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( ' ! r PORT OF AUCKLAND. yesterday's arrivals. jfntiirna (MO a.m.), from Wellington. Miirnma (7.-10 a.m.), from Wellington. Hertford (10.25 a.m.). from Liverpool, . ' pono (12.30 a.m.), from Coast; Motu (3 from Awiumi; Apaiini (9.20 a.m.). 'from Parenga; Coronation (10 a.m.), from , i Awanui: Kuniia (10.20 a.m.), from Nnpier; • Kangitoto (12.20 p.m.). from Thames; llauili f-fl.lO p.m.), from ' Kevepeehi. Y.ESTERDAY'S D EP ARTURES. ' ' Taiwan a.nO. (or Big Omaha; Oniflii'f pm ), for Mntnkuna; Motu (12.30 'p.m.). (or Pneron.. " \\'n If a, (J-o0 p.m.), for Tauranga. VESSELS DUE TO DAY. ' Cnnopus, from Westport, afternoon. " Claymore, from Whangaroi, 4 a.m. ■ Oninna. from Matakana, I p.m. "Knwatt, from Big Omaha, 4 p.m. Apnnui, from Creat Barrier, 6 p.m. ' VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Pipiriki. for Wellington, noon. Hnniti. for Kerepeehi, 11..10 a.m. Rangitoto. for Coromandel, 2 p.m. Onuina. for Wniheke, 15.1K) p.m. 1 Clnyinore. for Whangnrei, 9.30 p.m. Waipu. tor Pueroa. midnight. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL ANP COASTAL. Cnnopus, Westport, September 25. Waimarino, Southern ports, September 2ti. Kahuna, Greymouth, September 27. Knrtigi, Westport, September 28. Katoa, Sydney, September 29. Toftia, Fiji. September 29. Knropo. Southern ports, October 4. Wnipnhi. Rnrotonga. October 8. H.M.S. Laburnum. Fiji, October 15. / H.M.S. Dunedin. South, December 9. Southern Cross. Vew Hebrides, December • . ■ 15. I EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AND OVERSEAS. Ma rama, Sydvtey, September 2G. / Canadian Transporter. America and Canada, September 29. i Middlesex, London, October 1. Tofua. Fiji, October 4. Aorungi. Sydney, October 6. i " Tarannki, Englnnd October 8. Somerset, London, October IS. Mataroa. London October 22. Zealnndic, London. October 25. Kangitata, London, November 8. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE. Aorangi, left Vancouver September 17, duo Auckland October 5: sails for Sydney . October G Niagara, due Vancouver October 10; sails for Auckland October 15. Makura, left Wellington September 9: due ■ San Francisco September 26; sails for Wellington October 1. Matingnnui, leaves Sydney October 2 and Wellington October 7, for San Francisco. Monowai. leave-. Wellington December 2 for San Francisco. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS. Rangitata, left Southampton August 29; due Wellington October 1. Tainui, left Southampton September 12; due Auckland October 18. Itanpitane, leaves Southampton September 26; due Auckland October 29. Tamnroa leaves Southampton October 10; due Wellington November 11. Ilotorua, leaves Southampton October 17; due Wellington December 2. Remuera, leaves Southampton October 24; duo Wellington December 1. VESSELS IN PORT. In Stream—Waitomo, H.M.C.S. Iris, Kairanca, Piri lan* 6ehnr.). Waitemata, Devonport - H.M.S. Philomel, Nucula (Admiralty oil tanker). H.M.S. Ver- • onica Queen's Wharf—Ruapehu fN.Z.S Coy.). Pipiriki (N.Z.S. Coy), Ilertford (N.Z.S. Coy.). King's Wharf—Kiwitea (U.S.S. Coy.), Prince's Wharf—Wingatui (U.S.S. Coy.). Mataroa (L. D. Nathan). In Dock —Kuro'.v (U.S.S. Coy 1.

Western Wharf—Kanna (U.S.S. Coy.). Thp Kniniai is to leave Hokianga for Creynumth this morning. The Wingatui is scheduled to sail for Wellington. LylteHori, Dunedin. Bluff and tTimnru this afternoon. With cargo from South Island porta the Wniniarino left Wellington for Auckland last evening. She is duo to-morrow night. The Westport Coal Company's steamer Canopus is expected from Westport this afternoon Sho will berth at Western Wharf. The Kartiei was to leave Westport for Napier and Auckland at mid-day yesterday. She is expected to reach Auckland about Sunday. The Kanna Arrived from Grey mouth, via Rapier, yesterday morning and is at Western Wharf. After discharge of her coal cargo she is expected to sail to-day for We3tport to load for Lyttelton. MAUNGANUi FOR SAN FRANCISCO. The Maunganui is to leave Wellington for Sydney at three o'clock this afternoon. Alter the vessel's arrival at Sydney she ■will be transferred to the Pacific mail ser- • vice. She is scheduled to sail from Sydney next Thursday and from Wellington the following Tuesday for Rarotonga, Papeete and San Francisco. KUKOW RESUMING. After lying idle in the stream since August 27 the Kurow is to be reeommissioned. The vessel i.s to be docked this morning for cleaning and painting, and on Saturday she is to be despatched for Wallaroo, Kdithburg. Adelaide and Melbourne to load for Auckland. Caslecliff, Tarak-jhe, Lyttelton, Dunedin and BlulT. THE RUAPEHTJ. The New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Ruapehu i 3 lo sail on Saturday for Kapier, Lyttelton and Wellington, to complete Jpadins refrigerated and general curgo. She is scheduled to clear Wellington for Southampton ;/nd London, via Panama, on October 11 lONIC'S PASSKNGEHS. The following is the passenger list of the Shaw, Havi 11 and Albion liner lonir, which was to leave Wellington for Southampton and London last evening:—Cabin class: Mrs. J. V. Bnllantyne, Mrs. D. Boyd, Mr. IX H. Dunseath, Mr. I. S. Dunseiith, Mr. • 0. fl. FnWke, Mrs. B. M. ITolm, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jlorton. Mrs. E. G. Leslie, / Chief Petty -Officer (I. B. Miller, Mrs. C. A. Mitchell, Mrs. .1. A- Prenett, Miss J. F. Wilson: and 32 third-class. The mataroa. I lie Shaw, Savill and Albion liner MafaI"a arrived from London, via Wellington, yesterday mousing. Sho berthed at Prince's Wharf to unload the remainder of her general merchandise cargo, about 4500 tons. Aftrr roniplftir.n of discharge the vessel will I load for her homeward voyage at Timaru. Lyttelton, Wellington and Napier. From Napier she will return to Auckland on October ir, for/ final loading. She is to be despatched finally from (his port for Southampton and London on October 22. TAXIWHA'S MISHAP. Ihe Northern Company's rteamer Taniwha struck :i sting in the Waihou Ifiver yesterday rnofning and sank. The Motu. with a salvage crew and gear in charge of Captain M. I'ierroti. the. company's marine yuperintpiidpnl, was despatched from Auckland yesterday to refloat the sunken vessel. Afterwards she is to bp brought to Auckland fur repairs. The Taniwha has been re. j'hiced by the steamer Wnipu, which is to leavo Aucklund for I'aeron. nl midnight, toJ'iKfit. She will remain in the service until the Taniwha is again in commission.

TIIK HKKTKOKI). \\ illi ;i Urr.t ' onst, p'Tt? of f!n*nt Britain, the FedLine steamer Hertford arrived from Liverpool yesterday morning She is unloading n ri'iiiinlll yof the cargo nt Queen's and will unload the remainder at papier, Wellington. Lyttelton, Port Chiilmeio and New Plymouth. The cargo ,v as loaded ;,t AvonmouMi, Newport, SwanICtt. Glasgow and Liverpool. She sailed Irom Liverpool on A Westerly weather prevailed during the first five days at ?p«. Afterwards the conditions were gcnprnMy fair throughout the voyage Tntil lust Tuesday evening. when :i fresh fouth-east gale was encountered, but the storm only In.,fen about ton hours. After completion of discharge at Poit Chalmers '"p Hertford will commonw loading at, that Port for her' homeward voyage. Her other loadintc poi'ts are New Plymoutl). Wanganui. J'Vltclton, Wellington, Nupier, Gisborno and . Sho is scheduled to return to 'his port on October 20 and to sail for j : -Hghind five days later. Captain J. Burton B i'l' ob ' s c °nunancl, and he has associated £'•« him t [in following officers: —Chief, Mr. f'. Hokkirs; second. Mr. L. Shakespeare; third, Mr. G. Baldwin; fourth. Mr. {.• J?' oc ' f wireless operator, Mr. W. E. rordham; chief engineer, Mr. H. M. Lis•'onibe; second. Mr. J. IT. Anderson; tjiird. r - «'■ Caddy; fourth, Mr, D. Wyles; fifth, ''. \v French: sixth, Mr. G. Gibson; ?fventh >,Jr A. Prince; chief rofrigorat2"S engineer, Mr. J. Youel: second, Mr. },■ Parry; ateward-in-cliarge. Mr. W. ... ninnes. The New Zealand Shipping Com- / I>any are tho local agents.

THE KAPONGA. The Knponga is to leave Portland tomorrow for New Plymouth and Wellington to completo discharging cargo from Australian ports. THE GOLDEN CROSS. After discharging and loading in New Zealand, the American steamer Golden Cross left Gisborno On Tuesday evening for Suva, Levuka, and Honolulu to load copra for San Francisco. THE MAHENO. From Melbourne, via Southern ports, tho Union Company's intercolonial passenger steamer Maheno is duo at Wellington tomorrow. On Saturday she is to bo despatched for Melbourne, via Bluff. THE PIPIRIKI. The Federal Line steamer Pipiriki is to sail for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin find Sydney at mid-day to-day, in continuation of licr voyage from New York. THE PORT NICHOLSON. Tn continuation of her voyage from London tho Commonwealth and Dominion Line steamer Port Nicholson is reported to have cleared Panama on Monday for Suva, Dunedin, Bluff and Nelson. KATOA BRINGING MAIL. Tho Katoa was despatched from Sydney for Auckland nt 11 o'clock on Tiieaday night In addition to general cargo ami timber the vessel is bringing a huge quantity of overseas mail for this port. She is duo next Monday. TOFUA LEAVES SUVA. En route from Tonga and Apia, the Union Company's Island steamer Tofua left Suva for Auckland at 1t.15 o'clock yesterday morning. Sho is scheduled to arrive next Monday morning. THE CANADIAN TRANSPORTER. The* Canadian National steamer Canadian Transporter is expected nt Wellington from Dunedin to-morrow and at Auckland about Sunday to completo loading. She is scheduled to leave Auckland on Monday for New York. Boston and Montreal. RANGITIKI'S WIRELESS REPORT. Tho New Zoaland Shipping Company's motor-liner Rangitiki, which left Auckland for London on September 17. has reported by wireless: "Rough to moderate weather conditions experienced since leaving. All on board well." ATHELTEMPLAE REPORTS. Tho Union Company has received a wireless message from their chartered motortanker Atheltemplar, en routo from San Pedro with bulk fuel oil. reporting that sho expects to reach Wellington to-day. PORT BRISBANE REPORTS. Heather, Roberton, Limited, have received wireless advico from tho Commonwealth and Dominion Lino steamer Port Brisbane stating that she will arrive from New York at eight o'clock next Wednesday morning, a day ahead of schedule. The vessel has a general merchandise cargo for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. THE MARAMA. The Union Company's steamer Marama arrived from Wellington yesterday morning and went into dock for cleaning and painting. Tho vessel is to come out of dock this morning and berth at Central Wharf to load. With passengers and mail she is scheduled to sail for Sydney at three o'clock to-morrow afternoon. PASSENGERS ON NALDERA. Tho P. and O. liner Nnldera arrived nt Fremantle from London on Tuesday. Sho is scheduled to reach Sydney next Thursday. The following passengers for New Zealand are travelling by Ihe vessel: —Mr. W. H. Kelsey. Dr. G. M. Moir, Mrs. Moil", Mr. C. H. Elsom, Mrs. Elsotn. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to bo within range of tho undermentioned wireless stations to-day:— Auckland.—Brunswick. Golden Cloud. Snestad. Tofua, Waipahi, N. T. Nielsen Alonso, Deebank. Acast a, Sonoma, Niagara. Karetu, Golden Cross, Katoa, Waikawa. Chatham Islands.—Mamilitis, Port Brisbane. Wellington.—Rangitiki, Rangitata. Athel. Aorangi. Templar, Sildra, Wairuna, _ Planorbis, Taranaki, Ferrnvood, Waikouaiti. Awarmi. —Makura, Tutanekai, Kosmos. Somerset. Maheno, Kalingo. Canadian Transporter.

PORT OF ONEHUNGA. Yesterday's Arrivals.—Alexander (7 a.m.), from Ivaipara: Ronaki (7.35 p.m.), from Raglan and Kawhia. Yesterday's Departures.—Hauturu (3 p.m.), for New Plymouth. BY TELEGRAPH.

WELLINGTON.—September 24: Arrived— Wahine (7 a.m.), from Lyttelton: Storm (8.45 a.m.), and Middlesex (0.30 a.m.), from Wunganui; Waimarino (11 am.). andKuku (C.40 p.m.), from Lyttelton. Soiled—Knrcnn (1.10 p.m.), for Lyttelton: Kamonn (1.30 p.m.), for Oreymouth: John ((> p.m.). for Dunedin; Storm (6.5 p.m.). for Lyttelton: Taranaki (7.10 p.m.). for Napier; Wahine (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Waiissorino (5.15 p.m.), for Auckland. LYTTELTON.—September 21: Arrived— Maori (G. 40 fi.m.). from Wellington: Port Caroline (7.35 a.m.). from Timaru; Breeze (12.15 p.m.), from Wellington: Progress (5.5 p.m.), from Timaru, Sailed—Himnlansi (3.25 a.m.). for Dunedin; Breezo (5.5 p.m.). for Dunedin; Port Caroline it! p.m.). for New Plymouth; Maori (8 p.m.). for Wellington. OREYMOUTH.—September 24: Arrived— Totara (8.30 a.m.), from Westport.. Sailed— (10.30 p.m.), for New Plymouth. DUNEDlN.—September 24: Arrived- Kairnanawa (11.40 a.m.). from Bluff; Ttolmdale (1 p.m.). fro'ii Lyttelton. Sailed—Maheno (4.15 p.m.), for Lyttelton: Canadian T-ans porter (1.30 p.m.), for Wellington; Oale. for BLUFF.—September 24: Arrived—Calm (2.40 a.m.), from Lyttelton; Somerset (!) p.m.), from Dunedin. Sailed—Khymncy (2 p.m.), for Port Chalmers. SYDNEY.—September 23: Sailed—Katoa (11 p.m.), for Auckland. SUVA.— September 21: Sailed—Tofua (11.15 a.m.), for Auckland. COLON.—September 22: Sailed Corinthic, en route from Auckland to London. PANAMA.—September 22: Sailed—Port Nicholson, en route from London to New Zealand.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20678, 25 September 1930, Page 7

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20678, 25 September 1930, Page 7

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20678, 25 September 1930, Page 7