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FIRST DAY ELLERSLIE FIELDS THE ALISON CUP REVIEW OF PROSPECTS HOT BOX WELL FANCIED Good fields are carded for the oponjno of-tho Auckland Racing Club's Midspring Mooting at Ellerslio to-day and there should be some excellent contests. The oiiiof event will bo tho Alison Cup, jn which shere are 17 horses engaged, and the issue appears very open. The course is, very fast, and, unless there is ruin, sonic smart performances may be expected. The single-pool system of betting will be iu operation. Following are details of tho fields, witb; numerals showing the placings of the horses in their last three starts, probable riders, and a review of tho prospects in each race by " Archer":— 12 ,<,—MELROSE MAIDEN HANDICAP, Of <> fur. First Division

Bmckets: Knightsbridge and Lexden, Imperial. Eagle and Kingcraft Paxeno and Royal Message, Miss Appellant and lahiti, Jlinllaw and Gay Opal, Maioro and lady. Unless there are a few scratchines, the race will have to be riui in two divisions. Of those drawn in the first division, Kenneth Robert has the best recent form, but Pocket Venus was a Brtart two-year-old and it was due to soreness that she failed when solidly supported at Paeroa last month. She lias freshened up nicely in the meantime Rajanya and Cin trace have ehoira promise and other possibilities are Maioro and Hot Shot. The second, division appears a little stronger... than the first. Pasture galloped -well on Thursday and Broadway Bill is an improver whose turn may come soon. Nithmount showed promise at Paeroa and Odtaa's five furlongs on Thursday was very encouraging. Lexden hails; from Taranaki, while Tahiti and Gay Opal have shown promise. Some who may be in demand are: — First Division — KENNETH ROBERT, POCKET VENUS. Secoud Division — BROADWAY BILL, "• -a - NLTHMOUNT. : ; " 12.49 MILFORD HANDICAP,

The latest form of Royal Vaals has been good and she should have prospects even with her big weight. Prival and Torch are due to allow some form and Silver Eagle is smart, although inclined to be a little uncertain at the barrier. Ngakaru is on the upgrade and may make amends for his defeat at Te Rapn. Tepoto should be prominent if she jumps out smartly and Penzance is a roDent winner. Simla scored in tho novice class at Rotorua recently and is a likely improver. The best of the others may be Royal Abb, although he would appeal more over a longer journey. The best supported may be NGAKARU, PENZANCE, SIMLA. 1.29«-TIRI HURDLES, Of £3-iO; 2 miles

Although he hns a steadying load, Erination should run prominently. En Tour and Kilberis may progress upon their Te Rapa running and Mia Acrai is an improver who should be difficult to beat. Electric Flash and Chikara hav<> recent; placed form and may do a little better than they have yet shown. Gads;er is likely to run a solid race and Makii is a possibility. Strathire's speed shoitd take him a long way if he jumps cleanly, hut he Jacked confidence at To •Rapsi. The favourites may bo MIA ACREA, KN TOUR, CHIKARA. 2.I4—ALISON CUP, Of ifiOO; IZt miles

Kiny Roy is an unlikely starter.

"'•t Round Up is the' holder of lh(i course record for the distance. Joniutluin is in great heart and ready i 3. solid efi'ort. Master Briefly indiby his running at Te Bapa that in likely to make an early return to initiiijr ton,, JUI( | t j ic (. ons i, s tent Vala--1 °'i who is nicolv placed, has to be Dark Shadow is likely to be ? 10v , e( l alter his racing at Te Bapa u . Surprise. The three-year-olds linir x ni,( ' Philcotirt, although they ( '' s, '' nso their worth beyond . • ar 6'expected to make forward i,. r ' n K s . Birthday Boy is on the imShv V< L ailf ' '^ l,ss '° Ba looks very well. W*' t* M '°rking nicely, and the Jiovul n e ot ! ,Pr lightweights may be for <i: anpt '- Strong support may come hot box. - ■ PHILC'OUBT, BIJRTHDAY BOY,

•00 Little Star G. Smith 7 0 Royal Tray should make a forward showing, but may find it difficult to defeat Orelio and High Caste, who are fine gallopers. Little notice need be taken of Orelio's failuro in the Welcome Stakes, as he was suffering from shin soreness and did not do himself justieo. Glen Connell displayed promise at Avondale and is more forward now. Beau Repairo has mado progress, siuco he raced last and looks , very promising. The likeliest of tli£r other may be Meliora and La Vie. Investors may favour ORELIO, HIGH CASTE. GLEN CONNELL

Form indicates excellent prospects for Balinavar, who appears to be a good deal better than the average hack. Msixani is very smart and she has trained on nicely sinco winning at Avondale recently. Brazilian is regarded as an unlikely starter, but ho is an improver who should not be disgraced if he appears. The likeliest of the others may be Oriental Bay, who is on the upgrade, and Vaalstar. Most .support may come for BALINAVAR, MAXAM, ORIENTAL BAY.

Whirling appears, to have benefited by recent racing and may bo near to form. Marie's; Acre is good, hut would apjieal more if the rf'ack were easier. Majority and To Hero performed well at Trentham last month, and both should go well. Golden Sheila did not do as well as expected at Te Rapa and Tosh has showit no form this season. Paddy the Rip and Farland have recent wins to their credit and are likely to bo difficult to beat. Too ley Street's lat<iist gallops indicate that ho is close to form. Inver, Arvakur and Surella are speedy, but tho best of the lightweights may be Pirate King, \ who is mubh improved,. Bachelor Kihg and Gallilee. Popular fancies may be;


Ringshot's . latest form entitles hir i to considerable respect. High Sea has won at his last two starts and is much improved. However, there is a doubt whether he will run.: MelvUnui may have benefited by recent racing and Ohmaha should make a creditable showing. Dauber and Inquisitor aro on the upgrade and the former appears to be a solid customer. The Trimmer and Galloping Acre ran good races at Te Rapa and may run well. The form of the others has not been encouraging. buli Marheke has prospects. The mam far cies may be DAUBER, INQUISITOR, GALLOPING ACRE. SCKATCHINGS POSTED WITHDRAWAL OF PALUSTRE Scratchings posted yesterday for the first day of the Auckland Racing Club's Mid-Spring Meeting were as follows: — Met rose Maiden Handicap.—Rcy Lu. Poiiui Handicap.—Erlick, Romani. Cambria Handicap.—Foxniond, Lysis. Cheltenham Handicap.-—Palustre, 3.20 p.m. All Engagements. —Venture. Eling Musk has "been scratched for the Kawau Hurdles on the second day.

GREEN LINNET DEAD JUVENILES FOR MELBOURNE [BY TfXKGKAI'H—OWN CORRESPONDENT] HAW ERA, Friday Green Linnet died while foaling to Foxbridge last week, and the foal also succumbed. Two Foxbridge two-year-olds, a colt from Green Linnet and a filly from Hippie Song, are booked to leave Auckland for Melbourne on December 8 to join J. Fryer's stable. The former is owned by Fryer and tho latter will carry the colours of Mr. F. Cleland, Otorohanga. /• RACING FIXTURES November '2(>—~Asbburton County Rficinff Club November -Q, tjtj——-AucKlcincl iiucimj Club. November lilj, 'JS-rFoildinff December 3— —Otuki Aluori Rcicinpf Club* ( December 10— Hororata Racing Club. December 10, 1 2—Woodvillo District Jockey Club- „ , . Decqmber 17— Waipa Racing Club. December 24, 20, 27—Manawatu Raclnfr Club, ncre,nber 2(1 —"VVaipukurau Jockey Club. December 20, 27—Dunedin Jockey Club. December 26, 27—Taranaki Jockey Club. December 26, 28, January 2, 3 —Auckland Racing Club. December *28 —-WcnUand Racing? Club. December HI, January 2— Wairarapa Racing December' 31. January, 2—Greymouth Jockey December 31. January 2—Hawke's Bay jockev Club. . Januiiry 2—Waikouaiti Racing Club. January 2 —Wyndham Racing Club, lanuirv 2, 3—Stratford Racing Club. Januiiry % 3-Marton Jockey Club. Januiiry 3—(o®ma r u J°ckey Club. January 3# 'Southland Racing Club.

022 Kenneth jRobert H. Goldfinch 8 4 000 Hajanya S. Tremain 8 4 000 FOCKel \ CIlUa ° 000 Cinlracc 8 — Hackensehmidt J. Nieolson 7 13 • -0 Blonde Princess J. Mclnally 7 ia • -0 Venire a Terro J. F. Fergus 7 13 Kniiihtsliridpr i 'i 000 • •0. R. W. MeTavish i«* Imperial Eagle 7 13 Paxeno E. Eley 7 13 000 Miss Appellant P. Fearn 7 13 • -0 Mint law W. H. Jones 7 13 13 000 Maioro r. 13 Pleuron 000 Hot SJiot ' Second A. C. Messervy Division 7 13 000 Pasture 0. Mclnally S £ 4 Broadway Bill 4 002 P. Burgess ■02 -jN'itbmount 8 3 ■00 Odtaa. G. Gilchrist 7 13 000 Gamos; H. IS*. Wiggins * 13 13 Estro - .13 •00 Bronwen S*. It. McKenzio • -0 Lexden' i 7 13 7 13 000 Kingcraft A. G. Murray 13 000 Royal Message Tahiti 000 R. Sargent 7 13 13 Loch Mara 13 ... Gay Opal ,1 13 •00 Norse Lady S. J. Cammick 13 000 Boy Lu 7

5 I^E^E f n - 2 NWiHij' m!WB S

112 Erination J. Muir 13 8 020 En Tour R. E. Thomson 11 4 000 Kilberis D. Craddock 11 o 001 Mia Acrca C. Walters 10 7 .002 Electric Flash N. "Watson 0 10 333 Cbikara H. Turvey 0 10 010 Gadgcr . J. McLaughlin 0 10 000 Baldric T. Williams 0 .0 023 Makoi 0 0 000 Strathire 0 0

800Kin* Rey fi 5 Oil Round Up H'. Bartle 0 1! 010 Jonathf^n N. R. McKcnzie ft 5) 003 Master FJrierly J. Winder 8 6 022 Valamito R. W. McTavish 8 0 000 Dark Shadow 8 0 100 Hot Box W. J. Brouffhton 8 0 233 I'hilcourt H. N. Wiggins 7 11 001 Birthday Boy W. Thomson 7 4 000 ■KniKlit of Australia S. Trcmain 7 « 000 Aussie Ra ' N. Vaughan 7 3 002 Shy ' A. C. Messervy 7 0 212 Fidclls G. Gilchrist 7 0 030 'Barrister 7 0 000 Guy Rebel 7 0 300 Black MusK 7 0 000 Royal Dance 0. Evans 7 0

, 2.50—CAMBRIA HANDICAP, ■Of £3001- two-year-olds; 5 fur. 012 Royal Tray 8 0 -•3 High Casto H. X. Wiggins 8 7 310 Orelio } R. W. McTavish 8 5 -OCI Foxtoon O. Evans S 0 Glatlynev 8 0 • -0 Brazen Bold N R. McKenzie 8 0 Innovation 8 O -00 Glen Council L. H. Clifford 7 12 000 Beau Repaire "W. J. Broughton 7 10 Our Jran 7 0 Chelandry S. Trcniain 7 0 •02 Moliora R. E. Homo 7 9 •200 Greek Queen E. Manson 7 8 - -0 Hunting, Capo R. Sargent 7 7 000 I.a Vic 7 6 000 Thurnavaals A. C. Messervy 7 0

3.44 —TAKAPUNA FLAIfc, Of £400; special weights; 7 fur. i Balinavur R. E. Horno 8 12 1 Vnlspear A. Tinker 8 12 . • Maxunt ' ■ S 7 t Advance Acre 8 0 i Penzance N. R. McKcnzie S «> ( Sen Acre s 5 ( Brazilian T,. II. Clifford s 0 I Oriental Bay H. N. WigRins 8 0 i Poker Dice S. Tremain 7 0 l Bronze Emerald 7 i Imperial Eagle 7 7 i Vaalsstar 7 7

4.29— CHELTENHAM HANDICAP, Of £3o0; 6 fur. ooc Whirling W. J. Broughton 9 3 Oil Marie's Aero 0 0 021 Majority N. R. McKenzie 8 12 013 Te Hero P. Burgess 8 12 OO'O Golden Sheila R. E. Home 8 0 000 Tosh 8 5 m i Paddy the Kip R..W. McTavish 8 0 (KM Fat land 8 0 000 Tooley Street P. Fearn 7 32 000 Inver; . • G. Smith 7 7 000 Arvakur 7 6 010 Surclla 7 o 000 Trilliarch 7 o 220 Pirate King H. X. Wiggins 7 o 210 Miss Te Koura 7 2 no ' Bachelor King . 7 0 300: Myth , 7 0 000 Galilee L ■ j. 7 0

Of .C300; 1 mile i 032 Ringshot H. X. Wigginsl 0 0 on High Sea L. H. Clifford 8 10 0(K) Melvanui : 8 » 20-J Ohmaha A. G. Murray8 6 Oil Dauber A. Tinker. 8 6 310 Inquisitor "W. J. B rough ton The Trimmer R. W. McTavish 8 5 103 8 •1 003 Galloping Acre 7 11 000 Cometarium 7 7 333 Chikara 7 7 000 Marheke G. Gilchrist 7 7 000 Love in Idleness, S. 1'remain 7 7 000 Nuipapa ' O. Evans 7 7 OOU Master Appellant „ P. Fearn 7 7

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23205, 26 November 1938, Page 13

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SPRING RACING New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23205, 26 November 1938, Page 13

SPRING RACING New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23205, 26 November 1938, Page 13