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Fino weather and fairly fast greens were experienced in Auckland on Saturday when club and inter-club bowling competitions wer o continued. Following were the results ol club games:— Auckland. —Club fours: Simpson. De Renzy, Uie, Keys, 23. v. Mills, JTarlow. "Williams, Woolley, 17; Colebrook, Forrest. : Prime, Nicholson, 19. v. Forder, Chisscll. Graham, McCrea, IS; Green, Matheson. Foster, A. Smith, 32, v. Berry, Atchley, Dimery, Kales, 10; Grocott, Brook, Barker. Lyell. 19, v. Hampton, Mason, Keesing. Kumnier, 18; Brown, Lenderyou, C. Allan. XI Allan, 25., v. Probert, Armitage, Hacket. Hoi'". '-3; Adnms. McDpugall, Beck, _McPiiaii. 20, " t "- Messe.r, Luke. Linder, Kirk. IS- G-. Allan. Binn's, Dicketts, Muston, 19. T 'Robson, Woodhcad, Hin ton, G. J. Mac]<ay, 12; Tracy. G. Read, Whittaker. Walker. 23, v. Alexander. Hislop, McKin]iiv, Steele. 14; Moon, Redmond, Bourke. Pierce, '-3, v. Howard. Dadley, R. D. Gray. Neil. 10. Beaumont. Paterson, White. Maxwell, 21. v. George, Todd. Daniel, Maker, 17: King, Htnvitson. Waters. Gilles, jl t v. Newmegiu, Self. W. J. Campbell. A.' D. Gray, 20; Nicol, Blades, Messenger. Schmott. 22. v. Edwards. Moore. Richardson. Piatt. 13; S. Coldio\jtt, K. S. Macky. 50, V. ]). Campbell,* Fraser, 19. Carlton. —Percentage fours: White. G. Pollard, I'oote, df> Lnunay, 17. v. Wildish. Birkenhead, A. Gladding, Truscott. 23; Hunker, Thompson, Proud, Ritchie, 15, v. Neurnesin. Gavey. T. Mountain, Soaking. SI; J. Robertson, Ross, G. Gladding, Lanfi. IS, v. Tbornes, Burns, Briltain. Perry, 22; Feran. Struckett, E. Blair. Clarke. 13. v. Sherman, Benton, Julian. Kemp. 19; Richardson. Lister, Wetherilt. Fookes. 15. v. A. Taylor. Johnston, C. Mountain, Sneddon. 2(1; Penalligen, Fletcher, Dillicnr, H. Jenkin. 23; v. Bartrom, Holford, Watson. W. Cross, 21; Clifton, E. Hill, G. Taylor. Jones, 30, v. A. Brown, Noton, Bird, Rowo. ]7; Abdfrt'ah, Wright. Stokes. Wishart, 25. r. Adamsoi., W. Blair. Coutts, Hodd. 23; Shields, A. Pollard. H. Hill, Wrightson, 53. v. Cairns. T. Hill. V. Cooke. Buxton. 37: Stevens, Foote. Walker. Martin. 13. v. Poll's. Pascoe, Sampson, V. Little. 21; Cooke, Doyle. Tulloch, Hiegqtt, 17, v. FtuarU Trendall, Harvey, Kihrour. 18: Angove, D. Dirkson, Mitchell. Carter, 21. v. C. Little. Mafsden. Isanes. G. Clnrk<>on, 14; Mclaughlin, Buckle, Frost, "W. Hills. 15. r. Sawyer," Marshall. Roberts, Ball. .11; Cossey, G. Duncan, Buchanan. Turner. 29. t. E. Allan, Bell, Pift, J. Duncan. 18; Cornish, Torrance, Josey, 22, v. Doolau. Arey, Bates, 19. Mount Edan.—Percentage fours: "W. .Tones. Lancaster, R. Robertson, 27, v. Gage, Sergeant. J. Smith, 10; Harland. D. Ferguson, Bnrley. J. Baker. 17, v. Jos. Smith. Wick-steed. Almao. Elliott. 13; Taylor, B. Smith, Herron. Morrison. IG, v. Murdoch. Pe Tango, J. Reid. A. Jone3, 14; Bailev. Pender3on. Gribble. Trayes, 26, v. Doull. TUrracli, Haycock. Tutt. 20; Chambers. Kin- „ jiiburph, Middletou, Frnser, 23, v._ WntFon, Ovens. Rich, Bourke, 15; Knight,, Vickerraan, Dignan, Miller, 22, v. Crichton. Derrick, Delamore, Hull, 14; Hough, Ti'ntoul, R. Sheriff. Walton. '2l. v. Rudd, Charlton, Voyce. Vivian, 1G: Gregson. Gray, Marshall. Gill. 30. v. Bowler, Whitham,

Paisley; Galenby, S; Forgie, Rentlali. Moon, Turner, 19, v. Cave. C'arruth, W. Reid, C. Baker. 10: Yates. Snence. Bigelow, 24, v. Staukic, White, Bainbridgc, 10.

Remuera.—Jobson fours: Adams, Westwood, Dransfield. Newton. 27, v. Peiin, Ilertslett, Spoouer, McCallum, 10; Hedges, Fernyhough, Ormiston, East, 22, v. Cotter. Sutherland, Bowles, Mellars. 17; Mc,Kechni'?. Clark, Gannaway. C. Kissling, 28, v. Potts, Lusher, Baker. McMillan. 20: Scherer. Grieve, Ellerbeck, Garland, 23. v. Watt, Susmnn, Wallace, Smith, 11; Williams, Donaldson, Acheson, Patterson. 23. ■v. J. H. Johnston, Sytne*. F. Shortt. Harrow,- 22; Cutfield. Bolton. Evans. Daniels, 30, v. Thompson, Murphy, G. Hill. T". D Reid, 15; Hessell. Walker, Kenderclirio. Sheath, 19, v. Parker. Fullerfon. M. Reid, G. H. Kisslinpr, IS; Loosemors. Alexender. Bull, J7, v. O'Leary. Brownlee. Coo. 10; Fi.sher, Dempsey, E. Clnrke. 26. v. Mahony, W. Jaekson, Norton, 9: Keys, Felrion. Davis. Sanderson. 19. v. P. Jackson, Gnffiths. Jones, Uren, 14; Campbell. Annan(isle. W. Hill, Gavey, 23, v. Shannon, Vickerman, Young. 17: Crath. Hatch. Jlineins, 20, ,v. Ptuty, Hutchison. Buiclicr. 19.

Balmoral.—Percentage fours: Trewin, I T.'cpneH. Semadeni. Kelly, 25, v. Barnes. L. J. Clar.i, Cannon. Jones. 17; Barber. Fort. Yeoman, S. E. Chanpell, 25, v. Amoore. Huston, Blair, Brov.'u, 21: Purdy, Bernard. Goodnll, Bush, 26 v. Buckley, Cook. A. J. Campbell, L/ H. Campbell, 11; Brownlee. Fleming, Rattray. Denisou. 24, v. Stevens. G. Clark, W. Richardson, Roberls, 22: A. rhappe'l. Esterman, Kemp, Codd, 21. v. Taltersall, Fergusson. Norgrove, Ashbv. 15: Spier. Foreman, Winthron. R. H. Fisher. 2A. v. Sawyers, Mason. Honpy, Eampcj". K: W. S. Fisher. Hinkley, Robertson. Vincent, 20. v. Davis, McLeod, Winks, Carl- - 18: D. Wilson, Marton. E. J. Goldsmith. Xewton, 22, v. Betts, F. R. Wilson. P. Richardson, Truman, 19; E. S. Taylor, f'ifford, 20., Vprcoe, H. R. Goldsmith. 14. Semi-final. club handicap pairs: Anderson, Black, 22, v. Gordon. Percy. 21. Grey Lynrj.—Clr.b four.s: Everet, Winters, Bougan. Mincham, 24. v. Street. Lawson. Raul, Skitch, 19; Armstrong, Sawyer. Cottinghairi, Chambers, 24, v. Gadd, Sanders. J. Reed, Liversidge, 17; McCullough. Sage. Little, Emirali. 25J v. Christey, S. Smith. Prince. E. Buckley, 17; Mayson, Christmas, Snell._ Gibson, 13. v. Person, Leydon. Lanican, 'league, 13; H. Burrell. Mclvor. / Rawke. Newton, 19. v. Cadness, Raynes. W Smith. Curtis. 18: Cox. Gebbie. Preston. Walker, 21, v. T. Marshall, Trewheela. D. Young, F. Baildon, 12; E. Caddy. Shaw. Knight. R. Caddy. 30. v. Woodcock. Solo--s_ion. Thomas. J. C. Preston. 12: Lnine. A. Buckley, Hale. 29, v. Maguire. H. Reed. F. Moran, 19; C'lnninghtyn. F. Preston. 27. v. Buddie. J). Moran. 23. Rocky Nook.—Ordinary draw: Stormont. Simmonds, Sadler, Anderson, 22, v. P. Smith, Bowen, Edwards. Lamb. 21: Siider, Wde Rungs, J. Kayes. Randell, 21. v. Austin. McMillan, Finch, 13; E. Smilh. Ogamore. J. Pearce, B. Kayes. 1", v. Rutledge, Matthews, Gain. Roylnnce. 14; Young, Yeo, Alder. 10. v. Lewis. TurWilliams. 17. Tongue Cup. semifinal: Jones, 21, v. Sadler, 10. plandicat) singles: W. Grihble. 22. v. T. Jo-ies. 15. Semi-final: W. Gribble. 21. v. Stormont. 20.

Rawhitj. —Percentage fours: Allen. MorJ'tiw, •( lilpun. Murray. 29. v. McLeod. Scarborough, Scelly, Freeman, 10; Eshelb.v, ■virmvays. Jackson. Vsmchan. 23. v. North. Town send. Vincent, Cbiplin, 11: While. Jienley, Stewart, P. Thomson, 22, v. Mason. Jhronsen, Savin. Brown, 18: Wayte. TorJens. Worthinglon. 22. v. Cameron. Barker. B. Paterson, 11;. Gibson, Bennett. J. Jjirris. X. Thomson. 20. v. Aylett. Jones. *'.aves, Martiu. 17; Russell. Stubbs. WatHaslam, 20, v. Coleman, Leaning, E. "alker, Katterfeldt. 10; K. Walker. OrmeJ, ■ ,21. v . Carter. D. Harris, 15; Clinkard. |;arle, Keller, 27. v. Wilmot, Barnes, Devonport,— Percentage fours, semi-finals: il'hson, Morgan, Markham, Miller. 19. v. i. 'ndy. Murphy, Elinesley. Melville. 22; 4r ' Newman, I'rater, Ellison. 22. v. J ei-'nold. Jack nil in,' Atkins. Elvcy. 28. Gold ttars; Weight. Onke, Sullivan, [larnlin. 2lj, Hockley, Martinson. Wright. Andrew. Ordinary draw; Chivers, Clarke. Mc■aren. Blackie, 22, v. Rush, Connell. BaitDash. 19; Barker. Eyre, Scotland. Ancr«on, 22. v. McSkimming, Buchanan, "icy, Coldicutt, 2S: Ald is. Tlarfy. Brookes. rcvilhi::k. ]], -v. Thornton. Watson. FosLundon, 17; Fraer. Latta, Vaile. Jack- ,?"• v. Pitt, sen.. Pitt, jiin., McDonfi "; irr t'n ; 31; Stirman. Davis. Palmer. 1 r 3y, 23, v. Kennings. Goudie. McLeod. ' ,J : I' lilljames, T. Da vies, Wriitlcy. nhvo r l: J7. v. McCallurn, Spierr. Lincoln, b'load. 15

A v ontJai e ._Ordinary draw: Burgees. Gil i,; r ' 22, v. Fisher. .Xewell, '2O; Crawford, estren, 20. v. Pringle. Barnes. 27: Craiir. arrifoii, 23. v. Cunningham, Pooley. 28 oolcott, Munns. It. v. Bennett, Beacon

St-nlov. IV-.-, fosirs; -rdee. *orth Hall, M,.-Masters. 24. v. Baker. AVelt,T - H. Jones. 17; Clark. Dawfr'i. Wliit'icv, Johnston, 32, v. Tintt. E. A. (; ' tr ' Wilson, ]C>: Sninty. l\enf|". Gray. Smith. 23. v. Aldridge. Hooker. 33 ,V V '' hi,( '- 15: Donaldson. Bartlctt. v. Forbes, Purser. Hi. Tim season win|e 3 art " Kennedy. Clarke. Sainty and WhitOnchunga —Vice-president's fours: Kerns. rl/'n 0 ' u'" 11, Bray. 21. v. Ilickman. Petrfnn 'c- i" r ' so "- Crosi. 15: Lilness. Gorn. oulhcrl,nul, Tomkin, 20, v. McMnster. p Vori 1 1 e 11, Schnackenberg. Ross. 18: hJP', Moore, Livingston. Welliam. 30. v. OiH, Wrigbt. Bray. 12: Richardtr ' Reeling, Mcl'arnubar. Mudie, 29. v. Jr. . H »'ith. Giitland. AYiggiuton. 20: - |? a W - ,ea 'e. Skinner, Keniiry, 10. v. V.i' 1 , r ' ,c . Foote. McKenzie. 22: Ad»ms. lin Mack low. 21. v. Phil- ' *n!iv Mcßenth, IS; Fnrns- > - cuj, • Lerarrhlv. Brown. Flowerday. 21. v. - ft, er< ®e'l. Lninor. B:issett. 24; Rnmsnv. p .Hnrlock, Roh#»rfs, ]v. Oibbons. ur n - Brown. Lindborg. 27: Kirk wood, fianro Ueoi---. Aileu. 2C,. v. Hardley. Trcl3n<l Jones, Marks. 17. * y ß "® r S.—Ordinary draw: Hume. MorVS,' ie nneS ' v * Bowler ' InealU L a s-

Otahuhu-—Percentage fours: Lawes, Ewan, Lawson, Goodwin, 14, v v. West. G. E, Whitmore, Stansfield, Carson, 20; Sanderson, May. Mcintosh, Doherty, 21, v. Parsons, Hickson, Ogilvie, 14; Ewan, Fenton, It. B. Todd, Sykes, 28, v. Lawes. Pareons, Taylor, Pinhey, 15. Club pairs: Crawford, Gardirer, 20, v. Todd, Downey, 20; Wilson, Taylor, 20, v. Moss, Ferguson 21; Mos9, Ferguscn. 21. v. Williams, Ogilvio, 20. FiiisJ-year championship; Fenton, 21, v. Lawes, 15; Fenton, 21, v. Eccles, 10; Fenton, 21, v. Liwes, 3. Epsom—Ordinary draw: Beckett, Thwaites. Laud, Montgomery. 20, v. llollis, Adames. Patrick, Brown, 14: Rowley, Alfrev. A. French, 31, v. Morrison. Hendry, Howard. INTER-CLUB GAMES. Following were the results of inter-club games, the names of players t>f first-men-tioned clubs taking precedenco in each case:— Ellerslie v. St. Heliers.—At. St. Heliers: Hill, Ogle, Toy, Watson, 17. v. S. Clarke. Hulse, Bradley, Oaliill, 21; Christmas, Ganley, G. Wood, Hay, 12, v. Rowe, Le Grice, Lowe, Morris, 22; Fussell, Digging, Henry, Woodward, 12, v. Appleyard, Duthie, Hare, P. White. 27; A, McKenzia, Cucksey, Godfrey, Lynch, 20, v. Hirst, McLaren, Brunette, lvoefoed, 2v; Cleelc. Hardwieke, L'ostard, Dickson. !!2, v. Bradslniw, Bayliss, Caineron, McMahon, 22; Piggott,, H. R. McKenzie. Westbrooke, F. Wood, 22, v. Watkins, Lawrence, Twiname, Dawson, 17. Mangers v. Monurewa.—Thomas, Howie, Clark, l.lodgea, 21, v. Cleave, Harvey, White, Whitton, 18; Edwnrdß, Blandford, Sommers, Prangley, 30, v. Gray, Ilood, McCullough, Neild, 19: Wilson, Laslett, Kay. McG regov, 17, v. Murray. Coxhead, Whyte, Ecclesfield, 17; Caddy, Steel, Newsom, Studd, 17, v. Flemming. \\'ard, Brigham, Frost, 29; Richards, Simpacn, Knight, Nicholls, 31, v. Sidaway, Chesvick, Pollett, Smith, 5; Granger, Garlard, McGregor, House, 21, v. Finlay, Millar, Hughes, Gallaher, 21. Epsom v. Edendale. —At Epsom: Campbell, A. Wright. Kendall, J. Wright, 13, v. Johnson. Harrison, Forshaw. Addison. 23: Wood, Beckman Bruce, O'Callaghan, 31, v. Bennett, Dawes, Tnylor, Jackson, 10; Haszard. Wells, Blackwoll. Inglis. 21, v. Jones, Oldham, Codd, Browneit, 22; McCullough. Rabons. A. Taylor, Gosling. 20, v. Mayhill, Brj.dshaw, Greenwood, East. 21. Epsom v. Hallyburton-Johnstone.—At Eiisoin: Hill, Mynott, Wilson, J. Ramsay, 27, v. Cash, Phillips, Daniels, Bromley, 9; Parks. Neale. IMcDougall, Furrell, 14, v. Snowden. Breckon. Tnylor, Dyson, 25. Firstyear players: Whitling, Bagley, Harris, Forbes, 30, v. Dodd, Good, Francis, Houghton, 9. Otahuhu V. Te Papapa Gorrie, Williams. Pinhey, Morton, 21, v. Siebert, Thursby. Dawson, Johnson, 15; Trevenn, Gardiner, Bailoy, Everitt. '24, v. Bond, Wilson, U. G. Speight, Crichton, 19; Patton, J. Todd, J. Harper, IRowell, 20, v. Speight. Scobie, Allcock, Moon. 19. Clevedon v. Ws.iuku.—At Waiuku: Tylden, Bull, Gore, Ryburn, 20, v. James, Gill, Jones, Aldred, 2; ; Dow, Hepworth, Bannerman, Da we, 13, v. Garland, G. Arkle, Crouch, H. M. Barriball, 17; Waterhouse, Bell. Atchison, McCullough, 20, v. Honey, Wrathall. Elm si r, Wright, 24; Mellsop, Campbell, Munro, Graham, 25, v. J. Barriball. Muir, A. M Barriball, Neil, 17. Totals: Clevedon, SI; Waiuku, 83. ONEHUNGA TOURNEY. The following skip 3 have entered teams for the Onehunpa Bowling Club's tourney to bo held on Wednesday, commencing at 8.45 o'clock:—Gosling (Epsom), Marks, Livingstone, Robertson, Gotland, Vella, Sutherland, Li ml berg, Wigginton, Harrison, McKcndrick (Oneln ngaJ, Vauglian (Rawhiti), Butcher (Buckland), Joll. Coppins (Ellerslie), Buckley (Grey Lynn), Keith (Pukekohe), Carter (Carlton), Knight (Papatoetoe). Mclnnes (Rawhiti), Mason (Auckland), Somers (Ilangere). Whitmore (Papalatra), Chalmers (Tramways). MANGKRE TOURNEY. A full-rink louniament, held by tlie Mangere .Bowling Club was won by Donaldson, Mowant, S. Donaldson, Mcintosh (Grey Lynn) with 5 wins. WESTERN SUBURBAN CLUBS The first, champion rink contest, ot (lie Western Suburban District- Clubs v.t.s played on the Glen Eden green on Saturday. Following were the results:- - First Round. Sdgerley, William,. Jleese, Rankin (New Lyntil, 22, v. Clarke, Boag, Taplin, Dyson (ITnllyburton-Johnstonc). 12. Second round: Kinbig, Wright, Sanders, Higginbotham (Henderson 1. 10. v. Manges. Sunde, Perkins, Fox (Glen Eden), 11; Rankin, 20. v. Myers, Kelsall, Darrach, Porritt (Avondalj), 30. Final: Rankin, 25, v. Henderson, 13 PUKEKOIIE CLUB. A vocational tournament for members was commenced o>„i the Pukekohe Bowling Club's greens on Saturday. The finals will be decided next Saturday. Three rounds were played and thos? with three wins are:— Sumner (shopkeepers). Duncan Roulston and Adams (farmers). CLAUDELANDS TOURNAMENT. [from our own correspondent.J HAMILTON, Sunday. A progressive full-rink tournament was held on the Clnudelnnds green yesterday. Three games of il heads were played. All the Hamilton clubs were represented in the tournament. Tho skips and seconds' section was won by Gall and Johnson with 25- wins and no losses, In the threes and leads' section Swain and C'hoyce and Cobb and Kivell tied with three wins each. TE AWAMUTIJ V. OTOROHANGA. [from our own correspondent. ] TE AWAMUTU, Saturday. Otorohnnga bowler? played a match against Te Av.-umutu today, but failed in their challenge for the King Country Cup. Following are tho scores. Te Awamutu players being mentioned first:—Cup games: A C. Cruickshank, E. W. McCarten, J. 'l'. North, J. Hawkins, 13, v. M. Pratt. Cooper, A. T. C ullum, J. J. Walker, 21; G. Angus, G. F. Smith, S. 11. Dunkley, F. Mclnnes, 27, v. W. A. Bowyer, W. Tozer, W. Peek, J. Hawkins, 15; J. "W. Civil, C). O. Jourdain, 'P. Grant, It. Metcalfe, 23, v. J. Sing. R. Bell, A. Turnbull. P. 11. Rovre. 17. Inter-club games: S. Haines, S. J. Kobes, W. Nicholson, S. W. McMillan, 27, v. Bridge. Lendmen, G. Jackson. R. Ennlend, 13; C. G. Downes, H. Brill. A. A. Iteese, James Walker, 34, v W Cassey, 'J. Langkilde, W. Bluclc, Jack Walker. 17. R. Boss and T. W. Gee defeated C. Mclnnes and W. J. North in the semi-final of the club pairs championship and now play A. G. Wea herell and R. Metcalfe in the final. PLAY AT 'TE AROHA. [FROM OCR OWN- CORRESPONDENT.] TE AROHA, Saturday. " A one-day tournament to-day marked tho close of the bowing season in To Aroha. Though only six teams took part they included a team from Wanganui. All tho games wore limited to 12 heads and the finals were completed in good time. Kriskovieh (Te Aroha) won with an aggregate score of 89 points, and the runner-up was Henderson (I acroa) with 00 poiuls.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21160, 18 April 1932, Page 13

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BOWLING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21160, 18 April 1932, Page 13

BOWLING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21160, 18 April 1932, Page 13