. T. Williams, Rowbottom, Brookfield. Pukekohe, — President's lours: 11. Pleydell. ,T. l-'ausett. Pleydell, John Adams. 20, v. Sntdiffe. W. Swinbourue, A. Handon, W. Mlakc IT; Wray. 1). Fauseft. G. Caller, Moncricf, 2 1 v. Hump. 10. Pollock, Walsham. Seed, 1*1; Xeilson, Meyer, David Roulston. Clayton. 27, v. H. Swinbonrne, I). Ingram. Jamii-son. Cooper, II; Gordon, Harbidge. F. Perkins, Ingpen, 7. v. W. MeXally, James Adam-. Wallers. Payne, 15; Johns l.awric, J. Bhtk'\ Keith. v. (i hi ss. Galley, I'alon. W. G. Pleydell, 13; ('roily, Buchan, Ferguson, Munrn. '_'S, v. 11. Carter, Jones Ridley, Bauson It. INTER-CLUB MATCHES Following are the rcsulls of inter-club frames, the names of players of firsl-mentioned rlnh taking precedence in each case:— Carlton v. Onehunga,—At Carlton: Kecsincr. Henley, W. Blair. H. Kent, 15, v. McLeod. 11. George, Burridge, Gosling, '2(1; Trendall. McKenzic, Mollo.v, dc l,aunay, ), v. Drum, Denny. Doel. Macklow. 2I; \V. Pearce, Malchell, Buxton, ,7. Martin, '-" J. v. I,each, Slevons. Slone, Laing, I!); Ilollis, While, A. Gladding. F. W. Taylor. I'J. v. Schnackenbcrsr. I<accy, Kdgley, Welham. I; Hunt, Lofley, Hills. Lett. 23. v. ('. "I'll rn j>u 11. MrNaughton, W. Bull, Grace, 10; H. Taylor, Shields. Turner, Roberts, v. Skinner, Kirk wood. Harrison. Xicholls, 17; Budd. |{. A. Walker, Mc.N'ab. lliggoll. 15. v. It. Wilson. I. Keats, R. Smith, X. Norman, *2l; llamblin, Kenrick. Harvey. (1. Kent. IS, v. McMaslers, S. Brown. Fernell, Robertson, '2S; Kirk, McNaughlon. Brownlee, G. Culler, Mi. v. Green, G. Jones, Bray. T. < > eorge. '2l; Gordon, in, v. J. Kerr, 17. First-year players; Denny, Christiansen, Helherintrlon, Monro. 21, v. O'Neill. Caddy, McCarthy, Hay. '2O. At Onehunga: Lockhead. Fletcher. Gavey, Purtly, '2.">, v. Vowles, McLean, Bell. Livingstone, I!; Smalcs, Delich, McCiillousrh, ('. lyitllc. 20. v. Retry, Sims. Neale, Sayers, '2l; Proud. Lett, Rowe, Wrijrhlson. 15, v. J. Brown, Slokes, Poole, Kerns, lit; r r. Milchell, Britfain, A. Pollard, 11. B. Jenkin. 20, v. flardiey. Gotland, Wesl, Cross, IS; Morris, Newcombe. leaker. H. Jenkin. '2l. v. Morrow. Keeling. Mackenzie, Marks HI; liarman. ('oilman. Lea, V. Little, i:i, v. Crawford. Marsden, Tla.ves. Basseft, '2'2; R. Jones, K. Turnbull. Horscrofl, YVigginton, '2'2. v. Mitchell. Mellzer, Blair, Fraser, P2; Proud, Bates, Bird, Lancaster. Hi. v. Booth. Funisworth, Collin. Kenny, '211; Hudd. Walker, McNab. TTiggotl, 15. v. Wilson. Kent. R. Smilh, Xorman, '2l; Scoff. Buchanan. Rogers. Taylor. 25. v. Smelhnrst, Baker, Jones, Latigsford, '2'2. Te Papapa v. Remuora.—- At Te Pa pa pa: I<a king. Curl is. Cave. Sissons, 5, v. Hcsseli, Lloyd, Bice, Ralhbone, !i; Crouch, Thomas, George, Bond, 11, v. Schofield. Thomas. Hulls, Baggie, S;, Gribble, Allcock, Simpson. I I, v. Sheiipard. Roberts. Donncll, Veale, !). AI Reinuera: Cooper, Jury, Kruse, Havenport, Hi, v. Tonks, Leaning. Rainier, Hickson. '2l; Glynn, Hands, Morris. Moore, '2l, v. Gibson, Simpson, Craig, Whilniore, '22; Jackson, Sadgrove, Mitchell, Moon. '2! i, v. Snaith, Fullerlon, Hcnson, Jl;iin 1 in, 17. Auckland Transport v. Balmoral.- —First year, at Auckland Transport: Girvan, Chilman, Early. Somers, I I, v. Robson, Forrester, Thorpe. Strickland, 10. Rcmucra v. Rawhiti.-—-At Reinuera: Simrnonds, Colegrove, Acheson, Goosinan, is, v. Ryniaii, Brown, Martin, Heer '22; Gales, R. Allan, Lambourne, Mahony. 19, v Walker, George. C'biplin, Grace, It; Choyce. McDonnell, Thronscn, Wright, Hi, v. McKinlay, Patterson, Taylor, McDcrmott, 21$; Geary, Guinness, Buckrcll, Macey, 17. v. Andrew's, Barllcet, Thompson, Downey, 16; Abbott. Wahvorth, Griffiths, Harvey. 2.'1, v. [Jrqnhart, Allan, England, Pederson, '2l. First-year players: Earlly, Spurdle, Bond. Wilson, 15, v. While, Bobbins, Robinson. Black. 17. At Rawhiti: Court, Seagar, M. While, McMillan, '2l, v. Dale, • McConnell, George. Moncur, 18; Hurnelt, Brook. Johnston Earl. 21, v. Irvine, Penn, Cnlpin, Mason. 2.'t; Alison, Thomson. Coe, Tudehope, 25, v. Carson, LittleJohn, Keller, McCuHoiigh, IS; Malfroy, Waitc, McCaljnm, Uren, 15, v. Robin'-.on, Peterson, Wortliington, Hepworth, MO; Bolton, Williams, Adams, Rugg, 10, v. Scarborough, Savin, Rose, Townsend, 25. Grey Lynn v. Epsom.—At Grey Lynn: Bleaklev, Newman, Mayson, B. Clarke, 15, v. Waddell, Aitken, Lamb, O'Callaghan, 12; McLaehlan. Hawke, Lanigan. Teague, 13, v. Young, Gunthorpe, Ingall. Jones, 2H; Gugich, TouiiKman, A. Buckley, Somers, 22, v, Dix,

Jackson, Cornish. Wright, 10; T. Armstrong, I Mulholland, Thomas, Newton, 11. v. Clark, • Davis. Brown. (', Young. 31; Kvcrex. NeilI son, W. Kennedy. Preston, 10, v. Perkins, Field, Bubone, Anderson, 11; G. Morgan, ; Kmery, Shaw, Gadd, 12, v. Paykel, Hooton, Stehr, J. Wallace. 27; Marshall, Menzies. Piitton. Paddy, 17. v. Golding, Lawrence. Parkinson. Par-ions, 20; A. Hall, Proctor. Person, Miucham 20, v. Staler, J. .Harrison. Campbell, Ross, 20: McCeaeheii, W. Kennedy, Anderson, Whittle, 20, v. Fisher. 21. At Epsom: Itavlic, Skipper. Mason. Mac j Cnllay, Mi. v. C. Young. 'Wright, Millen. i Buclian. 21; Morgan. Laing, Seward, Moran. I is. v. Ycrr.v, Grove. Movie, Scott. 2~>: Cushion. Smith, Lye. Walker, Hi, v. Hill, Good, Mr- ; Wallers. Bull, 2">: Armstrong. Sweeling, | Fletcher, Griffiths, 27. v. Maekie, Mareison. | I'ati'rson. Richmond, 27: Denneby. Lennnu. j Fil'/er. Pascoi', 22, v. Elliott. Bennett. Greig. Nairn, 20 : Gebbii. Mudd. Sharpies, Curtis, 27. v. Houghton, Mynntt. Lewis. Furiifdl. It; Cadness. Atkins. O'Connor, Prince, 21, v. Hammond, Dyson. Ramsay, Wilson, IS; Davis. M ickelborougli. llowley. Cronin. 22, v. McKendrick. All'rey. Brailliwaite Hillam. 10; Collard. Gillam, Shine. Taylor. 26, v. Flynn. Hayes, Beckman. Wallace 13. Ponscnby v. Edcnriale. -At Ponsonbv: Wilson, Mellzcr. Thomas. E. Jury 23. v. Mayhill, is; Chittenden, Hansen, Payne, Piper, 23. v. Strange, Pring. Ward. Robinson, II; Spencer. Mcßae. Finer. Somervitle. 21. v. Hall. Mcßrien. Hayes, Francis. 23; Webster, 11. Gray. Stotler. A. Lclham, 22, v. Wilson. Collin. Smith, Hill, l-'i; 'tail, McDonald, llewson. Carbines. 28. v. Bronitelf, 21. St. Hcliers v. Elterslio.- Cox Pennant, at SI. lleliers. Wood. Ratlisach, Hume. Wrighl. 22. v. 11. White. J. White Leggatt. T. White. IS; Soence, Tonikin Roberts, Watson, 20, v. Williamson, Beviti, P. Henry, Mitchell. 'J I : Pelerson. Wymer, Moore. Dawson, 20. v. Wheeler, Condy. Cooke, MeKcnzie, IS; Dick. Barrel, Thompson. 11. Smith, 21. v. Jones, Flytrer, Low. Johnson. l-">; Potts, Forster, Appleyard, Gooding. 10 v. Curlier, Thorpe. Coy. Barilelt. ;I; Alison. Wilson Norris, Koefoed. 1 ■">, v. Ferguson, Campbell. Froome, Sykes. 3(i. Mount Eden v. Rocky Nook, At Mount Eden: Findlay. 20. v. Lorain. 2.3; Daisle.v. I t, v. Farley, 22; Gillies, 21. v. Young, 10; W. Watson, 11, v. EUisson, 21; H'arlanil, 23. v. Randrup, 17; Dignan, 10, v. Tongue, 28; Jones. 22. v. MacKinnon, 13; Henderson, 17. v. Williams, 17. Mount Eden v. Epsom.—'At, Mount Eden, first year McKay, 17, v. Thompson, 20. TOURNEY AT MANGERE The following skips have entered teams for a full-rink tourney to lie played at the Mangere Bowling Club's green to-morrow Cales (Backhand's Beach). McDonald (Ellerslie), Livingstone, Gosling (Onehtincn), Speedy, Sykes (Otahuhu). Franklin, Wilson (Papaloetoe), Cleave. Rummings (Manurewa). Xewson, Raskerville (Carlton), Bnrlells (Papakura), Taplin (Transport), Kay. Connor (Mangere).

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVII, Issue 23840, 16 December 1940, Page 4

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BOWLING New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVII, Issue 23840, 16 December 1940, Page 4

BOWLING New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVII, Issue 23840, 16 December 1940, Page 4