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AUCKLAND MEETING OPENING PROGRAMME the otahuhu handicap GOOD PACERS ENGAGED DISCUSSION OF PROSPECTS The Auckland Trotting Club's meeting opens to-day at Epsom with good fields, which should ensure interesting racing. The chief events are tho Otahuhu Handicap and the Moss Davis Memorial Handicap, in which class iswell represented. Tho track is in good order. Tho win and place system of betting will be used. Following are the acceptances, with •a review of the prospects in each :raco by "Abaydos":— 12.0-TRIAL HANDICAP, | Of £115; trotters; limit 3.49; li miles Bingen Sun . . Lt. yds bhd Great Sonoma. Lt. Corona Bell . 48 Worthy Polly Pan ... 48 Princess . . . Lt. Elissa 48 British Metal . Lt. Nelson Chief . 60 Reception . . Lt. Worthy Nor . 72 yds. bhd. Autumn Lou . 96 Tiwha .... 19 Gala Day . . 133 Bra:kets: British Metal and Tiwha, Coror.o Bell and Nelson Chief. With Corona Bell, a winner at her last start, and Nelson Chief, who registered a first and second at the summer meeting, J. T. Paul has a good bracket. Polly Pan, who also Avon at tho last meeting, should be troublesome if she commences correctly, while Worthy Nor is a good prospect. Gala Day is in fine form, Autumn Lou may surprise, Elissa is speedy, while Bingen Sun and Worthy Princess may be the best of the others. The favourites may be CORONA BELL-NELSON CHIEF Bracket, < WORTH NOR, POLLY PAN. 12.35—WAIHEKE HANDICAP, Of £115; limit 3.5; li miles Stargum . . . . Lt. Lynworthy . . Lt. Bachelor King • Lt. Farm Girl . . Lt. Superfine .... Lt. Worthy Sons . Lt. Worthy Boy . . Lt. Bronze King . Lt. Pink Lady . . Lt. Mandalay .... Lt. Nelson King . Lt. Great Jewel . . Lt. Aerial Bell . . Lt. , yds bhd Bpyal Jewel . * Lt. Home Bjew . . 12 • Scrap Iron . . . Lt. Tollgate .... 36 Gloster Lt. King's Knight . 86 Frank Best . . Lt. Brackets: Farm Girl and Lynworthy, Great Jewel and. Royal Jewel. Recent form indicates good chances for Lynworthy, Aerial Bell and Stargum, but with 17 on the limit the draw for positions may be an important factor. A correct beginning should make Great Jewel hard to beat, and Worthyßoy has possibilities. Superfine, Pink Lady. Worthy Song, Scrap Iron, Royal Jewel and Frank Best all have chances, while Home Brew, Tollgate and King's Knight are useful. The main fancies may be LYNWORTHY, AERIAL BELL, STARGUM.

1.10-OTAHUHU HANDICAP. Of £300: limit 4.33: 2 miles Travis Lt. yds bhd Wee Machine . Lt. Willie Derby . . 48 > . yds. bhd. Pegaway .... 48 King's Warrior 12 Kewpie's Prince Pedro . 36 Triumph ... 60 Smooger ... 48 Auto Machine 72

Brackets: Travis, King's "Warrior nnd PegawayPrince Pedro and Smooger. With Travis, Pega-way and King's "Warrior F. J. Smith has a very strong bracket of three, and, even in the probable absence of the last-named, the stable should receive good support. Wee Machine should be dangerous and slight improvement in Willie Derby should give him prospects. Smooger and Prince Pedro make a solid combination and the former should go well. Kewpie's Triumph, who is in great heart, makes a stronger appeal than Auto Machine. Most support may be for PEGAWAY, v KEWPIE'S TRIUMPH, WEE MACHINE. I.SO—RAILWAY HANDICAP, Of £125; limit 3.36; li miles. Ttanfurly Lass . Lt. . Silk Cord . . . Lt. Red Frontier,. . 12 Lucky Love . . Lt. Winaway .... 24 yds bhd Star Pronto . . 24 King's Guide . 12 Kewpie's King . 36 Tryment .... 12 Nervie s Last . . 36 Prince Etawah . 12 Proletarian . . . 86 Argolis ..,. .12 Transworthy - 48 Bracket: King's Guide and Transworthy. Silk Cord won at Wairarapa and should be improved. Argolis needs only to go away correctly to be dangerous. King's Guide, who is coupled with Transworthy, has fair prospects, and Red Frontier is capable of a surprise. Tryment is solid and Star Pronto has the necessary speed if he elects to use it. Winaway and Kewpie's King are on the upgrade and Nervie's Last •has good prospects. Proletarian has winning form to recommend him. The best supported may be NERVIE'S LAST, PROLETARIAN, WINAWAY. 2.2S—FEBRUARY HANDICAP, Of £125; trotters: limit 4.5G; 2 miles Polly Pan .. . Lt. . . jd* Autumn Loa . . Lt. Captain Bolt . oo Nelson Pirate . . Lt. Dilfashion . . • 36 yds bhd Young Rodney . 48 Manna's Son . . 12 Golden Eagle . . 60 "Waikato Prince 12

Whether Polly's Pan starts will depend upon how she fares in her earlier engagement. Nelson Pirato is solid and may be in' the picture. Autumn Lou stays well, but Manna's Son may need a race or two. Waikato Prince was placed at Wellington and may be improved. Dilfashion is in winning form and Captain Bolt is a genuine stayer. Golden Eagle has good prospects and may bo preferred to Young Rodney. Investors may show a preference for CAPTAIN BOLT, GOLDEN EAGLE, DILFASHION. 3.O—MOUNT ALBERT HANDICAP, Of £125: limit A 40; 11 milee Tollgatc . '<• . . Lt. yda bhd Wee Purriah . . Lt. Audo Patch (1) 12 Bismuth .... Lt. Kewpie's Crest . 12 yds bhd Cherrill .... 12 Parochial ... 12 Baron Alfonso . 12 Te Knhu fT) . . 12 Replica .... 24 Ranfurly Lfiss . 12 Baron Alfonso, Cherrijl, Parochial and lianfurly Lass are recent winners, especially Baron Alfonso, who is very courageous. Tollgate should bo improved ■ with racing, while Bismuth, Kewpie's Crest and Wee Parrish are useful. Replica is about due to show a return to form and the trotters Te Knlni and Audo Patch should also add interest to the contest. The favourites Way be BARON ALFONSO, CHERRILL, TOLLGATE. 3.3S—PAPAKURA HANDICAP, Of £125; limit 3.32; li miles Arabond (T) . . Lt. yds bhd Lunnnnto .... Lt. Our McKinney . 24 Rayon d'Or . . . Lt. Ironside ._ . . 24 yds bhd Peter Junior . . 24 Rockella ... 12 Guid Hairst . . 3G Parrish Belle (T) 12 Blandford .... 48 Some good improvers will meet here, including Ironside, a doublo winner at the summer meeting, Our McKinney, JFho has won three races, Rayon d'Or,

Rockella and Peter Junior, who have each won a. race this season. Guid Hairsfc and Luminate are very speedy, and, if they go correctly, should be dangerous. The brilliant trotter Parrish Belle should add interest to what promises to be a very keen contest. The main fancies may be IRONSIDE, HA YON 33' OR, OUR McKINNEY. 4.IO—MOSS DAVIS MEMORIAL, Of £150; limit 2.47; li miles Manco Lt. yds bhd Edna Worthy , . Lt. Kewpie'o Guy . 12 Our Peter . . . Lt. Prince Pedro . . 24 King's Warrior Lt. Wee Machine . . 24 yds bhd Pegaway . . . 24 Francis Lincoln 12 Bracket: King's Warrior .and Pegaway. King's Warrior should take a lot of beating off the limit, and Edna Worthy also has good prospects. Mnnco may not be quite wound up, but Our Peter is back to form. Francis Lincoln is ono of the dangerous lot, while recent track work suggests a good chance for Kewpie's Guy. Prince Pedro, Wee Machine and Pegaway are good at the distance. The most favoured may bo KING'S WARRIOR, KEWPIE'S GUY, EDNA WORTHY. FINAL TRACK WORK RED FRONTIER VERY BRIGHT SUPERFINE IN GOOD TRIM BY ABAYDOB The dirt and sand tracks were used for work at Epsom yesterday. Several Waika/to horses were present and they lack nothing on the score of condition. Red Frontier (N. L. Vqrnall) was giyen strong free-legged work on the sand and he created a favourable impression by the dash he displayed. T. L. Nicholson has him looking a picture. Superfine was sent over three circuits on the dirt, but her task was not exacting. The full-sister to Te Kahu has thickened out considerably since she was trained at Epsom and has derived some benefit from her racing last month. Manco, free-legged, worked usefully over four laps. He has assumed good racing shape, and, although competing in a difficult class, should perform creditably. Worthy Princess (W. Hughes) trotted usefully over a couple of circuits. She displayed ability to begin smartly, and, if she has improved in stamina, may have prospects in the novice trotters' races. Wee Machine (L. Laver), free-legged, ran the last six furlong? of three circuits at a 2.20 gait, going very easily. He has had a good preparation and is in fine order. Autumn Lou (G. H. Stubbs) showed speed by trotting the last half of a mile a:ad a-quarter in 1.10. She did not go too smoothly in the earlier stages. Bachelor King Pleases Bachelor King (W. Oliver) paced very soundly over several rounds on the sand. He is a fine big gelding by Native King from Lizzie Franz. Although he lacks racing experience, he shows promise of developing into a useful sort. Our McKinney (N. L. Vernall) gave a fine display of free-legged pacing over two miles, infusing a good deal of dash into his final effort. Bin gen Sun (G. Webb) trotted the last mile of a mile and a-half in 2.28. He went in good style, to cover,, the last half-jjula. in 1.12. After making a fairly expensive break in the first half-mile, Great Sonoma (C. G Smith) trotted the next mile in 2.24, each half at an even rate. Although very big in condition, Gredt Sonoma showed dash and should "improve with work and racing. Aerial Bell (C. G. Lee) sprinted a few furlongs along the back at a fast pace. She has held her condition well since she last raced and should have prospects in her coming engagements. Pink Lady (J. Paton), with Guid Hairst on the lead, worked four circuits at a useful pace. Both pacers have made good progress in their preparation and Guid Hairst shows signs of returning to form. Pink Lady is staying better than formerly. DilfasMon Very Tit

Arabond (C. F. Gieson) trotted fast along the back for three furlongs, but was eased before reaching the half-piile. Sprinted a quarter down the back, he recorded 345. • L. J. Mahoney allotted Nelson Pirate and Cherrill useful tasks. Nelson Pirate has not been long in work, but is shaping well. Cherrill is in great heart. Dilfashion (G. Bodman) was not bustled while going two miles, but he gave a solid display. He has done well for A. Bryce and should race prominently to-day. . Worthy Nor (P. M. Morrison) revelled in an easy task on the sand. She looked none the worse for her solid run of Thursday and it would not be for lack of condition if she fails to race jirominently. Morrison also gave the two-year-old Musketeer strong unhoppled work. The Jewel Pointer colt is to be spelled. Mandalay (A. McGarry) paced very freely without hopples and showed some speed when sprinting along the back. Bismuth, who has come on well of late, was let off with easy pacing. Lena's Idol (C. G. Lee) trotted without mistake for three laps, but did not go very fast. She may race on Monday. Lee also worked the two-year-old filly by Peter Bingen—Rita Huon and she gave a pleasing display of trotting. She has furnished particularly well since being sent along in faster work. The filly will shortly bo spelled, after which she will commence a serious preparation for next season's limaru Trotting Stakes. TIME COMPARISONS OTAHUHU HANDICAP HORSES Only five of the horses listed for the Otahuhu Handicap, Travis, King's Warrior, Pegaway, Willie Derby and Kewpie's Triumph, have recorded times than handicapped to do, Travis having the largest margin. His best time, 4.26 3-5, was registered some seasons ago at Addington' and lie has not since been successful at two miles. Kewpie's Triumph, 4.24 1-5, has the best record and it is in his favour that it was accomplished on the grass. Pegaway, who has the same timo as 'lravis, also achieved it at lipsom. Willie Derby has been racing very consistently and on four occasions on the grass ran 4.27 or a shade Avorso.

Smooger has won on several occasions at two miles, his efforts ranging from 4.31 to 4.32 3-5, and at the September meeting he ran 4.30 1-5, to bo beaten by Nimbus. King's Warrior has won on both grass and dirt tracks, his 4.31 2-5 being recorded at Claudelands. Although Wee Machine, Prince Pedro and Auto Machine have won a number of races, they have not gone their handicaps, although Wee Machino has been very close to it. Following are the best times, together with the handicap of each horse: — Handicap Best Timo Travis .. .. 4.33 4.20 3-5 Wee Machino .. 4.33 4.33 2-5 King's Warrior .. 4.32 4.31 2-5 Prince Pedro .. 4.30 4.34 Pegaway .. •. 4.29 4.20 3-5 Smooger .. .. 4.29 4.30 1-5 Willie Derby . . 4.29 4.27 Kewpie's ' Triumph 4.28 4\24 1-6 Auto Machino .. 4.27 4.29

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22344, 15 February 1936, Page 11

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TO-DAY'S TROTTING EVENTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22344, 15 February 1936, Page 11

TO-DAY'S TROTTING EVENTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22344, 15 February 1936, Page 11