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IiRIDE IN IVORY SATIN ■ ■ 'J SIX BRIDESMAIDS ATTEND HORROCKS—BICKERTON FISHER A picturcsquo wedding, of interest to a largo circle of friends throughout the Dominion, was celebrated yesterday afternoon at St. Andrew's Church, Epsom, when Miss Sidney Bickerton Fisher, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Bickerton Fisher, of Mangere, was married to Mr. James Leonard Macintosh Horrocks, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Horrocks, Lucerno Road, Remuera. The Rev. F. P. do L. Willis officiated, and tho wedding music was played by Mr. C. Raynor White. The church had been charmingly decorated, with massed bluo and white flowers and greenery. A beautiful gown'of ivory souple satin was worn by tho bride, who was given away by her father. Fashioned on classical lines, tho front of tho bodice fell in soft folds from a cowl collar into two groups of shirring divided at the waistline with a silver girdle. Tho long sleeves were also 6lightly shirred at the shoulder and tight-fitting to the wrists. Tiny ivory satin buttons adorned the back of tho gown, which fell gracefully from the waistline into a lone, pointed train. A circlet of overlapping cream satin leaves held in place tho long veil of ivory tulle, which, worn over the face and deeply shirred at tho back of the head, fell in misty folds to tho hem of the frock. Tho brido wore a sprig of heather sent specially from Scotland and carried a trailing bouquet of waterlilies. Six Attendants In attendance as bridesmaids were Miss Patience Robertson, Miss Margaret Ewen, Miss Diana Rhind and Miss Patricia Holnulen, and acting as flower girls wore Miss Judy Reed and Miss Beverloy Myers. They mado a charming group in picture frocks of ivory organza faintly striped ih pastel tonings of blue, rose, green and yellow. Tho bodices wore gathered from a high neck-line edged with peaking, and the full short sleeves were also finished with peaking. The bouffant skirts were fully flared, whilo a floating panel train fell gracefully from tho waistlines at the back of tho frocks. Tho four bridesmaids wore picture hats of delphinium bluo Shantung Baku straw. They carried armlets of delphiniums, carnations and gypsophila. Tho flower girls wore wreaths oh their heads and carried baskets of flowers. Tho bridegroom was attended by Mr. Anthony Horrocks as best man, and by Dr. Alistair Macfarlane (Dunedin) as groomsman. Acting as ushers at the church were Messrs. Peter Horrocks, C. E. Dawson, E. F. Page, John Carpenter and 11. Merritt. Ceremony at Tavistock Following the ceremony a largelyattended reception was held at Tavistock, Dilworth Avenue, Remuera, the home of Mrs. Sidney Nathan, grandmother of tho bride. From tho house tho guests passed into a largo marquee which was hung with baskets of maidenhair fern and arranged with small tables charmingly decorated with pastel-toned flowers. To receive her guests Mrs. Bickerton Fisher wore a picture frock of ivory chiffon patterned in a floral design in pale blue, green and coral tonings. The frock was fashioned with a coatee with full gathered sleeves and a swathed sash of coral georgette. She woro a picture hat of coral-toned georgette and carried a bouquet of matching flowers. Mrs. Sidney Nathan woro a graceful frock of navy bluo and white patterned georgette cut on redingote lines with white roule work from the neck to the hemline. Her wide-brimmed navy ballibuntal straw hat was finished with white osprevs and her bouquet was of pink and red roses. Mrs. Horrocks, the mother of the bridegroom, wore a gracefully draped frock of black sucdo crepe caught at tho waistline with a silver clasp. Her small black hat of French felt was worn with an eye-veil and relieved with touches of silver. Mrs. D. B. Robertson, aunt of the bride, wore a navy blue floral frock under a navy georgette coat, and a small plaited hat of navy faille silk. Mrs. Darwin Cooke, aunt of the bridegroom, was in a black georgette frock relieved with pastel-toned velvet flowers at the shoulder and belt, and a small black hat. The Invited Quests

Among the invited guests were:— Rear-Adrairal the Hon. E. R. Drummond and the Lady Evelyn Drummond, Sir James and Lady Gunson, Lady Buckletoji (Wellington), Sir Stephen and Lady Allen (Slorrinsville), Sir and Lady Leys, Sir Carrick and Lady Robertson, Sir Walter Stringer, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Aveling (Wellington), -Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Louisson, Mrs. W. Mcßae Pcacocke, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Quilliam (New Plymouth), Mr. J. H. Quilliam,

Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Horroeks, Sir. and Mrs. H. A. Horroeks, Dr. and Mrs. G. J. S. Fisher, Mrs. E. Kight (Dannevirke), Mrs. R. Scott (Blenheim), I)r. and Mrs. A. Blair (Hanmer), Dr. Livesey, Mr. and Sirs. Slatthew Conway (Fcilding), Sir. and Mrs. Hugh Atkinson (Feilding), Mrs. P. Mitchell, Mrs. Ivan Kight (Dannevirke), Sir. and Mrs. Sydney Cottier (New Plymouth), Mr. and Mrs. 11. D. Matthews (Hamilton), Mr. and Mrs. Edward Russell, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Col beck, Mrs. H. 0. Nolan, Dr. and Mrs. S. Goldingham (Palmerston North), Mr. and Mrs. H. Potro (Palmcrston North), Mr. and Mrs. Grenlell Morgan A. Fit/.hcrbcrt (Palmcrston North), Sir. and Mrs. J. D'Ath (Lower Hutt), Sirs. E. Balcombo Brown (Wellington), Mr. and Sirs. J. B. Macfarlane, Mrs. M. Horton, Sirs. 31. Savage, Sir. and Sirs. G. L. Rutherford (Canterbury), Rev. and Mrs. I' 1 . P. de L. Willis, SI rs. James Henderson, Sirs. Grcig. Dr. and Sirs. E. H. B. Slilsom, Sirs. P. A. Lindsay, Sirs. 11. E. Vaile, Sir. and Mrs. >l. L. Nathan (Wellington), Sir. and Sirs. Percy Nathan (Masterton), Sir. and Mrs. W. B. Lloyd, Sirs. Selwyn Upton, Hon. and Sirs. Eliot R. Davis, Sirs. R. Coleman, Sir. and Sirs. J. SI. Wilson, Sir. and Sirs. Edward Anderson, Sir. and Sirs. F. C. Alappip, Sir. and Mrs. F. W. Wilson. Mrs. Wilfred Rathbone, Sirs. T. W. Wilkin, Sirs. D'Oyly (Dannevirke), Sir. and Sirs. Harold Bull, Sir. and Sirs. .1. SI: Carpenter, Sir. and Sirs. Frank Bull, Dr. and Sirs. Slontgomerv Spencer (Wellington), Sir. and Sirs. J. C'. Nicholson (New Plymouth), Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Reid (New Plymouth), Sir. and Sirs. G. Kebble (Now Plymouth), Sir. and Sirs, H. V. Hoadlev (Hastings), Sir. aurl Sirs. Dacre Rogers, Sir. and Sirs. Seymour Spencer, Sir. and Sirs. T. Spain (Napier), Sir. and Sirs. C. Webster (New Plymouth), Sir. and Sirs. B. St. Townend, Sir. and Sirs. Hugh Roberts (Whakatane), Dr. and Sirs. S. Allen, Sir. and Sirs. T. Waddell (New Plymouth), Sir. and Sirs. K. B. Slyers, Sir. and Sirs. Nat Ramsay, Sir. and Sirs. Hugh Eraser, Sir. and Sirs. Slacmillan Bull, Mr. and Sirs. N. Hanna, Sir. and Mrs. John Slncky, Sir. and Mrs. J. F. Ewen, Sir. and Sirs. T. N. Holmdcn, Sir. and Sirs. A. E. SI. Rhind, Sir. and Sirs. B. L.

Hewitt, Dr v aiul Mrs. W. A. Fairclough, Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Wilson. Mr. mul Mrs. Mervyn Reed, Mr. and Mrs. H. McKail Geddes, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fritter, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Nathan, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hellabv, Professor and Mrs. R. M. Algie, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nolan, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Horton, Mr. and Mrs. P. Savage, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cropper, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Carr, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Kirker, Mr. and Mrs. M. Benjamin, Mr. and Mrs. K. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Worley, Mr. and Mrs. E.J Dane. Dr. and Mrs. L. Lud brook, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Vallentine, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stedman, Mr. and Mrs. T. Kissling, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sheath, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cu'ipan, Mrs. E. Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. John Horton (Hamilton), Mr. and Mrs. T. Sherman (To Awamutu), Mr. and Mrs. T. Peacocke, Mrs. T. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Herman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Chisholm, Dr. and Mrs. J. Watson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Marsden Cnughey, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Baumo (Sydney), Mr. and Mrs. F. E. de Guerrier, Captain and Mrs. H. Dryden, Mrs. J. Mahon, Mr. and Mrs. C. Stringer (Christchurch), Mrs. J. F. Green, Mr. and Mrs. K. Georgetti (Onowhero). Dr. and Mrs. McFarlane (Otorohanga), Mr. nnd Mrs. L. P. Leary, Mr. and Mrs. 13. H. Edkins (Kenkeri), Mr. and Mrs. V. Broivn, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Buddie, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Finlay, Dr. and Mrs. C. E. A. Coldinutt, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carr, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Allan, Mr. and Mrs. D. Poison, Mr. nnd Mrs. N. Duthie. Mr. and Mrs. W. Miller, Mrs. F. Waller, Mr. and Mrs. G. Upton, Dr. and Mrs. Falconer Brown, Mr. and Mrs. A. McCosh Clark. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kirkbride, Mr. and Mrs. Clivo Col man, Mrs. L. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Elliot. Mr. and Mrs. Denis Lawford, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wilson, Mr. and Mrß. Morton Paterson (Wellington) , Mr. and Mrs. .T. C. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Athol Mills, Mrs. C. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. John Allen (Morrinsville), Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mains, Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Morris, Mr. and Mrs. W. Allard. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Firth (Hamilton), Mrs. L. Kissling, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanton, Dr. and Mrs. Chisholm McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. A. Murdoch Smith, Mr. and Mrs L. M. Nathan. Mr. and Mrs. W. Martin (Martinborough), Dr. and Mrs. F. Maeky, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hanna, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Thorne George, Mr. and Sirs. Warwick Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. W. N. Abbott, Dr. and Mrs. Gillies Horrie, Mr, and Mrs. R. P. lowle, Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Spedding, Mr. and Mrs. B. Kingston, Mrs. H. Mowbrav, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. V. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. John Bull, Dr. and Mrs. A. McGregor Grant, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sketch, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. N. Macky, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. F. dagger, Mr. and Mrs. G. Macallan (New Plymouth), Mr. and Mrs. J. Frater; jun., Mrs. E. Greig, Miss G. Gilfillan, Miss 0. Lush, Nfiss K. Clark, Miss P. Lindsay, Miss R. Coleman, Miss J. Quiiliam, Misses M. and E. Frater, Miss I. Perrv, Miss N. Hanna, blisses N. and F. Livesay, Miss Amy Moss, Miss I. D. Lever, Misses N. and P. Dawson, Misses L., M. and E. Mappin, Miss P. France, Miss B. George, Misses A. and C. Russell, Miss Joan Upton, Miss Lois Cameron, Miss B. Stedman, Miss V. Maeindoe, Misses J. and M. Caughey, Miss S. Seagram (Canada), Miss M. Milsom, Misses M. and R. Wilson, Miss J. Council, Miss T. Donald, Miss M. Dryden, Miss J. Tolhurst, Miss B. Coe, Miss J. Duthie, Miss J. Hellabv, Miss E. Cropper, Miss M. Carr, Miss J. Carnegie Brown t Miss G. Wilson, Misses Z. and A. Rhind, Miss D. Hill, Miss B. Swanston, Miss M. Savage,. Miss N. Horrocks, Miss M. Macfarlane, Miss E. Frater, Miss E. Donald. Miss J. Buckleton (Wellington), Miss D. Williams, Miss B. Rutherford (Canterbury), Miss E. Reed (Bay of Islands), Miss M. Williams, Miss E. Studholmo (Bay of Islands), Miss C. Pierce, Miss M. Kirker, Miss M. Jackson, Miss D. Boucher, Miss C. Mitchell, Miss E. Court, Miss D. Fitzherbert (Palmerston North), Miss D'Ath (Lower Hutt), Miss S. Spencer, Miss R. Matthews (Hamilton), Miss D. Bagnall (Gisborne), Miss Atkinson (Hawkc's Bay). Misses M. and E. Spain (Feilding), Miss M. Townend. Miss D. Mahon, Miss B. Nolan, Miss 31. Brown, Miss R. Kirkbride, Misses N. and B. Horrocks, Misses K. and M. Martin (Martinborough), Miss I. Isaacs, Miss 31. Lippincott, Miss B. Roberts (Whakatane).

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22976, 2 March 1938, Page 6

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CHARMING WEDDING New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22976, 2 March 1938, Page 6

CHARMING WEDDING New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22976, 2 March 1938, Page 6