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PRIZE-GIVING FUNCTIONS AUCKLAND GRAMMAR WORK BRIGHT EMPLOYMENT OUTLOOK SUCCESSES IN ATHLETICS Improved prospects of employment [were commented on by Mr. H. J. D. Mahon, headmaster of the Auckland Grammar School, in his report at the annual prize-giving ceremony yesterday. Professor A. P. W. Thomas, chairman of the Grammar Schools Board of Governors, presided over a large attendance of parents and visitors. Those on the platform included the Hon. E. R. Davis, M.L.C., Mr. W. J. Jordan, M.P., Professor H. W. Segar, Dn E. lioberton and Mr. A. J. BilJington, president of the Old Boys Association. Professor Thomas said modern developments had thrown a burden 011 all schools in the way of readjustment, and another phase of the modern world to be considered was the decreased influence of the home ana of organised religion. Here again another duty fell on the schools, but it was desired that parents should continue to extend the home influence to assist the schools. Education did not stop with the school, but was continued throughout life. lhe chairman also mentioned how physical and character training in the schools had been developed in recent years. Increasing Opportunities

The headmaster said that, m the experience of the past few years, the fall in the number of hoys returning to the school reflected the increasing opportunities for employment. He thought that, excluding those who were returning or continuing their studies at the universitj% all boys in the sixth forms had definite prospects of suitable employment next year. Commenting on the work of the year Mr. Mahon said first importance had continued to be attached to the health and physical welfare of the pupils. It had been found that the standard of health and physique was very high. The school had. been extremely successful in athletics, Rugby and cricket, three championships having been won at the inter-secondary schools sports and seven records broken. A useful school unit that had made marked procrpss was a branch of the St. John Ambulance. Considerable improvements to the school grounds had been effected. Post-Matriculation Work The successes in public examinations W<ire evidence that the school .was niamtaining its reputation for scholarship. "While there was every reason tor gratification with the results m the sixth and matriculation fornis, it was a matter for regret that many of the most promising pupils had to l. ea Y®, a * ter spending only a year in the sixth forms. The headmaster added that he would like to emphasise the importance ot two years' post-matriculation work m the case of those who intended professional, scientific or scholastic careers. He hoped; the Government would soon see its way to restore the scholarship system. Failing this, there should be an endeavour to raise a capital sum to provide bursaries to enable poor but eiffced boys to qualify for positions to which their ability entitled them, but •which at present tended to become the preserve of the well-to-do classes. ■ The ceremony included part-songs and items by the choir, an item members of the dramatic club, and numbers by the school band andl orchestra. The prizes were presented by Professor Thomas, the list of scholastic successes,, already P ublls £f n /* £ & S irS«dal!io»; «nd Service Match (Mrs. Morgans MedalE°sam'Challenge Cup, for most °W C^ no 9" cup j. Sayers; i t- Norman Car&.SX D r .».uTiS «W. F E Watt? Old Boys' Cup, 440 yds. A 7 Ravers*' R J. Gwynne Shield. 100 yds, 1 T Savers" Cup for Old Boys' Race, liioyds, F. Fraser; Alex. Ellis Cup for tennl Cups, presented by old First fifteen, A. J. Sayers; second fifteen, Best BaUmg Average.—G. ich |£ d ?- k; Gymnasium Medallion. —A. M. Bieleski. Steeplechase Medallions.—Old Boys , M. Hewitson; open, H. C. Page; under 17. G. N. Hill, under 16, P. Collett; U n J er l °: B. G. Murray; tinder 14, &. .Drown, ■under 13, C. Smith. . . / p Record Medallions.— High jump, open, R. B. Cruickshari; 220 yds under 14, A. S. * Equal-to-reccrd Medallions.— High i ur pP under 16.'A. G. Mcßae; 100 yds under 14. a S Cross • Inter-Secondary School Championships.— 100 yds, 220 yds, 440 yds open, A. J. bayers, one mile open, F. E. Watt; 120 yds hurdles open, J. D. Carnachan; high lump open, r B. Crickshank; 100 yds. 220 yds, 1 0I JS jump. 90yds hurdles, intermediate, A. S. Coughlan; high jump intermediate, A. U. Mcßae; 440 yds. 880 yds intermediate, K. b. Arkinstali' 100 yds junior, A S Cross; 220 yds junior, R. C. O Gara; 440 yds junior, W R Mansill. junior relay race (440 yds). Auckland Grammar School; senior relay irace (one mile), Auckland Grammar School; Isaacs Cup, .Auckland Grammar School; Alford Cup, Auckland Grammar School. Inter-Empire School Sports (at Melbourne).—l4oyds 2nd Medallion, A. J. iSayers; one mile 2nd Medallion, F. E. Watt. ..*>■* William Robert Friar Memorial Prize for most efficient N.C.O. in the Northern Comtnand.—Battalion Sergeant-Major C. S. Passmore.


ACHIEVEMENTS OF PUPILS CEREMONY THIS AFTERNOON The annual prize-giving ceremony of the Takapuna Grammar School will be held at the Gaiety Theatre, JUaVappna. this afternoon. Following is the prize-list:— Form Vla.j--Language3: T. Marsh, 1; Valerie Wyatt, 2. Mathematics and science: T. Marsh, I; Valerie Wyatt, 2. Special prize in matheYuatics: T. Marsh. Certificates : Chemistry, T. E. Coulthardj history. E. JCharman. ! GIRLS Form <VIb.—H. Gale. 1; E. Archibald. 2. Certificates: Botany and commercial, B. Edmonds. Form Va.—M. Sinclair, 1: P. Bomford. 2. Certificates: English. M. Peek; history. J. Melville; geography, B. Arthur; science, G. Marks; botany M. Wooliacott; commerical, V. Larritt; Latin, A.. Smith. Form Vb.—Sylvia Billett, J: June Hipson. 2 Cei-tificf.teu: Mathematics, W. Baity: English, N. Fraser. Form IVu.—P. Batty, 1: F. Plank, 2. Certificates: Mathematics and commercial. R. McFadgen; dressmaking. E. Saunders; drawing, W. Bannatyne and J Lewis. Form IVb.—M. Everton, 1; fl. Davies. 2. Certificates: History. E. Byrch; dressmaking, P. Cowie: drawing. M. Everton. Form IV., Mod.—M. Wrigley, 1; M. Cotes. 2. Certificates: English and drawing, M. West. \ Form Illfi.—E. Davies, 1; M. Gasson, 2. Aggregate, Set 1: E. Gasson. Certificates: English, M. Elliott; history and science, ,1. Archibald; mathematics, set 1, P. Lees; drawing, set 1, E. Batty; commercial. M. Cogan: general geography. D. Oiuiness. Form Illb.—D. Merwies, 1; J. "Wooding. 2. Aggregate, set 2: If. Bruce. Certificates ; Mathematics. L McHattie; botany, J. Blflek■well; commercial geography, B. PreßtonThomaß: diawing, set 3, F. Clench; set 2, J. Wooding. BOYS Form Vlb.—R. C. F. Blnmpied, 1: L. C. Barton, 2. Certificates: English, J. M. Gould; mathematics. D. W. O. Keening. Form V Special.—W. H. K. Mollard. 1; I. E. Rick'Srby, 2. Certificates: French. D. O. Water*; history. D. F. Christie; botany, H. Latt*;-general geography, G. E. Arooa cemmercHfl' geoirraphy, B. M. Campbell; ; c -

Form Va.-A. C. Lynch, 1; O. J- Top" 6 - 2. Certificates: English aij.d history. J. Ij. Beid; French, J. E. Schmidt. Form Vb.—F. N. Brinsden. 1; H- w. Mills, 2. Certificates: Botany. B. N. Knight; English, C. A. Armstrong; history, It. U* Brunch; woodwork, J. F. Young. Form IVa.-J. N. Mills and R. E. Bay. equal, 1. Certificates: History R. T. Mc Indoe; woodwork, drawing * p Thomas• F. J. G, Rice; bookkeeping, commercial geography, A. „ hand drawing, B. L. Watts and Kic®- T n i. a. G. Mowday, B B. Beattie; mrthematics, K. U. wauou. woodwork. G. W. D | Vcre. M H owForm I X c Vfi\f rs Science and history, den, 2. Certificates, bcience Hf . lldry WM. Warren: mathematics, A. • • Yombs; y English, D. A. Youngs; woodwork. Downard. 1; E. J Plulson, 2. Certificates: Mastic., J. C. Taylor; freehand drawing, I. • »*»-"• le £ ttt„ M M Bates, 1; K. D. Tripp. Form IlTc. —Al. - I ?.' , T f> TTaden; 2. Certificates: English, L. • science, H, Kay: H. Kay, hand drawing, £>• De Re z.. SPECIAL PRIZES Sketch Club Prizes-Girls, IV.: Jean Crnw HI, T. W. Buckley. p ■ Girls, Form V.: Joyce Amesbury. Form"lV.: Rose Bogenon. Form TIT • Elain \rthur. Boys, Form V.: G. C. Hadenl Form IV.: C. C. Beighway. Form nr.: F. W. Smith. v . T F J J- £ Young. Form IV: I- ->■ Jilce ' 111 • M. R. Cuthbert. „ House Picture, presented by Mr. B. Schmidt, to house with most points for work.-Arawa (N. Whitcombe. house captaßest Collection of New Zealand Plants. b Thrfft P ELV A Prfzes -Fonn Via.. Valerie Wyatt- Vlb.. Noel Whitcombe; V a., Blamp'ied; Vb„ Davida Mclvenzie : IV a., Peggy Bartrum; IVb., Mary Head; Mod Jean Reid; Ilia. Nancy Berry Preston Thomas; Vlb , L. A. JacK fon; V. special. L. Miller; Va J L R d. Vb A. J. Morrison; IV a., W. iN. ocot . rVb.. J. W. VVoollacott; IVc., J. A. Freakes; Ula G. E H Lewis; Hlb.. E. M. Blanipied; lIIc., J. P. Hall. SPORTS PRIZES Girls' Drill Shield.—Form Vlb. Girls' Drill Badge.—E. Archibald. Clifton Cup (champion house athletic (m»t P™" '\'« S C«P '.JrMi'ni.tat. <ch«m»o» b *I»SSr A C«P Miniature (swimming champion).—E. Barney. . Williamson Cup and Miniature (senior athletio champion).—J. B. Stevenson. Wilson Cup and Miniature (senior swimming champion).—R- L. Webb. A r„j n i Herbert Smith Cup and Silver Medal KS» d "sa»« 23.1*' '< Mi ° Oh £SW c?i M.M (junior swimming champion).—H. J C ]f e /u • Johnston Shield and Gold Medal (boxing champion).—J. B. Stevenson. Littlejohn Shield (section competition).— A aub-section artillery. . Horrocks Cup and Miniature (half-milo senior handicap).—K. F. Fish. Silver Medal, for senior cross-country >ace.—J. D. Matthews. _ . Miniature Cup (shooting champion).—A. J Morrison. , . , Bronze Medallion, for schools junior high jump.—B. T. Robertson. Aotea Cup. for girls' inter-house teums.— A °Min'iaturo Cups-Girls' senior tennis champion: G. Marks. Girls' junior tennis champion: J. Hignett. Boys senior tennis champion: J- D. Matthew. Boys' junior tennis champion: I. Gray. . Girls' Inter-school Swimming Cup. xjRoiney (swimming captain). Girls' Inter-«chools Sports Cup. A. Lvnch (games captain). _ . Littlejohn Cup and Miniature (champion rjjrls' house).—Arawa. _ Devonport Cim and Miniature (champion bovs' house).—Tokomani. Dux of School. —T. Marsh. \


CEREMONY AT REMUERA THE SUCCESSFUL SCHOLARS ' k The breaking-up ceremony and prizegiving of King's School, which took place at the Kemuera Library yesterday afternoon, drew a large attendance of parents of scholars and other friends of the school. Mr. J. E. Makgill, chairman of the Board of Governors, presided, and the prizes were presented by Archbishop Averill, and the ath-» letic trophies by Mrs. Averill. The chairman expressed the regret with which the board had accepted the resignation of the headmaster, the Rev. J. M. Beaufort, who had done so much good work for the school and had been so helpful to the boys. . In the course of his annual report, Mr. Beaufort said the roll had again increased during the year, and had reached 163, "including 39 boarders, a record for the past nine years. Archbishop Averill said it was the twentieth occasion on which he had been present at the prize-giving of King's College and later of Kings School. He hoped the success of the school in the past would warrant the careful consideration of the need for providing additions and new buildings. He wished Mr. Beaufort every possible success in the school he was starting, because such schools on a religious foundation were of the greatest ini* portance to the welfare of the country. The vote of thanks to Archbishop and Mrs. Averill was proposed by tho Rev. H. K. Arehdall, headmaster of King's College. The prize list is as follows: FORM PRIZES " Form VI.—J. M. C. Fenton, dux of school. 1; A. B. Mackenzie, 2. Form V.-B. P. Bolt,. 1; H. T. Leys, 2. Form IV.—J. E, Towle, 1; W. A. Ewen, 2. , Form lII.—R. P. Towle, 1; K. H. Friedlander, 2. , _ Form lI—O. T. Foster, 1; J. B. GumForm I.—J. do L. Bolt, 1; P. H. Brabant, 2. . . Primers.—Upper division: R. AustinCarr. Lower division: N. H. Brett.

SPECIAL PRIZES Progress Prizes. —Tipper school, W. H. Gould; middle school, J. W. Macky; lower school, P. C. Joyce., Divinity.—Upper school, J. M. C. c entori; middle school, W. A. Ewen; junior school, C. B. Smith. Bayly Prize, for head boy.—G. 11. .bar"c'hapel Reading Prize.-N. J. Fuller. General Knowledge Prize. —V A. Moiey. Mrs. Moren'a Music Prize.—A. B. Mackenz'®* SPORTS TROPHIES Athletica.—School championship an 4 miniature cup for 1933. R. G. 'J ftompson; under 11 cup and miniature cup for 1933, R M. Nelson; under 9 cup, J. B. Gummer; under 7 cup, R. Austin-Carr; high jump cup, G. V. Rickit; senior steeplechase cup, I. M. Fraser; junior steeplechase cup. bronze medal for junior steeplechase, and under 11 gymnasium cup. A. B. Orr. Swimming.—School championship. J. M. C. Fenlon. ... r, * r Tennis.--School championship, E. M. Eliott; under 11 cup, T. W. Smith. Boxins.—Most scientific boxer. bronze medals for welter-weight boxing, 1933. and middle-weight boxing, 1934. I>. K. Abbott. Bronzn medals for winners of titles: Cruiser-weight, R. B. Allan; we.-ter-weight and bronze medal for featherweight bo*ing, 1933. A. G. John#; lightweight, C. S. Davies; bantam-weight, D. W. Fairclough; bantam-weight, 1933, J. J. Shrubsall. Mr. P. 11. Hayward's Bat, for highest individual score of season.—J. F. Bauer. Collins Shield, for tho best House at work.—Marsden House. ' Miniature Cup, for winner 1933 under 9 ctip.—P. R. B. Herman. Bronze Medals for Rnnners-up, 1934. School championship, school championshipgymnasium cup, and nilvcr medal for school championship boxing, G. H. Lamer: under 11 cup, under 11 swimming cup. bronze med»l for runner-up under 11 cup athleticß, 1933. and bronze medal for feather-weight boxing. 1934. B. D. King: under 9 cup. K. H. Friedlander; under 7 cup, M. E. Taylor. Bronze Medal, for winner of steeplechase.—W. M. Clouston. Bronze Medal, for winner of King's School race at King's College sports.—B. A. Johns. Bronze medal for runner-up under 9 cup. 1933. R. P. Towle: bronze medal for winner of junior steeplechase, 1933, W. C. Mountain.. Oljrcnpio Vase, for best Hotiso at athletici.s—Selwya Houee-

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21983, 14 December 1934, Page 18

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SCHOOL YEAR ENDS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21983, 14 December 1934, Page 18

SCHOOL YEAR ENDS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21983, 14 December 1934, Page 18