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RESULTS OF YEAR'S WORK appeal for more funds An appeal the Catholic laity of 'Auckland for funds to enable the college to continue to' give a secondary education to erery Catholic boy in the district desiring one,, but whose parents •were unable to pay the usual fees, was made by the director of Sacred Heart College, the Hey. Brother Tarcisius, at the annual prize-giving ceremony in the Town Hall concert chamber last night* jn his annual report the director said the numbers of both residential and day pupils had increased this year. The college had been highly successful jn scholarship as well as in sport. The distribution of prizes and certificates was made by the Right Rev. Consignor Cahill, V.G., P.A., who congratulated the college on keeping up year by year the ' high standard set in the past. At the conclusion of the evening a E jiort speech was made by the president of the Old Boys' Association. Mr. G. Foy, addressed chiefly to those pupils who would; be leaving college this year. Following-is the list of prizes:— SPECIAL PRIZES

Cooiahan Gold Medal for Good Conduct (presented by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Liston).—E. ' lledal for Religious Knowledge (pregented by Rt. Rev. Monsignor Cahill). —J. B. O'Regan. prize for Religion m Form V. (presented by Rev. Brother Provincial).—R. Mcthe School (Mounted School Badge, presented by Messrs. Walker and Hall).—P. Dunn. English (Gold Medal, presented by Rt. Bev. Br- Liston).7-J. B. O'Regan. French and Latin (Gold Medal, presented by Monsignor Lane).—W. Hare. Mathematics (Gold Medal, presented by J£r. W. J. Grevatt).—P. Dunn. Val. Blake Memorial Gold Medal for Science in Form V. (presented by Mr. E. Blake).—D. O'Donohue. Barry Farley Memorial Prize, for English History in Form V.' (presented by Miss Barry)-—J- Barry. Aggregate Merit in Form V. (Gold Medal, presented by Mr. Hugh Wright).—R. Ockelford. . . Beat Pass, Matriculation Examination (Rev. Brother Director's Medal).—D. Gamble, Best Pass, Intermediate Examination (Gold Medal, presented by Mr. J. A. Young).—P. Horan Aggregate Merit, Form IV. (Prize, presented by Mr. C. K. Smith).—H. Fox. Intermediate Oratorical Prize—J. Murphy. "Brendan" Gold Medal for Oratorical Competitions (presented by Mr. E. Casey).— P. SheehaE. Robert McVeagh .Memorial Prize Essay (presented by Mr. ,E. N. R. Russell).—J. Carroll Old Bosks' Prize Essay.—Senior: J. B. O'Regan.. Junior: A. Hooton. Special Prize for English Essay, Form V.—L. Dunn. Higher I leaving Certificates.—N. P. Allpress, G. J. Buckley, J. J. Carroll, H. P. Dnnn, D. M. Gamble, W. B. Hare, T. N. Ksiwe, M. Lyons, M. J. McHugh, P. J. McVerry, 'J. A. O'Brien. J. B. O'Regan. F. G. Respinger, C. P. Towsey and D. J. P. Woods. FORM PRIZES Form Via —Aggregate: J* O'Regan, 1; J. Carroll, 2. Religion: P. Dunn. English: J. O'Regan. French: P. Dunn. Latin: J. O'Began. History: W. Hare. Mathematics: P. Dunn. Mechanics: P. Dunn. Chemistry: J. O'Regan. Heat and light: P. .Dunn. Form Vlb.—Aggregate: D. Gamble, 1; M. Lyons, 2; J. McVerry, 8. Religion: D. Gamble. English: D. Gamble. French: P. Towspy. Latin: J. McVerry. History: M. Lyons. Mathematics: D. Gamble. Mechanics: D. Gamble. Chemistry: D. Gamble. Heat and lifiht: M. Lyons. Form Va.-Aggregate: M. Bond, 1; P. Horan, 2. Religion: R. Ockleford. English: M. Bond. French: R. Ockleford. Latin: R. Ockleford. History: P. Horan. Mathematics: " B. Ockleford. Chemistry: J. Catterall. Form VI.- Aggregate; D. O'Donohue, 1; P.Woods, 2; D. Peacocke, 3. Religion: F. Scullion. English: J. Barry. French: D. o'lSmohue. History': D. O'Donohue. Mathematics: D George. Chemistry: R. Mcfcceeney. Form IV —Aggregate: R. Thomas, 1; A. Nizich, 2. Religion:'P. Temm. English: P. Temm Latin: H. Fox. French: W. .Sneddeii. History: K. McCarthy. Arithmetic: R. Thomas. Mathematics: H. Fox. Chemistry: R, Thomas. Form Ilia.—Aggregate: F. Bidwell, 1; G. Imrie, 2; T. Molloy, 3. Religion: M; Cos-tt-ilo. English: G. Imrie. French: G. Imrie. Latin: G. Imrie. History: G. Clune. Arithmetic: G Imrie. Mathematics: F. Bidwell. General science: F. Bidwell. Drawing: J. Black. Book-keeping: F. Jones. Form Hl.l.—Aggregate: P. McSweeney, 1; P. Olson. 2; G. Temm, 3. Religion: T. Donovan. English: J. Rebrdan. French: C. Williams. Latin: D. Whitfield. History: P. Olson. Arithmetic:' R. Hendry. Mathematics: G. Temm. Science: P. Olson. Drawing; H. Dacey. Book-keeping: M. Ryan. Form IV. Commercial. —Aggregate: J. Hartigan. Religion: N. Cavanagh. Form PH. Commercial. —Aggregate: R. Connole. Religion: L. Croul. Form ll.—Aggregate: O. Cooper, 1; L. Garvey, 2; F. Shannahan, 3. Religion:_ F. Shannahan. Essay: 0. Cooper. Reading: M. Donovan. Spelling: H. Trubuhovich. Writing: D. Robertson. English: O. Cooper. Arithmetic: O. Cooper. Drawing: R. Bosworth. Science: S. Belcher. History: S Belcher. Geography: S. Belcher. Woodwork: O. Cooper. Neatness: D. Robertson. Application: O. Cooper. Form I.—Aggregate: G. McDonell, 1; P. Hanley, 2; E.' MacKenzie. 3. E. MacKenzie. Essay: P. Hanley. Reading: P, Hanloy. Spelling: J. Coltman. Writing: ? McG i:rr. English: P. Hanley. Arithmetic: J. Coltman. Drawing: P. McGirr. Science: P. Hanley. History: G. McDonell. fieography: E. MacKenzie. Woodwork: P. Hanley. Neatness: E. MacKenzie. Application: E. MacKenzie. • Standard IV.—Aggregate: C. Hickey, 1; A. Trubuhovich, 2; L. O'Malley, 3. Religion : F. Brookes. Grammar: L. Wright. Essav: A. Trubuhovich. Reading: A. Trubuhovioh. Spelling; J. Grevatt. Arithmetic: R. McKenzie. Writing: L. Wright History: C. Hickey. Geography: L. Wright. Drawing: R. McKenzie. Nature study: I*. O MaiStandard lll.—Aggregate: J/ O'Brien, 1; B. Stormont, 2: R. Corrigan. 8. Religion: B. Weaver. "Readincr: J. O'Brien. Essay J. O'Brien. Spelling: B. Stormont. Arithmetic: J. O'Brien. Grammar: B. Stormont. Writing: R. Corrifan. History: : 'f. O'BnerT. ircography: B. Weaver. Drawing: M. Smith. Nature Study: 8., Stormont._ Standard 11. Aggregate: B. Sheehan. Religion: B. Sheehan. SPORTS PRIZES Athletics.—Senior champion, holder of New Zealand half-mile record and marathon record: E Wordsworth. Intermediate champion: L. Power. Junior champion. J. Faire. 1 One mile open: F. Respinger. Senior 220vds and. 880 yds handicaps: L. Hurdles champion: J. O'Regan. Intermediate high jump record: P. Patterson. _ 50Yds and 100 yds intermediate championships: W. Watt. 440 yds and 880 yds intermediate handicaps; T. Ryan. Intermediate marathon: M. McG real. Junior marnthon: M. Boltorn. Swimming.—Senior champion: E. Wordsworth. Intermediate champion: D. Gamble Junior champion:' J. Dunn. Tennis.—Senior champion: J. Molloy. Intermediate champion - J. Knaggs. Junior champion: A. JEooton. ' Boxing.— College champipn: M. McHugrb Light-weight champion: F. Cooney. Special medal: J. Murnhy. Special prizes: P. Drysdale and B. Bheehan. Handball.—Senior champion: T. Intermediate champion: F. Cooney Junior champion • W. Sneddon.

WAIKATO DIOCESAN GIRLS YEAR OF GOOD PROGRESS [from our own correspondent] ! HAMILTON, Thursday A year of good progress was reviewed in the annual report of the headmistress of the Waikato Diocesan Schdol for Girls, Miss A. E. Satchel], presented fit the prize-giving ceremony held at the school yesterday. Bishop Cherrington presided over the gathering, which included a large attendance of parents ®nd friends / Miss Satchel! said the year had been fin encouraging orie and the prospects *ere bright for the future. At the ®nd of last year the roll number was but this vear began with 85, in *pite of the fact that it had been decided to close the kindergarten department. Last year the maximum number °f boarders was 23 but this year the number had risen'to 50. Over 55 boardhad enrolled for next year. and {light alterations to the building would pe necessary to accommodate them. The following prizes were presented Mrs Hay Prizes.—lb.. Dorothy Woodward: In. ~**uline Thompson; lib., Pauline Perrin, B«ne Webb; ]la , Judith de la Mere; Illb., i*rbarn, Levien,Jomn Morton; Ilia., MarRet Dunbar, Shirley Payze; IVb., BarRogers; IVa., Peggy Self, Joan Mizen: *•» Annette Every, Gipsy Norris.

Special Prizes.—Prefect's prize: lifoya Boak. Divinity: Junior, Barbara Levies; intermediate, Jean Livingtone; senior, Gipsy Norris. Literature: Moya Boak. Progress: Ruth Hale. Sewing: Leila Clark. Neatness: Peggy Smith. Music: Margaret Dunbar, Barbara Levien Dancing: Pauline Perrin, Marjorie Every. Drill: Annette Every, June Howden. Cupe.—House choir, Scott; bouse handwork, Scott; order shield, IVa.; junior drill, Shirley Payze; senior, Moya Boak; drill shield, Va.; junior tennis, Airini Sergel;_ senior, Joan Sergei; house tennis, Ross; junior athletic, Shirley Payze; intermediate, Ailsa Rathbone and Jean Dudley; senior, Joan Mizen; athletio shield, Rosa; junior swimming, Sheila Smith; senior. Joan Tyler; house swimming, Ross; house hockey, Scott; house basketball. Rosb: house cricket, Scott; necker, Scbtt; games captain's badge, June Howden. House captains' badges: Shackleton, Jenny Scott: Scott, Annette Every; Ross. Moya Boak. Red girdles: Shirley Payze, Qona Turner, Marjorie Every, Annette Every. June Howden.

TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL PROGRESS AT HAMILTON [from our own correspondent] HAMILTON, Thursday "For the first time the school opened this year with a roll of over 500," said Mr. W. Fraser, principal of the Hamilton Technical High School, at the annual prize-giving ceremony to-day. Mr. S. B. Sims, chairman of the board of managers, presided over a large attendance in the new assembly hall at the school. Mr. Eraser said the school roll number was exceeded by only nine of the 67 post-primary schools in the Dominion. Boys came from as far as Fiji to attend the school. The total roll number reached 547, and the average attendance was 42 During the year 143 pupils had found employment. Even in the most difficult times boys from the school had not experienced great difficulty in securing positions, and lately the school had been unable to meet the demand in the town let alone in the country. The Hon. J. A. Young, Minister of Health, addressed the pupils and spoke of their responsibilities for the future. The prizes won during the year were presented as follows: — Class Prizes.—First year girls: Comihercial, Jean Kiddell; domestic, Marjorie. Bennett. First year boys: Science and accountancy D. Mead; engineering, E. J. R. Yates; rural industrial, E. Honore; building trades, R. Campbell; commercial, R. C. Kirby. "Second year girls: Commercial, Jean Fifidlay; domestic, Isabella Sharp. Second year boys: Science and accountancy, B. Smith; engineering, H. Haynes; rural industrial, A. Ramsay: building tradeSj B. Davison. Third year: Commercial, Trixie Elliott; science and accountancy, F. Reid. Proficiency in School "Work.—Girls: Betty Kurth, Yvonne Blackmore, Nancy Hirst, Mary Armitage, Mavis Wouldes, Valerie Gracie, Peggy Ogilvy, Sonia Sampson, Joyce Watson, Shirley Lymburn, Fred Aitken, Valerie Burton, Irene Bond. Boys: N. Wouldes, W. Rennie, J. Church, G. White, C. Cook, J. Manning, R. Darrow, G. McQuillan, R. Buchanan, B. King. C. Andrews, J. Barnett. C. Fraser, R. Brookway, B. Monckton. Special Awards.—Chairman's prize for best girl indomestio science, Valerie Fitness; best girl for office work, Nora Fulton; elocution, Nora Reese; dressmaking, Stella Morgan; general efficiency and school interest (presented by Old Girls' Association), Esme Hobbs; general efficiency and sohool interest, G. Fraser; chairman's prize for best industrial boy, A. Feisst. Special prizes in woodwork: Presented by Disston and Sons, Limited, J. Taylor; presented by Charles Taylor, Sheffield, B. Davison; presented by Canadian Foundries. Limited, D. Sampson. Engineering, F. Short; bookkeeping, Mavis Hirst, H. Old; draughtsmanship, C. Green; agriculture (presented by Waikato Agricultural and Pastoral Association), W. Chesterman, W. Morrison; first year dairywork (presented by Mr. G. Oldham), W. O'Loughlin; first yeilr dairywork notebook (presented by Mr. G. Oldham), R. Watkins; second year dairywork (medal presented by Mr. A. W, Green), M. Murtagh; second year dairywork, best notebook (presented by Mr. A. W. Green), M. Murtngh. Magazine prizes: Selina Stark, Esme Hobbs. Gold medallists (medals presented by Messrs. F. S. Hall): Selina Stark, H. Gunn. . ' Bond Scholarships. 1935.—Commercial, Jean Findlay; domestio, Isabella Sharp; engineering. E. J. R. Yates; building trades. R. Campbell.

HAMILTON HIGH SOHOOL AN EXCELLENT STANDARD [from oxra own correspondent] HAMILTON, Thursday An increase in the roll number was recorded in the annual report of the Hamilton High School, submitted by the headmaster, Mr. E. Wilson, at. the annual prize-giving ceremony to-day. The chairman of the board of governors, Mr. C. L. MacDiarmid, presided over a record attendance. The principal speaker was Professor A. W. Sewell, of Auckland, who spoke on words and cultural English. His remarks were couched in humorous vein, and caused much merriment. The Hon. J. A. Young, Minister of Health, addressed the pupils and congratulated those who had won prizes. The awards were handed to the successful pupils by Mr. A. E. Manning as follows: — English and French. —Form nib.: K. Holmes', Doreen C. Bishop, Form Hla.: C. Henderson, F. M- W. Lynette Robinson. Form IVa : P. B. de la Mare, G. Ruth Morgan. Form Vb.: Ruth M. Osborne. Form Va.: A. N. G. Bray, Audrey I. Seddon. Form T7p. V.: S. W. Christie. . Mathematics and Science.—Form IHb.: T. A. Gillard, Sybil Bremer. Form IHa.: C. Henderson, F. M. W. Lynette Robinson. Form IVa.: P. B. de la Mare, A. Beryl Clark. Form Vb.: Leila Speedy. Form Va.: A. N. G. Bray, Edna Henry. Form Up. V.: S. W. Christie. ' Latin.—First year forms: F. M„ W. Lynette Robinson and C. Henderson. Second year forms: I). K. Kingston. Matriculation forms: D. E. Quick. Form PrizeH.—Form IVb.: A. E. Wheatcroft, E. Hettie Hadwin. Form Vb.: H, R. Walden, Gladys L. Russell. Form Vlb.; M. J. Purdy. Special Prizes.—Form Illb.: -Margaret Woolfield (history, geography and commercial), J. Pearse (book-keeping). Form Ilia.: „J. R. Gordon (mathematics), Jean Sealy (excellent progress), Dorothy O. Steven (Latin, French and science). Form IVa.: L. J. Starke (book-keeping and agriculture), Rona E. Graham (English), Betty M.. Bisley (drawing), Form Vb.: M. Lindsay Kendrick (languages), Ruth Gilbert (English), Mary C. Hayes, Barbara J. Robinson (shorthand and typewriting). Form Va.: Barbara P. Dent (English), Nancy Hunter (mathematics and science), J. Bennett (agriculture). Form Up. V.: W. Thomson (geography). Form Vlb.: T. Bremer (accountancy), E. A. Edwards (languages). Form Via.: J. D. Ellis (mathematics). General Proficiency.—Boys: J. C. Wilson, D. J"ait, C. W. O. Erwood. D. W. Higginson, J. B. J. McKenzie, K. D. Kelly, A. M. White, D. J. Gudex, J. D. Hall, C. A. Holloway, A. E. Blunt, A. J. Perrett, T. L. Osborn, V. A. McKenzie, H. W. Shepherd, G. W. P. Torpy, I. G. Hodder. Girls: Jessie Cresswell, Ivy D. Gilling, Margaret B. Macky, Beatrice L. St. Paul, Evelyn D. P. Tietjens, Kathleen I. Ryan, Betty C. West. B. Marjorie McMiken, G. Jean Mason, Edna M. Hare, Betty R. Brown. Dux of School,—G. G. Jenner.



[from our own correspondent]

HAMILTON, Thursday The annual prize-giving ceremony of Southwell Boys' School, Hamilton, was held yesterday afternoon in the presence of a large gathering of the pupils, their parents aud friends. The prizes were presented by Mr. Sergei as follows: — Form Prizes.—A. Foster, W. Hockm, G. Roua-Smith, P. W. Nicholson, W. <N. Clay, H. B. Cooper, A. C. Dawson, M. C. Farrer, J. D. Lethbridge. Special progress: J. Apthorp, P. Apthorp. Year's work: R M. Duncan, L. F. Thomson, A. Renshaw, R. R K. Parkes. English: E. Featherstonhaugh. Languages: B. H. Streiff. Mathematics: J. Wilding. Special Prizes.—Mackay Gup for science, T. S. Newland; drawing, M. F. Stringfiold; general knowledge, senior, E. Featherstonhaugh; junior, R. Ratcliffe; speech prize, T. S. Newland, 1; M. C. Farrer,- 2. Dux of school: J. Wilding. Woodwork: Junior, D. F Barker, intermediate. J. A. Geddes; senior, J. Wilding. Swimming: Senior, A. M. Bernstein; junior, C. Jordan. Cricket: Highest batting average. J. Slade-Gully; best all-round, A. C Dawson; highest scores, J. Slade-Gully, A. C. Dawson; hattrick. J. Wilding. Primary Schools' Association's bats for highest average in competition: Senior, J. Slade-Gully; junior, C. Crosby. Cups: Tennis, F. Haddock; house cup, East; Bernstein Cup, C. M. Hockm. Spencer-Rutherford memorial prize: A. M.* Bernstein. Prefects' prizes: R. C. H. Humphreys. B. H. Streiff. J. Wilding. R. L. Rees, J. A. Fleming, S. M. Scott, J. SladeGully, C. M. Hockin, P. Fell,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21983, 14 December 1934, Page 19

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CATHOLIC EDUCATION New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21983, 14 December 1934, Page 19

CATHOLIC EDUCATION New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21983, 14 December 1934, Page 19