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SUBURBAN ASSOCIATION INTER-CLUB COMPETITIONS HONOURS TO ELLERSLIE The third series of inter-club contests under the control of tho South Suburban Amateur Athletic Association was held at Sturges Park, Otahuhu, on Thursday night. There was a strong, gusty wind nnd the events had to be held up for a short interval on account of rain. Full teams wore fielded by all the five clubs competing, with the exception of Papatoctoe, which was represented by only a few runners. The battle for points was chiefly waged by tho Ellorslio and Otahuhu clubs, which had several runners in practically all events. Points were awarded for tho first three places in each final on the basis of 4, 2 and 1 Tho honours wero won by Ellcrslie, which scored 107 Vi points. Totals compiled by the other clubs were:—Otahuhu, 83'/ a ; Papakura, 38; Manurewa, 21, and Papatoetoe, 8. The positions of tho clubs now are:—Ellerslie. 261; Otahuhu, 212y 2 ; Papakura, 09; Manurewa, 70; Papatoetoo, 52.

Many points wero scored for the Ellerslie club by the three McManus brothers. M. C. Bakor. of the same club, won the 880 yds event with ease and was third in the 440 yds with two of his team-mates leading. He did not start in the 100 yds and 220 yds. Tho most closely-contested races were the junior events and very promising form was displayed by W. R. Mansill, of Otahuhu. who won the A grade 100 yds. '22oyds and 440 yds in convincing style. The results were as follows, the club designations being (E) Ellerslie, (0) Otahuhu, (Pk) Papakura, (M) Manurewa, (P) Papatoetoe: — SENIOR EVENTS 100 yds.—A grade: T. Blockley (0), 1; D. Aickin (O), 2; N. Morris (E), 3. Time, 10 l-ss. B grade: .T. McManus (E). 1; M. Martin (E), 2; A. Hayden (O), .3. Time, lis. One mile. —A grade: A. Mclnnes, (O), 1; D. Porter (P), 2; K. Baker (15), 3. Time. 5m 6b. B grade: A. McManus (E), 1: H. Hansch (M), 2: R. Siitcliffo (Oj, 3. Time, Bm 7s. C grade; J. Forrest (Pk), 1: E. Belliss (O), 2; B. Bilkey (Pk), 3. Time. 4m 59 1-58.

'22oyds.—A grade: T. Blockley (O), 1; D. Aickin (0), '2; O McManus (E), 3. Time, 245. B grado: J. Patterson (Pk), 1: W. Marshall (M), 2; K. Nicholson (E), 3. Tiino, 20.i. C grade: Burgess (0), 1; Evans (E), 2; J. Beer (E), 3. I) grade: J. McManus (E), 1; N. Martin (E), 2; E. King (0), 3. Time. 2d l-ss.

880 yds.—A grade: M. C. Baker (E), 1; J. W. Gallagher (P), 2; R. Mclnnes (O), 3. Time, 2m 12 l-ss. B grade: C. Osborne (Pk), 1; R. A. Appleton (E), 2; H. Hansole (M), 3. Time, 2m 16s. C grade: A. McManus (E), 1; D. Bilkcy (Pk), 2; J. Livingstone (P), 3. Time, 2m lis. 440vds. —A grade: O. McManus (E), 1; E. Crowkcr (E), 2; M. C. Baker (E), 3 Time, 575. B grade: J. McManus (E), 1•• O. Osborne (Pk), 2; C. Naden (M). 3. Time, 565. C grade: A. McManus (E). 1; R. A. Appleton (E), 2; McDowell (O), 3. Time, 56 4-ss. Rcluy race.—(l - 100 yds. 2 - 220 yds. 1-ldOyds).—Ellersie, 1; Otahulju, 2. JUNIOR CONTESTS 100 yds.—A grade: W. R. Mansill (0), 1; N. Thornton (0), 2; B. Undrell (E), 3. Time, 10 d-ss. B grade: J. Patterson (Pk), 1; R. Marshall (M), 2; J. Queen (P), 3. Time, lis. C grade: R. Gyllies (E), 1; it. Slattcry (E), 2; G. Holmes (Pk). 3. Timo. lis. 880 yds.—A grade: H. Ayling (M), 1; A. Queen (P), 2; N. Schellack (E), 3. Time, 2m 12s. B grado: R. Milligan (O), J; W. Perry (E). 2; H'. Goldfinch (E), 3. C grade: R. Gyllies (E), 1; B. Kendrick (0). 2; A. Welborn (O), 3. Time, 2m 17 3-58 220 yds.—A grade: W. R. Mansill (O). 3; N. Thornton (O), 2; B. Undrell (E), 3. Time, 21 2-ss. B grade: J. Patterson (Pk), 1; R. Marshall (M). 2; K. Nicholson (E), 3. Time, 255. C grade: R. Gyllies (E), 1; G. Holmes (Pk), 2; J. Parsons (E). 3. Timo. 25 3-ss. , 440yds—A grade: W. R. Mansill (0), 1: H. Ayling (MV 2; A. Thornton (0), 3. Time, 555. B grade: Knight (M), lj J. Forrest (Pk), 2; K. Nicholson (E), 3. Time, 58 4-ss. C grade: B. Kendrick (O), 1: li Gyllies (E). 2; R. Topp (M), 3. Time. 58 2-ss. Relay race.—Otahuhu, 1; Ellcrslie, 2; Papakura, 3 LADIES' RACES

75yds.—A grade: M. Grindrod (O), 1: G. deorgo (E). 2: M. Mears (O). 3. Time. Os. B grade: Miss Hall (E), 1; Miss Davm (E), 2; Miss Singe (E), 3. Time, i.) 2-ss. C grade: K. Mears (O), 1; B. Rogers (E), 2; Airs. Manderson (E\ 3. Time, i) 3-ss. 100 yds.—A grade: J. George (E), 1; M. Grindrod (0), 2; K. Mears (0) and I>. Mullins (O), dead heat. 3. B grade: L. Hall (E), 1; M. Ayling (M), 2; H. Davies (E), 3. C grade: R. Landman (Pk), 1; R. Rogers (E), 2; K. Mears (O), 3. lime, 12 4-SS. Relay race.—Otahuhu, 1; Ellcrsljo, 2; Papakura, 3. CYCLING EVENTS Half-milo.—Ellison, 1; Young, 2; James, 3. One mile.—James, 1; Riddell, 2: Brown. 3. OLD GRAMMARIANS' CLUB ELEVENTH POINTS MEETING In spite of a strong wind good times wero recorded at the eleventh points' meeting of (he Old Grammarians' Amateur Athletic Club. There were two outstanding performances both scored by juniors. D. M. Harris won for the seventh successive time the 600 yds junior event, his time being lm 295. The club's senior record of lm 25s is beld by A. J. Sayers. S. W. White threw the 161b hammer a distance of 101 ft din, while he recorded 105 ft for tho discuss throw. The results were as follows: — IOOYds, Junior. —B. Robertson, scr, 1; C. A. Fenton, syds, and C. H. Stowart, 2yds. equal, 2. Time, 11 d-ss. IOOYds, Senior.—P. C. Spittal, scr. 1, D. Flett, scr, 2; T. W. Bush, Byds. 3. Time, 10 d-ss. 660 Yds, Junior.—D. M. Harris, scr, 1; C. A. Fenfon, 25yds, 2; G. W. Slieehan, 10yds, 3. Time, lm 20s. 660 Yds, Senior.—L. H. Johnston, scr 1; S. .L. Bradley, 15yds, 2; J. Spooner, 35yds, 3. Time, lm 20s. 120 Yds Hurdles.—F. OR. Bell-Booth, 1; B. Robertson, 2; D. G. Carnachan, 3. Long Jump.—J. Flett, Ift Oin, 1; V. Connell, Ift, 2; H. R. Ferguson, Ift 6in, 3. Distance, 10ft llViin. Throwing tho Hammer.—S. W. White, scr. 1; C. N. Nicholls, 15ft, 2; B. Robertson, 20ft, 3. Distance, 10'lft din. Competitors' totals for tho points' trophies are as follows: Distance Cup.—L. H. Johnston, 31; D. M. Harris. 30; S. L. Bradley, 23; G. E. Murphy, 23; C. A. Fenton. 18. Sprints Cup.—M. Parker, 23; D. Flett, 21, C. H. Stowart, 18; W. Koight, 17; N. W. Thorn, 16. Field Events Cup.—S. W. Whito, 22; H. R. Ferguson, 19: B. Robertson, 15; M. Smeoton, 13; W. E. Coxhead. 13. PAPATOETOE MEETING HANDICAPS FOR TUESDAY The following handicaps have been declared for tho Papatoetoo Amateur Athletic and Cycling Club's meeting to bo held on Tuesday evening:— •RUNNING EVENTS 75Yds and 220Yds.—R. Munro, 4yds, 6yds; D. Aitkin, syds, Byds; W. Massey, 6,vds, Byds; A. Patterson, 7yds, 9yds; S. Lusby, 6yds, 10yds; V. .Amoretti, Byds, 10yds > AMartin, Byds, llyds: J. Strachan. Byds, 12yds; W. Cunningham, H. Clatjce, A. Dawson, Oyds, 12yds; JJ. Fraser, 9yds. Idyds; R. McDonald, Oyds, 13yds; A. Macdonald, ,T. Gallagher, 10yds, 13yds; C. Sayers, N. Corkin, 10yds, 16yds; E. Palmer, 10yds, 12yds; E. Horan, llyds, 14yds; J. Findlai, llyds, lOydg; E. Thomas, Jlyds, 22yds; W. Bent, llyds, 12.vds; R. Halsey, 12yds, 18yds; L. Mnrdock, M. Choat, A. Carr, 12yds, 22yds; H. Marshall, 12,vds, 16yds; R. Bassntt, l'2yds, 18yds; L. Smith, F. Lory, 13yds, 20yds; A. Potter, ld.vds, 22yds. D. CoJlecutt, 14yds, 24yds; S. SnelJing, Idyds, 26yds; D. Rhodes, 12yds, 22yds. 370 Yds.—A grado: R. Munro, Oyds; D. Aitkin, 12yds; J. Gallagher, A. Martin, W. Bent, 14ydb; A. Da-wson, 16yds; V. Amoretti, ,T. Strachan, N. Fowlio, 18yds; A. Macdonald, E. Palmer, 20yds; R. Halsey, 24yds. B grudo: E. Lory, dyds; L. Smith, N. Corkin, R McDonald, 6yds; D. Rhodes, T. Bassett. Byds; J. Findlay, C. Canavnn, ICyds; C. Sayers, D. CoJlecutt. 12yds; H. Sutherland, M. Choat, 16yds; S. Snolling, 20yds. 880 Yds. —J. Gallagher, 50y.ds; V. Amoretti, A. Macdouald, E. Palmer, 70yds; C. Canavnn. D. Porter, A. Martin, 85yds; H. Marshall, R. French, 90yds; L. Smith, A. Potter, D. Collecutt, D. Rhodes, . 05yds; F. Lory, H. Sutherland, J. Livingstone, 100 yds; M. Porter, 130 yds. One AJile Run.—D. Porter, R. French, J. Gallagher, scr; H. Marshall, 60yds; A. Macdonald, 80yds; D. Collocutt, W. Harris, 00yds; D. .Rhodes, Ooydg: A. Potter, 100 yds; L. Smith, J. Livingstono, 120 yds: H. Sutherland, IdOjds; M Porter, 160 yds; I. Chalklen, 200 yds. Junior, OOYds and 220 yds.—- J.. Queen, 2yds, scr; T. Bassett, 3yds, syds; C. Canavan, syds, 10yds; 11. Govr, 10yds, 18yds; E. Davies, 10yds, 15yds; R. Brown, 11yds, 16yds; K. Brown, 12yds, 22yds; I. Chalklen, 15yds, 26yds. Ladies' 75Yds and 150 Yd- —A. Catchpolo, lyd, Iyd; S. Fielden, F. Fielden, 3yds, pyds; U- AmoretU, syds, Oyds; &. Mayall, Byds, 12yds; J. Maynll, Oyds, 14yds; V. V. A.moretti, 12yds, 16yds; D. Carlton, J. Morrieh, 13yds, 20yds; C. Morrish, 14yds, '22 yds. • , ■

220 Yds, Boys.—-A grade: 0. Finlay, scr; P. Goddard, A. Cooper, Syds; I. Mac Lean, D. Ycarbury, 0ydB; L. Doas, 10yds; N. Lincoln, 12yds: N. Hogan, A. Waite. 14yds; It. Munro, 18yds; T. McGowan, I. IJunro, 22yds. B grade: C. McKenzie, *2yds; R. Bell, R. Tanner, syds; K. Hall, N. Callaghan, Syds; B. McKimmon, M., D. Haire, 12yds; S. Hudson, 15yds; C. Richards, 18yds; C. Gow, '2oyds; R. McMurray, 24yds C grade: J. Robinson, 4yds; R. Fielden, R Oleland, K. Mayall, Byds; K. Clare, 12yds; W. Whitcford, L. Lincoln, 14yds; E. Barker, D'. Haliday, C. Thompson, lGyds

FIELD EVENTS Discus Throw.—R. Francis, scr; R. Halsey, 23ft 3in; W. Iyidd, 24ft Gin; V. Amoretti, 25ft; C Ilawloy, 30ft 3in; R. Brown, Sift Din; L. Murdock, 34ft; W. Bent, 3.5 ft Sin; E. Palmer, 36ft Gin; R, Alexander, 37ft Oin; E. Moffitt, A. Lambert. 30ft Gin; A. Potter, 40ft Gin; H. Thomson, K. Brown, 44ft; 8. Haddock, 48ft Gin; E. Horan. 49ft Gin. Shot Pott. —R. Francis, scr; W. Kidd, 2ft 3in; N. Lipscombe, 4ft; R. Brown. V. Amoretti, 4ft Gin-, W. Bent, sft; L. Murdock, ' C. Hawley. Gft 3in; A. Lambert, S. Haddock, Oft Oin. E. Moffitt, 6ft Oin; K. Blown, E. Horan, Bft; R. Alexander, Bft 3in; T. Bassett, Oft Sin; H. Thomson, 10ft Oin. Hop, Step and Jump.—W. Bent, scr; R. ; Brown, 3in; E. Palmer, Ift Gin; ]J. Thomi son, P. Goddard, 2ft 3in; N. Lipscombe, S. Haddock, 2ft 6in; L. Murdock, 3ft; K. I Brown, 3ft Oin; A. Potter, 4ft 3in; H. Suth- ! crland, -Ift Gin; E. Horan, sft 6in; R. AlexI andor, 7ft; N. Corkin, Bft. Ladies' Shot Putt.—U. Amoretti, scr; J. Mayall, Ift; J. Fielden, 4ft; J. Holmes, 4ft oin; N. Marsh, Gft: V, Amoretti, Gft Sin; D. Carlton, Gft Oin. Ladies' Broad Jump.—A. Catchpole, yin; i F. Fielden, Ift Oin; J. Mayall, 2ft; J. Holmes, 2ft Oin; D. Carlton, 3ft Oin; V. Amoretti, N. Marsh, 4ft 3in; U. Amoretti, I Cft 3in; H Kitto, sft Oin. j CYCLING EVENTS Half Mile and Two Miles.—A grade: A. Mdnnarnej, scr, scr; J. Archer, JOyds, 20yds; W. Bayley, 20yds, 50yds; W. Renrf/ick, 25yds, 90yds; C. Allen, 40yds, 120 yds; T. Taylor, 45yds, 130 yds; R. Bcehre, 50yds, 140 yds; W. Ferguson, 70>ds, ISOyds; R. Waterman, J. Ludlam, 80yds, lOOyds; C. Carter, 85yds, 210 yds; J. Middleton, OOyc'.s, 230.vds. B grade: I. White, scr, scr; E. Johnson, F. Glendining, H. Taylor, F. Smith, V. Wardell, 25yds, 40yds; D. Arvidson, 30yds, 60yds; R. Robinson, P. Knight, 35yds, 80yds; J. Wright, V. Potts, 40yds, 100 yds; T. Moore, 50yds, 130 yds; I. Vost, A. Vost. R. Wade. GOyds, 150 yds; F. Farrand, 70yds, 170 yds; S. Wintcrburn, 80yds, ISOyds. C grade: G. Mudgway, scr, 20yds; E. James, scr, scr; C. Olsen, K. Ferguson, 10yds, 30yds; F. Irvine, 20yds, 80yds; J. Edwards. 30yds. oOyds; A. Fowlie. A. Taylor, M. Campbell, E. Selkirk, 35yds. OOyds; W. Watson, 45yds, 130 yds; C. Knight, W. Frazer, 50yds, 140 yds; R. Cobbald, GOyds, 160 yds; E. Homewood, Gsyds, ISOyds; G. Chellew, 85yds, t 220 yds: H. Augustine, 110 yds, 240 yds. j Handicaps for the half-mile ladies' event will be declared on the ground.

AUCKLAND CLUB'S EVENTS HANDICAPS FOR WEDNESDAY The Auckland Amateur Athletic and Cycle Club will decide a programme of five events at the Domain cricket ground on Wednesday, commencing at 5.20 p.m. Handicaps have been declared as follows: — lOOYds.—First heat: H. Phillips, 6cr; R. B. Munro, 2 J / 2 yds; C. C. Reilly, 4 , / 2 yds; J. A. McKinnon, 5 l / 2 yds; W. R. Whitten, 0 l / 2 yds; E. Estall, H. C. Hudson 7yds; H. I. J. Ryder, 7y 2 yds; S. W. Buchanan, C. D. Bell, Styds; E. L. Haydon, 11yds; W. R. L. Christie, A. G. Hill, 12yds. Second heat: A. J. Elliot, scr; P. E. Castlo, J. Duncan, dy 2 yds; R. J. Campbell, 6yds; A. h. Sutton, jun., o%yds; H. A. Payne, 7yds; A. C. Dick, 7y a yds; T. N. Hetherington, Byds; F. Savidan, Oyds; B. L. Evans, llyds; P. Liddell, 13yds; F. J. Bryan 17yds. SSOYds.—L. B. Clark, E. L. Haydon A. O. Dare, scr; L. R. Watters, 20yds; F. Savidan. 22yds; R. H- Glasgow, 25yds; H. A. Payne, 28yds, W. R. Whitten, 30yds; A. G. Hill, J. Duncan, 32yds; K. French, R. A. Parses. 40yds; B. L. H. T. J. McNiel, doyds; C. D. Bell, 50yds, W. R, L. Christie, 55yds: E. J. Hannan, 60yds; E. F. White, 75yds; F. J. Bryan 85yds. IOOYds, Ladies.—Misses J.. Bnncrn, scr; P. Somtnerviile, 3.vds; P. H. Hill, <iy 2 yds; Esma Smith, syds; J. Lowe 6yds: Edna Smith, Oyds: S. Oldham, 10yds; J. Blacker, 12yds; A. Brown, 13yds. _ Putting the Shot,—A. C, Bridle, A. J. Elliot, scr: R. I. Macdonald, 2ft 3in; R. J. Campbell, 4ft 3in; F. J. Bryan. J. A. McKinnon, sft: E. Finch, sft Oin. J. E. Sanders, J. W. Turn bull .A. E Sutton, R. H. Glasgow, 6ft Oin; S. W. Buchanan, Bft; W. Stewart, 16ft fiin. , jt Throwing the Discus.—A. C. Bridle, scr; A. J. Elliot, 12ft: L. B Clark 13ft; J. W. Tnrnbnll, J. E. Sonders, loft; R. H. Olaseow R. 1. Macdonald, A. E. Sutton, W. Stewart, 58ft.

KEEN TAURANGA CONTESTS COMPETITORS FROM TE PUKE [by telegraph —OWN correspondent] TAURANGA, Friday Keen racing was witnessed at the Taurnnga Athletic. Ilarrierß and Cycling Club's weekly meeting. Te Puke athletes were well represented. Results were as follows: — MEN'S EVENTS IOOYds. —M. Rowsell (Tauranga), 1; H. Akeroyd (To Puke), 2; J. Whiting (Tauransra). 3. Half-mile. —A. Garforth (Te Puke), 1; t. Garforth (Te Puke), 2; O. Mountfort (Tauranga), 3. 220 Yds. —J. Whiting (Tauranga), 1; Akeroyd (Te Puke), 2; Iv. Rowsell (Tauranga), 3. Ono Mile. —Garforth (Te Puke). 1; Garforth (Te Puke), 2; Brownlie (Te Puke), 3. Hop Step and Jump.—K. Rowsell (Tauranga), -10 ft, 1; Haider (Te Puke), 2; E. Falkner (Tauranga), 3. High Jump.—Yalder (Te Puke), 1; E. Falkner (Tauranga), 2. LADIES' EVENTS 75Yds. —Miss Sommers (Tauranga), lj Miss Riddell (Tauranga), 2; Miss Singleton (Te Puke). 3. lOOYds.—Miss Sommers (Tauranga), 1; Miss Riddel] (Tauranga), 2; Miss Smith (To Puke), 3. High Jump.—Miss Riddell (Tauranga), 1; Miss Smith (To Puke), 2; Miss Singleton (Te Puke), 3. CYCLING Half-mile.—Junior: N. Freeman (Te Puke), 1; Coker (Tauranga)-, 2; H. Smith (Te Puke), 3 Senior: H. Kelson (Tauranga), 1; B. Hodge (Tauranga), 2; H. Johanson (Tnuranga), 3. Two Miles.—Junior: N. Freeman (Te Puke), 1: Coker (Tauranga), 2; A. Quaylo (Tauranga), 3. Senior: H. Kelsen (Tauranga), 1; B. Hodge (Tauranga), 2; H. Smith (Te Puke), 3. One Mile Handicap.—Junior: A. Long (Tauranga), 1; W. Norris (Tauranga), 2; R. Quaylo (Tauranga), 3. Senior: R. Sutherland (Tauranga), 1: H. Saith (Te Puke), 2: B. Hodge (Tauranga), 3. Total Points.—Tauranga, 54; To Puke, 38. ARARIMU POINTS CUP [from our own correspondent] PUKEKOHE, Friday The secretary of the Ararimu Sports Club, Mr. D. Adamson, announced to-day that the Ararimu Points Cup lwd been won by J. Harris, of Bombay, a member of the Papakura Club. The cup was provided for the athlete securing most points at the annual sports held at Ararimu last Saturday under the rules of the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association. Harris' tally was 12 points. EVENTS AT MORRINSVILLE [from OUR own correspondent] MORRINSVILE. Friday Keen interest in tVhletics and cycling in the Morrinsville district was evident from the size of the fields contesting the events held at the Recreation Ground by the Morrinsville Athletic and Cycling Training Club. Results are as follows: llOYds. —P. Cranston (10yds), L; R. Davidson (scr), 2; M. Homsey (Gyds), 3. Time, 12s. 300 Yds. —R. Davidson (scr), 1; S. Pickett (18yds), 2; Beebey (25yds), 3. Time 28Vis. 880 Yds. —F. Hart (scr), 1; W. Keatinge (45yds). 2; S Pickett (45yds), 3. Schoolboys', lOOYds.—fl. Stretton (scr), 1; D. Findlay and J. Brodie (10yds), 'J; A. Grigsby, 4. „ Small Boys, 40Yds. —Jack Edwards, 1; John Findlay, 2. One Mile Cyclo.—D. Cates (30yds), Ij C. Hardaker (140 yds), 2; R. Millars (180 yds), 3. Time, 2m 18s. Two Miles Cycle—C. Hardakor (240 yds), 1; R. Blanchett (300 yds), 2; S. Mclntyre 3. Time, 4m 455. Three Miles Cycle.—S. Mclntyro (420 yds), 1; C. Hardaker (300 yds), 2; D. Cates (90yds), 3. Time, 7m Bs. WHANGAREI CLUB EVENTS I BY TELEGRAPH—kiwn correspondent] WIJANGAREI, Friday The Whangarei Cyclo. Racing and Athletic Club held a series of athletic events which resulted as follows: IOOYds Handicap.—K. Edwards, 1; G. Carrington, 2; R. Scott and R. Conaghan, dead-heat, 3. „ _ 800 Yds C. Powell, 1; G. Carrington, 2; R. Scott, 3. High Jump.—G. Carrington and C. Powell, 4ft, 11 Vain, equal, 1; W Home and R. Oonaghflii, equal, 3. The points so fur for the aggregate points trophv are:—C. Powell. 10; G. Carrington, 10; K. Edwards, 7; R. Scott, 4%; R. Conaghan. 4; yf. Home, 3%.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22955, 5 February 1938, Page 9

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AMATEUR SPORTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22955, 5 February 1938, Page 9

AMATEUR SPORTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22955, 5 February 1938, Page 9