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ITHE SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP PNIVERSITY PLAYS GRAMMAR AN EXCITING DRAWN MATCH The most "thrilling and exciting game ef Rugby seen in Auckland for years took placo, at Eden Park on Saturday afternoon when University and Grammar played a drawn game, in which each side scored 20 points. University ivas unlucky in not winning outright, as it scored four tries to Grammar's two. No fewer than twelve of Grammar's points were obtained from penalty goals. Tlio only unsatisfactory feature conbetted with an otherwise wonderfully spectacular match was that the referee made some bad ex-rors. A try was registered by each side after the ball had been knocked on a distance of a yard or two. It is seldom that a demonstration is made against a referee at Eden Park, but a section of the large crowd was so worked up on Saturday. that it hooted loudly nvhen Grammar was awarded its last try. No doubt for the reason that a success to University would have meant a more interesting competition this team had the larger following. The sympathies of the spectators were not lessened by the persistent penalising of the University players. Each side was unfortunate in that it lost a player through injury. Scarborough, one of the Grammar frontrankers, w'as carried off just after the start of the second spell suffering from a badly sprained ankle. Almost immediately afterwards Mulvihill, University's second five-eighths, had to leave the field, having sustained a broken nose when executing a diving tackle. Brilliant Tries His defection undoubtedly cost University the match. Whereas the Grammar forwards were still powerful enough to secure the ball without Scarborough, the [University back division was disorganised after Mulvihill's departure. Bush came from fullback to second five-eighths, and, while 'he filled the latter position most creditably, the substitute fullback, taken from the forwards, had the team's supporters on tenterhooks for the remainder of the game. University's first two tries were perhaps the best of the season. In the first Caughey and Mulvihill were associated in a run over half the length of the field. They timed ,their passes so well that they left the opposition standing, and Caughey capped the effort by grounding the ball over the line. The second, was a brilliant individual ieffort by Caughey, who took- the ball from Mulviliill and with a jinky run in which he displayed unusual speed he left several opponents grabbing at the air and yas across the line before the Grammar players woke up to the fact that he had passed them. The try well merited the applause which it drew from all parts of the ground. Caughey was undoubtedly the star back on the field, but • Mulvihill also played a splendid game, doing fine work on defence. as well as on attack. Bush gavo another great exhibition, both at fullback and at five-eighths. His potted goal iwas a splendid one, as he was standing just inside the half-way line at the time The wing-threequalters had to make their own play to a largo extent. Milliken iti•variably gained yards of ground when lie obtained the ball, while Kedglev made the most of the opportunity which came his way, although he was fortunate in Dot being recalled for a knock-on. Promoted Player Green, a senior B player, did very •well indeed' on bis first appearance. He handled the ball nicely, taking some difficult passes from X. Jenkin, at half. The last-named fumbled the ball a good deal in the early stages, but improved as the game progressed. The forwards all played well against strong opposition, especially Stacey, Sherwood and Hamilton. Matheson got through a heavy afternoon's work 111 rare style at fullback for Grammar. He received some hard knocks early in the game, and at one stage in the second spoil was off the field receiving attention for an ankle injury. However, his 6ubsoquent <play was not- affected. Buckley displayed the most dash of the threequarters. Corner, Weir and Savory combined well immediately belrnd the, scrum. Savory s try was a very fine effort in which he left the University backs standing. Weir played his usual solid game, bis defence saving his side time and again. Corner became more dangerous as the game pi ogressed, and he was a source of continual worry to his opponents when Grammar was getting the ball so freely late in Hie second spell. It was his cleverness and quickness in changing the direction of the attack which paved the way for Savory s tr The Grammar forwards were too strong in the tight work for the University pack. W. Batty, Moigan and Wilson were particularly prominent, the nrstnanied doing some fine work in the loose when his side was behind on points in the second spell. Some of the forwards were fortunate in not being ruled offside when they waited within a ten yards radius lor the plav to come back their way. Jamieson's Fine Play The outstanding feature of the match between Ponsonbv and Marist was th brilliant play of Jamieson, the Ponsonby five-eiehths. There was no score for the first half-hour, and then S. Hadley, leader o the Marist team, bad to leave the field with an injury to his eyebrow, ill's <ippcared to disorganise the side, which p to that point had had the better of the game territorially. . . , Within the next ten minutes before half-time Ponsonby bad scored fifteen points. Jamieson scored the first tiy aft. a fast dash, and the third was tie • of a brilliant opening he made before ooiin" the opposition wth a re/veise )< AH through the second spell his lr,rKlll ' arid quickness off the mark had the Maust backs continually on the qui vive. The threequarter line displayed. nnic 'dash, especially K. Carter. the lall away smartly from the SClUiri, arid played a sound all-roun Solomon, Cooper, T. Carter and New dick yere the most prominent forwards 111e Marist pack worked hard, bu > sadly missed the leadership <> H»d after his retirement. 'Joy, Eville, Locke and Judd were frequently conspicuous u the loose rushes. The backs «Py e * ie ?, tc lack experience and understand g. way worked hard behind the scu m an did some fine covering up and sav np IV. Smith did not get many , show his worth at centre. •> lot of goo'd work at fivc-cighths. Manukaii Weakened

College outplayedManukau and ZTy-lipoint-" M»nU,u «»kon«i V 111, absence nf some of 'f ! /W innioii whose places were filled y ] There wore many bright both sides, but Training Col lege showed crenter thrust and better un The winning team's forwards> heavier Manukau pack ' ' c j a |]y ington and Spooner workup bard." Crossman was while Townsend was , ' as j n five eighths. Keenan, .the ccnt '°' 18 d pood form, often piercing le _ gashes Beeps made a number of strong ° n piav X S ' Manukau backs that (achieved any degree of ff cf j CC U V C rridge' V O. marked by individual effor > •£ n j n Stuart and Brimble beinp forwards, this respect. Among the *°™ar Kereopa, Scruton and Kahu ga%e standing displays. f

Play in the first spell of the match between Grafton and College Rifles at Gribble-Hirst Park was rather ragged, tlie backs of bdth sides displaying poor combination and mulling their passes badly. College Rifles had three points up at half time as the result of a goal from a mark, but neither line had so far been crossed. Collego Rifles came with a rattle in the lato stages and put on another sixteen points, while Grafton failed to score. The College Rifles backs played well in the second half, Kirk getting the ball away smartly from the scrums, lie gave a heady display. Vear, Brown, Albrecht and Stewart all showed dash, Brown playing a particularly fine game. Stone, Donald and Pearcc were the pick of the forwards. The Grafton backs were all at sixes and sevens and could not muster up any combination. Finlaysori was the best forward, in spite of baying an injured shoulder. Compton and Benjamin both played good games. Otahuhu fully earned the poixits over Technical Old Boys in a game that was ! fast and exciting, with play reaching a brilliant standard at times, particularly in the second half when Technical made a great effort to even the score. For a spell then the Technical players roso to great heights, but under, the shining example of White, at fullback, whose fielding and kicking was faultless, Otahuhu steadied itself at a vital time and rallied to make a win secure. Always in position White, who commenced tlie season as a five-eighths, has blossomed into a safe and steady fullback. Every Otahuhu man pulled his weight, with Arnold prominent in the tight and Jones and Heath doing good work in the loose. Pearson was erratic at centre, mulling several passes, but making good from more difficult positions. Inglis, at half, was the pivot on which all Otahuhu moves turned. His clean picking up and swerving runs before parting placed his supports in excellent position. The Technical backs were less in evidence than the Otahuhu division, many of their movements being smothered. Morgan showed fine speed and Fletcher was the key man of the line. McKenzie, at half, did not see much of the ball as Otahuhu won most of the scrums. His try, however, was a fine effort of opportunism. McMiken worked, hard and his score was a brilliant piece of play. Nelson played under handicaps, a nasty head injury being followed by another to his right hand. The following table shows the present positions of the teams: —



University played with tho wind, but against the sun. A penalty enabled Bush to rind the line inside Grammar's twenty-five, Hesitancy on tho part of Caughey saw him caught in possession, and then in a' scrum Knight was offside. Push narrowly missed .from a wide angle. Passing between the Grammar backs and forwards gained a lot oi ground, Bupklcy' being forced into touch inside University's twenty-five. Grammar's passing rushes wero met with sound tackling. Mulvihill broke away and passed to Caughey. who sent it back again. Mulvihill ran up to Matheson and re-passed to Caughey. who scored well out. It was a cood try and Push improved upon it with a cood kick.

Fast following and a fine tackle by Morgan placed Grammar in a. good position. Weir dropped at goal, but tRe ball scarcely rose. Mulvihill was penalised for standing offside when a scrum was formed and Corner kicked a goal.

Stacey kicked .and followed up. placintr University on attack. Both teams attempted to open up the play, but the tackling was very solid. A well-placed kick by Savorv made an opening, but Lendrum and Garlick were smothered and a penally gave University relief. Milliken received the ball in a passing rush and centred well. The University forwards swooped down on Matheson and a loose scrum formed in front of Grdmmar's goal. A penalty got Grammar out of a tight corner. A well-placed kick by Mulvihill let University up again. Caughey got the ball beyond the twenty-five and, with a brilliant jinky run, he went right through the Grammar backs to score a fine try. Bush tailed at goal. Tho Grammar forwards, headed by W. Batty, Wilson and Morgan, broke away and University was penalised about its twentyfive. Lendrum kicked a goal. Good work in the loose by tho University forwards had Grammar defending, a long kick by Bush compelling a force-down. Bush then secured the ball just inside half-wav and dropped a great goal. The University fullback iiiiEScd with a penalty kick just inside half-way. University's passing rushes met with sound tackling. Another penalty against University saw Lendrum fail with a shot from well beyond the twenty-five. Half-time sounded with the score:—University. 12; Grammar, (i. A run by Corner placed Grammar on attack. A good opening presented itself, but Knight joined in with the backs and held on too long. Scarborough, ono of Grammar's front rankers, injured his ankle and was carried off. Mulvihill then damaged his nose and retired. Milliken cleared his line with a good kick and Sherwood broke away and centred. Hamilton followed fast and bustled Matheson. but Savory ran behind his own I goal-line to clear. Matheson sustained a leg injury, but was able to resume. A penalty to Grammar 10yds. inside halfway gavo Savory a shot which missed and Caughey and Bush sent play well into Grammar's half. Penalties against the University forwards cost the side a goojl deal of ground. University rearranged its team a little. McVeagh going out of the forwards to fullback, while Bush moved up to the fiveeighths line. McVeagh fumbled and let his opponents up. Corner passed out from a scrum and Savory ran through the University backs to score between tho posts. Corner converted. . There was now only one point between the I cams. A Grammar back rush broke down at Lendrum, and Kedgley picked up . the ball. He knocked it on. but did not hesitate and raced away to ground the ball between the posts. Bush converted. Savory failed with a penally shot about 10yds. inside half-way. Then McVeagh was penalised for lying on the ball and .Corner kicked a good goal from a handy position. A kick by Corner was followed by Buckley but tho ball rolled into touch-in-goal. A further penalty against University saw Lendrum even the score to 17 all with a good kick from a wide angle. Plav became very exciting. Grammar making desperate efforts to cam the lead. Corner was doing great work. He handled twice and then passe d in to W. Batty, A knock : on looked to have occurred, but in. the scramble three or four men dived for the ball It was difficult to say which side forced the ball but the referee awarded a tiy lo Knight. A section of the crowd in the stand-, made a demonstration against tho leferce. Lendrum (ailed at Bugh br °f "who T a nd h P and S y ed U Mr. C c! Wales was referee.



, • :j 0 mnioh with Grafton nt r T/ ht lo Hirst Park, College Rifles attacked Gnbblc-Hirst 1 strongly. Jaton joined ground with pasami then Vniured his «ho«ldcr but sing, I* mlnyson hacks on both sides r oni jw ed poK? and this prevented their handled pooriy. ]3rown did good ni fcS Rifl- backs and he work 111 'he w k t i lo winger was sent Stewart aw y. Wales injured pushed in }° S d College Rifles thereafter Ins leg and retire - f t^e team's with'"h. «»»: Collet. Bito. 3; Grafton, 0. not ] onß been in prosress e Xn. Grf o^forwa^d. z & .?srra ffii Bifles act up a strong attacK. bmlt was nearly aero s y College Rifles backs of passing tmiong th? Browa con . end . e A A no \her short bout of passing eaw verted. Anotner a corner . Brown Stewart acro ,' 8 K j rlc W ns the next ecorer, fulled at goal. "ui; nt i e irl o of a scrum, elippins lour 'L lon verted .Tlie last try was 'lhe try was n , , Stone converted, ssssj'uS «£r2& A'- Ba-, , G Mr!°j". %. Gasparich yra* referee.

PONSONBY'S SUCCESS MARIST LOSES ITS LEADER Marist had all llie better of the first halfhour s play against Ponsonby, but the side went to pieces after losing its leader. S. Hadley. Ponsonby was twice forced in the early stages. Good work by Jamieaon and Tetley drove back the altnckcrs temporarily and then Marist nearly scored with a loose rush. Fast following up by Toy bustled Kerrlaylor, who found touch near his own line. S. Hadley went off with an injury to his evebrow an.d almost immediately Ponsonby scored. Poulton failed to get in his kick, trying to run round the opposing backs. Ramsay brought him down and Ponsonby started a passing rush which ended in Jamieson outpacing the opposing fullback and scoring near the posts. Newdiek converted. Another Ponsonby rush met with weak tackling and F. Solomon made ground before setting the backs oOf. K. Carter was last to get the ball and lie ran round behind the posls. Jumieson converted. Jamieson then made a brilliant opening. -On reaching the Marist fullback he changed the direction of the attack, passing infield to Fraser. who scored between the posls. The movement oomplctely beat the opposition. Jamieson converted the try, making the score at halftime:—Ponsonby, 13: Marist, 0. Ponsonby made good use of the wind, but a rush in which Toy, Muller and Eville were prominent look play into Ponsonby's twentyfive. Here Ponsonby was penalised, but Colebrook missed the shot from a wide angle. Colebrook failed to field the ball from a high kick and he and Conway then fumbled it. The Ponsonby forwards swarmed down on them and Newdiek scored near the corner. Jamieson was unable to convert. Marist took a turn on attack and K. Smith would have scored but for taking a forward pass. Ramsay secured the ball at the end of a passing rush and centred. Jamieson followed un fast and scored behind the posts. Tetley failed with the kick. Jumieson ran right through the opposing backs before passing to K. Carter, who crossed, wide out. F. Solomon missed the shot. Marist was at last rewarded for its persistent efforts. Locke started a passing movement, the ball came back to him. and he scored wide out. Colcbrook failed at goal. Cooney fielded, a clearing kick bv K. Carter and passed infield to Poulton, the last-named scoring near the corner. Conway failed nt goal. Marist kept up its attack and Conway kicked through and followed fast. He missed ft try by a narrow margin. Tho game ended: Ponsonby, 24; Marist, G. Mr. M. Kronfeld was referee.



The Training College forwards started vigorously against Manukau. and for some time held play in the latter's territory. Crossman dummied and made a good run but near the line Keeps took a forward pass. Next Keenan gainad ground with a good run and then passed to Goodwin, who just failed to Teach his objectivo. Following tight play Crossman dived over for a try. Townsend converted. After this reverse Manukau livened up and when the side was awarded a penalty Berridge kicked a goal, A great run bv Brimble was followed by anothej- penalty, but this time Berridge's kick went wide. Manukau sustained a strong attack and as a result of, a passing bout Scruton nearly scored. Training College worked downfield again and there the ball was handed out to Heeps, who crossed in the corner. Townsend's kick missed. Manukau now had only 14 men, Sargeant having retired with an injured shoulder. At the interval the score was: Training College, 8; Manukau, 3. _ . On the resumption. Training College pressed and an interception by Sargeant, who was again in his place, prevented a certain try from a passing movement initiated by Townsend. Interest was stimulated as Manukau, gaining the ball from most of the scrums, 6et uu a series of rearguard attacks. From one of these Sargeant just failed to get across in the corner. F.ventually. Training College clunred and Dare, breaking away, passed to Ileeps, who dashed through a disorganised defence and added a try between the posts. Townsend failed to convert. Berridge transferred play to the other end of the field. For a moment Training College seemed to bo hard pressed, but the ball was sent across to Goodwin, who ran practically the whole length of the field and scored between the posts. Townsend converted, and the game ended; Training College. 1G; Manukau, 3. Mr. G. Peace was referee.



Technical Old Boys kicked of! with tlic eu 11 behind them, but facing a steady breeze. Otahuhu took up Hie offensive and Clarke sent Pearson and l'etcrson of! with a lons infield pass. Blow relieved, but Otahuhu returned and scored msido six minutes. Insli3 swerved through and gave to Clarke, who scored after some in-and-out passing. Short narrowly missed. The Otahuhu forwards attacked tenaciously and Jury dribbled through, until Manning and Fletcher secured possession and led a bright run to the other end. Otahuhu then went ahead with a brilliant try near the posts. Inglis secured and after a bout of handling by all the backs Pearson walked over with the defence bewildered, lie nusscrl the extra points. Over-keen breaking gave Technical a penally, but Fletcher failed at goal The Technical backs gradually came into the picture and Morgan was twice grassed when well set. Nelson, of Technical, received a cut over the eye, but after attention ho resumed. Half-time arrived with the score: Otahuhu, G; Technical, 0. Play livened up and Technical scored a spectacular try when McMiken dribbled clear at midfield, punted ahead, and picked up at full speed to dive over near the corner. Fletcher failed to, cap a. really brilliant movement Heartened by their success lechnical made a great rally and swept Otahuhu to the line, where hard scrumming saw Petersen break clear. Otahuhu swept the opposition to its goal-line, where two scrums ensued. Inglis snapped up and whipped a beautiful p«fs to Hill, who went over. Jones missed. Technical weathered further offensives and forced a passage to the other end, where McKenzie secured from the loose and scored. Blow failed to add the extra points. Ainsley, a Technical back, was injured and was carried off. Otahuhu pinned the opposition to its twenty-five area, and scored again from a set scrum, Pearson evading three men to touch down near tho posts, Arnold missed the shot and the game ended: Otahuhu. 12; Technical, G. Mr. C. M. Bailey was referee. LOWER GRADE RESULTS Senior Grade B.—Manulcau won from North Shore by default: Parnell, 40. Eden, Second Grade. —Grammar Colls, 15, Grammar A, 0. . Third Grade Open.—Newton, 30, technical Old Boys, G; North Shore, 15, University A, 8. . Third Grade Intermediate.—bemi-hnal: Otnhului, 12. Grammar, 8. Fourth Grade.—Semi-final: Otahuhu, 11, Technical Old Boys. 0. Fifth Grade.— Ponsonby, IV, Eden, 5; Suburbs, 37, Roskill. 0. Junior Boys.—lntermediate grade: Suburbs. 17, Grafton, 3; Manukau, 3. Eden. 0. Junior grade: Newton won from Panmuio by default. Friendly Match.—Lynnd ale Harriers, li, University Harriers, G. INTER-CQLLEGIATE MATCH The annual Rugby match between Wesley College, Paerata, and Trinity College. Auckland, was played at the outer Domain on Saturday afternoon. Some excellent football was witnessed. There was no score at halftime. In the second spell Wesley College played well, and, in spite of determined defence by Trinity, it i>ul on 18 Points. The game ended with the score 18—0. The outstanding player was F. Rogers, the Wesley Col lego centre. Mr. H. O. VVhito was referee. PALMER BENEFIT MATCH The Auckland Rugby Union has decided to arrange u benefit match for the relatives of the. late B. P. Palmer, tho Auckland nrd All Black representative forward, who lost his life following injuries sustained in a recent Rugby contest. The gamo will bo between tho Auckland champion team, either Grammar or Ponsonby, and Poneko, winner of the "\Vellinglon championship. This should prove a big attraction as the Poneke fifteen is a strong one Grammar and Ponsonby arc equal in the lead for the Auckland premiership and whichever meets Poneko will have a- largo following. "he match will bo played at Eden Park on Saturday week. SECOND GRADE REPRESENTATIVES The following players nro requested to attend training at . the Newton shed on Wednesday, at 7.30 p.m., with a view to tho selection of the junior representative team to travel to Pukekohe next Saturday: Ryall, Bailey, Bunting. Burton. Dick (Grafton); Hook, Skinner. Campbell, Clarke (Ponsonby): Shadbolt, Elliott (.Marathon): Constable (Waitemata): Tapper (Panmure): Burton (Manurewa); Keith, Douglas (University); McCorkindale (Otahuhu); Granville. Fergusson (College Colts); Aspden (Northcote); Leav (Tamaki): O'Brien, McKory (Marist); Grove (North Shore). W AIRARAPA CHAMPIONSHIP [BY TELEGRAPH—PRESS ASSOCIATION] MASTERTON, Sundny Tho final for tho Wairarapa senior championship was played in dull weather and on a heavy ground between Red Star and Carterton The game was devoid for the most part of good play, being mostly forward in the first spell. Neighbours and F. Clarke scored tries for Red Star, one of which W. Hood converted. For Carterton, Knowles kicked a penalty goal and Reid scored a try which F. Knowles converted. There was no score in the second spoil. The teams "will have to play-oft again.

Pts. Ch. Grammar P. W. L. D. F. A. pts. 13 10 o 1 139 78 21 Ponsonby 13 10 2 1 137 77 21 University 13 8 4 1 188 138 17 Marist . . 13 5 4 4 137 108 14 Manukau . . 13 r> 0 1 104 97 13 College Rifles 13 5 5 3 119 118 13 Technical 13 3 7 3 80 121 9 8 Training College 13 4 9 96 130 Otahuhu . . 13 4 9 121 137 8 Grafton . . 13 3 10 — 75 192 G

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21291, 19 September 1932, Page 13

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RUGBY FOOTBALL New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21291, 19 September 1932, Page 13

RUGBY FOOTBALL New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21291, 19 September 1932, Page 13