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AUCKLAND CLUB « JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP DRAW FOR QUALIFYING ROUNDS The two qualifying rounds for the junior championship will be played by members of the Auckland Golf Club next Saturday. The draw and starting times are as follows: — 10.1G a.m., H. W Simmonds v. W. T. Bell; 10.20, H. R. Kirker v. R. P. Worley; 10.'24, W. Puvitt v. F. Wilson; 10.2 d, E. t-riedlander v Ranfuily Snath; 10.J2, F. Abbott v 11. C. McCoy; 10.3U, 11, M. McCoy v. J. H Susden; 10.40, J. Farrell v. D. Poison; 10.11, M. Louisson v. B. S. Finn; 10.1S, H. Morton v J. F. Ewen; 10.52, 1. C. Morton v. M. P. Richmond; 10.50, P. A. N. Nathan v. M. L. Macindoe; 11 a.m., W. B. Souter v. B. C. Jacobs; 11.4, T. M. Daviß v. E. Harper; 11.8, M. Benjamin v. A. M.; 11.12, W. M, Bell v. H. Ulendinnins: 11 10, A. McG. Grant v. K. H. Wilson ;• 11.20,' H. Henderson v. J. E. Caughey. 11.24, M. P. Willianiß v. C. F. Ashton- 11.28, A. M. Gunn v. P. R. Horrocks; 11 32, S. G. McCoy v. J. W. Cropper; 11.3U J R. Cropper y. J. P. Upton. The second round will be commenced at 1.16 p.m. AKARANA CLUB Following is the draw for the first round for the Howey Walker-trophies to be plaved by members of the Akuiuna Golf Club on Saturday;—R. Tnppenden and L. Harrison v. 11. Cullen and V. Salek; J. Biss and 11. Hay v. L. Cummins and W. Sim; J. McKniven and J. Cairns v. L. Wrathall and C. Cammick; L. Makin and F. Hazeiden v. R. Snowden and C. Allpress; F. Thompson and T. Miller v. J. Coney and J. McL*itn; i P. Griffiths and W. Greenburik v. B. Hud- ] man and C. Taylor; E. Cashmore and L. Howey Walker v C. Shenkin and J. Letters; A, Finn and W. Woolhouse v. E. CassellsBrown and W. Lowe. A four-ball bogey match will bo played in conjunction. The following team will represent the Akarana Golf Club against the Papakura Club at Akarana next week-end:—C. Livingstone, P. Griffiths, captain. H. R. Tyler, F. Thompson, C. Shenkin, E. R. Bnvley. V. Lane, I. Houston. W. Nicolls, L. Howey Walkei, W, Lowe. G. Ashley. J. McKniven. I G. L. Baylcy, A, D. Leys, J. Campbell. J. ! McLean. M. Thorpe. W. E. Butler. K. Fuller, H. Edwards. S. Pickering, F. Astley. | AKARANA LADIES' CLUB There will be no malch for C grade members of the Akarana Ladies' Golf Club on j Thursday. Following are the results of matches played in the fifth round of the lioskill Cup competition:—Mrs. G. M. Tilston beat Mrs. F. Parker, 4 and 2; Mrs. L. Kingsland beat Mrs. P. K. Burton, 0 and 4; Mrs. E. R. Bayley beat Mra. E. Philip, G and 5; Mrs. Howey Walker won by default from Mrs. C. Taylor. Semi-finals.—Mrs, G. M. Tilston beat Mrs. L. Kingsland. 6 and 4; Mrs. E. R. Bayley beat Mrs. Howey Walker, 1 up. Results of the second round of the handicap match for players witli handicaps from one to 25 are aa follows Mrs. E. Philip beat Mrs. D St. George. 7 and 5; Mrs. I A. A. Bishop beat Miss P. Peet, I up; Mis? I L. O'Callngnan beat Mrs. G. M. Tilston Mrs. C Taylor won ' by default from M rsi A. Johnson; Mrs. B. Bree won by default i from Miss F. Jones; Mrs. L. King Eland beat (■Mrs. E. R. Baylcy. 5 and 4; Mrs. F. Preston beat Miss G. Hodge, 3 and 1, Miss A. Seav beat Mrs. G. Ashley. 7 and 6. Third Round.—Mrs. E. Philip beat Mrs A. A. Bishop, 4 and 3; Miss L. O'Callai-'lmn ; beat Mrs C. Taylor. 1 up; Mrs. L. Kings I land beat Mre. B. Bree, 6 and 5; Miss A Seny beat Mrs. F. Preston, 7 and 5. Tne second round for players with hand) caps from 20 to 36 resulted as follows:—Mr? H. Simmonds won by default from Mrs F . Stevens, Miss M. Walter beat Mrs. C. Low 1 up; Mrs. F Lord beat Mrs. P. R. Bur ton, 5 and 3; Mrs. F. Schischka bent Mis H. Loveil, at the 19th; Mrs F. Parker won by default from Mrs. H\ Saunders; Mrs. F Colledge won by default from Miss M. Hayes Miss G. Mnden won by default from Mr* J. W. Baxter; Mns. F H. Mueller heal Miss M. Meagher, 5 and 4. Third Round.—Miss M Walters beat Mrs H. Simmonds. 8 and 7; Mrs. F. Lord brat Mra. F. Schischka. 3 and 2; Mrs. F. Parker beat Mrs. F. Colledee. 2 up: Miss G Mnden bent M's. F. H. Mueller. 6 and 5. } j Following are the results of the first round of the C grade chommonshfp:—Mrs R Rohb bent Mrs G. McMillan. 9 and 8; Mr*. F, Plowman beat Miss M Bischoff. B and 5 Mr*. C. Shnw beat Mis* J. Taylor, 5 and 4 , Mrs. M Russell beat Mrs. G. Wade. 9 I and I. The C grade three-round stroke comoeti- ! tion was won by Mra, M. Russell, - -.v/.,PUPUKE CLUB >\ Following is the draw for the Pupuke i Golf Club's championships:— , " Seniors.—>R Pacey v. A. F Burnett, W D. Ross v E W. Mills. H. E Nicholus'v R. Johnston. J T. McCorkindale v. 5 H Webb. Juniors.—J Drought v. L. Johnston. F C. Williamson v. T E Gooding. C. Jagg? v. G C Malcolm. W H. Smith v. R Nicholas. A D McGregor v E A. Craig. F A Pearcey v. E, L. Rynn. I. Howden v. H O Probert, G. A Carson v. P Mason A bogey mntch will be plaved next Saturday. when the following will piny ofT ties in conjunction :~ P Mason v. A. F. Bur nett, T E. Gooding v F. C. Williamson, C. H. Palmer v. J. 8. Wells. Other player? will choose partners. CLEVEDON LADIES'' CLUB Following is the draw for the L.G.D. medai , second round of the eclectic competition, and first qualifying round of the club championship to be played by members of the Clevedon Ladies' Golf Club tomorrow:— Mrs. Henderson v. Mrs. "Roberts, Mts* Shaw v Mrs. Waters, Miss Knight v Miss D. Hyde, Miss McPherson v Mrs Bryan. Mrs. Colquhoun v Mi?° Gore. Mrs Fi'rley v Miss Bell. Miss J Burgoyne v. Miss Z. Stephens. Miss Atchison v Miss Baird. Mrs. Wilson w. Mrs. Wells. Miss C Knight v. Miss Jones. Mis? WalAh v. Mrs. Hunt. Miss F. Stephen* v Miss low, Miss I Hyde v. Miss K Browne. Miss D. Browne v. Mr 3. Dow Miss Well? v Miss Wnllis. Miss Waters v Miss Luke, Mrs. Bnnncrman v. another The best score of three junior plnyers. Mrs Dow. Miß3 F Stephens and Miss Gore, will also be counted for hte last club trophy. MANUKAU CLUB Following is the draw fqr the qualifying round of the Mnnnkau Golf Club's championship to be played nest Saturday:—Adlnm v. Agmen Smith. Beechey v. J Alexander Roberts v Wordell, Rhind v. Feiguson. Simpson v. Priest, Bradstreet v. Bull. Drendon v. Rusing. Rice v. G. Smith. White v Brebnnr. Goddnrd v. nard. Parker v. Sihley. Widdowson v t Wat kin, Blair v. Carpenter. Grant v. Morse. Cfeorgo v. Cnrroll. Burrell v. Stunners. W. Alexander v. Moore, Crispe v. Callaghan, Cplbeck v. Fordyce. Wajsh v. Milne. MANUKAU LADIES' CLUB A match f>r Mrw. Carpenter's trophy will be played to-inorrow and on Snturdoy i by members of the Manukau Ladies' Golf i Club. Tho draw is as follows:—Mrs. Adlnmv. Mrs. Grant Mrs. Barnard v.. Mrs God dard. Miss Phillips v. Mrs. Burnett. Miss A Quigley v. Mrs. Fleming. Mrs: ' Wardell v Mrs. Carroll Mils R Quigley v. Mrs Jenkins Mis- Graham v. Miss Blanchnrd. Miss Gallia • Mrs McNeish. Mrs George v. Mra. Carpenter. Mrs, Margetts v. Miss Juckes, Mrs. Brooka v. Miss Little. Mrs. Avery v Mrs Parker. Mrs Drenden v. Mrs. Urcjuhai♦ Miss Graham v Miss De Carteret. Mis? Hollis v. Mrs Grant, Miss Hill Mra. Wilson. Mra. Colbeck v. M sa iKing. Mm. Brndsjreet v. Miss McDonald, Miss E McOonnld v. Mrs Yntes. Mrs. Lever- v Mrs Pnrker. Miss Busing v, MiHS Byres, Miss Mcllr.aith v. Miss J. Brown ing, Mis.-i Tracoy v" Miss Luuisden, Mius A. Browning v. anoiher. MAUNCAKIEKIE LADIES' CLUB The first round of the eclectic match will be played by members of the Mnungsikiekie Ladies' Golf Club to-morrow, commencing nt 9.44 a.m. 111 the order of tho lollowmu 'First Toe.—Miss A. Grove y. Miss E. Schnauer, Mias B. Abbott v. Misa M. Huslett. Mra. A. C. McArthur v. Mrs. V .Kerr. Mrs. H. V. Johnston v. Mrs. E. Mcllraith. Mra G, S. Laird v. Mrs. E. Bold. Mrs. n. Buttle v. Mrs. J. Mason. Mra. C. E. Grevatt v Mra J. Pateraon. Mrs. E. Gilmore v Miss M. Miller. Misa C. Stubba v Miss J. Johnson, Miss D, Lamb v. Miss M Rob son. Mrs. R. Hipkins v Mrs. M. Stanlev. Mrs. E. J. Miller v.. Mrs. E. Mrs W. K. Michael v. Mrs. C. K. Gnerson. Mrs. A. Morton v Mies A. Palmer, Mrs; F. Wil haras v. Mrs. E, Mrs. S. Coakley v Mrs. J. Rudge, Mrs T R. Roberts v. Mis' F, Preece, Miss E. Blackburn v. Miss G Hooper, Mrs. H. V Coo v. Mrs. G. A. Hard ley. Mrs. F. Malcolm v. Miss M. Hnrve.v Miss E, McGowan v. Mrß. F Saxton Mrs D R Garrard v. Miss R. Williams. Mrs. A. Milne v Mrs. 8. Roid. Miss B Smith v Miss R. Ilill. Mra. R. Verry v. Mrs. W. J., Ro d. M s. A, C. Steele v. Mrs. W J Fletcher, Mrs. C.-: W.- .Schnauer,, v Mr;., FI. P. Caughey, Miss H. Hardley v. Mrs, H. V, Choyce, Miss K. Edgelow v. Miss P. Reid. Mrs.AV, J, Trusoott v, Mrs, F. B(iker. Miss F. Gregson v. Miss R. Mahon. Mr*. H. Williams v. Mrs. L. Pegler. Mrs. M. Wilson v. Mrs. E. O'Neill. Mrs. J. CaucMey v. Misa R. Loudon, Mrs. A. Cummins y. M'ss V. Cooper, Mrs. H*. Wnlker v. Misa N Gregory, Mrs. C. J. Owen v. Miss R. Nixon. Mrs. F. H. Butcher v. Mra. P. Walks. Miss ,

D. Ryan v. Mrs. H. Moore-Jones. Mrs. B. G. Bond v. Mrs. R. George. Mrs. E. Goodwin v. Miss F. Garland, Mrs. C. A. Jarman v. Miss M Grevatt. Miss B. Carnachan v. Miss A. Yonge. Mrs. I. Paterson v. Mrs. H. Clay, Mi-is N. Clark v. Mrs. L. Rainger. Miss G. Latimer v. Mrs. E. J. Richardson. Mrs. J. Gruydon v. Miss R. Pickwick. Ninth Tee. —lO o'clock: Mis. R. Meredith v. Mrs. D. Lumsden, Mis. J. Llovd v. M™. N. Burton, Mrs. G. Pocock v. Mrs. W. E. Anderson, Mrs. J. Stewart v. Mrs. A. E. Abbott. Mrs. J. Dawson v. Mrs. A. Oxley. Following are the results of the third round 01 the Grevatt Cup competition:— Mrs. U. Stanley beat Miss R. Hill, at the I'Jth: Miss M. Haslett beat Miss I. Lamb. 1 and 3. Miss M. Miller beut Miss C. Stubbs, 8 and 2: Mrs. C. E. Grevatt beat Mrs. D. R. Garrard. 1 up. The semi-finals must be played by September 13. In the junior handicap match plav competition the semi-finals resulted as follows: Mrs: L. Pegler beat Miss E. Blackburn, 5 and 1; Mrs. I. R. Roberts beaf Mrs. C. K. Grierson, 5 and 4. The final must be played by September 13. The draw for the C grade match to be | olayed next Thursday is as follows:—Mrs. A. i E. Storey v. Mrs. C. F. Rosser, Mrs. R. S. . Morris v. Mrs. J. J Xicoll. Mrs • H Mac--1 kenzie- v. Miss E. Powell. Mibh N. Hooton S v. .Miss I Nixon. Mrs. H. Walton v. Mrs. I Fitzpatrick, Miss A. Morley v. Miss Jean Thomson. Miss J. Thomson v. another. Following are the best scores returned in the medal handicap foursomes match played yesterday:—Mrs. McArtlitir and Mrs. Michael, 95. 13—82: Mrs. Neiile and Mrs. Coaklev. 100, 14—86: Miss A. Grove and ■Miss E. Schnauer, 99. 11—88: Mrs. Rudge and Mrs. C. Schnauer. 105. 10—89: Miss C. Stubbs and Miss B. Smith. 104, 14- 90. The following players qualified in the captain's match plav foursome* and will piny .off-—Mrs. Mc Arthur and Mrs. Michael v. Mrs. H V. ,Tohn«ton nnd Miss M. Haslett: •Mrs. Laird and Mrs. Paterson v. Mrs. Gar- , 'rafrd and Mrs. Goldwatf—; Mi*s C. Stubbs and' Miss B. Smith v. Mrs. McTlraith and Mrs. Mn«on: Mrs Richardson and Miss Y, T i]iinms v. Mrs. Rudge nnd Mrs. Schnauer: Miss A Grove and Miss E. Schnauer v Mrs Kerr and M f s. Mrs. Pncock and Mrs TJoyd v. Miss Miller and Mrs. Hinkins: Mrs Pe?ler and Mrs. George v. Miss B Abbott nnd Mi*« M Robson: Mrs. Ronton nnd Miss E MeGowan v. Mrs. Neale and Mrs.' Coakley. The first round must be played by September 13. MATCHES AT TAURANGA LADIES' TOURNAMENT HELD ["by telegraph—own correspondent! TAURANGA. Monday The ladies' tournament on the Gate Pa links proved very successful, many players competing. Results were:— Senior Championship.—Mrs. Heald, 86. 83 —IG9; Mrs. McDonald, 87, 85 Innes, 93, 94—187; Miss Sisam, 87, 101— 183; Miss Dale, 97. 92—189; Miss P. Hartley. 102, 87—189; Mrs. Steedman, 97, 93 190; Mark, 95. 96—191. Junior Championship.—Mrs. Farmer, 93, 86—194; Miss Hill, 102, 101—203, Miss Phelan. 104. 90—203, Mrs. Ivory-. 105, 101 —206; Mrs Wright, 103, 111—214; Miss Renshavv, 108. 108-216. Morning Medul —Senioi Miss Sisam, 87, 15—72; Mrs. Heald, 86. 9—77, Mrs. McDonald. 87. 8-79: Mrs Ripley, 97, 1780; Miss Mark. 95, 15--80 Junior: Misß Renshaw. 108, 31—77 Miss Thorpe, 10G, 29—77; Mrs. Farmer 9fc. 19—79 Miss Renshaw won the play-off. Afternoon Medal —Senior: Miss P. Hartley, 87 15—72; Mrs Heald, 83, 8—75; Miss Dale, 92, 16—76; Mrs. McDonald, 85,' 8—77; Miss P. Har'iev. - 96, 18—78; Misß F. Goodyear, 95. 17—78 Mrs, 13—80. Junior: Miss Renshaw. 108. 31—77; Miss Thorpe, 106, 29—77; Mrs. Farmer. 96, 19—77; Miss P Phelan, 99, 21—78; Mrs. Ivory, 101. 22—79. Miss Renshaw won on the last nine holes. —Mrs. Ripley. 33; Mtb. Heald, ?4; Miss Dale. 35; Miss D. Wrignt, 3.5. At the conclusion of play Mrs. Ji.ruan. president-of the Ladies' Club, thanked the visiting and local players for their support of the inaugural tournament, which, it was hoped, would be the forerunner of many even more successful fixtures. Fortyfive players had taken part in the present one. and, with a little more support from local and near bv c'ub members, as well as players from-, farther nfield, there was no reason why the Tauranga ladies' tournament should not develop into an event that would fully tax the playing capacity of the club's links. Mrs. Jordan then presented the trophies to the prizewinners. i HAMILTON' LADIES' CLUB: The four-ball bast-ball bogey ■ match, which was postponed from June 26, will be I "layed to-morrow by members of the | Hamilton Ladies' Golf Club. commence at intervals of eight '/minutes 'rom 10 30 o'clock. The draw is lis "follows Mrs. Mender and Miss Stevens v. Mrs. Batt and Mrs. Dent, .Mrs. Day and Mrs. Hooker v Miss Wilktnson and Mrs Gray* Mrs Arthur and-Mra. Gibson v, Mrs. Gower and Mrs Savage.' Miss Coventry apd Miss M Eyre v Mrs .and Mix." Tbomas. Mrs- Hazard and; Mrs. Riddell v, Mrs. Bryant ankj Mrs O'Connor, Miss Mas-, tcrs anct' Mrs Clruar v-; Miss Provis and Miss D. Eyre. Mrs, Bennett and Mrs Jew, ell v Mrs Ful'erton-Smith Mrs.' Nisbet, Mrs. Grocdtt and Wa. Rutherfurd v. Mrs and .Mrs. Toombs, Miss Seavill and Mrs. G. Matthews v. Mrs. Rnwlings and Mrs McNicol, Misb Dujr field and Miss Bruce v Mrs Sutherland ind Misr J Rnfherfurd. Mrs Waring nnd I Mrs. Ellis v. Miss V, Cnnn and Mrs. Joy. ' Mrs. Isdale and Mrs. Peterson v Miss Wnrinp and Miss B Johnstone. Mrs. Bindon .and Mrs Valintine v Mrs Pettit and ,T iss Moars Mrs King and Miss Upton v Mrs. Orr and Mrs. F. M. Taylor. Miss Temnli.r and Mrs. G. Smith v. Mrs. Hardv and Mrs. Phillips-Turner. Miss K Wilson nnd Mrs Luckie v Mrs Shnw and Reynolds, Mi c s Hammond and Mrs. Rrewi= v Mrs Strang and Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. Fraser and Mrs. MacDiarmid v. two others. PLAY AT CAMBRIDGE [from our. own correspondent] > CAMBRIDGE. Monday The qualifying rounds of the Cambridge Ladies' Golf Club's senior and junior club championships were played on the club's links to-day. Weather conditions were very unfavourable and the majority of the matches were played in heavy rain. Nevertheless some excellent scoreß were returned. The following players qualified:— Seniors.—Mrs. H. N. Freeman. 83; Mrs. K. Browne. 86; Mrs. A J. Law, 88: Mrs. K. Wilkinson, 92: Miss J. Brewer, 92; Mrs. \V. J. Ward; *95: -Mrs. J. Thompson. 99; Mrs. N. Banks. 93: Mrs M. Willis. 98: Mrs A. Swayne. 103; Mrs. F. Kingsford. 108: Miss J. Watt! 108: Mrs. E Morrice. 109. Juniors.-"-Mrs... H. Clayton, Mrs. R. S. Alford. Miss R. Souter. Miss Whewell. Miss J. Sayers. Kirs. V Hollis, Mrs. H Crowther. Mrs: H L». Nixon. Mrs E. .Nickle. Mrs. A Macky. Miss E. L. Lee. Mrs. A. L. Mien. Mrs. G Watson. Mrs. P. Hunt. Miss F, Clarke. The concluding medal round of tlie Caldwell Cup was plaved on . Saturday under fine, but windy conditions, K. Hannah won the trophy \y'(h two excellent rounds, of q'3, >12—71. Other good card- Were:—K Hannah. 166. 24-142: G. Hamilton. 191. 48— 143- Dr H C Tod. 165. 20—145; V. Hollis. l!) 6 48—148;'- J.',Giles. 186. 36—150: J. Butler. 176. 24—152; E. 'Nickle. 180, 26—154. WHAU,. VALLEY LADIES' CLUB [by telegraphs-own correspondent 1 WHANGAREI. Monday The second round of the Wakel:n Cup 1 competition was played during the week- i end bv members-of tb.q Whan \ alley Ladies fiolf Club/>- Resnltp:—Miss. Phillips (handi- ! cap 29) beat Mrs. E. J . Piirkes (20), 8 • and-1 6* Miss , M.. • Bnjcent, (23) beat McPhee (18). 2, up; .Miss M. Tucker <231 bent Miss A l .' Martin (17), 2 and 1; Morrisnn won by default from Miss Stewart. HOKIANGA CHAMPIONSHIPS [by TELECRAI'H—own correspondent] KOIIUKOHO. Monday The finals of the Hokianga Golf Club's; championships were played at Mnngamuka j on Saturday and resulted as follows . Men's 1 championship (36 holes), M. Crnllan deferred C Robertson. 9 and 7. Ladies' championship (18 hol.s): Mrs. C. Porritt defeated Mrs. J Julian, 2 and 1. , . The medal match wns won by A. Creagh* ion with a net score of 62. OPOTIKI COMPETITIONS ' [iiy telegraph —own correspondent] OPOTIKI. Monday The first, round of the Opotiki Golf Club's championships was competed with the following results:—Seniors: Roe beat Murray, Birkmyor beat Burton. Davirs beat Baigent. F Young heat Candy. Harriman beut Lari mcr. Kidd' beat J Rowland. Black beat Riddell. Bunkall beat . Thompson. Juniors: Maurssll beat Simpson, Cullen beat Reeves. Watson bent Ash, J. Young beat Brown, Fox beat Bridger. Stuart beat Upton. Anderson bent J. Gordon, Stephenson beat A bogey competition was played on Saturday. the best cards being:--Roc. 9 down; Fox, 4 down: Birkmyer, 4 J. Young, 5 down; Cullen, 5 down:. Watson, 6 down: Stuart, 7 down. THAMES BOCEY MATCH fBY TELEGRAPH —OWN CORRESPONDENT! THAMES. Monday A bogey match was played by members of the Thames Golf Club on Saturday and resulted in a win for W. D, Bell, 1 up. The other best scores were W. Davies, nnd L. Culpan, all square.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22198, 27 August 1935, Page 7

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GOLF CONTESTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22198, 27 August 1935, Page 7

GOLF CONTESTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22198, 27 August 1935, Page 7