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WEEKLY WESTFIELD SALE. STEADY DEMAND FOR BEEF. MUTTON IN FULL SUPPLY. Values for prime beef cattle wcro fully maintained at the weekly Westfield fat stock sale yesterday. Plainer sorts wcro easier. Extra, choice ox again sold to 59a per 1001b. A heavy yarding of sheep met with a slightly weaker demand and although last week's rates wero realised in isolated cases tho market generally was easier. Prime wethers were done better, but primo ewes and hoggets wcro mostly lower in value. Tho supply of spring lambs exceeded tho demand and there was a falling in price, especially for light sorts. Well finished cjlves met with good salo, but thero was an easier tendency in the prices realised for other kinds. Competition was less keen for pork, with a dcclino in values. There was a good demand for stores, which realised fully lato rates. Tho following is a summary of the prices realised for fat stock for tho last two weeks at tho Westfield fat stock sales:— This week. Last week BE HI? (per 1001b) Extra choice ox .. 39/- 39/C'iioico and prime ox . . _. . 30/- to 381- 30/- to 38/ Choice and prime cow and heifer 31/- to 37/- 31/- to 37/SHEEP (per head) Primo wethers . . 24/- to 31/6 24/- to 30/9 Unfin. wethers 21/- to 25/9 20/G to 26/3 Prime ewc3 . . 15/- to 25/- 17/6 to 25/6 Hoggets . . . 18/- to 29/6 18/- to 20/0 Spring lambs . 18/- to 29/9 21/5 to 31/CALVES (per head)Runners . . . . 100/- to 176/- 110/- to 165/Vcalers . . . . 40/- to 136/- 42/- to 115/PIGS (per head)— Baconers .. 54/- to 09/- 56/-to 75/Porkers . , . 36/ to 58/- 38/- to 61/Weaners . . 20/- to 32/- 18/- to 31/Slips . . . . 32/- to 38/- 34/- 1o 86/Largo stoi'o3 . . 35/- to 47/- 37/- to 44/LONDON MARKET RATES. Following are tho latest quotations for New Zealand meat on the London market : Sheep.—Canterbury and North Island selected crossbred wethers and maiden owes, 571b. to 641b., sd; North Island, 651b. to 721b., 5 3-8 d; 571b. to 641b., sd; 651b. to 721b., 4?d; ewes, 481b. to 641'0., 3^cl; 651b. to 721b., 3 3-Bd. Lambs.—Canterbury, second quality, average 331b., 7 3-8 d; selected North Island brands, second quality, average 311b., 7-id. Frozen Beef. —Ox fores, 1601b. to 2201b., none offering; ox hinds, 1601b. to 2201b., none offering. Pigs.—First quality, 601b. to 1001b., 84d; 1011b. to 1201b., BJ,d ; others unchanged. LOAN AND MERCANTILE. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, report as follows on the Westfield fat stock market yesterday ; Cattle.—Beef was penned in average numbers. and there was a steady demand, with values 011 a par with late quotations. Extra choice ox sold to X'l 193 per 1001b; choice and price, £1 16s to £'l IBs; ordinary and plain, X'l 13s to £'l 15s; prime young cow and heifer beef, £'l 14s to £1 17s; ordinary cow beef, £1 10s to £1 13s. Heavy prime steers realised £l4 to £ls 15s; lighter prime, £l2 10s to £l3 17s Gd; light prime, £lO to £l2 ss; unfinished and small, £8 to £9 17s (id: extra heavy primo young cows and heifers, £lO 5s to £l2 10s; heavy prime. £9 to £9 17s 6d; lighter, £7 10s to £8 17s Gd; light cows, £6 5s to £7 7s Gd; other cows, £5 to £6 2s 6d. Sheep.—Large numbers were penned, primo wethers selling at late rates. Prime ewes and hoggets were easier in values. Heavy prime wethers brought £1 9a 6d to £1 lis fid; medium prime, £1 7s 6d to £1 9s 3d: light primo. £1 0s to £1 7s 3d; small nnd unfinished, £1 2s 6d to £1 5s 9d; extra heavy primo ewes. £1 3s 9d to £1 ss; heavy prime, £1 2s to £1 3s Od: medium prime. ISs to £1 Is Gd; light prime, las to 17s 9d; interiorly fatted ewes, 5s to 12s Gd; heavy prime hoggets, £1 4s to £1 6s 9d; extra prime, to £1 9s 6d; medium, £1 Is to £1 §s 9d; light, ISs to £1 0s 9d; unfinished hoggets, 12s Gd to 17s 9d. Spring Lambs.—lncreased" numbers were penned, supply exceeding the demand, nnd values were decidedly easier. 'Prime lamb 3 sold at from 18s to £1 0s 9d; unfinished, 13s to 17s 9d.

Pigs A larger yarding of pigs met with an easier sale. Values eased on Inst week's quotations. Choppers sold from £2 103 to £4 17s Gd: heavy and medium baconers, £3 to £'3 9a; light baconers and heavy porkers, £2 13s to £2 18s; medium and light porkers, £2 f>s to £2 lis; small and unfinished porkers, .£1 18s to £2 4s. The demand, is still good for store pigs and values were firm. Large stores, £2 to £2 7s; slips, £1 12s to £1 IPs; weaners, £1 to £1 12s. Calves Average numbers were penned. Values showed an easing tendency on last week's quotations. Runners made £5 to £8 ll?s; heavy vealers, £5 to £6 ss; medium, £1 to £4 18s: light. £3 to £3 16s; smaller. £2 8s to £2 18s; small nnd fresh dropped, 7a to £2 (is: rough calves, £1 to £2 ss.

DALGETY AND COMPANY. Dalgely and Company, Limited, report on tho Weslfield fat stock market yesterday as follows: Cattle.—We offered oir beef in well up to usual numbers. Competition was not keen, but values for all well finished lines were on a par with late rates. Poorly finished cattle were in slack demand, and here a drop in value was recorded. Extra heavy prime bullocks realised £l7 las to £18: heavy prime, £ls to £ls 17s (id; lighter prime, £l3 15s to £l4 17s Gd; light prime steers, £l2 5s to £l3 12s Gd: small and imfinished. £lO to £ll ss. Cow and heifer beef came forward in about average numbers and values for well-fattened cattle were steady at late rates. Values for all other classes wero easier. Extra prime young cows and heifers realised £l2 5s to £l3 10s; heavy pVime, £lO to £l2; lighter prime, £8 5s to £0 17s (id: light prime, £7 5s to £8; other billable cows, £5 to £7. Extra choice ox sold to 30s per 1001b; choico and prime. 3(ls 6d to 38s; just killnble, 33s to 355; prime young cow and heifer, 34s to 375; just, killnble, 28s to 335. Sheep.—Sheep were again penned in largo numbers, and selling under a. weak demand. Into rates for well-finished lilies wero barely maintained. Hoggets also did not reach Insl week's level. Heavy prime wethers, woolly, made 28s to 25s 3d; shorn, 21s; medium wethers, woolly. 2Gs Gd to 275; shorn, 22s Od; light nnd unfinished wethers, woolly, 21s fid: heavy prime ewes, woolly. 20s to 21s: lighter prime ewes, woolly, ltis to 18s Gd ; other ewes, woolly, 5s to Us (id. $ Lambs.—Spring lambs came forward in large numbers and proved more than equal to the demand. Late rates wero not maintained. Heavy prime lamb made 2Ss; medium, 2Gs 3d; light, 20s. Calves.—Calves wero penned in good numbers and maintained late values under steady competition. Heavy vealers brought £4 lOn to £5 10s; medium. £3 5s to £4 ss; light, £2 2s to £3; small, ljs to 355. Pigs.—Baconers and porkers were rather easier ill price than last week, while stores sold briskly at high values. Heavy baron ers made £'3 5s to .13 Ss; medium, £R 'to £3 3s; light, £2 15s to £2 18s: heavy porkers. £2 12s to £2 15s; medium and light,, £2 3s to £2 10s.

ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS. Alfred Bucklaiid and Sons, Lin ited, icport on the West field fat stock market as follows Cattle.—Our supply of fat cattle totalled .SSB head. as against :104 licach at Inst "Wednesday's market, comprising 231 steers and 124 cows and heifers. There, were again several consignments of extra prime cattle. Plain beef was u trifle easier, choice and prime sold at last week's nuotntions. Extra c.hoico ox sold to £1 10s nor iOOlb.; choice and prime, £1 llie 6d to i'l 18g. :'ocorid.'try ijwl plain. XI 13s to £'l llis; prime young cow and heifer beef. £1 Its to .('1 HSb; ordinary cow beef, i'l 8s to L'l 13s. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £l7 to £l7 17s lid. for Bteers from Mr. A. E. Urquhart Karalui; 11 steers from the same vendor averaged £l7 9s heavy prime steers, £ls'to £l(j ss; lighter prime, £l3 10s to .£l4 17s Gd -. light .prime £l2 (o £l3 7s lid; small and unfinished, £0 10s to £ll 17s 6d: extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £ll 10s to £l2 10s; heavy prime cows and heifers. £9 10s to £ll 7s lid; lighter prime, £7 to £9 7s 6d: other billable cows. £4 10s to £T> 17s Gd. Slioop.—There was again a heavy yarding of Bheep. Tho demand was not keen. In isolated cases last week's values ruled, but, generally, the market was oasicr. There

wore 1476 sheep sold. Heavy prime wethers realised £1 7s 6d to £1 Os; medium to heavy prime wethers,' £1 5s Gd to it 7s 3d; light to medium prime wethers, i'l 4s to i'l. 5s 3d; unfinished wethers, £1 Is to £1 3s 9d; extra heavy prime young ewes, £1 2s to £1 4s; Lc-avy prime ewes, i'l to XI Is Od; lighter prime ewes, 18s to 10s 'Jd; other killublo ewes, 10s to 17s 9d; other ewes, Jls Gd to 15s Od. v Spring Lambs.—lncreased numbers were penned, and were lower in price, especially light lambs. Heavy prime brought £1 7s o<l to i'l 9s 9d; lighter prime, £1 4s to i'l 7s; light prime, IBs (id to i'l 3s; small and plain, 8s Gd to 10s Od. A total of 114 lambs was sold Calves.—Fat and young calves again came forward in large numbers. All wellfinished sortfe met a ready sale, although values eased toward f lie close. Runners lvuulo £5 5a U £7 10s; heavy prime venters, i'.7 </s lo £<; U',h . medium. £3 15s to £i 12s; light,. Si\\ '.la lo 10s. umall vealers. £2 lo £2 fis; bucket-fed calves, i'J 10s lo £1 lf'iS; rough and unfinished. £1 4s lo £1 8n; Bniu.ll unci f;esh-dropped, 3s to 18s. 303 calves were sold. Pigs.—We had a medium entry of fat pigs. Competition was not keen and values declined, baeoners suffering most. Choppers made i'.'J t>, £.( 15s; heavy prime baconors, £3 3s to £3 9s; light and medium, £2 J4a lo £2 19s; heavy porkers, £2 13s. to £2 15s; light and medium, £2 0s to £2 10s; small and unfinished, £1 ]os to £2. Store pigs realised frlly lalo rates. Rest framed made £1 10s to £2 2s : slips, £l. ]3h to £1 15s; best weaners, £l. 7r lo CI lis; smaller, 19s to .£'l is; sows due to farrow, £5 '2s Od to £0 15s. A total of 297 pigs was sold. COUNTRY SALES.

The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited. - report Sales were held during the past week at Westfield, Pukekohe (cat tic and pigs), Papakura, Kajikapakapa and Whitford, and Pukekohe (special bull sale). We report good sales with late values ruling for all classes of catllo except for bulls, which are inclined to be slightly easier in value 011 last year's sale. The advertised store bullocks met with a ready sale at. Papakura, a complete clearance being made at most satisfactory prices. We quote;— Best dairy cows and heifers, £lO 10s to £l6 ns; others. £7 to £lO 7s Od; aged cows and inferior heifers. £4 to £0 17s Od; boner cows, £2 I.os to £4 1,7-;: polter bulls. £2 to £5 15s; store cows and heifers, £4 10s to £6 15s; yearling heifers, £2 10s to £0 5s for odd pens of good quality Jerseys; yearling to 18-months steers, £3 10s to £6 7s Od; 2 to 2}-year steers. £0 10s to £7 15s; 3 to 31-year steers. t'B to £9 ss; grown steers. £9 10s to £ll 2s. Beef and pigs at Westfield quotations. Herd bulls, yearling grades, made £2 2s to £lO 10s; registered pedigree yearling bulls, sgns to 20gns; 2-year grade bulls, £5 5s to £l2 12s; 2-year registered pedigree bulls, lOgiiH to 28gns (all quotation for bulls subject to breed and quality). Dalgety and Company. Ltd.. report:—During the past week we held stock sales at Helensville, Coromandel. Westfield, Kauroa, Ohaupo, Te Awamutu. Otorohanga, Matiere. Opotiki, Waikiekie, Oue, Ohaeawai and Kaikohe. Heavy yardings were penned at all centres and all classes sold well at fully late rates. Best dairy cows made £l4 to £lB 15s; good dairy cows. £l2 to £l3 10s: other dairy cows, £5 10s to £lO 10s; good springing heifers, up to £l6; average heifers. £9 to £l2; empty young cows and heifers. £5 lo £7; store and boner cows, £2 to £6 6s; fat cows and heifers. £7 to £l3 15s: fat steers, £ll 10s to £ls; three to four-year-old steers, £8 10s to £lO 15s; two to three-year-old steers. £7 lo £8 ss; yearling steers. £4 10s to £G 15s; yearling heifers. £3 10s to £G 10s. Pigs sold at Westfield rates. Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited report:—During the week we held cattle sales at Westfield, Waiuku, and Pukekohe. and a pig sale at Waiuku. Good yardings found ready buyers. All classes of store cattle are in keen demand, but dairy stock has cased slightly. Best dairy cows and heifers made £l3 10s to £lO 10s; average cows and heifers. £lO to £l3; other dairy cows and heifers, £5 10s to £9 15s; empty young cows and heifers, £4 10s to £6 15s; slore and boner cows, £2 lo £0; fat cows, and heifers, £0 10s to £l3 as; fat steers, £ll to £l4 ss; grown steers in forward condi lion, £lO iOs to £ll 10s; four-year-old steers, £9 5s to £lO 7sCd; three-year-old steers, £8 10s to £9 4s; two-year-old steers, '£7 to £7 15s; yearling to 18-month-old steers, £4 15s to £G 17s Od: cowa with calves, £7 to £lO 10s; well-bred yearling to 15-month-old dairy heifers, £5 10s to £7 12s Od; other yearling heifers. £3 10s to £5 7s Gd: sound young herd bulls, £6 Gs to £ls 15s; heavy bulls, £3 to £5 10s; other bulls, £2 to £5.

BATES AT ADDINGTON. INCREASE IN SOME LINES. [BY TELEGRAPH. —HIESS ASSOCIATION.] CHKISTCHURCH. Wednesday. There were smaller entries at the Addington market to-day. Beef and store sheep sold at slightly improved rates, but fat sheep eased rather markedly. following are the details:— Store Sheep.—Although tht. entry contained little of more than very ordinary merit, there was a free sale with a shado of improvement. Good two-tooth crossbred ewes made to 21s Gd; medium two-tooth halfbred ewes (empty), to IGs Sd; good halfbred ewes and lambs, to 13s Id; ordinary halfbred ewes and lambs, 10s to lis 3d ; extra good two-tooth halfbred wethers, to 23s 3d; good four-tooth halfbred wethers, to 20s: medium six and eight-tooth halfbred wethers, 15s Gd to lGs lOd; good wether hoggets, to 15s; medium wether hoggets, 12s to 13s 4d; ordinary wether hoggets, 7s 6d to 8s sd; medium ewe hoggets, to lis 5d Spring Lambs.—A small entry averaged from Is 3d to Is 4d per lb. Fat Sheep.—Heavy wethers were lower than last week by 3s to 3s Gd, and medium weights and the heavier ewes by 2s fid. Light sheep showed a smaller easing. The market was dragging and more sheep were passed than usual. Extra prime heavy wethers made to 37s Gd; prime heavy wethers, 2Gs Gd to 30s: medium-weight prime wethers, 21s fid to 2Gs; medium quality wethers, 22a Gd to 21s; light wethers, 19s to 225; extra prime ewes, to 30s; prime ewes, 22s to 2Gs; medium' ewes, 17s to 225; light ewes, lis to IGs fid. Fat Cattle.—Nearly 110 head of the total entry of 301 came from the North Island, and about 10 from Otago and Southland. It was a good-quality entry except for light to medium-weight heifers, which sold ai an advance. Values showed little change on last week. A South Otago line of 21 heifers averaged £IS ss, or about 57s per 1001b. Best other beef mado 46s _to 525; heavy, to 435; cow, to 42s ;■ inferior, down to 355. Extra prime heavy steers mado £2l to £29 15s; prime heavy steers, £lB 10s to £22; prime medium-weight steers,. £ls to £lB 10s; medium quality steers, £l2 5s to £ll 10s; light steers, £lO to £ll 15s; extra prime heifers, £l7 to £l9' 17sJ3d; prime heifers, £l3 15s to £IG 10s; medium heifers, £ll lo £l3 10s; light heifers, £7 10s .o £lO 10s; extra prince cows. £lfi to £lB 2s fid; prime cows, £l2 15s to £ls 15s; mediunj'cows, £lO to £l2 ss; light cows, £7 to £9. Vealers.—A small entry and a good sale Eighteen-months sold to £8 3s Gd; good calves, 40s to GOs; fair, 27s to 355. Store Cattle.—A heavy entry and a dragging sale. Good two-year steers mado to £G: heifers, to £5 15s. Dairy Cows.—A small entry* and a good demand for early calvers. Backward springers were in poor demand. Fat Pigs.—Porkers were in medium supply. Tim sale was a keen one. and prices were maintained. Baconcrs sold better. Porkers made £2 10s fid to £3 Is fid: heavy porkers, to £3 lis fid: average price per lb. lOd to 101 d; baconers, £4 Ss fid to £5: heavy baconers. to £5 Us Gd: average price per lb, Sid to Od; choppers, £3 lo £8 3s fid. Store Pigs.—There was a fair yarding. Prices for weaners were a little easier but large stores showed no change. Large stores made 38s to IGs fid; medium store?, 30s to 37s fid: small stm'es, 25s to CSs Gd; slips, 22s to 21s Gd; weaners, IGs to 21s.

JOIINSONVILLE PRICES. [jlY TKI/KGKAPH. —OWN rniUiESVONPKNT.] AVELLINGTON, Wednesday. AVright, Stephenson and Company, Limited, and Abraham and Williams. Limited, reporl on the Johnsonville sale held yesterday as follows:—There was a medium yarding of good quality stock of all descriptions. Mullocks sold freely at late rates, while vealer* sold particularly well. Good quality wetheis were keenly sought after and sold at ful.l market rates. Light and unfinished wethers were not in demand. T'.wes were dull of sale and prices were fully Is to Is Gd lower than last week's prices. The demand for hoggets and lambs was very keen and these sold at a price fully equal to the values ruling of late. Heavy bullocks made £lO 2s lid to £lO 17s (id; bullocks, £ls 2s (id to £ls 15s; light ntid unfinished bullocks, £M 7s (id to £ll ]7s Od; vealers. £2 3s (o £3 ss; heavy wetlicrs, :10s Od t<, Mis lOfl: wftliprs, '»rl to 20s Od; light and unfinished wethers, •,'ss 3d to 275 ; cvtr i li"avv ewes. 20s: ewes, '22s Od to 255; hocgets, 20s 3d to 21s' Gd; lambs. 27s 0d to 325.

DAIRY PRODUCE PRICES. Joseph Nathan and Company, Limited, lias received tlie following cablegram from its London house, dated September 22; Butter, 1295. Cheese: Unchanged (while, 755; coloured, 745!- Both markets quiet. LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE. LONDON. Sept. 23. The following are included it| to-day's quotations on tbe London Stock Exchange:—Dalgety and Company, Limited, shares, £8 15s; 4 per cent. Debenture Stock, £7O.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20678, 25 September 1930, Page 7

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FAT STOCK MARKET. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20678, 25 September 1930, Page 7

FAT STOCK MARKET. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20678, 25 September 1930, Page 7