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keen contest expected

review of the fields

The Tc Arohn Jockey's annual meeting will be opener! today, when the chief races will be the Herries Memorial Cup unci the Waihcni Handicap. The win and place system frf betting will be in operalion and (lie good fields engaged should ensure a successful clay's racing. Following are details of the fields, with it review of .the prospects in each race iby ".Archer";—

i 11.50—RUAKAKA HURDLES, Of i' 150; about 1J miles st. lb. Bt lh Lucess . . /10 9 C.xrgen ... 0 0 C'machan . . to 9 Foxhound ..90 Standfast . .10 G Unoco ... 9 O Arcade . . .10 4 7,nne Grey ' 9 o Imp. Prince .10 1 Free Air ..90 Emancipstion 9 4 V'ee TVinco 9 O /. Principal ..02 The Hiker . '. 9 0 Ruby Dawn . 9.2 Bracket: Imperial Prince and Principal. Lucess has not. Taced for some months snd ra.-jy feel , the lack of racing, while Cruachan's latent efforts have bce'i confined to flat racing. / Both should porsess good chances if lit and .so should Standfast, who may have tome on since he ran unplaced •t Mf>taninl.>' a few weeks ago. Arcade should be dnngcrous if he races generously, but he is Unreliable, and better prospects rosy he the bracketed pair. Imperial Prince md Principal. Imperial Prince notched a win and a third at. Ellerslie and should be suited by the distance, w'.iile Principal was second in the same race last year and /may be a better horse now. Emancipation is an improver whose latest form has been very consistenty and the best of the others may. be Wee Prince, who has been working well, and Foxhound. The favouvites may be / . IMPERIAL PRINCE-PRINCIPAL BRACKET. EMANCIPATION. CR'UAGHAN. 12.35 —WAITOA HANDICAP, Pf £125 and»sweepstake of £3 each; K fur. st. lb. st. lb. Arawa Rose .90 St. Musk . . 7 10 Ruri .... 8 2 Substation . 7 10 .. Diversion . u 8 2 Sandy Dix . 710 Mahkill . ./. S 2 Trnlee • . • 710 Miss Lulu ..82 Tatyoon . . 7 10 Arawa Rose was unlucky at Takapuna. " and. although she is making good allowances to the others, should r.un prominently. Rtiri is a promising galloper with two seconds to his while Diversion. Mahkill and Miss Lulu have also shown a little form. Mfthkill finished second in the race last year and would no doubt have been out of the novice class before this only for the fact that she has been difficult to train. Tatyoon has had very little racing, but he is a smart galloper who has been working very well, and;' if he runs up to track form, what beats him should win. Sub-station has race and may be the likeliest of the others. Horsc3 who may find favour are

. T^ATYOON. DIVERSION. ARAWA ROSE. I.2O—JUVENILE HANDICAP, Of £1"5; two-year-olds; 5 fur. st. lb. st. lb. fmpasto . .98 Gold Pocket .72 Gay Sheila . 810 D'Artagnan 7 0 Deputy Ruler 8 3 Wabine Reihi 7 0 King Mestor . 8 3 Queen Nona . 7 0 Arise ... 7 8 Trickling Water .7 0 Glenromney . 7 8 liupasto is a good colt whose form has been superior to..that of the others and he can be relied upon for a good showing in spite of his big weight. Gay Shiela and Xing Mestor ran a head-heat at their last j-i start and meet again 011 the same terms, while Deputy Ruler, who was a neck behind them, comes in 3lb. better. The trio should " all b-ive good chances, and there are also possibilities about Arise. Glenromney. Gold Pocket and" D'Artagnan. The popular fancies may be IMPASTO. DEPUTY RULER. : KING MESTOR. 2.S—HERRIE3 MEMORIAL CUP, Of £3OO, inc. Gold Cup valued £SO; 1 mile 3 fur. ft st. lb. st. lb. Siintly Sky . 8 5 Gay Tdea . •. 7 5 Atholspear ..83 Gibraltar ..75 Inflation . . 713 Alloy ... 7 5 King's Kna,ve 7 5 Trishna . . . 7 3 Eager Rose / . 7 5 Grand Talk . 7 0 £ . Sunny Sky has teen working very well, end, as the, was second with 8.3 in the Handicap at the summer carnival at Ellerslie, she should be very danger- ! ens here. At tlie weights she should account i for Atholspear, who is more solid than [ and the only doubt where he is concerned is whether he will stay. One of his age. Peter Jackson, won with 8.3 last year, and Inflation's prospects should be very ropy if he can get, the journey. King's Knave makes a very strong appeal after his food efforts lately, and all the other l.ghtwcights have raced well, enough recently to receive some consideration. Horses likely to find ' favour are . KING'S KNAVE, SUNNY SKY. INFLATION.

I.SS—SHAFTESBURY HACK HANDICAP, Of £l5O and sweepstake of £5 each; G fur. st. lb. »t. lb. Wood/ull / . . 9 5 Holly La . . 7 12 Bambury ..92 Blanford ... 712 VaJpai ... 8 9 Miss .Lorraine 7 6 Sea Ruler ..85 Instalment . . 7 6 Prolyxo ... 8 5 'I in Lap . ..7 Moonfleet . . 8 4 Chief Lap . . 7 " Limex . I .8 .3 Kanapa . . 7 0 Pelting . . . 7 13 Isorval Tea . 7 0 Princess Star 7 12 Sinking Fund 7 0 Ida Merling . 7 12 Sir Musk ..70 Wocidfull. Bambury nnrl Valpai are good lif\»'kß who should run solid races, but ftt the difference ill weights they liinv find it difficult to beat Prolyxo. Moonfleet and Limex, horses who have all shown form lately. Sea filler would have an undeniable chance if as well as in the sprint, but lie has not had a run for some time. Ida Merling is an improving fill.v from a good stable. Holly Lu. Instalment. Blanford and Miss Lorraine are others who should add interest to the contest, and Chief Lap. who has won at his only stf/'t. is Another \v o mav have to be reeVnn?d v 1. Sinking Fund will not start. Good support may be given to MOONFLEET. HOLLY LIT. CHIEF LAP.

3.(III'—WAIHOU HANDICAP, Of i 225; 6 fur. st. lb. si, 'b. PieaneUi . . 9 !) Clay Lan . . 7 6 Chief Cook . S 1 Greek, Gold . 7 b Valroe ... 713 Marechal ..70 Exaggeration .-7 13 Bambury . . 7 0 Lord Val .78 Hampton Park 7 0 Bracket: Exaggeration and ft reek Gold. The latest, form of Paganplli lias been pood and be should show up in spite of his big weight. / Chief Cook has won three of hig last four star's, and, although he will meet stronger opposition here, will have to be treated with respect. Valroe has not raced for some time, but Exasperation; who is also in the Inst race, and Greek Gold i comprise a good bracket, both liav-ig food chances. Lord Val, Gay Lap and baniburv should .".11 bo equal to r*K*d efforts. and Hampton Park and Marechal may also go well. Popular selections may include CHIEF COOK. I.OPiD VAL, EXAGGERATION - GREEK GOLD BRACKET. 4.2S—CHAMPION HACK HANDICAP, Of £200; 1} miles St. lb. si. lb. Thespis ..92 Don't Lap ..72 Knight P 10 Desert Mar . < *■ Lady Lulu ..80 Muster Norval 7 1 Bugle Call . 712 Kalnuik ... 7 1 Mungatoon . 712 ('hang . . . 7 J Ornamental . 7 '1 Wilton ~.70 March Alone . 7 4 Tlie topweights, Thespis and Knight of Australia, are good hacks an l at the weights they nt;;v be preferred to Lady Lu. pit liouib the last-named is very fit. after her recent racing L'u.ile Call, Mungatoon and Ornajnental arc imp-overs who must Si lie Merited with respect, more especially as .1 hey i;!l stjy on and should not be troubled by the distance. There are several If- other possibilities and the best these may be March Alone, Don't Lap. Kalnuik ' »nd Wilton. Horses likely to be solidly s|| ■upported ure BUGLE CALL. . MUNGATOON. THESPIS.

S.IO—HOT SPRINGS HANDICAP, Of £175;. 1 mile st. Jl>. si. lb. Paganelli . .10 4 Thospis ... 7 5 Exaggeration . 8 4 Baroscope ..71 Habit ... 8 1 Grand Tea ..71 Alloy . . . 713 Lacly's Boy . 7 0 Chief Joy . . 712 Lmiex ... 7 0 Whakapara ~ 7 I'2 Lucy Rose .- . 7-0-If reserved. Paganelli should not be out of it. but a better prospect may be Exaggeration, whose latest work suggests that, thin will be her mission. Habit. Alloy. Chief Jov arrl Whakapara should all run a solid niilo. Thespis-would have to be considered if started;, while Baroscope should be as likely as any of the others. The favourites may comprise exaggeration. WHAKAPARA. CHIEF JOY.



T_he Hawcm. gelding Aga Khan hurt liimsclf whue working on the track at Te.Aroha yesterday and lias been scratched for the Hot Springs Handicap to-day. Chock Say and Foreign Queen wero scratched for all engagements at 10.50 a.m. yesterday.



Riding engagements announced for the Te Aroha meeting to-day include:— ■P- Atkins.—-Gal Sheila. Sub-station. Greek Gold, Holly Lu and probably Chief Joy. H- N. Wiggins.— Sunny Sky. Lord Val. Mungatoon, Moonfleet, Whakapara. Gold Pocket. 11. Dulieu.--Zane Grey A. G. Parsons.—-Deputy Ruler. Tatyoon. Ornamental. D. ,T. Burgess.—Thospis (Champion Hack). E. Mantion.—Mahkill K. Voitre.— Diversion. Kins Mestor. King's Knave. G. Duncan.r-Gibraltar. March Alone. O. Mclfially.—Paganelli. Woodfull, Lady Luju . N. Syme.—Ruby Dawn. W. Rennie.—Cruac-han. A. Giljner.—Foxhound. E. A. Keesing.—lnflation. G. Jenkins.—Chief Cook. R. Mcßae.—Wilton. J. Smith.—Unnco. E. Garrett.—Wee Prince. W. Broughton.—Gay Idea. B. H. Morris.—Habit. Ida. Merlins. B. Sullivan;— Emancipation. G. A. Baker.—Knnapa, Marechal, Trishna.

INFLATION AS A STAYER FIRST ATTEMPT TO-DAY Up to tho present the three-year-old Inflation hqs not. raced beyond a mil© and much interest is being centred in his effort over II furlongs in the Hcrries Memorial Cup at Te Aroha to-day. Inflation is by Paper Money from Fleeting and his pedigree is suggestive more of speed than of stamina, although it i? not entirely lucking in staving blood. Some of Paper Monev's stock hare successfully accomplished middle distances, although 011 tho whole they have been noted more ns sprinters than as stHvers. The same also applies to Fleeting s family, whose grand dam. Safeguard, produced such good sprinters as Broadsword, Fleetfoot and Stronghold, but a couple of solid performers who have come from the family in fairly recent years are Cold Steel and Kabbi. Illflation gets a strain of stout staying blood through bis dam's sire. Boniform. and. as he has thrown to thr.t horse in type, there is a good likelihood that lie may stay better than some of his relatives. It is something in favour of Inflation that be usually finishes on well in his races and the fact that he ran on very solidly when be* was a close third to Johnnie Jason and Veilmond over a mile at weight-age in Sydney is also encouraging. Perhaps Inflation may be one of the exceptions m his family that can run a middle distance solidly and his performance to-day will attract a lot of attention.

BANKS PENINSULA EVENTS NEXT - SATURDAY'S FIELDS - [BY TELEGRAPH—PRESS ASSOCIATION] ' UHRISTCfiURCH, Friday The following acceptances have been received for the summer meeting of tlie Banks Peninsula .Racing Clubr to-morrow week:—riVr;" -■ MOTUIvARA-RA JUVENILE STAKES, of £9O. for two and three-year-olds; two-year-olds. 7.2: three-year-olds. 8.8; mrres allowed 3lb • 5 fur.—Marquato, Some Shambles. Agrion—Half a Brace gelding. Luck.v Dive, A; evedo. Silk Arrow, Rose Mane, Delieve, The Masquerade, Nightly. Robespierre—High Heels colt.. Ulandovey. IJnerp Tonu, Moonbeam. Silver Briar. Bright Shade. Sweet Allow, . Silent Flight, Scarlet Rambler, Sweet Agnes, .

TERAWERA • HIGH-WEIGHT HANDICAP. of £9O; 1 mile— Locksley, 10.13; Elude, 10.5; Night Guard, 10.'2: Rebel Song, J. 7; Fleeting Glance. 9.5; Pixie Gold. Rothen, 9.4; Tea Garden, 9.0.

WAIREWA TROT HANDICAP, of £BS; limit 3.7; li miles.—Actralette, Bar Nona. Clapham, Daphne Queen, Golden Cross, Gieat Mac. Gunmetal, Happy Bird, Harvestin, His Lordship. Llewellyn s I'nde. Huon Mane, Margaret ChennuH. Orui, Rosenor. Royal Audo. Real Burton. Solano, Thornwoithy. Vagabond King, Wise Guy, limit.

PENINSULA CUP. of £130: 11 miles - Gay Crest, 9.5; Concentrate. 9.5; Shatter, 8 11; True Shaft, 7.11; Juniper. Kamo, 7.1. AIIUMHI HACK HANDICAP, of £9O; 6 tur—Metal -Bird, 8.5: luolize. 7.13;; Rot hen, 7.9; Verdun, 7.4; Eupator, Miss Nijjhtiaid. Imperial Spear, 7.0. KINLOCH HANDICAP, of £9O; 7 fur.Ratioral 11.. 8.7; Martian Chief. B.G; Hoyal Sceotre. Wise Choice. 7.13; Royal Love, Taku Tama, Night Guard, 7.12. WAIHORA HANDICAP TROT, of £95; limit 3.41; 1} miles— Actralotte. Lanciy Locanda, Goqd Companion, Goloen Crosd, Golden Harvest, Harvestin, Margaret Chenauit, Overtime, Orui. Peter Junior, Reportci. Vagabond King, limit; Essay, Doll Dance, Olive Key, Goldwortny, -12 yds bud; Bet.v Axworthy, Midnight Sun, 24; Llsic de Gro, 48.

FORSYTH FLYING HACK HANDICAP, of £9O; 6 fur.—Niggerhead, 9.3; Crash. 8.13; Idolize, 8,3; Cranford, 7.8; Golden Dart, 7.4,

NOTES FROM EVERYWHERE TRACK AND STABLE GOSSIP H. and A. Cults, of Riccarton. are at the head of the New Zealand trainers' list for the season with 17 wins and a total ol £1730 in prize-money. A. S. Ellis has received an addition to his team at Riccarton, a two-year-old filly by Shambles from the Boniforni mare Bon Bord having been placed under his care. Her owner. Mr. J. R. McKenzie, hnß a half-brother to the filly in work. This is tive-year-old Gustavo, who ran a promising race in the Craven Plate last Saturday. It is a long time since Wee Prince displayed any form, but he has only recently resumed racing after a spell and- he should not be discarded because he has no recent, performance. Wee Prince has been schooling well and working solidly at hillershe. and. if he jumps as brilliantly in his races ns lie has done while schooling, ho may prove a . dangerous lightweight 111 the hurdle events at Te Aroha. For a first, attempt over a. middle distance Mungatoon did really well when lie finished fourth in the MntamaU Cup early in the month and it wy only in the last little bit that he was beaten out of a P' 8 ."- As he is by Musketoon and a half-biother to Transformer, Mungatoon should stay on well when thoroughly seasoned and lie should bo difficult to beat in the Champion Hack Handicap if he has been kept up to his work lalelyTlie Te Awaiuutu trainer A. Cook has three representatives in the Juvenile Handicap at Te Aroha to-day. namely, Impasto. D'Artagir;)) and Trickling Wfiler. Impasto has easily the best, credentials of the tuo. and. in view of the fact that he has been working pleasingly, he is 111 lly .to be ji eft fancied in spite of his big weight. I hue nru possibilities about both 1) Artagnan and Trickling Water, but so far their form has been nothing to enthuse over. An interesting candidate for the Shaftesbury Hack Handicap at, Te Aroha to-day is Ida Merling. who is trained by L. G. Morris at Marlon. She is an attractively-bred three-year-oldfilly by Robespierre, son of Phi'lariH, from Ada Merling, by Martian from Leonore. by Seaton Delaval from Leocant. by Leolinus —Can tin! ere. by Musket. Ida Merlins is a half-sister lo Red Wink, who was a good performer, and baa run several good races in the hack class at southern meetings. TROTTING FIXTURES February 25 New Brighton Trottinr Club. March 3, Trotting Club March 4-- Wellington Trotting Club. March 11—Tiinaru Trotting Club. March 11— Wairarapg, Trotting Club (at Wellington). . March 15—Mnnawatu Trotting Club.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21426, 25 February 1933, Page 9

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TO-DAY'S RACES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21426, 25 February 1933, Page 9

TO-DAY'S RACES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21426, 25 February 1933, Page 9