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EASTER HOLIDAY EVENTS CARNIVAL AT TE KUITI AUSTRALIAN RIDERS PRESENT [from our own* correspondent] TE KUITI, Sunday The To Kuiti Sports Club's meeting yesterday was highly successful. Cyclists ami runners were present from all parts of the Dominion and great interest was taken in the four Australian crack cyclists, A. Ralston, F. Thomas, H. Turtill 'and H. Veitch, who were making thtfir first track appearance in New Zealand. A scratch race over a two miles course was staged between the \ isitors and four leading New Zealand wheelmen, W. Good, W. J. Lamberton, L Pither and 11. Weir. Veitch won, with the New Zealanders Lamberton and Weir second and third. Some good wrestling was witnessed, the results being:—C. Curtiss beat C. J° n j' B by a fall in the eecond round. V. KawJe gained a submission fall from W. W illirxinBon, and two Wellington wrestlers, Palmer unci Irvine, drew with a fall each. Very full entries were received for the dancing. The reol-o'-tulloch North Island championship, under 18 years, was won by Jean Leigh, of Napier. Following are the lesults. RU nnING EVENTS

IOOYds. Local Handicap.—E. A. Brainsby, lyd, 1; J. P. Stranger, Gyds, 2; J. Collins, 4yds, 3. Time, 10 3-ss. IOOYds. Open Handicap. -First heat: U. F Wyntt, 9yds, 1; W. Walker, 7yds, 2; C Fox, 4yds, 3. Time, 10s. Hecond heat 1 A. L. Cobum, 81yds, 1; J. C. Allen, 10yds, 2; E. R. Plowman, GJyds, 3. Time, 9 4-38. Third heat: P. Smyth. Sb'ds. 1; EBrainsby, 9yds. 2; D. E. Kearney, 9yds .1. Time, 9 4-ss. Final: C. I ox, 1; T. C. Allen. 2; D. E. Kearney, 3. Time, 9 -l-5s 220 Yds. Handicap.—First heat: E. K. Plowman. 20yds, 3; K. "\V. Collins, Cyan, J. P. Stranger, 23yds. 3. Time. 21 4-ss. Second bent: A. L. Coburn, 21yds, 1; ir. Bnker, 18yds, 2: F. J. Donovan, 23yrts, 3. Time, 21 3-ss. Third heat; C. Fox, 12yds, 1; J. M. Harding, 17yds, 2; W. Courtney. 23yds, 3. Time 21 4-ss. Fourth heat: D. E. Kenrnev, 21yds. 1; W. Walker, 17yds. 2; IT F Wyatt. 21yds, 3. Time, 21 3-ss. Final: G.' Baker. 1; H. F. Wyatt, 2; E. R. Plowman, 3. Time. 21s. 410 Yds. Handicap.-J. P. Stranger. 43yds, 1; K. C. Jackson, 43yds, 2; E. R. Plowman, 30vds, 3. Time. 41 l-ss. PfiOYds. Handicap.—M. Ormsby. 100 yds. 1, K. C. Jarkson, 48yds, 2; S. M. Elliott, SSvds. 3. Time, lm 50s. Mile Handicap.—M. Onnsby. 200 yds, 1; C. J. Roper. 125 yds, 2; G. Tuffrery, 75yds. 3. Time, 4m 18 2-3s.

CYCLING EVENTS Half-mile Handicap.—First heat: G. A. Vincent. 70yds, 1; A. Ralston, 15yds, 2; T. Hookham, 3. Time. G4 t-ss. Second heat: T Horner, 1; L. V. Smith, 80yds, 2; G. L. Parker. 50yds, 3. Time, 02 4-ss. Third heat: F C Henwood 70yds, 1; S. J. Ward, 40yds, 2;' Burke, 35yds, 3. Time, G2 3-ss. Final; G. A. Vincent, 1; T. Hookham, 2; 'J Horner, 3. Time, 62 l-ss. One Mile.—First heat: L. Stevens, 70yds, 1; G. A. Vincent. 100 yds, 2; S. J. Ward, 70yds, 3. Time, 2m 15 l-ss. Second beat: L. V. Smith. 150 yds, 1; W. Pratney, 40yds, 2; H. Veitch, scr, 3. Time, 2m 15 3-ss. Third heat: F. C. Hen wood, 140 yds, 1; W. Archer, 130 yds, 2; W. Good, 15yds, 3. Time, 2m 14 l-ss. Final: W. Good. 1; G. A. Vincent. 2; W. Archer, 3. Time. 2m 15 2-ss. Two Miles Handicap (North Island riders).—First heat: L. G. Thomas, ecr. 1; H. Eva, scr, 2; G. A. Vincent, 100 yds, 3. Time, 5m 12s. Second heat: G. L. Parker. 50yds, 1; J. Cooney, GOyds, 2; W. Pratney, 10yds, 3 Time, 5m 15 3-ss. Final: L. G. Thomas. 1; J. Cooney. 2; W. Pratney. 3. Time, 4m 52 l-5s

Two Miles Champion Scratch Race.—H. Veitch (Australia), 1; W. J. Lamherton (New Zeuland). 2; R. Weir (New Zealand). 3. Time. 4m 48 4-ss. Two Miles Open Handicap.—First heat: W. J. Lamherton, 40yds, 1; A. Ralston, 40yds, 2; H. Eva, 90yds, 3. Time, 4m 39 4-ss. Sucond heat: F. Thomas, scr. 1; R. Weir, scr. 2; J. H. Newlove, scr. 3. Time, 4m 475. Third heat: G. L. Parker, 160 yds, 1; L. Stevens, 150 yds, 2; 11. Turtill, scr, and C. Burke, 90yds, dead heat, 3 Time, 4m 46 l-ss. Final: F. Thomas, scr. 1: H. Turtill. Bcr, 2; A. Ralston, 10yds, 3 Time, 4m 3Ss. Three Miles Handicap.—F. Thomas, scr, 1; W. J. Lamherton, 80yds, 2; W. Good. GOyds, 3. Time. 7m Is. Tug-of-war Championship.—Heavyweights, Carriers' team; light-weights, Ngatoa team

DONNELLY'S CROSSING CLUB FAST TIMES REGISTERED [by TETjF.GßArn—own cortiespondent] DARGAVILI/E, Sunday Under idenl conditions, the Donnelly's Crossing Athletic Club staged a successful combined sl>orts gathering .and axemen's carnival yesterday. In the running ©vents competitors were assisted by a following wind and a sloping track, and as a result times were very fast. Following are the results:— ATHLETIC EVENTS IOOYds Maiden.—G. Nathan, 1; H. Dell nnd P. Faber, dead-heat, 2. Time, 10is. 120 Yds Open Handicap.—E. Dowsett, 7*yds, 1; D. Gordon, l}yds, 2; R. Scott, ljyds, 3: Time, lis. High Jump, open.—E. Allen, sft 3jin, 1; G. Moore, 2; D.Mahoare and N. Barlow, equal, 3. Boys' IOOYds, local.—H. Moore, 1; R. Carlson, 2; J. Quilty, 3. Boys' 220 Yds, local.—C. SpToule, 1; G. Mooro, 2; H. Moore, 3. Girls' IOOYds, local.—M. Moore, 1; A. Jarvis, 2. Boys' IOOYds, open.—R. Allen, 1; D. Mahoare, 2; H. Barlow. 3. Boys' 220 Yds, open.—R. Allen, 1; H. Baker, 2; C. Sproule, 3. Boys' 440 Yds, lccnl—C. Sproule, 1; G. Moore, 2; W. Moringa, 3. Boys' 410 Yds. —U. Allen, 1; H. Barlow, 2: J. Wright. 3. „ „ , 120 Yds Cup Handicap.—D. Gordon, -liyds, 1; R. Scott, llyOs, 2; E. Dowsett, 7iyds, 3. Time, lis. „ _ Single Ladies' Race.—S. Powell, 1; L. Pcwell. 2; L. Carleen. 3. 220 Yds, open.—E. Dowsett, 21yds, 1; H. Mori ell. 12yds, 2; G. Nat han, 25yds. 3. Boys' High Jump, local.—G. Moore, 4ft ljin, 1; H. Moore, 2; C. Sproule nnd J. Quilty. equnl, 3. . 4loYds, open.—Thorpe, 40 yds. 1_; Leicn. 30yds, 2; Hnluhan, 42yds, 3. Time. 51 l-os. Herbert Smith Trophies.—Local boys, G. Moore; open boys, R. Allen (Waiotapu); local ({iris, M. Moore; open girls, J. Dunks (Dnrgnville). Married Ladios Knee.—Mrs. C. H. Box, 1; Mrs. R. Nathan. 2; Mrs Hedge. 8 Tossing the Caber.—O. Carlsen, .loft Gin, 1; J. Bryham. 34ft lOin. 2. Stepping the Distance.—E. Bak.

CHOPPING EVENTS Standing Maiden, 12in Chop.-E. Olsen. 1; B. Cripps, 2, Y. Terore, 3. Sixteen Btarted. Time, 30 2-ss. . n Standing 12in Chop.-J. Julian, ss. 1 I>. Hoey, 2s, 2; R. Nathan, ]ss, 3. Eighteen s\ andi 11 g' 12 i'n Chop.—G. K. Williams. 15s, 1; J. W. Diamond, 15s, 2; R. Nathan, las, 3* Fourteen started. , T - T Youths' lOin Chop.—Terore, 6a. 1; L. Newlove, scr, 2; R. Ambler. Bs. 3. Ten started. Time. 2G 1-59. DANCING EVENTS Highland Fling, under 12.—Juno Rowan, 1- E Webb, 2; M. O Shea, 3. 'Sword Danco, under 12.—June Rowan, 1: M O'Shea, 2; S. Hughes. 3. Hornpipe, under 12.-S. Huehes, 1; J. Rowan, 2: M. O'Shea, 3. Sean Triubhais, 14 and under.-J. Montgomery, 1; L. Blftkg, 2; M. O'Shea. and E. V Swo'rd Cq Dance.' 14 and under—L. Blnke, I; jfg, U on and n under.ij. 'Montgomery. 1; S. Hughes, 2; L. Blaki>. 3. T -u-v i. t. Highland Fling, open.—M Lillcy, 1. L. Blake, 2; J. Montgomery, J. Scan Triubhais. open.—M. Lilley, 1; J. Montgomery. 2; L. Blake, 3. Sailors' Hornpipe, open.—M. Lilley. 1, J. Montgomery, 2; L. Blake, 3. Piping Marsh.—T, Hewitt, 1, G. Gregor. 2; D. McAulny, 3. Strathspey and Reel.-G. McGregor, 1; 1. Stewart. 2; D. McAulay. 3. WARKWORTH CARNIVAL CLOSE FINISHES WITNESSED [from our own correspondent] WARKWORTH, Sunday The Warkworth Athletic Sports Club's annual carnival was held yesterdny. There wns a largo attendance, and some close finishes woi- witnessed. The principal event, the 15in standing chop, resulted in a popular win for the veteran M. Griffin, from virtual flcr&ich, who heat ins co-niarkor Dunster by a very narrow margin. The underhand and 12in chops were won by Ward nnd Dunster, respectively, of Waingaro, who were conceding big starts in each event. Light showers which commenced just before the events made the track a trifle dead. Results are as follows:

Herbert Smith Trust Fund events, open to schools in Rodney Countylooyds. boys, 9yrs: T. Warm. 1: C. Copestake, 2; b. Coley, 3. lOyrs: .T. Brown. 1; J. Osborne, 2. llyrs: B. Campbell, 1; G. Adolph, 2; A. Wiirin. 3. , , -r, 220 Yds, Boys.—l2yrs: R. Copestake, 1; K. Grimmer, 2; G. Hughes, 3. 13yrs: V. Bergnum. t; F. Copestake, 2. 440 Yds, Boys.—l4yrs: John Flay. 1. The cup was won by Warkworth. 50 Yds, Girls. —8, 9 nnd lOyrs: F. Brown. 1; P. Chessum, 2; M. Brown, 3. 75Yds, Girls.-11 and 12yrs: N. Watson 1: E. Stewart, 2; A. Iloey. 3.13, 14 and lay is: T. King 1; V. Bergman, 2; A. Morrison and I. Thompson, dead-heat. 3 IOOYdh, Boys' Handicap.—Wnrkworth High School pupils: K. Coley, 1; L. King, 2; 1. Stewart. 3. IOOYds, Maiden.—o. It. Grant. 1; P. Tiirnwnld, 2. Standing Chop. 15in, of £2O.—M. Grifiin. 9s, 1 ; T. Punster, 9s. 2; A. Ward, 10s, S. Time. 1m 7s. •iloYds Handicap. Boys under JB.—F. j Tiirnwnld, 1: H. Coley. 2; Thompson, 3. IOOYds Handicap.—First heat: G. Foote. lOjyds, 1; I). Dysart, 9yds. 2; H. McGuire. 4iyds, 3. Time, 10s. Second heat: O. R. Grant. 12yds, 1: Midgley. 2; C. R. C. Jones. 7yds. 3. Time. 1 Oe,. Final: Foote, 1; Jones. 2: Grant, 3. Time. 10s. One Mile Cycle Handicap.—D. Hayes. 120 yds, 1; R. Watson. 110 yds, 2; S. Sargent, 110 yds. 3. Time. 2m 38 2-ss. 880 Yds Handicap.—H. T. Anderson, 70yds, 1; C. Howie. GOyds, 2:' L. McGuire. 70yds. 3. Time. 2m 2s. 75yds Ladies' Bracelet, local.—First heat: J. McDonald. 3yds. 1: J. Haddon, 2yds. 2. Time. 9a. Second heat: C. Williams, 2yds, 1; O. Grant, oyds, 2. Time, 8 2-ss. Final: Grant, 1; Williams, 2; Haddon, 3. "ime, 8 ]-ss. Two Miles Cycle Handicap.—S. Hayes, 130 yds. 1; W. Bowers. 90yds, 2; A. Brass. 130y<lsi 3. Time. 6m 355. 15in Underhand Chop.—A. Ward, 16s. 1: M. Griffin. 10s. 2; T. Dunster. 12s. 3. 220 Yds Handicap.—G. Foote, 24yda, 1: W. Preston, 2; H. McGuire, 15ydg. 3. Time. 22R. 75Yds Single Ladies. —Miss J. Cleasley, 1; Miss A. Morrison, 1. One Mile Handicap.—H. Anderson, 150 yds, 1; S. Revel!, 45yds. 2; P. Katavich, 150 yds, 3. Time, 4m 19 2-ss. Three Miles Cycle Handicap.—R. Watson. 270 yds, 1; D. Hayes, 290 yds. 2: J. Bicknell, 120 yds, 3. Time. 8m 21 2-ss. 12in Standing Chop.—T. Dunster. Cs, 1; G. Honey. 14s. 2; W. Hastie. 14s. 3. 4ioYds Handicap.—C. Williams. 40yds, 1! C. R. Jones. 36yds. 2; W. Preston, 3. Time. 47c Putting the Shot.—L. Carroll. 1: G. Foote, 2 Married Ladies' Race.—Mrs. Farrand, 1; Mrs. Tolhopf, 2. „ „ Hop, Step nnd Jump.—H. Fraser. 1; Heme, 2.

TE POI MEETING [from our own correspondent] MATAMATA, Sunday The Te Poi Sports Club held its annual athletic meeting on Bell's sportß ground yesterday. Following were the results:— IOOYds. Open Handicap.—J. Vosper, 1: T. Kintz. 2. _ dOOYds. Maiden Biandicap.—B. Avard. X: 6'. Germnnn, 2. 220 Yds. Open Handicap.— J. Calvert. 1: J. Madill. 2: A. Cobb. 3. . HOYds. Open Handicap.—S. Franich. l; J. Madill, 2. . _ One Mile Handicap —W. Hopkins. 1: T. Hopkins, 2; J. Madill. 3. ' _ ... IOOYds., Schoolboys. Herbert Smith : G. Hamilton. 1: J. Quinlan. 2. 220 Yds., Boys.—J. Quinlan, 1; G. Hamu<oOne' Mile Cycle Handicap, Open.—M Molrwood. 1; N. Roberts. 2 Ladies' Race, 75yds.—Miss >. Hirst. 1. Baby Show.—Six to 12 months, be js: Mrs. Wardlaw, 1; girls. Mrs. T. Hampton, 1: Mrs. Cobb, 2. One to two years: Boys. Mrs. Borrie, 1: girls. Mrs. Benge, 1.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22392, 13 April 1936, Page 14

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SPORTS GATHERINGS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22392, 13 April 1936, Page 14

SPORTS GATHERINGS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22392, 13 April 1936, Page 14