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SATURDAY'S ARRIVALS Coronation (3.45 a.m.), from Whangarei; JJotu (4.15 a.m.). from Whangarei; Taniwha (S a.m.), from Paeroa: Motiti (5.25 a.m.). from Warkworth; llauiti (5.50 a.m.), from Waiheke: Waka (10.20 a.m.), from northern ports; Kawau (2.30 p.m.), from Thames. SATURDAY'S DEPARTURES Waipahi (11.25 a.m.), for Suva. Rarigitata (12.25 p.m.), for London. Waipiata (12.15 p.m.). for Wellington: Tiri (12.50 p.m.), for Awanui; Tuhoe (1 p.m.), for Northern ports: Canopus (1.40 p.m.), for Westport; Hauiti (1.55' p.m.). for Waiheke; Omaua (1.55 p.m.), for Waiheke; Motu (11.35 p.m.), for Tauranga. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS Port Huon (11.45 a.m.), from London. Passengers:—Mrs. K. and Mispes (3) Watson, Mr. S. Welch. Mr. R. J. Corbett. Mrs. L J. and Miss B. Hoskins, Mr. L. R. Steele. Mrs. E. M. Steele, Captain A. M. Taroto (1.50 a.m.), from Coast: Toa (5.30 h.rn.), from Whnkatane: Margaret W. (7.55 am ) from Gisborne: Otimai (9.35 a.m.), from Opotiki; Waimga (10.50 a.m.). from Napier. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES Coronation (8.10 p.m.). for Whangarei; Waka (10.10 p.m.), for Whangarei. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. RMS. Niagara, from Vancouver, 1.30 p.m. Kartigi, from Wellington, morning. Waimarino, from Wellington. 7 a.m. Pukeko, from Portland, evening. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY Kartigi. for Greymouth, afternoon. Paroto, for Northern ports, noon. Kawau. for'Mangawai, noon, Pono, for Kerepeehi, 2 p.m. Omana, for Warkworth. 2 p.m. Hauiti, for Thames. 3 P.m. Endeavour, for Northern ports, 3 p.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND INTERCOLONIAL AND COASTAL. Kartigi, Greymouth, September 5 11.M.5. Veronica, Islands, September 5. Waimarino, Southern ports, September 5. Maunganui, Sydney, September G. Kiwitea, Grfeymouth, to sail. Kairanga, Melbourne, September 7. Karetu, Suva. September 12. Zealandia, Sydney, September 13 Port Whangarei. Sydney, September lo- » H M.S. Laburnum, Islands, September 19. Waipahi, Tonga, September 21. Monnda, Norfolk Island, October 6. OVEBSEAS Niagara,' Vancouver, September 5. Maimoa, Liverpool. September 6. Triton, Africa, September 6. Cambridge, South, September 8. to load New Zealand, San Pedro, via ports, Sept. 8. Deebank, Cuba, September 8. Narbada, Calcutta. September 9. Orarii Liverpool, September 10. Canadian Cruiser, Montreal, September 11. Mariposa, Los Angeles, September 12. Wairuna, Loa Angeles, September 13Melbourne Maru. Japan, via ports, Sept. 15. Piako, South, September 16, to load. Raranga, London, September 20 Otira, Wellington, September 21, to load. Nucula, Los Angeles, September 25. Port Wellington, New Plymouth, September 26, to load. , , , Tekoa, Gisborne, September 26, to load.. Golden Harvest, Los Angeles, September 27. Southern Cross, London, end of September. Port Huon, Gisborne, September 30, to load. Opawa, Liverpool, October 4. Canadian Challenger, October 6. Maimoa, Wellington, October 6. to load. City of Delhi. New York, October 6 - Remuerai London, via Wellington, Oct, 7. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND INTERCOLONIAL AND OVEESEAS Niagara, Sydney, September 6. Maunkanui, Sydney, via Wellington, Sept. 6. Cambridge, London, September 12. Mariposa, Sydney, September 12. Melbourne Maru, Japan, September 15. Zealandia, Sydney. September 16. Piako./ Lonoon, September 19. Otira, London, September 24. . Mariposa, Los Angeles, September 27. Port Wellington, London, September 28. Tekoa, London, September 29. Waipahi, Islands, October 1. Port Huon, London. October 4. Morinda, Norfolk Island, October 6. Maimoa, London, October 11.

r PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE Aorangi,' left Bydney August 18, Auckland August 23, due Vanoouver Septembe:: 9. Monowai, left San Francisco August 31; due Wellington September 19. Mariposa, left Los Angelea August 27; chie Auckland September 12; eails for Sydney September 12. left Vancouver August 17; due Auckland September 5; sails for Sydney September 6. Monterey, left Sydney August 27, Auckland August 30; due Los Angeles September 13. JJakura,' left Sydney September 1; due Wellington September 5, San Francisco September 23. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS Kemnera, left London August 25: due Wellington October 1. Tainui, leaves Southampton September 9; due Wellington October 17. Rangitiki, leaves London September 22; due Auckland October 26. Mataroa. leaves Southampton October 7; due Wellington November 9. AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND Zealandia, due Sydney September 6; eails for ;Auckland September 9. v Maunga'nui, left Sydney for Auckland and Wellington September 2; duo Auckland September 6; eails for Wellington and Sydney September 6. VESSELS IN PORT In Stream—Waitomo, Waitemata. Gunbar, Piri (aux. schooner), Mako, Kaimanawa, Kurow, Waiotapu, Tofua, Duchess, Southern Cross, Recorder. Philomel, H.M.S. Diomede. Prince's Wharf—Port Huon (Heather, Roberton). Western "Wharf—Kartigi (U.S.S. Coy.), Waimea (U.S.S. Coy.). King's Wharf—Margaret W. (F.C.A. Coy.). OVERSEAS SHIFS MOVEMENTS AND DDE DATES Otira, left London July 8 for Suva. Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, Bluf! (arrived August 31) and Napier Tairoa, left London July 15 for Auckland and Wellington (arrived August 31). Maimpa, left Liverpool July 10 for Auckland (due September G), Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin Aidenvohr, left New York July 9 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton (arrived September 3), Dunedin and Australia. Canadian Cruiser, left Montreal July 27 for Auckland (due September 11), Napier. Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. Tekoa, left London July 28 for Pprt Chalmers (due September 5) and Lyttelton. Port Huon, left London July 29 for Auckland (arrived September 4) and Well- , ington. Triton, left Lisbon July 13 for Africa, Australia and Auckland (due September 6). Fiscug, left Nauru Island August 3 for Lyttelton, Port Chalmers (arrived August v 19 >- Zealand, left San Padro July 21 for Sydney, Melbourne, Dunedin, Lyttelton, . Wellington and Auckland (due Sept. 9). •Melbourne Maru. left Japan August 1 for Australia, Wellington and Auckland (due September 15). toraliebank, left Trinidad July 14 for Frcniantle, Geraldton, New Plymouth and f\ Auckland (due end September). t ™ ,Pen ' ' ® an Pedro August 6 T> lo 'V.>\ elll "£*on (arrived August 31). ■tort \ict°r in ballast, left London August 1 ~ .New Zealand (due October 2). £.7' , from Westport tho Kiwitea i, toKlay ° Gre y ,nout h * or Auckland

inrtt W -V P !f\ a was despatched for WellTiniir' pyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff and •timaru at mid-day on Saturday. ar " v od from Gisborne (w l y nion ""s and is leading for East Lil fnn ays nt , Kinß ' S Wharf - Slle is to-morrow afternoon. 3)J»! 1 „ e ,i; Wl ! I?ntui ™ now scheduled to leave \Vnll; ; to-morrow for Timaru. Lyttelton. «nd Auckland. She is due at early next week. Portland this evening the Puhl ,i i , loa A at Central Wharf. She will an i c ,?- pa c or as t Coast bays, Gisborne «ncl Ivapier to-morrow afternoon. foil 16 Vnitn . ca arrived froin Napier* yesjer.iay morning and is at Queen's Wli'arf. ? all Gisborne and Napier at o clock to-morrow afternoon. *l.S a ?^ a ' n Bruce has taken command of JL® J 1 ,""" 1 ; rel ' evins Captain G. A. Grev. 4V,„ transferred to the command of for < A epo ' r f llevir *S Captain J. Rankine lor further orders. \cvnf, 3 artiff ', ' s <Jue * rom Greymouth. via xf \v ns^ on ' mo rnins and will berth n r After unloading the ref n ier coal careo sho is sai! for*We]hn^ reimou West port to load w.rt'l 6 " ue from South Island S?oVf nn Wellington this morning. After ' la .rsuig and loading at Prince's Wharf despatched for Wellington. Lyt*®iton,yDunedui, Oamaru and. Timaru.

NUCULA LEAVES LOS ANGELES The Admiralty oil-tanker Nucula is reported to have cleared Los Angeles for Auckland on Thursduy. She is due about September 25. THE CANADIAN CONSTRUCTOR The Canadian Constructor is reported to have cleared Boston on Thursday in continuation of her voyage from New Zealand and Australia to Montreal. H.M.S. VERONICA DELAYED n.M.S. Veronica, which is returning from a. two months cruise to the South Sea Islands, was scheduled to arrive from Fiji to-day. According to her wirelesh advice, sho is being delayed by rough weather and her arrival is not expected until to-morrow. THE WAIKAWA The Waikawa is scheduled to clear Los Angeles on Thursday with cargo from Pacific Coast ports for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton. Dnnedin, Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney. Sho is duo at Auckland about October 3. NARBADA REPORTS The Union Company's Indian trader Narbada has reported by wireless that she expects to arrive on Friday morning. Tho vessel is from Calcutta, Penang, Singapore and Snmarang. She has a cargo of Eastern produce for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru. Dnnedin and Blulf. NORFOLK CLEARED CURACAO Reported to have cleared Curacao on Friday, the Federal Line steamer Norfolk is en route from London to Suva, Lyttelton, Port. Chalmers, Bluff and Timaru. Sho is due at Lyttelton about October 2. THE WAIPAHI The Waipahi sailed for Suva. Apia and Nukualofa on Saturday. From Nukualofa she will return to Auckland direct. bein«* due here on September 21. Captain G. if. Hoddinott is in command, relieving Cuptain S. A. Chs.tfield for holidays. THE KARETU The liaretu, on route from Newcastle and Sydney, was due at Suva from Lautoka yesterday. The vessel is to sail on Wednesday for Auckland, where sho is scheduled to arrive nest Monday. THE MATAI The Government steamer Matni arrived at Chatham Islands from Lyttelton on Friday morning. If lier unloading is not ■ delayed by bad weather sho will probably reach Wellington to-morrow or Wednesday. MAUNGANUI FROM SYDNEY Due from Sydney to-morrow morning the Maunganui will berth at Queen's Wharf to land passengers, mail and cargo. She is scheduled to sail for Wellington and Sydney at 10 o'clock to-morrow night. R.M.S. NIAGARA DUE 1.30 P.M. The Royal Mail liner Niagara will arrive from Vancouver, Honolulu and Suva at 1.30 o'clock this afternoon, according to her wireless advice. After landing passengers, mail and cargo at Prince's Wharf she is scheduled to resume her voyage to Sydney at four o'clock to-morrow afternoon. THE PIAKO The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Piako is expected to leave Timaru to-day for Wanganui, Wellington, Gisborne and Auckland to complete loading for England. The vessel is scheduled to reach Auckland on September IG, and to sail for London, via Montevideo and Las Palmas, three days later. Captain E. P. C. Aslin is in command. THE WAIRUNA The transpacific steamer Wairuna, en route from Los. Angeles, via Papeete, Atiu and Aitutaki, is due at Rarotonga to-day to complete loading Cook Island fruit for Auckland. The vessel also has cargo from Pacific Coast ports for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Melbourne Adelaide and Sydney. Sho is scheduled to reach Auckland on September 13. MAIMOA REPORTS The Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Maimoa has reported by wireless that she will arrive from London, via Sydney, at eight o'clock to-morrow evening. The vessel is from Glasgow and Liverpool, via Capetown and Sydney. She has cargo for discharge at Auckland, "Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. Cargo for Auckland will be unloaded at* Queen's Wharf to the agency of L. D. Nathan and Company, Limited.

THE POET HUON The Commonwealth and Dominion Lino motor-ship Port Huon arrived from London, via Panajna, yesterday morning.- In addition to 11 passengers for New Zealand, the vessel has 3300 tons of general merchandise for Auckland and a further quantity for Wellington, She is unloading at Prince's Wharf. She sailed from London on July 29. Generally fair weatlier wag experienced except during the last two days of the voyage, when boisterous conditions prevailed. Captain J. E. Compton is in command. PASSENGERS FOR SYDNEY The following passengers left Wellington for Sydney by the Huddart-Parker steamer Zealandia on Friday afternoon:— First Class.—Mr. F. C. Bryant, Miss H. E. Belfield, Sir. C. H. Bould, Mrs. P. Bould, Dr. Bonnefm, Miss A. M. Bell, Miss R. C. Beyers, Miss J. L. N. Beyers, Mr. M. Cerioli, Mr. F. C. Cother, Mrs. M. H. Cother, Mts. M. N.- Cnughley, Miss M. G. Caughley, Mrs. G. Collings, Mr. J. L. Heyworth, Misa M. Kins, Mrs. E. S. Laws, Mr. H. Lowen, Miss S. Lyons, Miss A. McDonald, Mr. J. McDonald, Miss S. Macgregor, Mrs. Z. T. Natusch. Master R. G. Natusch, Mr. M. A. O'Brien, Mr. J. O'Brien, Mrs. E. Sutherland, Mr. C. G. Sutherland, Miss E. M. Smyth, Mr. W. R. Samson, Mrs. B. E. Terry, Master R. P. Terry, Master H. E. Terry, Lieutenant F. 'W Vogel. Mrß. E. M. Worseldine, Captain S C H. Worseldine,,, Miss S. M. WorEcldme. Master R. J. Worseldine, Miss M. P. McNichol, Mrs. J. McNichol, Miss F. Heev©, Mrs. M. Lyons, Miss J. Lyons, Mr. N. Gow, Mrs M. A. Potter. Miss W. Walshe, Mr. II Gredgington, Rev. Dennehy. Second Class.—Miss M. Anthony. Mrs. F. R. Blick, Mr. W. S. Blick, Mr. J V. Beardmore. Mrs. M. P. Bryant, Mr. T. E. Burn,. Mr. J. Clochesy, Mrs. 8. Coupnr, Miss E Dunne. Miss A. R. Edmanson, Mr. E. H. Gardiner, Mrs. C. Grant, Mr J. L. Grant, Mrs. A. Hammond, Mr. W. M. Relly. Miss L. H. Moore, Miss A. C. Ochs. Miss I. Pearce, Miss V. Pearcc, Miss O. Pearce, Mrs. E. Petersen. Mr. R. H Pcnk, Mr. I'. Regan, Mr. G. F. B. Sewell, Mr. M. O. Wain, Miss M. A. Thorn nson. Mr. R. J. McCoy, Miss 11. W. McCoy, Mr. J. McCoy. Mr. G. Blackmore, Mrs. A. D. Wain, and 60 third class. The vessel is due at Sydney to-morrow morning and she will sail for Auckland on Friday. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE The following vessels arc expected to bo within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-day:— Auckland.—Maui Pomare, Dceban,{, Dunedin, Elmbank, Maimoa. Nnrbada, Niagara, Eangitata. _ Ropa, Triton, Tymeric, Veronica. Waipahi, Wairuna. Wellington.—Tairoa, Jekoa, Mam Pomaro, New Zealand. Aorangi. Mariposa, Matai, Monterey, Rantfitiki. ZeaJnndia. Awarua.— Discovery 11. Monowai, Waikouaiti, AVaihemo, Wainui, lekoa.

PORT OF ONEHUNGA Saturday's Arrivals.—Hauturu (7 a.m.), from New Plymouth. BY TELEGRAPH Yi'ELLINGTON.— September E; Arrived— Totara (3.40 a.m.), from Timaru; Maori (7 a.m.), Holmdalo (10.20 a.m.), Opihi (11.45 a.m.), from Lyttelton. Sailed—Totara (1.15 p.m.), for West,port; Oropuki (3.25 p.m.), for Bluff; Tairoa (4.35 p.m.), for Oomnru: Opihi (6.20 p.m.), for Nelson; Maori (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Ilolmdalo (10 p.m.), for Wanganui. September 4: Arrived— Rangatira (7 a.m.), from Lyttelton; Kalingo (1.25 p.m.), from Napier; Alexander (1.30 p.m.), from Collingwood. Sailed—O. A. Knudsen (7.10 a.m.), for San Pedro. LYTTELTON.—September 3: Arrived— John (6.10 a.m.), from Motneka: Rangatira (6.45 a.m.). from Wellington; Ardenvolir (8.5 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed—Ngahou (7 a.m.), for Wellington; John (3.55 p.m.). for Wellington; Rangatira (9.40 p.m.), for Wellington; September 4: Arrived—Maori (7 a.m.), from Wellington; New Zealand (noon), from Dunedin. Sailed—Moa (7.40 a.m.), for Wellington. DUNEDlN.—September 3: Arrived—Kaimai (8.30 p.m.), from Lyttelton; Gale (10.45 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed—New Zealand (4.30 p.m.), for Lyttelton. September 4: Sailed—Fiscus (7.15 a.m.), for Port Kembla. _LOS ANGELES.—September 1; Sailed— Nucula, for Auckland. BOSTON.—September 1: Sailed—Canadian Constructor, en route from New Zealand to New York. CURACAO.—September 2; Sailed—Norfolk, en route from London to Lyttelton.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21279, 5 September 1932, Page 5

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SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21279, 5 September 1932, Page 5

SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21279, 5 September 1932, Page 5