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TTerckino 0.15 a.m.), from Portland; Waka i ni.h fr:i|n Taunngn; Clansman 18.30 ™ i'from Rus.-ell. Ot:mai (8.35 a.m.). from n • Ilunnui (9 5 a.m.), from Oishorne; gftSVs Big Omaha Rangi- : (° 15 p.m.i, iroin ( oromandel. T»niw : !' a (7.:r» p.m.), fiom Paeroa. YEPTF.PI> \V S DKPAPTCRES. Port P !rit> 02 15 I >Tl| L fnr Napier. Aato'ia 11-' l ' l I'i.! i. for New Plymouth. Kswau i'.m.L for \Varkworth. f)man" " 1 '• » ainoKe: Apnntn fa p.m.). for Thames. VESSELS DUE TO DAY. Kawa'f, frn,!l WnrkwoKh, I a.m. Saiuti. from Ke.cpeehi, I; n in Clnvmore. f'-om W nan...arei. > >0 a.m. om#n». from Wmheke. 9 a.m. Apanui. :rem 1 .1:0110.', t p.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. pinta. 'or Wellington. t> pm. i ort Wnikntc. lor Lyttedon, ntternoon. Motu. for Aw.'iuui, noon. TVaka, for laurangn. noon. Coronation, for A\valiui,_ noon. Thiuili, for Wnihoke. 1.15 p.m. Orcana. for Waiheke, p.m. VESSELS .DUE TO-MORROW. Waiinea. from Napier, morning. Giinbar, from Gishorne. morning. VESSELS SAILING TO MORROW.T»niwha. f;r Paeroa. 4 P.m. Claymore, for \\ hangarei, 9.30 p.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AN P COASTAL. Hikurangi. Norfolk Island. July 21. Karepe. W'estport, July 21 Haituna, Grey mouth, July 23. Wamiarmo,. Southern ports, July 24. Kiwitea, Melbourne, July 21. Niagara. Sydney. July 28. il.-i'jnganui, Sydney, via Wellington. August 1. EMS. Dunedin, Vila, August 2. Toiua. Fiji. August 4. Ulimaroa.- Sydney. August 19. E M.S. Veronica, Fiji, September. E.M.B. Laburnum. Fiji, October 15. SURLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AN!) OVERSEAS. Waipahi, Ilarolouga, July 24. Ferndaie, Loudon, July -9. Niagara, Vancouver, July 29. Port Fremantle, London, July 80. iiaunganui. Sydney. August 1. Canadian Challenger, America and Montreal, AUK ust 3. Tofua. Fiji, August 9. Aorangi, Sydney, August 11. Limorick Halifax and London, August 20. Ulimaroa. Sydney. August 22 Argyllshire. London. August -3. Southern Cross New Hebrides. September 9

PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE. Tahiti left San Francisco July 9, due Wellington July 28, sails for Sydney Aoraii gf at Vancouver: sails July 23. due Auckland, August 10. Niagara, due Sydney July 19: nails for Vancouver, via Auckland, July 24. ilakura, due San Francisco from Wellington. August 1; sails for Wellington. August f>.

AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND. Uliir.aroa, left Sydney, July IS; due Wellington. July -22; sail- for Sydney. July 25. ' Mnheno, left Melbourne for Wellington, via Southern ports. July 17; duo Bluff July 21. Wellington. July 25. llaunganui, anils for Auckland, via Wellington, July 25. BRITISH PASSK.NGER STEAMERS. Remuera lett Southampton Juno 13: duo Wellington, via Suva, July 28. Connthic ■' le't Southampton June 20; due Wellington July 23. Pancitiki lett Southampton July 4; due Wellington 6. lonic, left Southampton July 18; due Auckland August 25. Ituapehu 'eaves Southampton August 1; due Wellington September 10. 3fntoroa 1-.yes- Southampton August 15; due Wellington September 16. Riinpehu. leaves Southampton August 15; due Wellirgto • September 10. leaver Southampton August 20; due Wellington 0.-tober 1. VESSELS IN PORT. In Stream—Waitomo, H.M.C.S. Iri?, Kairansra, Southern Cross (mission steamer), Piri mux schnr.). Devonport - H.M.S Philomel, 11.M.5. Wnkakura. N ucula (Admiralty oilt:i nl-er). Crn'ral Wharf—Port Wniknto (Watkin and Wallis), Tutanekai (N.Z. Govt.), Chelsea—Dalfram (A. G. Frankham). King's Wharf—Margaret W. (A. G. Frankham). Prince's Wharf—Waipiata (U.S.S. Coy). Queen's Wharf—Waipahi (U.S.?. Coy.). The Katoa was to leave Portland last tie lit for Wellington and Lyttelton. The auxiliary ketch Huauii arrived from Gi sbnrne yesterday morning and is at Central Wharf. The Wingatui is scheduled to load at Dunedin on Tuesday for Timaru, Wellington and Auckland. The Waimarino is due at Picton from Lytlelton to-day to complete loading for Wellington find Auckland. She is expected at Auckland next Thursday

The Waipiata is to sail for Wellington. Lyttelton, Dnnedin, BlutT, Oamnru and ITiinaru at five o'clock this evening. She is loading at Prince's Wharf. After being delayed loading at Greymouth yesterday owin* to wet weather tho Kaituna sfl to sail frr Auckland at four o'clock this tanning. She is due on Tuesday. The Karcpo left Westport at two o'clock on Thursday afternoon and is expected to leuve New Plymouth for Auckland this afternoon. She is due on Tuesday morning. Tile Wnimoa reached Napier from Giaborne at one o'clock yesterday morning and 'as to sail for Auckland at three o clock In the afternoon. She is due to-morrow morning. y WAIHEMO FOR OVERHAUL. The Union Company's transpacific) steamer Waihemo was to leave New Plymouth at eight o'clook Inst evening for Westport and Auckland. The vessel is duo at Auckland shout t'riday and on arrival she will he withdrawn for overhaul and Burvey, which *ull occupy about two weeks. THE PAKIPAKI. No wireless advice had been received yesterday from the Federal Line steamer P'lkipaki, which is expected at any time Jio-.v from Liverpool. The vessel has general merchandise cargo from Wept Coast I'"' 3 of Orcm Britain for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunelm. Tii» Nov /enland .snipping Company Ere tho local agents. y THE ASTORIA After unloading <ISOO tons of phosphates Irom Nauru Island at King's Wharf, the. motor-ship Astoria replenished her oil fuel bunkers at, the Western Wharf yestetony afterno/in nnd then sailed for Slew Plymouth to ffomplel.; discharging her phosphate cargo. From New Plymouth the Astoria v.ill return to Nauru Island to load again. [, (\\ ucrj STI'AMKRK '■ i'!"n Coi'ii ,i;v adv'ses thai, (lie ynl'nella V. :m In .V,.-, I„ r,„ TIIUI, Oiy and Sydoev \ e ■■' e, da " for V. ••• 1M v»""fh H»„| \v I) s'ic ] - due New . T'-n Ivereiu U hednied to l-avo Well i: on lor Sydti-v on Mm,day and is taking Xna.l f,, r An ■11 ili-. v K:, '" il,; ; l' exacted at Wellington , ' f " "in ii,-> !- l! I 0n,,-dm on Thursday lor ,\|.... ! . a4 jj„ ~, s v f , )r Hluff. J, ;| •-!»».. I.VM,M. ~ i 1 I'd Titra 111. I', i 1 ? ,1,,,. at Nev.-r-.slle ves ' p "h'iy to !0,,d nt ,-,,-go for Auckland. LIMITS f-v in M')'| I' KK A IIARBOri: 71 A '<> Mer-1i... 1 d l.y the Ml,line P": -■ "■»*. "- ' a - 1 ""P .em,. .-n, ;i| ■lirii'onni. has ill-en r "''" ?•>'!»l.>.- II I of 11;., dov. 11 < l annr-l fontleading i ~, t|, ( . M,.1 ueka liar When lefjuir.-d l,v ships, white lights will bp shov.'ti at the «• it :h< pile beacon. nl the ""'die (•' iilnel.. •!11r! i : i, ;r) 111 u> v and af 'he i/'ii'-r (h:ii,i„-l !.! irl; buoy. Also, a. P. r "en In-iii. in,; visible seaward, will he B< ''W»i a! ,-:,. h „f 'he down i-|;:innel heaions Hetnils 11, ,-o, I I'll, v.ith li-rhts aie as Jo. "V.-s : - N-:hI signals f.• i ships entering llit lid|. j. ... ii 11 m hie a gri'Cll light Placed ll.i'i ve: ti■„ J] y ,|i, the wharf fixed Ereen light v/ill indicate hy a successive number of long Hashes the number of feet, re it, renting the least depth of water on the hnr. During f|ood tide the two green lights will rtminin exhiliited until t"no ship r.»s berthed at. the wh.p.rf, after which the upper -.Teen (or tidal) light will he diseontinutd. During ebb tide the upper Creen (or tidali Inrht will be discontinued Jhen It is so,ui tliiit til,- ship has turned liern the transit lino of tho outer channel beacons and is entering on the middle chanBfl beacons.

the Hon a. Tho Colonial Sugar Company'* steamer liona arrived at Suva from Sydney yesterday. PLUME LEAVES SAN FRANCISCO. . Ibe Vacuum Oil Company's tanker Plume is reported to have sailed from San Francisco for Wellington, Newcastle and Bris bane last Wednesday, MATIANA AT COLON. The Shaw, Rnvill and Albion steamer Mahnna, which left Auckland for Halifax and London on June 25, is reported to have reached Panama last Wednesday. THE KARAMEA. Now lending New Zealand produce at, Wellington, tho Shaw. Savill and Albion motor-ship Karamea is to sail for London, via Panama, on Tuesday. THE PORT PIRIE. The Commonwealth and Dominion Line steamer Port Pirie sailed for Napier and Wellington at mid-day yesterday to complete loading for Montevideo and London. She is to he despatched from Wellington on July 2fi. TIIKTTRANGI LEFT NORFOLK ISLAND. Advice received from Norfolk Island by Spedding, Ltd.. states that the steamer Hikurangi sailed for Auckland at four o'clock on Thursday afternoon. Slio is due on Monday. THE COLUMBIA. The Danish motor-ship Columbia is ex pected to leave Napier for Auckland about Wednesday to complete unloading jarrah from Bunbury. She is due next Friday. Heather, iloberton, Limited, aro the local agents. THE TANKER BTSCA. To complete discharging bulk oil from Snn Pedro for tho Atlantic Union Oil Company, tho tanker Bisca is expected from Wellington about midday on Monday. From Anck land the vessel will go to Sydney. RANGITANE SAILS TO-DAY. With passengers, mail and cargo for Southampton and London, tho New Zealand Shipping Company's motor liner Rangitano is to be despatched from Wellington nt daybreak to-day. THE WAIOTAPU. The Unicn Company's transpacific steamer Waiotnpu was to leave Los Angeles on Thursday with cargo from Pacific Coast ports for discharge at Auckland, Wellington and Australia. She is duo nt Auckland about August 11. ULIMAROA FROM SYDNEY. The Huddart-Parker steamer Ulimaroa left Sydney for Wellington nt midday yesterdny. The vessel is due at Wellington on Tuesday and she will be despatched on her return trip to Sydney next Friday. THE MAIIENO. 'Die Union Company's intercolonial cas senger steamer Mnheno left Melbourne on Thursday for Bluff, Dunedin, Lyttelton and Wellington Tho vessel is due nt Bluff on Monday and at Wellington on Friday. She is to leave Wellington next Saturday for Melbourne, via Bluff. THE lONIC. The Shan-, Savill and Albion liner lonic was scheduled to clear Southampton yesterday with passengers and mail for New Zealand and general merchandise from London for discharge at Auckland and Wellington. She is due at Auckland on August 25.

THE GOLDEN WEST. The American steamer Golden West arrived at Dunedin from Lyttelton yesterday to complete unloading cargo from Pacific (.'oast ports. From Dunedin tho vessel will proceed to Gisborne to load refrigerated cargo. Afterwards she will sail for San Francisco, via Honolulu. THE TANKER BENEDICK. Under charter to tho Shell Compnny the tanker Benedick is reported to have cleared Singapore last. Wednesday with a bulk oil cargo for discharge at Auckland and A\ ellington. She is due at Auckland about August 10. THE RANOITIKI. The New Zealand Shipping Company's motor liner Rnngitiki is reported to have reached Colon last Wednesday, en route from London and Southampton to Wellington. The vessel is due at Wellington on August (', to land passengers and mail. Afterwards she will unload her general merchandise cargo at Lyttelton, Port Chalmers and Bluff. THE TUTANEKAI. The Government steamer Tutanekai is to sail on Monday for the Hauiaki Gulf to attend to the lights and beacons. The vessel will return to Auckland again about Friday to load stores, and sho is to be despatched for the Northern and West Coast lighthouses the following Tuesday. G UNBAR AND MAKO. Messrs Watkin and Wallis advise that the Richardson steamer Gunbar left Gisborne at three o'clock yesterday afternoon und is due (it Auckland to-morrow. She is to be despatched for East Coast bays at four o'clock on Tuesday afternoon. _ The M.ako left Napier yesterday and is to leave Waikokopu to-day. The vessel is due at Portland on Mcfnday morning and at Auckland on Monday night. She is also to be despatched for East Coast bays at four o'clock on Tuesday afternoon. NORTHERN COMPANY'S VESSELS. The Northern Company advises that cargo operations on the Hauturu at New 1 lymoiitti were delayed yesterday owing to heavy rain. The vessel is to sail to-day and she is due at Onehunga to-morrow. At two o clock on Monday afternoon she is to be despatched on her return trip to New Plymouth. The Otimai is scheduled to leave Auckland for Kutarere and Opotiki at five o clock on Monday evening, and tho Toa is to be despatched for Whakatane at 11 o clock on Tuesday morning. THE PORT WAIKATO. The motor-ship Port Waikato, which is loading general cargo for Lyttelton at Central Wharf, will be removed to Western Wharf at 11 o'clock this morning to replenish her oil fuel bunkers. At mid-day she is to sail for Lyttelton. After discharge the vessel will load general cargo at Lyttelton for Tauranga, Mercury Jiay, Whangarei and Dargaville. En route from Lyttelton to Tauranga she will call at Unakaka, Golden Bay, to load a quantity of iron pipes for AYhangarei. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-day:— Auckland.—Astoria, Clydebank, Dunedin, Golden Coast, King John, Moeraki Kiwitea. Niagara. I'akipaki, Remuera. .lofua, L ort Pirie Voco, West Loquassuck. Chatham IslandB —City of Khartoum. Wellington.—Tama roa, Kawatin, Kekerarigu, Knretu, Westmoreland. Rangitiki, Mnunganui, Rotorua, Ferndale Kauvarrn, t'lima roa, Columbia. British Star, Kent, Pn.panui, Kalingo, Port Fremantle. Awarua. —Mnkura, Mnheno. lahiti, Omnna, Argyllshire.

BY TELEGRAPH. VKW PLYMOPTH- July IR.—Arrived Port Prenymtle '0.40 a.m.), from Lytte.l- ---} f't wf<i m) i 1.10 a.m.), from Onehunea; Kur'epo, from Wentport. WEI,LINGTON.- .fn!y IS: Arrived—Wni : nlli (i JSO p.m.). from Gisborno; I ' l . i.Ki ii.m.j, from Wmignnui; _ Imilia i.J.10, iiom Wanirmiui: Wuliine (7, from Lyf'elton; Karntnea ( 7.20 a.rii).. from [, v! I u!! mi; Hincn (7."i1l 11.ti1.1. from trltoii; ('niii'ifliiiu I'liiillenKer (8.00 a.m.). from Auckland; Mnunßauui (11.25 a.m.). fro in Aiifkland; Gale ('2.J15 p.m.). from LyMniton. Siiled--Kent (2.5 p.m.). for London: flpihi s 1 -20 p.rn.), for Dunedin; Wahine ( 7 !., J, III.), for Lyt telton ; Miiungnnui (9.5 p.m.), for Sydney. GI! EY MOUTH.- July IS: Arrived —KeffUIns (1..'t0 :i.III.), from Lyt telton; Knrtlgl (.1.10 p.m.), fiom Wellington. LYTTELTON.- July IS: Arrived —Maori ((*>. 15 n. m.), from Wellington: Knnna (7, from Timaril; Calm (12.10 p.m.), from Wellington; Totnra ! 12.50 p.m.), from Wrlli'i.'iton. S.-i i Iff I Kiinnii (lI.HO a.m.). fur Wellington; Permiale (3.55 p.m.), for Waikfikopn; Weimiirino (150r'.m.), for Pieton; Culm (0.50 p.m.), for Ulrtf; Maori (7.55 p.m.), for Wellington IH'NEIM.W -Inly IS: Arrived-Pro?reßH (.'i '.KI n.m.), from Wellington; Golden Wn.-t C! 15- p.m.). from Lyt telton Sailed—Ar'.'vllslnri! (7.5 a.m.), for New Plymouth: Mn'e'/e (0.5 p.m.), for Timari<; Progress, for Tiniii rn SUVA.—JuIy IS: Arrived Rona from Sydney. SYDNEY. July IS: Sailed—Ulimaroa (1 p.m.), for Wellington. M ELBOPRNE.-- July 17: Siiilod—Mnheno, for Bluff SAN PRANCISOO.-Jnly 10: Sailed— Plume, tor New Zealand. PANAMA.—JuIy 10: Arrived Mnhana, en route fiorn Auckland to London. COLON.—JuIy 10: Arrived—Rangitiki, en route from London to Wellington.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20620, 19 July 1930, Page 7

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20620, 19 July 1930, Page 7

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20620, 19 July 1930, Page 7