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INDICATIONS OF PROGRESS. PICK OF PROVINCE ON SHOW. The outstanding feature of tlio Auckland Show is undoubtedly the dairy cattle section. An increase in the numbers entered may be taken as a reflection of the continued progress tho industry is making in the province, but the point which stands out above all others is fI jo general standard of excellence of tho stock.

In a province which possesses almost half the total number of dairy cows in the country, ari imposing exhibit is only to be expected. But while the quantity and quality of the entries testify to tho solid foundation of the industry in the North, it cannot be said that they represent anything like the full resources of production. In a far-flung area like the Auckland Province considerations such as convenience in transport and incidental expense have* a restrictive influence on anything in the nature of a fully representative display. The fact, however, that so many excellent animals of so many different breeds" are displayed at the metropolitan fixture speaks volumes for the suitability and productivity of tho area from which the entries aro drawn. Tho general standard fully merited the provision by the association of the national championship awards. Jerseys, as usual, form the predominant class in the dairy section. Some of tho best types of the breed in the Dominion are on display, and altogether the exhibit promotes a complete confidence in the dependability of butter-fat production as a mainstay to tho province's prosperity. llecauso it has proved itself to be so well adapted to tho climate of tho Auckland Province, the Jersey breed far surpasses any other in point of numbers, but a more important factor is that, by continual attention to management and selection, northern breeders have evolved a type and quality which ranks with the world's best.

What has been said of the lighter breed might he applied with almost equal emphasis to tho Friesians. Tho keynote for comment in this class is quality in the truest sense of the word. A leading authority on tho Friesian breed said yesterday that the display was the finest yet seen at the Auckland Show and that it gave a true representation of the progress being made by this heavy milking typo in the North. Auckland has been said to possess milking Shorthorns which surpass any others in the country. The breed is well represented agairi this year, the typo and quality -of the animals imbuing the class with great interest. Ayrshires and Red Polls, which arc not nearly so numerous locally as Jerseys or Friesians, make up two very good classes and contribute in no small measure to the value of tho section. The prize-list is as follows:

PEDIGREE MILKING SHORTHORNS. Cow, any ace, in milk.—R. D. Duxfield s Horotiu Princess, I; A. L. Souter and Sons' Ester 11.. 2; G. I). Hall's Pinedalo Laurel, 3. Dry cow or lieifer, three years or over: G. D. Hall's Glenbank Plum, 1; iR. D. Duxfield's Horotiu Betty, 2. Heifer, ill milk, three years: J. 1. Dickey's Kohekthe Carmen, 1; It. D. Duxfield's Horotiu Lily, 2. Heiter, in milk, two years: R. D. Duxfield's Horotiu Sadie, 1; A. L. Souter and Sons' Mona IV., 2. Yearling heifer: R. D. Duxfield's Horotiu Supreme, 1; A. I. McLeod's Haranui Gleam, 2; J. McGowan's Coldstream Bella, 3. Heifer call": ,T. McGowan's Coldstream Ruth. 1 and 2: R. D. Duxfield's Horotiu Lady. 3. Bull, three years or over: R. D. Duxfield's Pine Farm Gem IV., 1; G. D. Hall's Pinedale Lad, 2; I. D. Greenwood's Mahurangi Majesty, 3. Bull, two years: J. I. Dickey's Coldstream Quality's Superfine, 1: I. D. Greenwood's entry, 2; J. McGowan's Coldstream Bonny Boy, 3. Yearling bull: R. .D. Duxfield's Horotiu Billy, 1; A. L. Souter and Sons' Moivtrose, 2; J. I. Dickey's Kohekohe Ensign. 3. Bull calf: J. McGowan's Coldstream Quality Pride, 1; R. D. Duxfield's Horotiu Marshall 11., 2; J. I. Dickey's Kohekohe Royal, 3. Special Classes.—Breeder's group, bull and three females: R. D. Duxfield's entry, 1 ; G. D. Hall's entry, 2; A. L. Souter and Sons' entry. 3. Two yearling heifers by same sire: .T. McGowan's Coldstream Bella and Coldstream Honeybud. 1; G. D. Hall's entry, 2. Progeny class, three animals: A. J,. •Souter and Sons' entry. 1: ,T. McGowan's entry, 2; R. D. Duxfield's entry, 3.

PEDIGREE JERSEYS. C'ow, in milk.—A. Morcland nnd Sons' Beechlands Queen Mab, 1; W. H. Miers' Noble's Choice. 2; A. Moreland and Sons' Gay Lady, 3. Heifer, three years, in milk: W. H. Miers' Almadale Doris, 1; G. R. and H. Hutchinson's Vernon Queen's Noble, 2; Dr. G. Walker's Abberley Daisy, 3. Heifer, two years, in milk: A. E. Watkins' O.K. Blush Rose, 1; R. Waterhouse's Coniston Victress, 2; A. E. Watkins' O.K. Golden Sunray, 3. Senior yearling heifer: A. Moreland and Sons' Beechlands Fairy Sunlay, 1; A. E. Watkins' O.K. Famous Combination, 2; A. Moreland and Sons' Beechlands Darkey Lass, 3. Junior yearling heifer: A. Moreland and Sons' Beechlands Fairy Betty. 1: A. E. Watkins' O.K. Scotch Jewel, 2; W. H. Carter's Meridales Sweetheart, 3. Heifer calf: W. H. Canter's Meridales Gaiety, 1; W. H. Carter's Meritjales Gay Lady, 2; A. F. and A. .Tagger's Clifton Foxglove, 3. Bull, three years or over: A. Moreland and Sons' Fairy Flags Raleigh, i; A. E. Watkins' Lord Aldan's Challenge, 2; W. H. Miers' Almad\le Oxford Lad, 3. Bull, two years: W. T. Wedding's Meridalo Oxford Nobility, 1; J. J. Rigney's C'afitlereagh Owler Jack, 2; G. R. and H. Hutchinson's Brampton Esfellas Gam,boge, 3. Senior yearling bull: A. Moreland and Sons' | Beechlands Fairy Count, 1: R. Guntren's Kuku Prim Virtor. 2: R. Waterhouse's Con- j iston Mason. 3. Junior yenrlins hull: A. Moreland and Sons' Beechlands Eminent Lad, 1; W. 11. Carter's Meridales Dairy Boy, 2; C. G. nnd F. C. Aickin's Keeper's Dreaming Noble. 3. Bull calf: A. Moreland and Sons' Beechlands Golden (Raleigh, 1; W. 11. Carter's Meridale Design, 2; W. H. Carter's Meridnle3 Fancy Boy. 3. Special Classes.—Bull, any age: A. Morehind and Sons' Fairy Flags Raleigh, 1; W. H. Miers' Almadale Oxford Lad. 2: R. Waterhouse's Collision Mason, 3. Yearling hull and two yearling heifers: A. Moreland and Sons' entry, 1; A. E. Watkins' entry, 2; W. H. Carter's entry, 3. Two yearling heifers by same sire: A. Moreland and Sons' entry, 1; A. E. Watkins' entry, 2: W. Tl. Carter's entry, 3. Semiofficially tented cow or heifer: R. Waterhouse's Coniston Goldie, 1: A. E. Watkins' Oaklands Silky. 2; C. G. and F. C. Aickin's Tauwhare Gloria, 3. Yearling heifer, parish class: A. E. Watkins' O.K. Famous Combination. 1: A. E. Watkins' O.K. Fin ell i, 2; W. H. Carter's Meridales Preference. 3. Yearling bull, parish class: R. Waterhouse's Collision Mason, 1; W. 11. Carter's Meridales Daily Boy, 2; A. E. Watkins' O.K. Aldan's Trick, 3. Breeder's group, bull and three females: A. Moreland and Sons' entry, 1: W. H. Miers' entity, 2: A. E. Watkins' entry, 3. Progeny class, three females, in" milk: A. E. Moreland and Sons' Beechlands Tiara. Beechlands Dark Eyes and Beerhlands Darky, 1 : A. E. Moreland nnd Sons' entry, 2; C. G. and F. C. Aickin's entry. 3. Jersey Club's Oaks: G. R. and H. Hutchinson's Vernon Queen's Noble, 1: W. T. S. Wilson's Barnaisrh Rose. 2: C. G. and F. C. Aickin's Tauwhare Prim, 3. PEDIGREE FRIESfANS.

C'ow, mature, in milk: Piri Land Company's Bloonifield Fayne Fobes, 1; Oakview Stud Farm's Merrena Lass of Oakview. '2; Oakview Stud Farm's Johanna Poach of Oakview, It. Dry cow or heifer, three years or over: Murvale Friesinn Stud's H. Royal Pontine. 1: Hobson Farm's entry, 2; R. A. Bell's Waione Lady Domino, 3. Tleifcr, three years, in milk: Waione Model Farm's Ilanley Clover Princess, 1; Piri Land Company's Totara. C. R. Lass, 2; Oakview Stud Farm's Oakview Flower Girl Posch. 3. Heifer, two years, in milk: Oakview Stud Farm's Oakview Queen Anna Posch. I; Piri Land Company's Totara Netherlnnd Amber, '2; W. Langford's Wnipipi Jesßie Beets, 3. Senior yearling heifer: Piri Land Company's Totara Forest Lola, 1; Piri Land Company's Totira Forest, Lily, 2: Piri Land Compapy's Totara C. R. Marsie, 3. Junior yearling heifer: Murvale Friesinn Stud's H. Queen Hep. I; W. H. Mac)ill's Olendale Dutch Ashburn, 2; Hobson Farm's Hobson Do Kol P. Kobn, 3. Ileifer calf: M. S. Ronnie's Moneville Mercena Domino Zozo. 1; A. C'. Tronsdnlc's entry. 2; Hobson Farm's Hobson Petal, 3. Bull three yearß or over: M. S. Rennie'a Hobson Zozo 25th, 1; Waione Model Farm's Hanley Nether-

land Butterboy, 2; Oakview Stud Farm's Poscb of Oakview, 3. Bull, two years: Piri Land Company's Totara Colantna Cavalier, 1; S. \V. Norrish's Waitemata Dutchman, 2; T. W. Byers' Silverleigh Black King, 3. Senior yearling bull: Oakview Stud Farm's Oakview Domino Inka Sylvia, 1; Piri Land Company's Totara Lotta Leopold, 2; Oakview Stud Farm's Oakview Prince Poach. 3. Junior yearling bull: Oakview Stud Farm's Oakview Pioneer Snow Pontine. 1: Oakview Stud Farm's Oakview Echo Snow Ormsby, 2; Piri Land Company's Totara Ranger Rex, 3. Bull calf: Piri Land Coinpanyjs Totara Veeman Sylvia, 1: M. S. Rennie's Moneville Rozine King Sylvia, 2; Hobson Farm's Ilobsou Champion 6th, 3.

Special Classes.—Bull.oiny age: Oakview Stud Farm's Posch of Oakview, 1 : Murvale Friesian Stud's entry, 2. Cow or heifer: Piri Land Company's Totara Sylvia Trixy, ]; IT. W. Madill's Hobson Ashburn Zozo, 2; Onkview Stud Farm's entry, 3. Two yearling heifers by same sire: Piri Land Company's Totara Forest Lola nnd Toinra Forest Lily, 1: Onkview Stud Farm's en,try, 2; W. H. Madill's entry, 3. Breeder's group, bull and three females: Piri Land Company's entry, 1 : Oakview Stud Farm's entry. 2; Murvale Friesian Stud's entry, 3. Breeder's junior group, yearling bull mid two yearling heifers: Piri Land Company's entries, 1 and 2; Onkview Stud Farm's entry, 3. Progeny class, three animals: Piri Land Company's entry, 1: Oakview Stud Farm's entry, 2: Murvale Friesian Stud's entry, 3. FAT CATTLE. Cow.—A. McNicol and Son, 1, 2 and 3. CALF CLUB SECTION. Pedigree Jersey heifer calf: N. S. B. Meagher's Tauwhare Lady Whitford, 1; K. Booker's Manuka Mona, 2; Miss Nola Millar's Kimu Park Sylvia, 3. Grade heifer calf: Miss Edith Millar's entry, 1; Norman Millar's entry. 2. Pedigree yearling heifer: Miss 11. Cr. Bishop's Vernon Golden Sunray, 1 and Stratford special prize: J. McLeod's Haranui Gleam, 2; C. Booker's Manuka Posy, 3. Grade yearling heifer: O. J. Meagher's Lockwood March, 3 ; C. Eales' Ada. 2. Pedigree two-year-old heifer, in milk: N. S. B. Meagher's Tauwhare Pi'ido's Fancy, 1; Miss Ruth Ealcs' Tauwhare Famous, 2.



SOME GOOD EXHIBITS. Thero was only a moderate display in tho home industries section, although it was considered to be good for an autumn show. The entries of preserves and pickles were small, but the quality was excellent. Tho cookery exhibits were of fair quality. In the needlework section the number of exhibits was of average proportions. Some very fine examples of work were shown and the general quality was good. The awards are:— BREAD AND CAKES. Loaves home-made white bread: Mrs. M. T. Harrison, 1; Miss E. Teal, 2. Loaf home-made brown bread: Mrs. J. C. Pattinson, 1; Mrs. E. McQtuoid, 2; Mrs. E. Schofield, 3. Six plain oven scones: Mrs. L. M. Love, 1; Miss Tui MQrey, 2; Miss G. Roseman, 3. Six fruit scones: Miss T. Morey, 1; Mrs. M. R. Denize, 2. Six girdle scones: Mrs. P. Reid, 1. Six pikelets: Mrs. H. B. Taylor, 1: Mrs. H. W. Stott, 2. Six gems: Mrs. G. Gallie-, 1; Miss G. Roseman, 2; Mrs. A. O. Smith, 3. Nut loaf: Mrs. A. 0. Smith, 1; Mrs. A. Walsh, 2. Home-made seed cake: Miss E. Teal. 1: Mrs. A. H. Jones, 2. Decorated cake: M. F. Gardiner, 1. Madeira cake: Miss S. Teal, 1 and 2; Mrs. A. 11. Jones, 3. Sponge cake: Mrs. M. T. Harrison, 1; Mrs. E. Bowden, 2. Sponge sandwich: Mrs. F. Pheasant, 1; Mrs. M. A. Kerr, 2; Miss S. E. Fox, 3. Home-made shortbread: Mrs. E. McQuoid, I; Mrs. D. M. Cook, 2; Mrs. E. Wilson, 3. Gingerbread: Mrs. J. C. Pattinson, 1. Six sausage rolls: Mrs. H. W. Stott. 1; Mrs. G. Gallie, 2. Six jam tarts: Mrs. A. 0. Smith, 1; Mrs. M. A. Kerr, 2. Six cream puffs: Mrs. F. Pheasant. 1: Mrs. A. O. Smith, 2. Cakes, four varieties: Miss T. Morey, 1; Mrs. -\V. J. Stilton, 2; Mrs. A. O. Smith, 3. HOME-MADE SWEETS. Plain toffee: Mrs. F. Pheasant, 1. Clear nut or fruit toffee: Mrs. F. Pheasant, 1. Coconut ice: Mrs. A. Walsh, 1; Miss G. Roseman, 2. Turkish delight: Mrs. E. Wilson, i; Mrs. D. J. Best. 2; Mrs. F. Pitman, 3. Home-made sweets, three varieties: Mrs. F. Pheasant, 1. PRESERVES AND PICKLES Pots of jam: Mrs. L. Jones. 1 and 2; Mrs. Martin Johnston. 3. Collection jellies: Mrs. A. O. Smith. 1: Mrs. Martin Johnson, 2: Mrs. J. C. Pattinson, 3. Bottles tomato sauce: Mrs. W, J. Stilton. 1; Mrs. Martin Johnston, 2; Mrs. E. Earland. 3. Bottles plum sauce: Mrs. W. J. Stilton, 1: Mrs. Martin Johnston. 2; Mrs. E. Farland, 3. Jars chutney: Mrs. E. M. Wilson, 1; Mrs. Martin Johnston, 2: Mrs. F. Pitman, 3. Bottle preserved tomatoes: Mrs. E. Yeates, 1; Mrs. A. O. Smith. 2; Mis D. J. Best, 3. Collection pickles: Mrs. E. Yeates, 1; Mrs. E. H. Hirst, 2: Mrs. E. M. Wilson, 8. Collection bottled fruit: Mrs. A. O. Smith, 1; Mrs. E. Yeo-tes, 2; Mrs. Martin Johnston, 3. NEEDLEWORK. Plain and fancy work. —Daintiest article underclothing: Mrs. W. Pengelly, 1: Miss M. E. Sprague, 2. Tea cosy cover: Miss A. R. McLean, 1 ; Miss Dorothy, Conole. 2. Cushion cover: Miss Florence V. Fox. 1; Mrs. M. E. Wilson, 2; Miss R. .Taffray, 3. Luncheon set or supper cloth: Miss M. C. Henley. 1: Miss S. Kirk. 2; Miss R. Jaffray, 3. Unbleached calico apron: Miss M. C. Henley, 1; Miss A. M. Payne. 2; Miss Jean C. Vercoe. 3. Guest towel; Mrs. D. Moncur, 1; Miss I\. Brabant. 2. Table scarf or centre: Mrs. M. A. Kerr, 1; Miss V. L. Cogswell, 2. Any article Richelieu embroidery: Miss R. Jaffray, i; Mrs. A. E. Allen, 2; Miss A. R. McLean, 3. Any article tatting: Miss D. E. Wakelin, 1; Mrs. R. Knipe, 2, Pillow sham; Miss R. JatTray. 1; Miss H. A. Smerdon. 2; Miss A. R. McLean, 3. Afternoon tea throw-over: Mrs. W. Pengelly, 1. Baby's bonnet: Miss V. L. Cogswell, 1: Miss Jean' C. Vercoe. 2. Supper cloth, crochef, fine: Mrs. M. B. Wafers, 1: Miss I. O. McCutchan, 2. Supper cloth, crochet coarse: Miss I. O. McCutchan. 1. Supper cloth, embroidered: Miss A. R. McLean, J: Mrs. E. Andrew, 2. Tray cloth: Miss I. O. McCutchan, 1; Miss H. A. Smerdon. 2. D'Oylcy, crochet: Mrs. R. Knipe. 1; Miss ■May Ashton. 2. D'Oyley, embroidered: Miss Rena C. McElhinney, 1 : Miss S. Kirk. 2; Mrs. M. A. Kerr. 3. Child's daintiest frock: Miss A. R. McLean, 1; Miss Ewen rJochertj-. 2. Handkerchief. fancy: Miss B. Nauehttjji, 1; Miss I. Cooper. 2; Miss M. A. Scott. 3. Article from sugar bag: Mrs. E. G. Brady, 1 and 2; Mrs. D. Hessey. 3.

Handicrafts.—Basket: C. IT. Clark. 1 and 2. Any article raffia: Mrs. N. A. McLeod. 1. Any article barhola: Miss M. Cameron, 1. Any article crafts work: Miss Joan M. Craig, 1. Wool Work.—Baby's bootees: Mrs. B. Maslen, 1; Miss E. M. Parker, 2; Mrs. Madge Gibson, 3. Infant's jacket, knitted: Mrs. M. R. Branscombe, 1: Mrs. L. W. K. Crcen, 2. Infant's jacket, crochet: Miss .1. K. Lofjan, <1; Mrs. W. Mills. 2. Infant's frork, knitted: Miss V. L. Cogswell. 1: Miss •T. E. Locan. 2; Mrs. Made:© G-ibson. .1. Bonnet, knitted: Mrs. B. Maslen, 1: Miss H. A. Smerdon. 2; Miss V. L. Coßswell, 3. Child's singlet: Mrs. B. Maslen, ]; Miss V. L. Cogswell, 2; Miss A. M. Payne, 3. Pair men's sox, wheeling: Mrs. R. Mac Donald, 1: Mrs. W. Jacks. 2. Pair men's box, finceiing: Mrs. B. Maslen. 1; Miss F,. M. Parker. 2: Mrs. W. Jacks. 3.

Girls' Classes.—D'Oyley, embroidered: Miss K. M. Holland, 1; Miss Z. Harris, 2; Miss 0. Dennis, ;i. Apron: Miss E. M. Holland. I ; Miss Z. Harris, 2; Miss C. Dennis, 3. Table centre: Miss E. M. Holland, 1 ; Miss M. Winstone, 2. Any article embroidered: Miss E. M. Holland. J: Miss C. Dennis. 2. Any article knitted wool: Miss C. Dennis, 1; Miss E. M. Holla nd. 2.


IMPROVEMENT SHOWN. The photographic entries were considered to be an improvement on those of the Inst show. The picture which secured first prize in the landscape section was a particularly (inn one. Ifc was felt that exhibitors should havo paid more attention to tho presentation of their entries. Tho awards are:— Senior Division.—Landscape photograph: Miss E. Watkins, Hamilton. 1: It. .T, Senrle, Wellington, 2: It. Brialey, Epsom. 3. Home portrait or figured study: J. T. Louden. Hamilton, 1; Mrs. P. Muller. Hamilton, 2: It. Gronberg, 3. Beach. seashore, river or hike: R. Brinley, 1; R. J. Senrle, 2: G. Ogle, Heine Bay, 3. Photograph high speed work: ,T. T. Louden, 1: R. Brialey, 2. Shipping study: R. ,T. Senile, 2: J. T. Louden, 3. Animal study: J. T. Louden, 1. New Zealand farm photo: J. T. Louden, 1; R. Gronberg, 2. Junior Division.—Open: Edith Wood*, 2 and 3^

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21118, 27 February 1932, Page 15

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DAIRY CATTLE. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21118, 27 February 1932, Page 15

DAIRY CATTLE. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21118, 27 February 1932, Page 15