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WEEKLY WESTFIELD SALE. GOOD RISE IN SHEEP PRICES. GENERAL FIRMING TONE. The firming tendency which had heen in evidenco the previous week was continued at the weekly West field fab stock sale yesterday. Yardings in most classes were under Ihe avorago and the demand was good. Although no quotable increase in beef prices occurred, the market was considerably firmer and ox beef sold readily at 21s per 1001b. Some very fine consignments of cow and heifer beef had been yarded and exceptionally good average prices were secured by a number of lines. Two trucks from Tamahero sold up to £6 12s 6d and averaged £5 6s 8d a head. Other good averages for cows and heifers were £4 16s 5d and £4 12s 6d for consignments from Putaruru and Waihau respectively. / Yardings of sheep were also rather smaller than usual and good quality animals met with a keen demand. Prices again appreciated upward of Is a head on last week's quotations. Good quality wethers sold up to ICs 6d and ewes to lis. A pen of extra heavy prime show wethers realised 17s 6d. The calf market also showed a welcome improvement in prices, due partly to the smaller yarding offered. Good quality animals advanced 5s or more a head, compared with the low prices that have prevailed for some time. Few runners were offered. The yarding of pigs was average and late quotations were maintained, lighter sorts receiving a slightly better demand. Following is a summary of the prices realised for fat stock for the last two weeks at tho Westfield fat stock sales:— This Week. Last Week. BEEF (per 1001b) Extra choice ox . 21/- 21/Choicoand prime ox . . . . 18/- to 20/- 17/6 to 20/Choico and prime cow mid heifer 17/- to 20/- 17/- to 20/SIJEEP (per head) Prime wethers .. 12/6 to 16/6 11/6 to 16/Unlin, wethers . . 0/6 to 12/3 9/- to 11/3 Prime ewes .. !)•'- lo 11/3 7/6 to 10 f) Unftn. ewes .. 6/- to s•'<) 4-0 to 7/3 Hoggets .. .. IS/- to 16/- 13/3 to 15/6 Prime lambs .. 9/- to 11/6 B,'- to 13, 3 CALVES (per head) Runners . . . . 30/- to 50/- 24/- to 56'Vealers . . . . 20/- to 45,PIGS (per head)Bnroner3 . . . . 30/- to 48'- 31/- to 4S/Porkers . . . . 20/- to 32/- 16/- to 32 - "Wearers . • 4/- to 10/- 4/- to 9/Slips .'. .. 8/- to 13/- 7/6 to 15/Largo stores . . 15/- to 20/- 11/- to 22/Top price in the section was secured bv a truck of extra prime steers from Mr; 'H. E. Reed, Waerenga, which sold up to £8 12s 6d. A very even consignment from the same vendor realised from £8 2s 6d to £3 ss. A truck of nice qualify bullocks from Mr. W. H. Kelland, of Waipipi, made up to £8 7s 6d and a consignment from Mr. G. A. Laird, of Waihau, was sold up to £8 ss. A consignment of prime steers from Mr. Edward Allen, of Cambridge, sold up to £7 15s and two trucks from Mr. E. G. Phillipps, of Te Heke farm, Helensville, brought to £7 12s 6d. Some very fine average prices were secured by consignments of cows and heifers. Two trucks of extra prime animals, sold on behalf of Mr. Harold Windsor, of Tamahero, realised from £4 15s to £6 12s 6rl and averaged £5 6s 8d a head. An average price of £4 16s 5d was secured bv 16 extra prime cows and heifers from Mr. If. B. Williams, of Putaruru, while a line of primo cows and heifers from Mr. G. L. Laird, of Waihau, averaged £4 12s 6d. A consignment of cows and heifers from Pakuranga realised up to £5 12s 6d and a truck of fine quality cows from Mr. W. W. Dickie, of Walton, made up to £5. DETAILS OF SALES. REPORTS FROM AUCTIONEERS. DALGETY AND COMPANY. Dalcetv and Company, Limited, report on their weekly Westfield fat- stock sale yesterdny as follows: — Beef.—The offering of ox beef was below a vera se. A slight improvement in demand took place and values ruled very firm. Cow and heifer beef nlso was yarded in under average numbers and sold under pood demand at. very firm rates. Extra choice ox sold to 21b per 100 lb; choice and prime ox. 17a 6d to 20s; just killabls. 15s to 17s; prime young cow and heifer beef, 17s to 21 s; just kill able, 10s to 16s; heavy prim Steers realised £7 7s 6d to £8; lighter prime Lice's £6 12s 6d to £7 ss; light, prime steers' £5 6s to £7; small and unfinished steers. £3 2s Gd to £5; extra heavy prime young cows and heiters £o 10s to £b U I'd for extra prime heifers on account ol Mr. 11. Windsor, Tamahere; heavy prime cows and heifers, £4 10s to £o <s Gd; lighter prime cows and heifers. £3 17s bd to £4 7«* Gd: other killable cows, £1 10s to £3 15a. Two trucke of extra prime heifers pold on account of Mr. Harold Windsor made tho fine average of £5 Cs Bd. Une truck of prime cows and heifers, account Mr G L. Laird, averaged £4 12s On. Another line of 16 extra prime heifers and cows on account of Mr. H. B. A\ llliams averaged £4 16s sd. Sheep.—The ofTerinn of mutton was slightly less than an average one and drew steady competition nt again improved prices. Heavy prime wethers realised 13s to 14a Gd; medium. 12s to 12s 9d; light and unfinished, lis Gd to lls 9d; heavy prime ewes. 9s to 10s Gd: lighter primo ewes, 7s to 8s 9d; other owes, Gs to 6s Od. Lambs.—Lambs come forward in average numbers and sold under keen competition t. improved rates. Heavy prime lamb made Us to 12« 9d; medium, 9s 3d to 10s 9d; light. 8s to 9s. Calves.—Calves were yarded in smaller numbers and some good quality vealers were penned. Prices showed a vise on last, weeks quotations and bidding was brisker. Runners iniido £1 10s to £2 10s; heavy vealers. Ml 18s to £2 Ms; medium vealers. XI 10s to £1 17s; light vealers. £1 to £1 9s; small vealers. Its to 19s; rough calves, 5s to 10s; small, 2s lo Gs. Pigs.—Pigs were yarded in average numbers and sold nt, late rates. Choppers realised 20s to £2; heavy baconers. ,£2 3s to £2 7s; medium baconers, £2 lo £2 2s; light baconore, £1 16s to £1 19s; heavy porkers. £1 12s to .£1 17s; medium porkers. £1 7s to £1 lis; light porkers, £1 to £1 Gs. LOAN AND MERCANTILE. The New Zealand Loan nnd Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, report, on their weekly Westfield fat stock sale yesterday as follows :• — Beef.—-Beef was penned in average numbers. There was a steady demand, with values very firm at late quotations. We quote:—Extra choice ox. to 21s' per 1001b; choice and prime ox, 18s to 20s per 1001b; ordinary and plain ox, 15s to 17s; prime young cow and heifer beef, 17s to 20s; ordinary cow beef, 12s to 16s. Heavy prime steers sold at from £' 7s Gd to £8; medium prime eteers, to £7 ss; light, prime steers, £4 15e to £5 IT* Gd; smaller ana unfinished steers. £3 to £4 lJs; heavy prime cows and heifers, £4 5s to £5 12s Gd; medium prime cows nnd heifers, £3 to £4 2s Gd; light, primo cows and heifers, £2 to £2 17s Gd; otjier cows, £1 to £1 17s Gd. Shoep.—Sheep were penned in average numbers. Competition was keen nnd values again improved about Is per head, Heavy primo wethers made 15s to 16s 3d; medium primo wethers, 13s to lis 9d; light prime wethers, lis to 12s 9d; unfinished wethers. 7s Gd to 10s 9d. Extra heavy prime show wethers from Air. Holgar, Orum. Clevedon, realised 17s 6d. Heavy prime ewes made 9s to lis; medium prime ewes, 8s to 8s fid; light primo ewes, Gs to 7s 9d; interiorly fatted ewes, 2s Gd to 5s 9d. Lambs.—Lambs were penned in average numbers nnd sold readily, values improving on Inst week's sale. Heavy prime lambs realised 14s to 16s 6d; medium prime lambs, lis Od to 13s 6d; light prime lambs, 8# to Us Gd; etoro lambs, 6s to 7a Od.

Pigs.—There wa« a large yarding of pigs anH late values for baconera were well maintained. Values for porkers we:re easier. Choppers mnde £1 to £2 12a; medium and heavy baconers, £2 to £2 7s; light baconers and heavy porkers, £1 l'Os to J'l 18s; medium and light porkers, £1 2s to £1 Bs. Store pigs Bold at late quotations. Large stores made 15s to £1; slips, 9s to 13s; weaners, 4s to 10s. Calves.—,A email yarding of calves Bold at improved values. Runners made £1 10s to £2 15s; heavy vealers, £2 to £2 14s; medium vealers, "£1 10s to £1 18s; light vealers, £1 to £1 8s; small and fresh dropped, :2s to ISs; rough calves, 5b to 10s. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS. Alfred Buckland and Sons. Limited, report on the weekly Westfield fat stock sale yesterday as follows: Beet.—Our beef pens contained 154 head, as against 2-SS head at last Wednesday's market, comprising 102 steers and 52 cows and heifers. There was a steady demand and values were very firm. Extra choice ox sold to £1 Is per 1001b.; choice and prime ox, ISs to £1; secondary and plain ox, 16s to 17s; prime young cow and heifer beef, 17s to £1; ordinary cow beef. 10a to l'6s. Extra heavy prime 6teers ranged in price from £8 to £8 12s, for steers from j Mr. 11. E. Peed. Wairenga. Heavy prime steers made £7 to £7 17s fid; lighter prime j steors, £6 5a to £6 17k 6d; light prime steevs. j £5 to £6 2a 6d: small and unfinished steers. | £3 10s to £4 173 Gd. Extra htfavy prime j young cows and heifers realised £1 15s to ' £5 ss; heavy prime cows and lieifers. £1 i to £4 12s Od; lighter prime cows and heifers, j £'2 158 to £3 17s 6d; other killable cows. £1 5s to £2 12s Gd. Sheep.—About an average yarding of sheen sold readily throttehout. Last, week's advance was fully sustained.. (A total of 1353 sheep was sold.) Extra heavy prime wethers realised 15s 3d to 16s 3d, for wethers from Mr. J. P. Kidd, Karaka. Heavy : prime wethers made 13s Gd to 15s; medium j to heavy prime wethers. 12s to 13s 3d; liszht j to medium prime wethers, lis to lis 9d: unfinished wethers, 0s Gd to 10s 9d; extra heavy prime young ewes, lis 3d to 13s. for i ewes from Messrs. Biddick and Newcoinbe: heavy prime ewes, 10s in lis; lighter prime ewes, Ps Od to 9s Od; other killable ewes, Gs Gd to 8s Gd. Lambs.—Lambs came forward to the number of 757 and met with a free sale at j ruling values. Extra, heavy prime lambs made 15s to IGs; heavy prime lambs, 13s to Its Gd; lighter prime lambs. Us to 12s Od; licrht prime lambs, 0s to 10s 9d; small arid plain lambs, 5s 9d to 8s Od. Calves.—Calves 'were yarded in numbers short of requirements. The demand was keen and values rose sharply. No runners were offered. Heavy vealers made £2 to £2 7s: medium, £1 12s to £1 17s; light, £1 "S to £1 10s; srnp.ll, 10s to .£1 4ri: rouph and bucket-fed. 8s to 14s; bobby calves. Is to 4s. A total of 1)8 calves was sold. Pigs.—We had an average entry of piss. Bidding was steady for all classes at the commencement, but eased slightly tor porkers at the conclusion. _ Choppers made £1 5s to £2 2s; heavy prime baconers. £2 ■is to £2 8s; medium, £1 18s to £2 2s; light, £1 12s to £l. 15s; heavy porkers, £1 7s to £1 10s; light and medium, £1 2s to £1 Gs; small. IGs to £1; stores, 16s to £1; slips, lis to 13s; suckers rind weaners, 4s to 9s. A total of 421 pigs was sold. RATES AT ADDINGTON. HEALTHY TONE PREVAILS. [BY TELEGRAPH. —PREPS ASSOCIATION.] . CHRISTCHUftCH, Wednesday. The weekly market at Addington to-day, the first since the recent beneficial rains, was one of the most heartening for some time. In the majority of tho principal sections a healthier tone prevailed and in some instances substantial advances were recorded. , Store lambs.—There was a short entry and a keen sale. Prices advanced 2s to 3s a head. Values were:—Good rape lambs, 9s Gd to 10s 2d; medium rape lambs, 7s 9d to 9s 3d; ordinary. Gs to 7s 6d; smad and backward, 4s to 5s 6d; medium halfbred wether lambs, to 7s Gd; medium halfbred ewe lambs, 7s to 8s 2d; good threequarterbred wether lambs, 9s to 9s 6d; backward wether lambs, to 4s Gd. Store Sheep—Good farmers' ewes were offering in greater numbers and they recorded a rise of Is Gd a head. Better class ewes did not Bhow a similar advance. Values were:—Medium two-tooth halfbred ewes, to lis; ordinary two-tooth crossbred ewes, to 9s 6d; ordinary small mouth halfbred ewes. 5s Gd to 7s; small and full-mouth ewes, to ss; inferior ewes, lsi 5d to 2s 3d; good two-tooth crossbred wethers, to lis; ordinary four, six and eight-tcioth halfbred wethers, Gs 4d to 8s 9d; ordinary two-tooth wethers, 7s to 8s 6d; backward wethers, to ss. Fat Lambs.—There was an entry of 3000 head and the quality was good There was a keen sale throughout, with butchers jambs recording an advance of Is a head. Export buyers offered fully up to schedule rates. Values were:—Extra prime lambs, to 21s 4d; prime. IGs Gd to 18s Gd; medium, 12s Gd to IGs; light, 8s to 12s Fat Sheep.—The entry totalled 4300 head and there was a keen sale. Good ewes advanced Is to Is Gd a head. Other classes remained very firm at late rates. values were: —Extra prime heavy wethers, to 20s lOd; prime heavy. IGs to 18s; _ mediumweight prime, 14s to 15s 9d: ordinary, jls Gd to 13s Gd: light, 8s Gd to lis; extra prime heavy ewes, to 15s 4d; prime heavy, 13s to 14s Gd; medium-weight prime ewes. 10s to 12s; ordinary, 7s to 9s; light, 4s to Cs Od. Fat Cattle.—There was an exceptionally good-qualitv entry, with fine representative lines from the North Island and West Coast. Good quality sorts advanced 10s a head. Best beef made up to 26s per 1001b; good, from 21s to 245; medium quality and heavy, from 17s to 21s; and inferior, from 10s to 16s. Values were:—Extra heavy prime steers, to £l2 12s Gd; prime heavy, £8 5s to £10; medium-weight prime. £6 to £8; medium quality, £4 5s to £5 15s: light, to £4: prime heifers. £5 15s to £7; medium, £3 15s to £5 10s; light, to £3; prime cows, £4 15s to £6 ss: medium cows, 43 5s to £4 10s: light and aged cows, to £3. Fat Pigs.—There was a good entry of bacon pigs and porkers. The market was slightly weaker. Values were:—Choppers, 3(1 sT to £4 8s Gd"; baconers, 37s 6d to 42s Gd' heavy baconers, 47s 6d to 52s 6d; extra heavy baconers. 53s to 59s 6d; average price per lb. 3*d to 4}d; porkers, 27s 3d to 31s Gd; heavy porkers, 32s Gd to 31s Gd; average price per lb. ssd to Gjd. / STORTFORD LODGE PRICES. [BY telegraph.—own correspondent.] HASTINGS, Wednesday. The entry of beef at the Stortford Lodge sale to-day was below average quality. All prime beef showed an advance in price, more especially prime cow and heifer, the improvement being equal to about 20s a head. The cattle ore already showing the benefit of the improved pasture, there being more bloom on tlie beat pens offered. Top price for ox beef was £8 10s for two medium-weight prime 'P.A. bullocks. A P A.-Hereford cross heifer, extra pnnie. realised £6. Prime ox beef ranged to 20s per 1001b, and prime cow and heifer beef brought 17s to 19s per 1001b. Fat Cattle.—Bullocks, medium prime, sold from £7 2s fid to £S 10s; unfinished. £6 12s to £5 ss; heifer, prime, heavy. £o 5s to £6; prime, light, £4 3s to £4 7s Gd; cows, prime, heavy. £4 IGs to £6; prime, light, £3 10s to £t 10s; unfinished, £1 7s Gd to £2; dairy sorts, 20s to £2: vealers, heavy, £1 "s Gd to £1 18s Gd; light, 10s to 20s. Very few cattle were penned in store pens and the number was not sufficient to test the market. Store Sheep.—About 18,000 sheep were penned, the store section market showing plenty of animation from the commencement. of the sale. Proporangi Station ontamed 9s for a draft of six-year ewes, the host, price obtained this season for ewes of this age. A feature of the sale was the keen demand for five-year breeding ewes, prices being bitter than at any previous sale, when tho quality of the sheep is taken into consideration. One hundred and fifteen hlark-face lambs realised 7s: 11 < white-face shorn. 8s fid; 100 five-year owes. 7s; 01 five-year, Gs Gd; 114 two-tooth, 12s Id; 221 white-fare woolly wether lambs, 8s sd: 850 two-tooth wethers, 8s Sd; of 841 fiveyear ewes, 740 sold at. 9s 4d. the balance at 9s Gd; of 426 nix-year ewes, 300 sold a t 9s, tho balance at, 8s lOd: 158 five-year owes. 9s; 171 five-year ewes, 9s Gd: 90 twotooth ewes. 9s; 610 four and five-year ewes. 8s lid; 150 four, six and eight-tooth ewes. 10b Gd; 119 lour and six-tooth evtfs, 11:3 2d: 103 four-tooth to five-year ewes, 9s; of 455 two-tooth ewes, 350 sold at 14s lid, the balance at Ms lOd: 321 woolly w. lambs. 8s 3d; ICS four and five-year ewes and rams, lis 7d; 8G four, six and eight-tooth ewes. 10s; 153 five-year ewes, 8s; of 409 five-year ewes, 300 realised 10s 3d. the balance selling at 9s 9d; 145 five-year ewes. 10s 8d; IG7 five-year ewes, 8s: 129 woolly w. lambs, 9s 2d: 210 two-toofh wethers. 9s 6d: 14(5 store ewes. 3s 9d: of 300 five-year ewes. 230 sold at 8s 9d. the balance at Ss: 248 four and six-tooth wethers, Giaborne, 8a lid; 200 forward fonr-tooth wethers, lis. Fat Sheep.—There was a small yarding and a brisk demand, best wethers making up to 15s and best ewes to 12s Gd. The market, was the best for the season, prices beinpc beyond freezing parity. Average ewes made from 8s to 9a Gd, a pea of light withers realising 12s. PRICE OF GOLD LOWER. QUOTATIONS FOR SILVER. LONDON. Feb. 23. Gold is Cfnoted to-day at £5 10s Id an oz., compared with £6 yesterday. Silver is quoted at 19 15-16 d an ?-• spot, and 20 l-8d forward, compared with 19Jd and 19Jd on February 20.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21116, 25 February 1932, Page 7

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FAT STOCK MARKET. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21116, 25 February 1932, Page 7

FAT STOCK MARKET. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21116, 25 February 1932, Page 7