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the senior championship.



The final series of matches in the first round of the Auckland Rugby Union's senior competition was played on Saturday. The grounds wero heavy after lain, but the No. 1 ground at Eden Park was in surprisingly good order. Tho chief match, between Ponsonby, tho leading team, and Technical Old Boys resalted in a fine, open contest, Ponsonby gaining tho lead by a converted try in the last minute nnd winning by a einglo point. The curtain-raiser between University and City was played on tho No. 2 ground and after au even game tho former'"had a jive points margin at the finish. Another even match resulted betweeu Grammar Old Boys and Grafton, victory going to the former by four points. At tho Show Grounds Marist defeated Collego Rifles by » similar margin, while at OneJjunga Manukau was successful against Training College. f Following are the results of senior jnatches: — j Ponsonby, 13; Technical Old Boys, 12. University, 11; City, 6. 1 Grammar Old Boys, 9; Grafton, 5. Marist, 17; College Rifles, 13. Manakau, 8; Training College, 3. Tho following table shows the positions ef the senior-teams to date:—

A ONE-POINT WIN. After & bright, open game Ponsonby was » trifle lucky /to . snatch victory from Technical Old Boys m the last minute. Technical attacked from the kick-off, Couper making a good run at the end of a passing bout, a pass forward stopping the movement. Ponsonby hit back when Solomon made a good opening, but McLcod was crowded on the line. A free kick Technical, ) ■which maintained the attack. H ,T er n p! ii B " ing by its rearguard saw Turbott soli the dummy" cleverly to make a fine opening which Couper finished off with i try. -U. Keane failed with the, kick <™J} in the loose Technical had Ponsonby bustled but L. Hook intercepted and made a good run. Solomon broke cleaij away from a sornm and sent Cammick over beside the posts for an easy try. Jamieson easily converted. Ponsonby held the advantage for a period and then Couper centred nicely and obstruction by Ponsonby .right m front of its posts saw C. Keane easily goal. A minute laier from another penalty ]ven OTt D. Keane landed a tine goal. Xhe jioore at the end of the quarter was:—Technical, 9; Ponsonby, 5. , Ponsonby strove hard to make up, the leeway and Jamieson was prominent in a bright solo dash. The Technical team was tackling well and eventually saved. eon. Technical, retired hurt at this stage and was replaced by Jones. L. Hook was prominent in a tricky run, which gauieq a lot. of ground. Smith eventually being 'pushed into touch. Both aides were throwing the ball about and although they were making mistakes the play was bright. PotiBonby was holding tho advantage territorially and once D. Keane saved brilliantly in the face of a strong rush. Pousonby lost, a certain try when Jamieson threw a wild transfer to McLeod. but a moment later the • former made amends by cutting through the fence for a nice try. Hook made a poor attempt to convert. Half-time camo with the score :-Technical, 9; Ponsonby. S. Immediately on resuming C. Keane broke clean away and carried play to the Ponsonby goal where from a penalty, for obstruction he easily goaled. Technical kept ud the pressure and Turbott 3"st failed in s. good effort to pot a goal. Harris made x clever opening from a scrum, but Couper attempted to centre and miskicked. lecnnical was having all the better of the spell but its backs could not drive home the advantage against the Ponsonby rearguard, which was now playing right on top of its opponents. ' Ponsonby lost a try when Cammick fielded a bud Technical pass and broke away with Hook in support. Tho latter failed to take an in-pass with a clear field The quarter ended with the score:— Technical. 12; Ponsonby, 8. Ponsonby endeavoured to set its rearguard off. but the Technical defence held. Haalam doing some great w<?rk in this department. Ponsonby was now continually on the attack and once, when the forwards took a hand, w*b nearly oven Common saving with a timely kick. Technical came back in a fine rush' when Porteous cut through cleverly and Couper was tackled by Hook at the twenty-five. Technical maintained the pressure, only tope driven back twice by penalties. Misfielding by D. Keane had Technical m trouble but Couper saved well. In a last rally. Ponsonby attacked right from its own line and a great ruth was spoiled ana a try lost when Jamieson failed to ttke his pass. Ponsonby was rewarded when Cammick caught the opposition from a free kick, ' and from » long paBS Bardie dashed over. Jnmleeon converted. The game, ended a minnt# latoT, the final score being: Ponsonby, 13; Technical, 12. iff. G. Pearce was • referee. A GOOD CONTEST. Contidering the state of the ground there was some bright play in the match between "University and City, whicb was won by t-Jie former. University held the advantage in the early stages and repeatedly swung its backs info 'action. City being forced on one occasion when Minns kicked.. and followed through. University continued .to use its rearguard, but could mnke little headway against sound tackling. Butler had a chance to open the scoring account from a penalty beside the posts, but he missed the easy aiok Another good chance was lost when McKay cut-in well in ft paßßing bout and Bracewell failed to accept a transfer. A minute later Bracewell retired with an injured arm and wis replaced by Milliken. Kerr-Taylor intercepted well in n, University attack and a try almost resulted. "Wild passing by the City backs right on the University line saw Minns , break away, and, after practically the whole team had handled tho Ball in a great passabout. which went tho length of the 1 , Milliken dashed over for a fine .try. Butler missed the kick. Immediately Minns was again prominent in a fine dash and inpansed to D'Autherau, who scored behind . 1 <he posts. Milliken converted, making the score at the end of the quarter:—University, 8; City, 0. City, led by Kerr-Taylor, made a desperate effort to get over and Carter essayed a pot which went wide. Maintaining .the attack. City was rewarded when Bcrridge juat got over nt the corner from a passing bout. The scorer failed to convert, university made a short-lived attack before , City drove it right back and passing by tho backs on their opponents' line saw Carter ensily touch down wide out. Borridge failed with the kick. Even play followed until half-lime, when the score was:—• University, 8; City, 6. On resuming each team adopted the snort kicking tactics, but made little heaenvay until Jenkin twice placed Umvorsity. on attack with good line kicks. The J- niver*ity backs were getting plenty of the ball, mistakes in passing nullifying any attacking movement. There was no change in • the score at the end of the quarter. City had an early penalty. in the final ruarter. Carter missing the kick from well out. Univwsity retaliated and after Minns had m'ide a bright dash Stokes carried on *o score well out. Milliken. failed with the kick. before time Linden was hurt in. tackling Minns and had to retire. Tho game ended with tho ecore:—University, 11; City. 6. j Mr. F.. E. Sutherland was reforee. A WIN FOR GRAMMAR. In an uninteresting game on tho No. 2 ground at Eden Park. Grammar Old Boys defeated Grafton by 9 points to 5 Grammar started it fine jmanirig movement from the.kick-off. which ended in G. Skelton scoring. Lendrum put the kick over but the conversion was disallowed. Grammar kept. Jip the pressure, forwards uiid backs combining to throw the ball about in open fctyle, but? their movements lacked finish. Grafton retaliated and Scott made a good attempt to drop-kick a goal. Dull play in midtield followed, Grafton having slightly •he belter of the exchanges. Grammar saved by forcing, but Grafton was rewarded a minute later when Fraeer scored after fast following up. Hargresves converted More even play followed, and the quarter ended with the score: Grafton. 5; Grammar. 3 Grammar took play to the Grafton lino with a fine forward rush. led by L. Knight «nd E. Batty. Grafton relieved with a mark. The Grammar backs and forwards were at-

tempting to keep play open, but -a greasy ball hampered passing. Singleton took tho ball at too, ana aided by ft. Potter, wont through the Grafton backs for G. Skelton to secure and score under the posts. Lendrum missed an easy kick. Shortly afterwards Singleton wns successful with a penalty kick, and at half-time tho score was: Grammar Old Boys, 9 ; Grafton 5. ' Grafton took play to the Grammar line, a force resulting. Gardner Bhowed out in a tricky run to put Grammar in a handy position. Short passing by the Grammar backs and forwards took play to the Grafton line, where G. Knight lost tho ball and Walker forced. Scott camo through to put his forwards on tho attack, but Hutchinson intercepted to prevent a certain score. Grammar camo back but Grafton again attacked, and Fraset had a clear run in, but Weir tackled him on the line. P.' Potter then bustled through and Grafton was lucky to force. A few minutes later the quarter ended with no change in the scoro. Play went up and down the field, the Grammar backs passing well, but being unable to penetrato tho ' defence. Singleton missed an easy ponalty kick. Grammar attacked strongly, nnd Grafton was forced throe .times in as many minutes. The rest of the quarter was characterised by dull play. Grammar having a slight advantage. The game ended with the score: Grammar Old Boys, 9; Grafton, 6. Mr. W. Lomas was referee.

MARIST BEATS COLLEGE RIFLES. The Marist forwards took command at tho outset, and from a scrum Wright gave the ball to Smith, who passed to Cornthwaite, the last-named sooring nnd converting his own try. M. Smith gained possession when the ball waa put into play again, nnd scored between the posts. Cornthwaite converted. College Rifles retaliated with a neat forward movement, and tho ball camo out to Albrecht. who took a running shot at goal and added four points. The'first Quarter cuded with the score: Marist, 10; Collego Rifles. 4. The second spell opened with tin attack by the Marist forwards. College Rifles could not relieve tho position and Evans got across in the corner. The kick failed. Led by Cornthwaite and Evans, the Marist backs carried play to the opposing twenty-five, where Walsh, the fullback, potted a goal with his left foot. At half-timo tho scoro was: Marist. 17; Collego Rifles, 4. College Rifles carried play to the opposing twenty-fivo immediately, but a penalty relieved Marist. College Rifles maintained a continual forward attack throughout tho third spell, but a series of minor breaches with resultant penalties kept it from crossing the line. A penalty against Marist gave Stehr an opportunity and ho kicked a fine goal. After a minute's play in midfield. Marist waa again penalised, nnd Gillespie kicked a goal, making tho scoro at the end of tho spell: Mnrist. 17,; College Rifles, 10. ... , College Rifles maintained a steady attack in tho final quarter, and both teams showed better form. There was some heavy work in the looso between the forwards, but neither team had any great advantage, although play rarely left the Marist end. . A Marist forward offside resulted in a free kick for College Rifles, Gillespie being successful with the kiok at goal. The gamo ended with tho score: Marist, 17; College Rifles, 13. Mr. J. Sweeney was referee. MANUKAU'S SUCCESS. After a game which, except for some spirited play in the last quarter, seldom reached senior grade standard. Manukau defeated Training College by 8 points to 3; The Manukau forwards were early on the attack, but a penalty relieved. From an infringement in midfield Bush, with a magnificent kick from almost half-way, gnvo Training College a lead of three points. Manukau made persistent efforts to score. Jones kicked over the. Training College fullback's head, but in the race for the bp.ll BuSh won. Bryers and Pyle were partnered in a, nice movement which broke down when the former was too far forward to accept a pass. Two penalties gave Manukau an opportunity, but Turei was not kicking well. Manukau continued to attack. Jones nnd Pyle were unlucky not to score, the latter being forced out. Fumbling by the .Manu-. kau half let Conolly through, but his puss went begging. All the Manukau backs figured in a promising mpvement. but Johneon forced. The score at the end of the quarter was: Training College, 3; Manukau, 0. , . The second quarter opened with the Training College forwards attacking strongly, a penalty carrying play back to midfield. Jones marked and with a powerful dropkick from almost half-way, equalised the score. A concerted movement by the Manukau backs resulted in . Bryers scoring. Stewart converted. Hnlf-tipie saw tho Bcore: Manukau, 8; Training College. 3. On resuming_ Manukau .attacked, but lob passes spelt failure. The Training College forwards figured in a determined rush, but an infringement nullified their efforts. They were seen to advantage in the loose, but for the most part play was of a desultorynature. The quarter closed when Mc-Far-land saved from a determined effort by Manukau. There was no change in the score. '' In some spirited exchanges Manukau s superior weight was an advantage, and play was carried to the Training College twentyfive. The Training Collego forwards, led by Morrison, brought play back to mid-field. With his team making repeated attempts to score, Bush failed with a good penalty kick from well out. From a scrum-tho Manukau half got the ball away nicely, but the fiveeighths took his pass standing still. The Training College fullback initiated what was the only first-class back movement of the day but it failed. Pepper, who played a consistently good game, was prominent in a Manukau forward rush. Brimble secured and passed to Jones, who cut in, but a long pas 3 to Pyle found tho player wanting. Tho game ended with tho score: Manuttau, S; Training College, 3. Mr. A. E. Austin was referee. LOWER GRADE RESULTS. Senior Grade B.—Otahuhu, 37, Suburbs, 0; University, 17, Manukau, 14; Parnell, 8, North Shore, 0. Second Grade.—University, 43, Grammar, 8; Marist. 6, Trinity College, 3; Grammar Colts, 18. Royal Naval Reserve, G; Ponsonby, 2), College Rifles, 4. . . Third Grade Open.—Technical, 12, Oratia. S); Penrose, 6, Howick, 0; University, 5, North Shore, 5. Third Grade Intermediate.—G-rafton, 40, Royal Naval Reserve, 3 : Eden, 3, Ponsonby, 0; North Shore, 8, City, 0: Northcote. 8, Grammar, C; Marist, 9, Technical, 0; College Rifles, 8, Northcote, 6; Y.M.C.A., 32, Suburbs, 8; Grammar B, 10, Marathon. 5; Manukau, 9, University, 3; Training College, 21. Grammar C, 0. Fourth Grade. —Eden, 18, Ivorth Shore, 0; Ponsonby, 8, Grafton,' 0; Marathon, "13, Northcote, 5; Otahuhu, 22, Y.M.C.A., 0; Penrose, 3, Tamaki, 3; Manukau, 15, Technical, Fifth Grade.—Ellerslie, 25, Northcote, 3; Ponsonby, 16, Grafton, 0; Manukau, 8, Technical, 3. . , Sixth Grade.—North Shore, 6, Manukau, 3; Technical, 8, Panmure, 0. Seventh Grade.—-Manukau, 12, Suburbs, C. MANIAPOTO MAORI TEAM. [BY TELEGRAPH- —OWN CORRESPONDENT.] TE AWAMUTU, Saturday. The Maniapoto Maori team to play tho Waipa representatives at Te Awamutu next Wednesday is as follows:—Fullback, W. Wotere; threequarters. J. James, T. Wallace, A. Ormsby; five-eighths, J. Rata and G. Warren; half, A. Jackson: rover, B. Wallace; forwards, A. Rauputu, J. Anderson, G. Thomson (captain), Putangi, J. Ormsby, N. Jackson and J. Tai. Emergencies: Backs, H. Hughes, B. Carr. P. Tewhare; forwards, T. Taylor and W. Tainui, CONTESTS AT WANGANUI. [BY TELEGRAPH—OWN CORRESPONDENT.] WANGANUI, Sunday. The senior Rugby Cup competition was continued yesterday and resulted:—Technical Old Boys, 14, v. Marist, 10; Aotea. 17, v. Old Boys, 0; Pirates, 9, v. Ratana, 3. GAMES IN WAIRARAPA. [I)Y TELEGRAPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION.] MASTERTON. Saturday. Old Boys, 18, Red Star, 1C: Gladstone. 13, Masterton, 8; Greytown, 9, Carterton, 5. BUSH JUNIORS DEFEATED. [BY TELEGRAPH. —X'RESS ASSOCIATION.] PAHIATUA, Saturday. Mnnawatu defeated the Bush juniors by 9 points to 3. Tries for the winners were scored by Youle, Wright alid Holden. Sykcs scored for Bush. WELLINGTON CHAMPIONSHIP. [BY TELEGRAPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION.] WELLINGTON, Saturday. Berhampore, 8, Athletic, 7;.Poneke. 0, Oriental, 0; University, 9, Marist, 9: Eastboitrne, 14, Hutt, 9; Pctoue, G, Old Buys. 3. LEADING TEAM DEFEATED. [BY TELEGRAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.] CHRISTCHURCH, Saturday. Rugby matches were played to-day in a strong north-west wind, which shanked w.;th force to a south-wester with heavy ram just before the eamcs ended. The results were:— Merivale, 8, Albion, V '.deposing Albion from its position is the lending team): Old Boys, 30. Technical Old Boys, 0: University, 15, L'inwood, 4; Christchurch, 49, West Old Boys, 3. _ '

Pts . Cll. P. L. D. For. As. Pts. PocBonby SfflS 8:1: University .. Msnukau Mariat •• Train. College City Grafton . .. College Rifles 9 9 9 9 9' 9 9 9 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 4 3 1 1 1 1 o 3 3 5 6 8 8 6 1 1 308 131 . 116 115 107 76 Si 60 67 64 71 17 55 15 63 14 76 12 71 12 117 8 90 6 111 2 169 2 131 2

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20597, 23 June 1930, Page 13

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RUGBY FOOTBALL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20597, 23 June 1930, Page 13

RUGBY FOOTBALL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20597, 23 June 1930, Page 13