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VICE-EEGAL VISIT OPENING BY LORD GALWAY HIGH STANDARD REACHED THE CHAMPIONSHIP AWARDS [from our own correspondent] PUKEKOHE, Friday The Franklin Agricultural and Pastoral Society's olst annual show was opened by tho Governor-General Viscount Galway at Pukekohe to-day. Many hundreds of people lined the path ' from His Excellency's motor-car to the official dais. Returned soldiers and the mounted riders who competed in the hunters' event formed a guard of honour. Lord Galway shook hands with each member of the guard of.honour, and a number of old settlers of the district were presented. In declaring the show open, Lord Galway said he had very great pleasure in making the acquaintance of so many concerned with the farming industry centred in Franklin He had previously met a • number of them in the noble sport of hunting not far from Pukekohe and he hoped to bo able to renew their acquaintance next season. He expressed regret that Lady Galway was unable to be present. However, she hoped very much to be able to come on some future occasion. His Excellency said he had heard with regret that the recent gales had -•-done a great deal of damage in various parts of the country. He hoped the Franklin district had not sustained very severe damage. He would not stress the v great importance of the maintenance of the quality of produce because they knew as well as he that there was always a market for the very best, while there was not always a market for inferior products. He extended thanks to the Franklin Agricultural and Pastoral Society for ' the hunter display which had been arranged for him. His Excellency concluded by extending to the district his sincere good wishes for its prosperity and individual happiness.

Before opening the show, Lord Galwas welcomed by the president of the society, Mr. Joseph Fulton, and the Mayor of Pukekohe, Mr. C. K. Lawrie. Welcome by Society " Our hearts go out full of joy to you as a representative of His Majesty the King," said Mr. Fulton. Mr. Fulton said the Franklin Society could be counted as one of the oldest in New Zealand. He was proud to say that the society had done a fair share toward the welfare and prosperity of the district. Subsequently Lord Galway watched from the centre of the show ring the special hunters competition which was ' staged in his honour. Thirty riders competed and, at the conclusion, His Excellency presented the silver cup to the winner, Mr. H. E. Porritt, whose horse Ginger Mick <vas successful. Mr. James Townsend's Illuminator gained second place and Mrs. T. L. Ranstead's Toby was third. All divisions of the show have attained a highly creditable standard. f While tbg effect of the storm of a fortnight ago is seen in fewer entries in the floral section, and the classes for fruit,

the Australian Court —occupying the whole of . one end of one of the two large halls —more than compensates the

loss. The grand parade at 1.30 to-mor-row afternoon will be one of the best that has'graced the ring during the life of the society. / "? Champion Stock « . : ■ v Championship awards to-day were:— Pedigree Milking Shorthorns. —Bull: J. McGowan's Coldstream Quality Alf; reserve, Pendergrast Bros. Cow: G. D. Hall and Sons' Pined ale Matchless; reserve, G. 6. Hall and Sons' Pinedale All Gold. Pedigree Friesians. —Bull: Piri Land Company's. Totara Colantha Cavalier; reserve, A. W. Montgomerie's Livingstone Ormsbv King. Cow: Piri Land Company's Totara C. R. Muskrose; reserve, Oakview Stud Farm's Jessie Sylvia Trojan 2nd. Pedigree Jerseys.—Bull: Rigney and Casiey's Ku Ku Glad Owl; reserve, H. W. Le Bailey's Pillow Fight. Cow: R. D. Hosking's Meridale Preference; re-, serve, R. Waterhouse, jun.'s Coniston Victress. « Pedigree Ayrshires.—Bull: C. Bailey's Ardgowan King Fame; reserve, T. M. Thomson, sen.'s, Edenpark Footlight. Cow: C. Bailey's Bonny Glen. May Roberts; reserve, C. Bailey's Bonny Glen Rosemary. English Leicesters. —Ram and ewe: , R. G. Findl'ay. Romney Marsh. —Ram and ewe: F. Mullins. Southdowns. —Ram: W. A. Jeiferis. Ram: J. R. Self. Ryelands.; —Ram and ewe: John Schlaepfer. Pigs.—Best sow of all breeds, over 14 months: A. T. Rogers' Devon

Lucerndale'S Fame Ist. Best sow of all breeds, 8 to 14 months: W. R. Bethune's Large White, Karaka Norma 'lst.

B'erkshires.—Boar: Ruakura Farm of Instruction's Blythewood Adeline's Baron Bth; reserve, Ruakura's Dominion Reo. Sow: Wesley College's Mountley Shirley 2nd; reserve, A. T. Rogers' Mountley Grand Girl Ist. Tamworths. —Boar: Burwen, Ltd.'s, Wollongbar' Banker; reserve, A. G. Wood. Sow: Burwen, Ltd.'s, Lucerndale Merit; reserve, A. T. Rogers'

Rydalmere Mistress. Devons. —'Boar: A. T. Rogers' Grun£on Kia Ora. Sow: A. T. Rogers' Lucerndale Fame Ist. Large Whites.—Boar: Raynes Bros.' Waione Puss . Moth; reserye, G. D. Porritt's Waireka Achievement. Sow: Raynes Bros.' Waione Attendant 30th; reserve, Raynes Bros.' Patumahoe Lady Oliver. Class awards are as follows: HORSE SECTION Blood Stock.—Entire: J. T. Crawford, 1. Mare with foal: Roulston Bros., 1; E. J. Grimmond, 2. Dry mare: Grimmond, 1; Miss Dawn Pickard, 2; Roulston Bros., 3. Filly or gelding', three years: Grimmond, 1; J. Muir, jun., 2. Filly or gelding, two years: G. F. Mclnnes, 1; W. Hosking. 2. Yearling: Roulston Bros., 1 end 2; Crawford, 3. Foal: Roulston Bros., 1; Hosking, 2; Grimmond, 3. Hacks.—Mare or gelding, maiden class: T. W. Nolan. 1: W. Fisher, 2.; Mrs. Martin Johnston, 3. Mare or gelding, up to 15 6tone: E. Martyn ,Wright, 1; A. Barnes, 2; Miss E. M. Hanson, 3! Mare or gelding, up to 1] stone: Airs. W. H. Blundell, 1; J. Elliott. 2; Miss D. "Weston, 3. Mare, suitable breeding hacks: Miss D. Weston, 1; F. S. Atchison. 2: E. J. Grimmond, 3. Mare or gelding, up to 13 stone: 11. E. Porritt. 1; Ben Myers, 2; F. W. Strange, 3. Light Harness Horses.—Entire: R. W. Scarfe. 1; W. Hoiking, 2. Filly or gelding, two years: 'Hosking, 1. Yearling: J. Mitchell, 1; Hosking. 2. Buggy or sulky horse, maiden class: Mitchell, 1; Hosking, Q; Nathan Stewart, 3. Buggy or sulky horse, 15.1 or over: Hosking, 1: Mitchell, 2; C. Carter, 3. Buggy or sulky horse, 14.2 to 25.1: E. Martyn Wright, 1; Stewart, 2; H. Dixon, 3. Dogcart horse: Mitchell, I; C. E. "Wood, 2; Hosking, 3. Saddle Ponies.—Entire: J. Hyland, 1. Maro or gelding, 14.2 or under, over three • years: R. Clark, jun., 1; A. McCorquindale, 2; Mjbb L. Roper, 3. Boy's pony: J. Cathcart, 1; Norman Lucks, 2; McCorquindnle, 8. Draught Horses.—Entire, three years or R. Norriah. 1; A. C. J. Lupton. 2: J.W. Burke, 8. Entire: two years: R. McG. Thomson, 1; C. J. Hosking, 2; R. Burke. 3. Xeajlmg: Seymour Gubb, 1; V 7. C. Mo-

Robbie, 2; S. J. and C. F. Bright, 3. Brood mare: Bright, 1; A. Mcßobbie, 2; Hosking, 3. Foal: Hosking, 1; Bright, 2; A. Mcßobbie, 3. Dry mare: W C. Mcßobbie, 1; J. A. Franklin, 2; iR. N. Cathcart, 3. CATTLE Pedigree Milking Shorthorns.—Cow over four years: G. D. Hall and Son. 1; J. McGowan, 2. Cow, four years: Hall and Son, lj McGowan, 2. Cow, three years: McGowan, 1. Heifer, two years: Hall and Son, 1. Senior yearling heifers: McGowan, 1 and 3: Hall and Son, 2. Junior yearling heifer: McGowan. 1 and 2; Pendergrast Bros., 3. Pair of yearling heifers: McGowan, 1: Pendergrast Bros., 2. Heifer calf: Hall and Son, 1: McGowan, 2: Pendergrast Bros., 3. Bull, three years or over: McGowan, 1; Pendergrast Broa., 2; Hall and Son, 3. Bull, two yenre: Pendergrast Bros., 1. Senior yearling bull: Pendergrast Bros., 1; McGowan, 2. Bull calf: McGowan, 1 and 3; Pendergrast Broa., 2. Breeders' group: McGowan, 1; Hall and Son, 2; Pendergrast Bros., 3. Three heifer calves: McGowan.'l. Bull and progeny: McGowan, 1. Pedigree Friesians.—Cow: Piri Land Company, 1; Oakview Stud Farm, 2: 41. A. Bell, 3. Heifer, three years: Piri, 1: Bell. 2. Heifer, two years: Piri. 1. Senior yearling heifer: E Brett, 1 and 4; Oakview, 2: Piri, 3. Junior yearling heifer: Oakview, 1; Piri, 2: Brett. 3; A. W. Montgomerie, 4. Heifer calf: Jolly Bros., 1; Oakview, 2; Piri. 3. Bull, mature: Piri. 1. Bull, two years: Montgomerie, 1. Yearling bull: Piri, 1; Mrs. V. E. Robertson. 2: J. T. Crawford. 3; S. P. Pendergrnst. 4. Bull calf: Master P. A. Richardson, 1: Brett, 2; Piri. 3. Breeders' group: Piri. 1. Breeders' sroup—Junior: Piri. 1; Brett. 2: Bell. 3. Pair yearling heifers: Brett, 1: Piri. 2: Montfromerie. 3. Two cows or heifers, in milk: Piri. 1; Bell. 2. Pedigree Jerseys.—Cow, four years or over: R. D. Hoskine, 1: R. Waterhouse, jun.. 2: R. A. Lewis. 3: R. Waterhouse. 4. Cow or heifer, three years: A. F. and A. Jagcer, 1; W. H. Carter, 2; Waterhouse. sen., 3; Tonar and Sons. 4. Heifer, two years: Carter. 1 and 4: Jacrger 2: Tnnar and Sons. 3. C.O.R. cow: W. Robinson, 1; Waterhouse, sen., 2. Three cows or heifers, in rnilk. by <hp same sire: Carter. 1 and 2; Tonar and Sons. 3. Bull, threo years or over: Ricney and Casey, 1: H. TV. Le Bailey, 2: Lewis. 3. Bull, two years: J. H. Sherrnrd, 1: Carter. 2. Pedicree Ayrshire l^ —Cow, four years or over: T. M. Thomson, sen., 1; C. Bailey. 2. Cow or heifer, three years: Bailey. 1 • D. M. Thomson. 2. Heifnr. two years: Thomson, sen., 1 and 3: Bailey, ?. Yearling heifer: Bailev._ 1 and 2: I>. Thomson. 3. Heifer calf: Bailev, 1; Thomson, sen., 2: D. Thomson, 3. Bull, three years or over: Bailey. 1: Thomson, sen.. 2. Bull, two years; Thomson, sen., 1 and 2. Yearling bull: D. Thomson, 1: Bpiley, 2: Thomson, sen.. 3. Bull calf: D. Thomson, 1: Bailev. 2; Thomson, sen., 3. Breeders' etoup: Bailey. 1: Thomson, sen., 2: D. Thomson, 3. THE SHEEP CLASSES English Leicesters.—ln six classes R. G. Findlay was awarded six first and six second prizes. Romney 'Marsh.—Ram, over two years: A. D. Bell and Sons, 1. Ram, under two vears:' F. Mullins. 1: Bell and Sons. 2 Ram lamb: F. Mullins. 1 and 2, Ewe, over two years: Mullins, i and 3: Bell and Sons, 2. Ewe, under two years: Mullins, 1 and 2. Ewe lamb: Mullins. 1 and 2. Southdowns.—Ram, over two years: W. A. Jefferis, 1: J. R. Self. 2; G. H. McCullough. 3. Ram, under two years: Jefferis. 1: Self, 2; McCulloueh. 3. Ram lamb: Bell and Sons, 1 and 3; Self, 2. Ewe, two years or over: Self. 1 and 3; McCullough, 2. Ewe, under two years: Self, 1 and 2: McCullough, 3. Ewe lamb: Bell and Sons, 1: Self, 2; McCullough, 3. Ryelands.—Ram, over two years: John Rchlaepfer, 1 and 2. Ram, under two years: SchlaeDfer, 1; Wesley College, 2 and 3. Ram lamb: Schlaepfer, 1 and 2; Wesloy. 3. Ewe, over two years: Schlaepfer, 1 and 3; Wesley, 2. Ewe. tinder two years: Schlaepfer, 1 and 3: Wesley, 2. Ewe Jamb: Schlaepfer, 1 and 2; Wesley, 3. Fat and Store Sheep.—Two wethers, Longwool: John Schlaepfer, 1. Two ewes, Longwool: Wesley College. 1. Two wethers, suitable freezing: A. I>. Bell and Sons, 1. Three lambs, suitable freezing, in wool: T. J. Murray, 1. Three lambs, suitable freezing, ehorn: Murray. 1. Three shorn lambs: Murray, 1. Two Longwool ewes, suitable breeding lambs: Wesley College, 1. Pet lamb, Shortwoo'l: Master Alec Dow, 1; Miss Mary Dow. 2; Miss Thelma Hogan, 3. PIGS

Berkshires.—Boar, over 14 months: Ruakura Farm of Instruction, 1 and 2; R. Burke. 3. Boar, under 14 months: Geo. Jamieson, 1; R. H. Reed, 2 and 3. Boar, tinder eight months: Ruakura, 1 and 3; Jamieson, 2. Sow, over 14 months: Wesley College. 1; A. T. Rogers, 2; Jamieson, 3. Sow, eight to 14 monthsWesley, 1; Ruakura, 2 and 3, Sow, und<Sr eight months: Ruakura, 1, 2 and 3. Six weaners: Wesley. 1. Tamworthß.—Boar, over 14 months: Burwen, Limited, 1: Wesley, 2. Boar, under 14 months: A. G. Wood, 1: Burwen, 2: Stewart and Kerr, 3. Boar, under eight months: E. L. Fitton, 1; A. T. Rogers. 2; Hawke and Gannon, 3. Sow, over 14 months: Burwen, 1; Rogers, 2 and 3. Sow, eight to 14 months: Stewart and Kerr, 1 and 2; Rogers, 3. Sow,, under eight months: Fitton, 1: Burwen, 2; Rogers, 3. Six weaners: Rogers, 1 and 3'; J. Wilson, 2. Devons.—Boar, over 14 months: A. T. Rogers. 1. Boar, under 14 months: Rogers, 1. Sow, over 14 months; Rogers, 1 and 2; Wesley College, 3. Sow, eight to 14 months: Rogers, 1 and 2. Cow, under eight months: Rogers, 1 and 2; Wesley, 3. Large Whites.—Boar, 14 months and over: Raynes Bros., 1: Wesley College, 2. Boar, eight to 14 months: G. D. Porritt, 1: J. E. Parsons, 2; W. R. Bethune, 3. Boar, -under eight months: Raynes, 1 and 3: Porritt, 2. Sow. over 14 months: Raynes, 1 and 2; Y. H. Hatrick. 3. Sow, eight to 14 monthu: Bethune, 1; E. Charles, 2; Parsons, 3. Sow, under eight months: Porritt, 1; Parsons, 2. Six weaners: Raynes. 1, Wesley, 2.

OTOROHANGA PROGRAMME ARRANGEMENTS FOR FIXTURE [from our own correspondent] OTOKOHANGA, Friday Arrangements for the coming Otorohanga Agricultural and Pastoral Show, to be held on the Island Reserve on Trtesday, February 25, are well in hand. The grandstand will provide a complete view of all riding and stock exhibits. The big central ring makes an admirable show ground for competitive horse events. Entries, which close in the stock section on Tuesday, February 18, and in the home industries section on Saturday, February 22, promise to be larger than ever, _ especially in the draught horse section.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22344, 15 February 1936, Page 18

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FRANKLIN SHOW New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22344, 15 February 1936, Page 18

FRANKLIN SHOW New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22344, 15 February 1936, Page 18