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UNIVERSITY'S HIGH SCORING PONSONBY TEAM DEFEATED The ]9."34 Rugby season ivns opened in Auckland on Saturday afternoon, when the weather was overcast but line and the grounds were in splendid order for |>lay. There was a large attendance at Eden Park, where two matches wore played on No. 1 ground. ]n the curtain-raiser College Rifles defeated Ponsonhy by the margin of a dropped goal in/the last minute of play. University had a regular field day at the expense of Marist, the winning fifteen displaying evidence of careful preparation with resultant first-class understanding and combination. Playing at the Show Grounds Graftou proved a little too solid all round for Technical Old Boys, scoring two tries and a penalty goal to a penalty goal! Manukau defeated Otahuhu on the latter's home ground at Sturges Park by a margin of five points after an interesting contest. Grammar Old Boys had a bye. Following are the results of the matches: — "University, 40; Marist, 6. College .Rifles, 12; Ponsonby, S. Manukau, 13; Otahuhu, S. Grafton, 9; Technical, 3. MARIST'OVERWHELMED UNIVERSITY BACKS IX FORM University opened the season in convincing fashion l>y inflicting a crushing defeat on Marist, one of the teams with which it shared the championship last year, by 40 points to G. A game so one-sided could scarcely be called' interesting, but the University backs showed speed and cleverness which augur well for future displays. Points which impressed about the game were the continued brilliance of the University thre,*-quarter line, members of which scored seven of the side's ten tries, W. Hadley's machine-like hooking for Marist, and the apparent lack of fitness of the losing team. In the first ten minutes University was all over its opponents, dominating scrums and line-outs and scoring two tries, chiefly as a result of intensive backing up by the inside backs. Mulvihill and Caughey scored the two opening tries through being handy when their wingers had been temporarily checked. Shortly afterwards Hadley struck his hookI ing form and from then on Marist held / at 'least a two-to-one advantage in the set scrums, so much so that toward the end of the first spell the team took scrums instead of line-outs when it had the option. But it was of no. avail. The inside backs were hopelessly outclassed, and with University keeping relentlessly on the ball the Marist dofence was cut to ribbons. Three more trids were added by University before the spell ended, two of them as the result of combined back movements. One was brilliantly executed. Mulvihill crosskicked accurately in a passir.g rush and Lewis took the ball on the bounce to pass infield to Caughey, who scored. The second half -ivas just a repetition - of the first, the University ba-:ks showing fine 'understanding, although the five tries which were added were more the result of individual effort. The loss of Milliken does not look like inconveniencing University. for Lewis, who has replaced him, played brilliantly on Saturday. He is uncemmonly fast, swerves well and has an excellent sense of anticipation. Caughey played an admirably constructive game at centre, and Kedgley. on the other wing, was well up to last season's form. The forwards. • by a lighter pack in the set scrums, played well together, with Drake, Colgan, Peacock and Thomas outstanding. The last-named followed up brilliantly. In spite of their lack of weight, the Marist forwards/ may develop into a good combination. Hadley and Fleming were prominent on Saturday. However, the backs let them down both on defence and attack. Turner gave shocking service from (he base of the scrum and Cooney and Muller were sn unhappy combination at five-eighths. the Wanganui representative fullback. made a poor showing, even although he was/called on to do more work than any normal fullback could be expected to cope with. K. Smith showed flashes of speed on the wing and scored one of his side's tries after a blind-side dash, with the University defence out of position. The other try was scored by Toye from a forward scramble on the line. There wore frequent stoppages for injuries to Mnrist players, and Tjoombe and Fleming retired hurt, being replaced by Bell-Booth and ToJ-e respectively. | At half-time , University led 19—3, and I the final score'was University. 40: Marist. : G. For University tries were scored by Lewis (4), Caughey (2). Mulvihill, Keds- ! ley. Green and Sherwood. Bush converted ; five. For Marist unconverted tries were i scored by Smith and Toys. Mr. C. F. Paull was referee. SENSATIONAL FINISH COLLEGE MULES' VICTORY A sensational finish in which a field eoiil ! 'by Wales a minute before time enabled j , College Rifles to defeat Ponsonby. one of ; , Inst year's three bracketed winners, for the j first time in piany years more than com- I pensated for the dreariness of the first half j of the curtain-raiser at Eden Park. It was | a well-deserved and popular win which | gave an indication that College Rifles will be a team to be reckoned with this season. The final score was:—College Rifles, 12; Ponsonby, P. In the first half Ponsonby was un- j doubtedly superior and at half-time was | leading by eight points to nil. College > Rifles was not outclassed, however, and j several times went close to scoring. Play was dull was the most part, any opportunities the backs were given being spoiled by faulty handling.

About half-way through the second spell j the College Rifles rearguard began throwing the ball about with fine zest and the Ponsonby players were hard put to it to keep them at bay. Almost at tlie call of time the scores were even and College Rifles was hard on the attack. Wales gained possession a fair distance back in front of. his ppponents' goal and. pausing an instant to sum up the position, dropkicked a goal which gave his side the victory.

Thft winning team deserves the highest praise for its performance. Kirk, at fullback. exploited lor.g-rnnge kicks with considerable effect, Vear, wing-threequarter, and Wales, centre, being the most promin-

ent, of the other backs. All the forwards worked with a will. Stone. E. Batty. Stewart and Ross being always in the thick of Play. In the Ponsonby team Solomon stood head and shoulders above his ' team-mates, and it was to his leadership that their eight-point lead in the first half was due. Bond was another forward who was freyently in the picture. As a combination the backs were unimpressive, although Carter showed bursts of speed on the v.-ing. The place-kicking of Pearrnan. fullback, was

commendable. For College Rifles Frankham scored a

J try. which was converted by "Wales, who 1 also sained points with a penalty goal and » drop-kick. ; Ponsonby's two tries were 'cored' by 'Richardson, being converted by Pearman, and Solomon. Mr. C. W. Henderson was referee.

SUPERIOR TEAM WORK MANUKAU BEATS OTAHUHU Manukau earned its victory over Otaluibu by superior team work. Forwards end backs worked well together, the half linking both units efficiently and completing the combination. Otahuiiu suffered in comparison, its weakness being behind the scrum. Solomon, a colt, was not a success as scrum-half. He was slow in sending out the ball and had a tendency to dive through the ruck. The five-eighths received few opportunities, and the backs rarely had «n opening made for them. From the outset the Manußau forwards dominated the scrums and line-outs, and Pepper and Pearce were prominent throughout. They headed many raids with fast breaking. The Otahuhu pack took longer to settle, and it was after the interval ere they challenged the opposition successfully. Williams and Peterson were ever in the thick of loose scrummaging, and Jones and •Jury led j repeated . attacks. For a time Manukau's ilefence was hard-pressed. but a preat rally by its forwards transformed the came.

Played soundly at fullback. -Hts kicking was particularly good, and llis conversion of.the last try was a splendid

effort. The three<[uarters responded well

many openings nude by the two nimble fiveeighths, Berridge and Brimble. The key to their success wan the outstanding work of Hadfield behind I;he scrum. Ho set his line in action with well-timed passes. Individually, the Otahuhu back division was good. but there '.vas no combination in the work. White, at fullback, defended well. Gladding was tiao most prominent back, his opportunism being marked in a great burst in the first spell which resulted in a scoie.

Pearson, advanced from centre to fiveeighths. did not seem comfortable, although on occasions he shewed fine penetration. Hedge, a colt from third intermediates, gave a spirited display. He fearlessly went down at the feel; of the opposing forwards and shone also in offensive tactics. The score, at half-time was five points each. The final score wasManukau, 13: Otahuhu, 8. Brimble and Berridge scored tries for Manukau, Heaz.lewood converting one and kicking a penalty goal. For Otahuhu Lazarus jieored a try which White converted. The last-named also kicked a penalty goal. Mr. J. Malcolm was referee.

VICTORY FOR GRAFTON WEIGHT AN ADVANTAGE Exceptionally good form for first of the season football was displayed by both teams in an interesting match between Grafton and Technical. Old Boys at the Show Grounds. Penalties, however, were frequent, but place-kicking for the most part was disappointing:. Technical missed several opportunities to score in this manner. Grafton's superior weight early gave the side an advantage, and the forwards, with McLean, Finlayson and Fraser prominent, were impressive, and kept the play well in the Technical territory during the first half. Spirited attacks by the Technical backs, with Murdoch and Turbott figuring largely, brought the play into Grafton's half occasionally, but Paton, the Grafton full-back, played a sound defensive game. The Grafton forwards, led by Smith, pressed Technical hard, and from a line-out the ball went to Stuurt, who cross-kicked to Burton, the last-named scoring well out. Paton failed to convert, and at half-time the score remained 3—o in Grafton's favour.

At the beginning of the second half Technical attacked vigorously until McLean took possession of the ball and passed to Curry, who made a brilliant run, evading his opposing w;ng, to scoro a good try which Paton again failed to convert. At this stage Stuart received an injury to the knee-cap and was replaced by Eayncr. Technical continued to attack strongly, with Keane and McK»inzis*sl'owing lip well in the pack, and Grafton was kept on the defensive. A penalty awarded Technical outside the Grafton twenty-five was taken by Lord, who with a fine kick brought the score up to 6—3. For the remainder of the game Grafton had the advantage, but the Technical defence was sound. A penalty awarded Grafton was taken by Paton, whose kick hit tho bar and bounced over, making the finr.l ecore:—Grafton, 9; Technical Old Boys. 3. Mr. J. G. C. Wales was referee.


Senior Gradit B.—Manukau, 15, beat Eastern Suburbs, J!; North Shore, 20. Grammar,

CONTESTS IN COUNTRY PAEROA'S NEW GRANDSTAND OFFICIAL OPENING BY MAYOR Rugby competitions were continued in the various country centres on Saturday, and in some instances the first series of matches was decided. The official opening of the Paeroa Union's season was held under most favourable conditions, and the new grandstand erected in the Domain was officially opened at the same time. The Rugby Union made a gala day of the occasion and the Hauraki Regimental Band paraded and rendered several items. The Mayor, Mr. TV. Marshall, officially opened the new grandstand and explained that the building had been erected by the. Domain Board at a cost of £BSO, and 'further money had been sper.t in fencing and improving the playing fields. The building contains four dressing rooms, fitted with showers and training facilities and atso an office and refreshment room. The stund has seating accommodation for 300 people. The following accounts of matches played in the different districts were forwarded by correspondents of the Herald:— Paeroa.—Seniors: Old Boys. 11, beat L'nited. 9, after an interesting game. Old Boys were G to 0 at half-time. On resuming United turned the tables and led by 9 to fi to the last minute, when Pievott, for Old -Boys, made .» clever opening which resulted in Fulton scoring t.nd converting. Mr. M. Winter was referee. West defeated Karaangahake. Junior grade: Netherton. 9. v. Old Boys. 3;; Hikutuia, 15. v. West. 3. Tauranga;—The Tauranga Rugby Union's competitions were continued in fine weather. In the senior grade, for the Jordan Cup, Te Puna defeated Athletics by 11 points to 0. In the first half the forwards dominated the gome and kept play tight, with the result that there was no scoro at til* interval. Well on in the second spell Grey beat several opponents and scored. G. Ormsby converting. "From ft forward rush P. Bidois secured and sent to M. Tangitu. who touched dcwß. Just on time J. Bidois scored. Rangataua defeated Cadets Old Boys by 1G to 9. Matakana had a bye. Junior grade: Matakana. 34. v. Athletics, 3; Cadets Old Boys. 32, v.. Te Puna, 0; Country, a bye. DargavilSe.—The .'Northern Wairoa Rugby season opened in fine weather with the grounds in good order. Seniors: Dargaville, £, v. Ruawni, 0; Kaihu, 13. v. Waiina, 8; Southern, 6, v. Northern Star, 3. Juniors; Northern Star, 9, v. Dargaville, 3; Waima, 11, v. Kaihu, 0. Morrinsvllle.—Seniors: Terriers. 24. v. United, 3; Kereone, 23. v. Eastern Combined. 5. Juniors: Kereone, IS. v. Motumaoho. Eastern Combined, 25. v. Terriers. 0. Third grade: High School won by default from Kereone.

Te Awamutu. —The Waipa Rugby Union's championship competitions were continued in fine wea.ther. 'J'he principal games were the senior grade contests, Te Awamutu v. •Hovers, and Suburbs v. Waikcria! Te Awamutu beat Hovers by 14 points to 9 after a very exciting contest, and Suburbs beat Waikeria by 13 points to <>. In the junior grade Kovers beat Suburbs by 9 points to 0, and Te Awamutu drew with Xgutunni, 3 points each. In the third grade Old Boys defeated Te Awamutu bj 8 points to 3. and High School (at I'irongia) defeated Suburbs by JG points to 6. Matamata.—The Rugby season opened in perfect, weather. As an innovation the Concrete Cup knock-out competition was staked, but no surprise victories were recorded. The standard a: play augured well for the season. Both senior games were played at Bedford Park and on N"o. 1 ground Matamata Sained a somewhat fortunate victory over Wardville. Poor place-kicking robbed Wardvile of victory. For Matamata Fitzgerald and Sweetman scored tries, Carlson converting the first. Carlson also kicked two v penalty goals. For Wardville Litchwork and Saxon scored tries and Carroll kicked a penalty goal. Patetere beat Hinuera toward the close of thi> game on No. 2 ground after an exciting exhibition, R. Settle kicked a penft'ty goul .or llinuern early in the second , ' i l , ll ''he lost few minutes G. Brown unci L. tell scored tries for Patetere. seniors (Concrete Cup): Matamata, 14, v. wardville. 9 ; I'atetere, 6. v. Hinuera, 3. Juniors: Oh. Boys. 9, v . Walton, 0; Patew'i v ll'nui>ra, 3; Matamata, 3, v. Wardville, 3. Jhird grade: High School. 18, y-'i'haroa defaulted to Walton- Matamata defaulted to Hinuera.

Taupiri,- Ihe laupiri Rugbv Union opened it. football season. At Taupiri the home team was defeated by Huntlv bv 13 secured 0 !L " h " ,f Harrif kntly, iti °" ly try 1 BComJ - In the second ' ell Ihomiis scored for Huntly. Wilcox lmp Ve , r H' B wT l,Cn Kalph Croßßed Taupirf's line and Wilcox converted. Near the end of the „nine Miller secured Taupiri's only try and converted it himself. Mr. C. Davies controlled the game. Gordonton defeated Te -ttoe by 16 points to 9.

Opotiki.—Delightful weather favoured the commencement of the Rugby football season ill there being a good gathering of spectators. Juniors: High School, 13 v Country, (I. Seniors: City, 18. v. O.M P ' n". Old Boys, 6, v. Country, 3.

Rotorua,—The main attraction at Arawa I ark was a mated between the Wairiki and Kahukura senior teams. Play wast fast and open, both teams playing excellently to the finish. Wuuiki won by 5 points. There was a good attendance of spectators and the weather was fine. Seniors: Wairiki. 12. v. Kahukura, 7: Waikite, 30. v. Uluhina, 3 Juniors: Uluhina, 12, v. Old Boys, 3 : Kai'kite, 11, v. Kahukura. 3; High School, 9. v. Ngongotaha, 0; Okere, 5, v Manukau, 0. Whakatiine.—Football competitions were commenced in the district in perfect weather t.nd all the teams were well supported by big attendances of spectators at the various matches. In the senior grad.e Paeroa defeated City by 11 point* to 10, scoring just before time. City needed the major points for a win and, although right in front of the posts, the kick went, wide and the whistle blew for time. Malatn, 32, easily defeated Awakeri, 3. Juniors: High School Old Boys, 9, v. Paeroa, 8; Awakeji drew with Thornton. v

~T_ « Uk^~' United. 14, v. Papa®oa, 0; Rangiuru, 15, v. Pongakawa, 0seniors: Pongakawa, 12, v. United, 12; •Kangiuru, 25, v. Papamoa, 13.

Thames.—Seniors: Hui Mai, 27, v. Okl Boys, 3. Tries were scored by Savage (2), Hudson, Watene. C. Robson and S. Kangi, Savage converting three and kicking a penalty goal. Barburlich scored for Old Boj's. United defeated Physical Training by 20 points to 0. Juniors: High School. 33, v. Physical Training, G; Old Boys, 8, v. Hui Mai, 5. Cambridgo.—The Cambridge Rugby club competitions were continued in fine weather. At Victoria Square Hautapu seniors defeated Northern by 11 points to 5, ,in a willing, bui by no means, good exhibition. For the winners tries were scored by J. Walt, A. Wilson and Yates, N. Holmes converting one. K. Rei<] scored a try for Northern and converted. A hard-fought and interesting senior same was witnessed at Leamington between Leamington and United, the former winning by 12 points to 3. For the winners Shaw. Pcake and Martin scored tries and Cooper kicked a penalty goal. Wylde scored ail unconverted try for United. Juniors: Leamington, 12, v. Maungatautare, 0; Hautapu, 12. v. I\arapiro, 0; Northern, 23, v. United, 3. Third grade: United, 16, v. Northern, 8; Leamington, 6, v. Hautapu, 0. Warkworth.—-The ißodney Rugby Union opened its senior championship competition for the Black and White Caps and the Govan Wilson Cup, and the junior championship competition for the MacEwan Cup. Fine weather conditions prevailed and the grounds were in good order. Seniors: Warkworth defaulted to Kaitoa; Wellsford, 19, v. Alatoma, 6; Punoi, 19, v. Pakiri, 3. Juniors: Port Albert defaulted to Kaitoa; Warkworth, 13, v, Matoma, C. Tuakau.—A practice match between the Franklin and Pukekohe teams at Tuakau resulted in a win for Franklin by 6 points to 5. Moffit scored and McAlpine converted for Pukekohe.

Waiuku.—The Waiuku Rugby Union held a gala day to mark the opening of the new season and also the opening of the new itugby Park. The grounds were declared open by Mr. J. McGuire, chairman of the Waiuku Town Board, before a good attendance. The principal attraction was a football match between North and South, Waipipi and City being tho north clubs and Otaua and Aka Aka the south clubs. North won the match by 11 points to 0, play being kee.n and showing good promise for the season. A relay championship for teams of four was won by City Club, whose team comprised Jackson, Townsend, Dunlop and Grahamc. A running championship, taken over the length of the field, was won by Jackson (City), with Maxwell (Aka Aka) and Murray (Waipipi) second and third. A junior match was won by South, which defeated North by 3 points to 0. Waikaro.—Play in the reformed Waikare Union's competitions was commenced, two senior games being played. The results were:—Ohinewai, 11, v. Woodleigh, 6; Waiierimu, IG, v. Waerenga, 3. The latter game was a very good one, the score being at H-all at halfrtime Waiterimu, however, gained a further 13 points in the next half.

Mangatawhfri.—The second round was played in the Mangatawhiri Union's senior competition and the junior competition was commenced. Seniors: Pokcno. 11, v. Mangatangi, 0. (B. O'Leary scored two tries for Poneno, J. Mcßobbie one and Dean converted one): Valley. 9, v. Mercer, 3. (R. McKenzie and G. Piastre scored tries for Valley). Juniors- Mercer, IG, v. Pokeno, 3; Maramarua, a bye.



Masterlon.—The Wairarapa Hugby Union's matches resulted:—Carterton. 11, v. Dalefield, 6; Greytown, -7, v. Feathcrston, 0: Martinborough, (i, v. Gladstone, G; Old Boys, 3. v. Stars, 3. Now Plymouth.—The Taranaki Rugby Union's senior competition games resulted as follows:—lnglewood, 9, v. Kaponga, 3; Hawera, 25," v. Stratford United Old Boys, IB; Tukapa, 34, v. Opunake, G; Patea, 9, v. Llthnm, fi; Okniawa, 9, v. Empire Old Boys, 0; New Plymouth Old Boys, 14, v. Star, 11; Clifton, 12, v. Stratford, 8. Wellington.—First division : Marist, 22. v. College Old Boys. 11; Poneke, 11, v. Wellington,' G; Petone, 14, v. Athletic, 12; Butt, 14, y. E.\, 9. Second division; Unirick's Old Boys, 20, v. Qnslow, 3; Oriental, 14, v. .Tohnsonville, 3; Berbnmpore. 11. v. Mirnmar, 11. Christchurch. —Rugby matches were played in dull weather, with the grounds in good order. Results:—Christchurch. 15. v. Sydenham. 13; Old Boys, 13, v. Albion, 6; University. 24. v. Morivale. 0; Linwood, 11, v. Athletic, 10. Dunedin University A. 11, v. Pirates, 0; Southern. 10. v. Kaikorai. 3; Alhnmbra, 3, v. Dunedin. 0; Zingari. 15. v. Taieri, G; University B, 9, v. Union, 8.

FOOTBALL IN BRITAIN MATCHES ON SATURDAY SOCCER, LEAGUE AND RUGBY (Received April 29, 5.5 p^m.) LONDON, April 28 Following are the results of Association football matches played in Great Britain to-day:— ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division.—Aston Villa, 4, West Bromwich Albion, 4; Chelsea, 2, Arsenal, 2: Huddersfield Town, 5, Blackburn Rovers, 3; Leicester C'ity, 3, Birmingham, 7; Sheffield United. 2, Derby County. 0; Stoke City, 2. Newcastle United, 1; Sunderland, 3. Everton, 2: Tottenham Hotspur, 4, Sheffield Wednesday, 3; "Wolverhampton Wanderers, 2, Leeds United. 0. Second Division.—Bolton Wanderers, 5, Millwall, 0; Bradford, 3, Southampton, 1; Brentford, 5, Lincoln City, 0; Burnley, 1, Bury. 2; Grimsby Town, 7, Blackpool, 0; Manchester United, 1, Swansea. Town, 1; Nottingham Forest, 1, Bradford City, 2; Oldham Athletic, 7, Hull City, 0; Plymouth Argyle. 1, Notts County, 0: Preston North End, 2, Fulham, 0; West Ham United, 1, Fort Vale, 0. Third Division.—Southern section: Bournemouth, 1, Aldershct, 2; Bristol Rovers, 2. Newport County, 0; Cardiff City, 0. Luton Town, 4; Chrrlton Athletic, 4, Brighton and Hove Albion, 3; Coventry City, 9, Bristol City, 0; Crystal Palace, 4, (Jueen's Park Rangers, 1; Exeter City, 0, Northampton Town, 2; Gillinsham, 3, Torquay United, 3: Reading, 4. Clapton Orient, 0; Southend United. 0. Norwich City, 0; Watford, 4. Swindon Town, 0. Third Division.—Northern section: Accrington Stanley, 0, Barrow, 4; Barnsley, 5, Crewe Alexandra, 2; Chesterfield, 4, Carlisle United, 0; Darlington, 0, Chester, 4; Gateshead. 2. Doncnster Rovers, 4; Hartlepools United, 4, Rotherham United, 0; Mansfield Town, 5, New Brighton, 2; Rochdale, 1, Stockport County, 1; Tranmere Rovers. 3. Halifax Town, 2; Wrexham, 4, Walsall, 2. SCOTTISH LEAGUE

First Division.—Aberdeen, 2, Queen's Park, 2; Airdriconians, 1, Ayr United, 1; Clyde, 3, Queen, of the South, 1; Dundee, 1. Hibernians, 0: Falkirk, 2, Kilmarnock, 2; Heart of Midlothian, 2, St. Johnstone, 1; Rangers, 4, Hamilton Acfftlemicals, 2; St. Mirren. 1, Celtic, 2; Third Lanark, 3, Partick Thistle. 1. Second Division.—Dundee United, 2, Albion, 3.

RUGBY LEAGUE FINAL , CHAMPIONSHIP TO WIG AN (Received April 29, 5.5 p.m.) LONDON, April 28 Tn the Rushy League championship final played at Warrington to-day Wigan defeated Salford by 15 points to 3. Other gameß resulted:—Huddersfield, IS, Hull Kingston Rovers, 0; Hull, 33, Wakefield, 0. „ SOCCER CHAMPIONSHIP ARSENAL WINS FIRST DIVISION (Received April 29, 5.5 p.m.) LONDON, April 28 With the completion of the first division matches in the -English Soccer League today, Arsenal proved the winning club with 57 points, while Huddersfield was next with 54. Newcastle and Sheffield United with 34 and 31 points respectively will be relegated to the second division.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21787, 30 April 1934, Page 13

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RUGBY FOOTBALL New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21787, 30 April 1934, Page 13

RUGBY FOOTBALL New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21787, 30 April 1934, Page 13