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WAIPA'S REPRESENTATIVES DEFEAT BY TECHNICAL TEAM ' Rugby football competitions were continued in the various country centres of the Auckland province on Saturday afternoon. The Technical Old Boys' senior team from Auckland went to To Awamutu, where it defeated the Waipa representatives after an interesting game by 10 points to 6. The following accounts of matches were forwarded by correspondents of the Herald: — To Awamutu.—The Waipa seniors had (heir first representative game at Albert Park, To Awamutu, when they met Technical Old Boys'. Auckland, senior fifteen, and after a hard game the visitors won by 10 points to 6. The game was mainly a forward one, with glimpses of back play, in which the visitors were superior. Waipa was first to score, R. Jackson kicking a penalty goal, and there was no further score at half-time. In the second half, Technical secured the ball in its own twentyfive, and Common ran the full length of the field to score an easy try between the posts. Murdoch converted. Later on Turbott made a splendid opening and sent R. Lord over for another try. Murdoch again converted. Just before time in a forward' scramble on the line, R. Wynyard 'dived | over to score, but the kick failed. Mr. R. i Cnllis was referee. In the junior game Rovers beat Te Awamutu by G to 3. and in the third Suburbs beat Tc Awamutu, 15 to 0, and Old Boys, 22, beat Rovers, 0. Taupiri.—Matches in connection with the Taupiri Sub-Union's intor-club competitions were continued Playing against Ngaruawahia at Taupiri. the home team won by I! points to 0. The sides were very evenly matched, there being no points made by either at half-time. In the second half Tapp, the Taupiri halfback, who had played a good game throughout, secured the ball from a scrum near Ngaruawahia s line, cut through, and was unlucky not to He lost possession of the ball, but Welsh touched down to secure the only try of the match. The kick failed. Mr. Cowley controlled the game. At Gordonton the home team defeated Huntly by II points to 3, Gordonton securing three tries, one being converted. In the Orini-Te Hoe mntc.i each side secured three points from penalty kicks. In the schoolboys' games Taupiri beu,; Ngaruawahia by 22 to 0. and Huntly bent Orini by 32 to 0. Hamilton.—Lack of t»am work, made the three games in the senior competition somewhat uninteresting. Horotiu was defeated by 13 points to 3 by Frankton. the leading team in the competition. On many occasions Horotiu dominated play, but lacked the finish to crown its efforts. As fullback for Frankton. Pratt played his usual sound game, and is certainly one of the best men in this position in the competition. Horotiu lost many opportunities by kicking straight into his hands. Ileeps and Snodgrass were prominent throughout th<> game. Horotiu had a good back combination in St. George. Cooper. Whorskey and Haywood. Althouch he made Bomo tactical errors Haywood, who is still a very young player, showed himself to be a promising winger. His handling in difficult positions was outstanding. In the game between Marist and Technical the only score was a try by Friend and converted by Clarkin. Very little attempt was made to feed Allen, the representative winner, and he had few opportunities. In the third game. Old Boys easily defeated Railway, by 33 points to 0. Following are the championship points in the competition:—Frankton. 12: Old Boys. 10; Marist. 8; Technical Old Boys, 4; Horotiu, 2, Railway, 0. First juniors

Frankton, 8, High School, 6; Old Boys. 11, Ramblers, 3; 'Ruakura, 16, Ngahinapouri, 0; Technical Old Boys, 17, Railway, 5; Te Kowhai, 11. Marist, 0. Third Grade: Old Boys, 25, High School. 0; Technical Old Boys B, 3, Frankton, 0; Marist High, 8, Technical School. 0: Technical Old Boys A. fi, Rovers. 3. Fourth grade: Technical Old Boys, 11, Frankton, 8; Old Boys, 15, Marist High, 0. Secondary schools—lntermediate: Technical School B, 11, High School B, 5; High School A, 13, Frankton. 3. Junior: High School B, 3, Technical School B, 0; High School A, 6. Marist High, 3: Technical School A won by default from Technical School C. * Morrinsville.—The only senior game played was between Terriers and United. Terriers' nine points were all made in the first half from (lies by Bangi and Stirling (2). Hewlitt scored for United early in tile second half, making the final points: Terriers, 9; United. 3. Great interest was shown in a junior game between the two leading teams m the competition. Old Boys and Kereonc, With the exception of one match hist season these teams have drawn every came played for the last two seasons. After a fast, oven game Old Boys gained a lastminute victory of 3 points to 0. . From a passing rush, in% which all the Old Bovs' backs handled. Donovan dived over for a beautiful try wide out.' In another iunior game Motumsioho defeated United bv 21 points to 0. Third grade: Terriers, 30: Old Boys. 3

Cambridge,—'Tho -Cambridge Sub-union's club competitions were continued in fine weather, the junior and third grades commencing tlm third and final round. Leamington and Northern seniors staged a closelvcontested. but mediocre, game, the former winning by 3 points, a try by Martin, to 0. The try came from a line-out, Garland handing on to who made a pretty cut-in. to send Martin across unopposed. Hautapu and United staged a vigorous game, with some good back movements, especially on the part of llautanu in the concluding stage, when tho United forwards were beaten. Hautapu won by 9 points (three unconverted tries) to 0. In the first half United had the territorial advantage, but it faded badly. The first try came to Hautapu _ when from a scrum J. Kelly handed to K. Peako and A. Wilson, who was tackletj. but fell across to score. From this on Hautapu repeatedly had possession. Harbutt, N. Holmes and Hollier were se°n in a bright movement, the last-named scoring. Toward the close K. Peak? sent the ball away to A. Wilson, for the winger to race across for his second try. During the game two players, one from each sid<\ were ordered off for exchanging lilowb. Juniors: Northern, 21._ United. 0; Leamington. 20. Maungatautari. 13: Haiunpu, 13, Knraniro. 3. Third grade: Hautapu, 9, Northern. 0: United, 9. Leamington, 6. Senior championship table, with two gnm°s yet to piny: Uautapu. 8; Leamington. 8f Northern. 6: United. G.

Matamata.—Games at Bedford Park drew n good attendance. Hinuera nnd Patetere. the leading tennis, plnyed a drawn frame, the former losing several chancs which-, would have given it victory. All of the points were scored in the first half, Stewart getting a try for PaWero nnd Settle kickintr a penalty goal for Hinuera. In the second half Chase nearly gave Hinuera victory with a dropkick, the hall hitting a post, and Patetere just failed to score on time. In the Mntamata-Wardville game Matamata started off at_ a great pace and W. Carlson scored 11 points, two tries (one converted) and a penalty goal in the first ciuarter of an hour. Wardville gradually improved and scored six points before the interval. In the second half Wnrdville wore the Mntnmata team down and Solomon and Carroll played brilliantly. Matamata made an intensive effort when the score was 14-11 against it nnd Carlson missed a fairly easy penalty. Carroll scored for Wardville iust before time and settled the issue. Wardville's scores were cot. by L. Gill, who converted his own two tries, and Munro, .T. Carroll and W. Carroll, who also got, tries. Senior results were: Patetere, 3. Hinuera. 3: Wardville. 19; Matamata. 11. Juniors: Matamata. G. Waharoa. G; Patetere. 13. Walton, 3: Hinuera. 9. Old Boys. 3. Third grade: Patetere, 17. Waharoa, 0; High School. 29. Hinuera, 8. Te Aroha.—Hot Springs and Waihou met. ■the latter being without the services of J. McGlashan. a very useful threeouarter. Hot Springs attacked and crossed the line, the try being converted. Smart back play by Williams and Mackie made an opening for_ Williams to score and he converted his try. The game ended in a win for Hot Springs by 10 points to 0. Mr. Espiner was referee. Juniors: Mannwaru, 8, Hot Springs, G • Waihou. 15. Klstow, 5. Third grade: Waihou, 30, High School. 0: Manawaru. 11. City, 0. Paeroa.—The Paeroa Rugby Union's club competitions were continued, the principal match being between Higli School Old Boys and United. These two teams were meeting for the third time, and each had previously defeated the other. The result places the United team in such a position that it is now assured of the championship. The game was very fast and keenly contested, the weighty United forwards dominating the play. At times play was very hard and several casualties occurred. Two minutes after opening the United forwards were rewarded for a good concerted action by Hearn forcing his way over in the corner and scoring. Old Boys were kept on the defence, and from a loose rush, in which Glynn and Clark were prominent, the lastnamed scored. Half-time was called with the score: United. G; Old Boys. 0. Maunder's kick from a mark was feeble and the ball was caught by Glyn, who ran round the field and scored. Fulton, Old Boys' fiveeighths, gathered the ball nnd ran through the opposition to score between the posts. He converted his own try. McDonald broke away for United, raced to the fullback, nnd potted a good goal. The game ended: United. 13, Old Boys, 5. Mr. M. Winter was referee. Juniors: Netherton, 14. Old Boys. 0; Hikutaia, 12. West. 0. Third grade: Netherton, 11, Old ; Hoys, 0. Dargaville.—The Northern Wairoa Rugby Union's senior matches resulted : —Southern, 9, Ruawai, 0; Kaihu Valley, 13, Northern. 13: Waima. 11, Dargaville. 0. Juniors: Southern. 8, Dargaville, 5; Tangowahme. 6, Northern Star, G. Third grade: Hich School. 38. Tangowahine, G; Kaihu, 14, Ruawai, G.

Whakatane.—Football competitiOTs were continued under fine wintry conditions. The matches drew large attendances and the standard of football showed *a_ marked lmprovement upon that of previous _ Karnes. With the approach of the Apamn Shield matches, players are extending themselves with a view to catching the selectors eyes. Whakatane Union: Seniors—Paroa. 3. Kuatoki 21; City.,6. Wnimana, 3. Juniors: High School Old Boys. 19. Paroa. G: Poroporo, 9. Waimana. 0; Taneatua, 3, Ruatolu, u Rangitaiki Union: Seniors—Awaken won by default from Edgecumbe; Matatn. 14. Mata hina. G. Juniors: Awakeri, 6, Edgecumbe. 3: Matata, 9. Thornton, G.. Te Puke.—Seniors: Rangiuru, 22, Papamoa. 3; United. 15, Pongakawa. 10 Poncakawa opened the scoring in the first half when McCabe got over, McKenzin converting. United equalised when Farmer made an opening for Lipsey to score. Arthur goaled White next made an opening and Morkel scored well out, McKenzie converting, and at half-time the score was:— Poneokawa. 10. United 5. The entire United back line handled the bull before W. Webber scored wide out Shortly afterwards Shearer ran through the opposition putting United a point in the lead. Farmer clinched the game with a good fieldgoa.. Juniors: United, 3, Papamoa. 0; Rangiuru, 15, Pongakawa, 0. Warkworth.—The Rodney Rugby Union s competitions were continued, kaitoa, 9. beat Pakiri. 3. In this match two strong packs met and a strenuous game resulted. Ihe Kaitoa team, having more finish and a better back combination, was able to attack more vigorously than the opposing side. Puhoi 28, defeated Matoma, 8. and Wellsford proved too strong for Port Albert by 11 noints to 3. Juniors: Kaitou. 10,% l ort Albert. 9: Warkworth. 12, Matoma, (>. Primary schools: Wayby-Wellsford, 1 0; Kourawhero-kaipara Flats, 11, Poit Al-

Bert, 0. Whangaroi.—The principal attraction at Rugby Park was the game between City and Horahora and won by the former by 9 points (tries by Pickering, Buich and Shepherd) to 0. There was a largo attendance and the ground was in fairly good order after the ram of the week The game was a very hard one. both teams possessing good forwards, although the Horahora pack was more weighty, and dominated the sprunis. In] he loose the Cit.v forwards took control, while in the line-outs ther» was very little to choose from, lhe City"backs,- although playing with loss combination ttftin usual, were more finished .in their play, and were undoubtedly superior to their opponents. The. City team won through being able to finish off its opportunities. For City the most prominent backs were Burch. Pickering; Shepherd and Sterling Burch played his finest, game of the season and was the best back on the ground. Of the forwards Dent. McKenzie and Proctor were the most aggressive of a fin* combination. For Horahora. Ford. Davis and Hollows were the best backs, while M. Rika. D. Jones and Mahunga showed up most conspicuously among the forwards. Hikurangi had no difficulty in securing an easy victory over Pipiwai by 27 points to 0. Mnungakaramea defeated Mangnkahia by 1. points to 3. after a well-contested game. The positions of the leading teams in the sen,or championship competition is:—City. 8. Old Roys. 7; Hikurnngi, Horahora, fi; Maungnkn ranien. 5. Juiuprs: High Whakapara. 0; Parimata, 15, Hukeremn. 6: Old Boys, 24, Poroti. 0;; Manaia, 18 Hoiahorn, 3. Third grade: Horahora, .13. Hi h School. 3: Waiotira. .3, Hikurangi. 3 Jhe final of the bantams in the seven-a-side lot primary schools resulted: Convent, G. Hoianora, 3.

Thames. —Tn overcast weather and beforo a fair attendance United defeated Old Boys hy 14 points to 0. Physical Training defeated Hui Mni by '9 points to fi. In tho junior prude Old Boys defeated Hui Mni by 11 points to 9.

Tauranga.—ldenl _ winter weather T> r eMailed for the continuation of the Innranga Rugby Union's Cup coniootitions. In the senior grade Athletics and Te Puna had a close game. Te Puna led at half-time by 8 points to 6, but failed to score in tho second half, while Blow gained- a try for Athletics. The latter thus won by 9 to 8. The other senior eamo, between Rancataua and Cadets Old Boys, was won by Kangataua hv 10 to 0. Matakawa seniors had a bye. juniors: Cadets Old Boys, 15. Matakawa. 5; Athletics, 9 ( Rangataua, 0; Country, a bye.

Whitianga.—Mercury Ray Rugby Union s results:—Kuaotunu, 22, United, 3. Te Kuiti.— Maniopoto, 6, Kawhia 3; United Junior, 6, T© Kuiti. 3; Waitete, 4, Mangaotaki, 0; Pio Pio, 14, Hangauki, 5.

Pukekohe-Franklin.—Seniors: Te Kohanga beat White Star 011 No. 1 ground at Bledisloe Park, Pukekohe, by 6 points to 0. There was practically nothing to choose between tho two teams. Half-tinio camo with no score. A pood passing movement ended with a try by Carmody. at wing-three-quarter for Whito Star. Hjrainoa registered a penalty goal for To Kohanga from m front of the posts. A nice passing move inent, ending in a try on tho wing by. Karaka, gave To Kohanga the match. On No, 2 ground, Onewhero, 3, drew wi4h Patumahoe, 3. At Tuakau, Tuakau, 9, bent Bombay, (j. Juniors: White Star, 5, Old Boys, 5; Patilmahoe, 11. Ramblers, 0: Bombay. '2O, Te Kohanga, 3. Third grade: Bombay. 23, Pukekohe, 0: Patumahoc, 11, Bombay Kast, 3. Secondary schools: Seniors —Pukekohe Technical High School, 6, St. Stephens, 0. Juniors—High School, 0, St. Stephen s, 3. Waluku.—The senior game played under the Waiuku Rugby Union provided 'the best football seen at Waiuku this beason. when City and Otnua drew, 0-nll. R. Jackson, the South Atickla-nd representative winger, made his first appearance this season and scored both City's tries in fine style. Minhinnick, for City, played a dashing forward game, while Moyle and Masscy were tho best Otana backs. Otaua had a three-point advantage at high-time through a penalty by Movie. Shortly after the spell, McCall scored for Otaua. The last quarter showed bright football. Jackson beat an opponent for the ball and, running strongly from half-way, scored a good try. Qhe last few moments saw the best movement ot the game. Hair sent his backs away for Dunlop to make the opening and send Jackson on a 40-yards run to score another fine try. With a conversion needed to win the game, Jackson just failed to clear the bar. Junior results:—Aka Aka, 11, Glenbrook, 6; City, IG, Waipipi, 0.

Walkare.—Games under the Wnik.a'rc Union were continued. Results: —Wniterinm. 0, Wnerenga, II; Rnngiriri, 13, Ohinewai, 8. Waiterinm lend in the competition, having won all five games.

Mangatawhlrl.—The Mangatawhiri Union s competitions arc now nearing completion. In the seniors, L'okeno seems to hold an unassailable position, with Valley runnings next, Pokeno has one match to play ancl Valley lias two, yet, even should Pokeno lose this match, and Valley win its two, a draw would result. Results: —Pokeno, 31, Maramarua, 0; Mangatangi, 11, Mercer, «3. Juniors: Mercer, 17, Pokeno, 3.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21823, 11 June 1934, Page 13

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CONTESTS IN COUNTRY New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21823, 11 June 1934, Page 13

CONTESTS IN COUNTRY New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21823, 11 June 1934, Page 13