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yesterdAY'S arrivals. Tofiin (2.5 a.m.). from Suva. Passeiißers—j,[r. Armitase, Miss 8011. Mr. Bentley, Mr. Briggs, Mr. Black, Mibs Bnster, Jilra. Bnrgrove, Mr. Candler, Mrs. ChristenBer ,,. Mr. Ferguson, Mrs. Ferguson, Mr. Felix, Mi** Gentle. Mr. Gwynuo. Air. j e fl=». Mister Jeffs, Mrs. Leslie, Mr. McClvniont, M/s. MfClyinont, Miss Osgood, jlr. Ramsay. Mrs. Kainsay, Miss Ready, Alra. Keif blemnnn, Miss Reichlemann. Miss ]{eichleinaiu.. Miistci Reichlemann, Mr. Began. Mr. Rice, Mrs. Sanders, Mr. Sitnms, j[ r . Stinton, Mr. Shepperd, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Vickery. Mrs. Vickery, Mis 9 Vickery, Miss Vickery, Mii*» Wills, Ulim.'iroa (12.15 p.m.), from Sydney. Pasecugers; Saloon —Mr. H. Armstrong. Mr. F. Adamson, Air. F. Abraham*, .Mr. K. \V. Alison, Mrs. H. Breen. Mr. P'. J Brown, Air. and Mrs. AL Bramley. Mr. G. Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bovven, Mr. and Mrs. R. Biggar and child, Mrs. !''•■ Bo~omworth, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Butt, Mr. W. Cooper, Air. nnd Aire. 11. Clark, Miss R. Cooper. Mr. ,T. Cook, Mr. Carlton, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dickinson and 2'children. Mr. T. Davies, Air. nnd Mrs. W. Dawson and child, Mr. K. Entwistle, Air. and Mrs. N. Gran, Mr. P. Glover, Messrs W. and A. E. Geary, Misses A. y.nd M. Jlendry. Mr. 11. Houghton, Miss N. Hardy. Mr. A. Hancock. Mrs. F. Hum, j(r. G. Haih.ood. Mr. O. Harvey, Miss B. Hunt, Mr and Mrs. T. Jarvio. Mr. and Mrs. P- Kennedy. Mr. A. Knight, Mr. J. Lticey. Mr. R.-Milhauke, Mrs. F,. Madge, Mr. H McKay, Miss A. McQuarrie. Mrs. ]■) AlcCoicinudalo, Mr. nnd Airs. W. McF.hvuin, Miss E. Nimon, Mr. and Mrs. T. philcos. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pomcroy, Miss L. Price. Mrs. M. Pidduclc, Mrs. 11. Quick, Mr. and Mrs R. Reed and child, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Ratelifte, l)r. "\V. C. Ring. Mr. G. Bundle, Mrs. ivjuntree and child, Mr. and Mrs. H. Robson. Mr. A. Ketemeyer. Mr. T. ]voberi a . Mr. L. Share. Mr. R. E. Slubington. Mis 3 I'. Stewart, Air. and Mrs. W. L. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Slicpewich and child, Mrs. At, S. Smith. Miss R. Smith. Mr. and Mrs ,T. Scott and child, Mr. F. burner. Miss 11. Thackeray, Air. O. Toinlie, Mrs. Winter and child. Airs, A. Whyte. Air. A. T. Wnllia. Mr. «T. Williamson, Air. F. V. Williams, Mr?._ J. ,1. Waite, Air. It. Wilson, Mr. A. Young. Air. U. D. and Master P. B. Yates, Mr. nnd Atrs. R. C. Tillinghur?'., Miss E. Waterman. Air. H. Baiiieis. :uhl 111 second-class, including sis Chinese. Wakn (6.45 k.iv..), from lauranga; Claymore* (3 a.m.), .from Whnngarei: Rangitoto (10.35 a.m.), from Coromnndel; Omana (11.55 n.m.), from Warkworth; Canopus (12.10 p.m.), from Westport; lvaponga (1.50 p.m.), from Lyttelton. I'aroto ('j.lO p.m.), from Coast,. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. Waiknwa (4.35 p.m.), for Wellington. Otimai (12.15 a.m.), for Opotiki; Tiroa (1.40 p.m.). for Gisborne; Rangitoto (2.10 p.m.), for Thames; Waimea (5.30 p.m.), for Gisborne. Awahou (6 p.m.), for East Const bays; Claymore (S.-10 p.m.). for Gisborne. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Hauiti, from Korepoehi, 2 a.m. Apanui. from Alercury Bay, 6 a.m. Rangitoto, from Thames, noon. Omani, from Waiheke, 6.15 p.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Hertford, for London, 5 p.m. Paroto, for Big Omaha. 10 n.m.; Oraana, for Waiheke, 10 a.m. Waka. for Tauranga, 2 p.m. Pangitoto, for Thames, 3 p.m. Fono, for Waipu, 3 p.m. Kaimnnawa, for Portland, afternoon. Canopus, for Westport, evening. _ Apanui. for Great Barrier, midnight. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL. AND COASTAU Katoa, Southern ports, May 15. Wiiigatui, Southern ports, May 17. Poolta. Newcastle, Ms?y 19. .H.M.S. Waknkura, Wellington, May CO. Waip&hi. Rarotonga, Alay 20. Maunganni, Sydney, May 20. Kiwitea, Melbourne, via South, May 21. Mani Pomare, Apia, Alay 26. Waipiata, Southern ports. May 27. Maraina, Sydney, Juno 3. OVERSEAS. Port Huon, Liverpool. May 16. June. Nauru Island, Alay 33. Taranaki, South, May 19, to load. Niagara. Vancouver, M!ay 19. City of Osaka, New York, Alay 21. Rangitata, London, via Wellington, .May 21 Ru&hine, South, Ms.y 21, to load. Canadian Conqueror, Wellington, May 26. to load. Golden Cloud. Los Angeles. May 2<. Port Adelaide, Australia. Alay 28, to load. Quercu3, New York. May 28. Ilvington Court, Cuba, Alay 29. 'rair.ui. London, Juno 1. Kent, Liverpool. June 3. Norfolk. Opua, June 5, to load. Canadian Constructor, Halifax. Juno S Huntingdon, Gisborne, Juno 9, to load. Kangitane, London, June 11. Entcn. New York. June 11. Karamea, Liverpool, June 12. Aorangi, Vancouver, Jnno 15. Waitemata, Los Angeles, June 19. Cambridge, Gisborne, Juno 19, to load, Papanui, New York. June 26. Port Frsmantle, London, June 2G. Papanui. New York, Juno 29. Argyllshire, Liverpool, July 1. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AMD OVERSEAS. Hertford.. London. May 11. Ulimaroa, Sydney, Alay 16. Tofna. Fiji, May 17. Niagara, Sydney, Alay 20. ° Maungan'ii. Sydney, Alay 23. Canadian Conqueror, America and Montreal. May 26. Kuahiue, London, Alay 27., Sydney, June 6. Maui Porr.are, Apia, June 10. Huntingdon, America and London June 11. • Aorangi, Sydney, Juno IG. A VS'i'RAI,IA->TEW ZEALAND, Ulini.uort, at Auckland; sails for Sydney May 16. > Maher.o, ,».1. Melbourne; sails for Bluff nnd Dune Jin May 15; lays up for overhaul at piincdiu. Maungamii, leaves Sydney May 1G; duo Auckland Alay 20. Maranui, leaves Wellington for Sydney May 23. ' PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE. Tahiti, at San Francisco: sails May 14; due Wellington June 2. Aorangi, left Auckland .May G; due Vancouver May 23; sails for Auckland May '23. Niagara, Jeff Vancouver April 30 ; duo Auckland May 19; sails for Sydney , .May 20. Makura, leaves Sydney May 15, Wellington May 20, for San Francisco. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS. Rangitata. left Ssuthampton April 11; due Wellington May 11. Tainui, left Southampton April 26; duo Auckland June I., left Southampton Alay 9, due Auckland June 11. due Wellington June 24. Rotoriia, leaves Southampton Juno G; due Auckland July 11. Rcmuera, leaves Southampton Juno 13; due Wellifigtori July 28. VKSSEL3 IN PORT. 11l Slreu-n lI.M C S Iris, Mako (Watkin nnd Wall in), X inula (Admiralty oil-tanker). Devon port—ll.M.S. Philomel, 11.M.5. Dunedin, 11.M.5. Veronica, 11.M.5. Labuinnui King's V.'haif -Kaimanavvn (U.S.S. Co.v.) t-enlral Whin f - Hertford (N.Z.S. Coy.). Queen's Wharf—Xnrbadn. (U.S.S. Coy.). Cambridge (X.Z.S. Coy.), t'rince'll Wharf—Ma taroa (L. D. Nathan). Tofua (K.S.S. Coy.) Knponga (U.S.S. Goy.)_ T'innarr.a. (Jluddart-Pai'ker). \tOMt.ern Whaff'- AVairuna (U.S.S. Coy.). Canopus (W.C, Coy.). The Kainiiro is due nt, Westport on I' riday to load for Auckland. Having left Wellington at 9.30 p.m. on Aloiulay. the Katoa, en route from South •Inland porta, i„- duo at Auckland to-morrow . inurmng Tlu' Kap.niga u:,"rived from Lyttelton direct yt-ji'.ddaj- a fterr.oou. Sho is unload - in K at I'rinco'.s Wharf. lliu Kiinnn is tc. leave Greymouth for '•estport at eleven o'clock this morning to Coinplctc eiading coal for Auckland. 1 fi<4 Cnfon - Company advises that tho "Oiniua to leave Wellington for Westl'Ort ut ,<ix o'clock on Saturday evening Having completed her overhaul the Knihuuiaivii i.-i tn sail for Portland this afternoon 1u likkL cement for Wellington uiul ttollojj. L'OJiT lIUOX KEPORTS. nnd Dominion Line motor-ship | ort Hu,in statta she will reach Auekt'md from Liverpool at six o'clock oil Friday eviniiiv,', two days earlier than wis ox-Pj-ctcd. She is making n fast passage of 1" days from Panama, v/hich sho cleared on April 2C. The veniiel has general tnerchandtso r r;'in West Coast ports of Great pntaiu for diseliai'gu nt Auckland, Well" Lyttelton arid Dunedin, Tht» farmers' Auctioneering CoinPauy aro tho local agents.

THE WAIKAWA. -k?, transpacific eteanier Waikawa sailed for Wellington, Melbourne and Sydney yesterday afternoon to complete unloading cargo from Pacific Coast ports. THE CAMBRIDGE. The Federal Line steamer Cambridge won to have gone into dock yesterday morning to have a new blade fitted to her propeller. Iho docking of the vessel, however, was I postponed until to-morrow. THE HERTFORD. The Fedoral Line steamer Hertford is expected to complete loading at Central Wharf ( this afternoon, and she is to sail at five o'clock for London, Hapiburg, Avonniouth, Liverpool and Glasgow, via Panama. THE TASAIANIA. Tho New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Tasmania is due at Wellington from East Coast ports on Friday to complete loading. On Saturday she is scheduled to sail for Avonmouth, Manchester, Liverpool and Glasgow, via Montevideo. THE NARBADA. Tho Union Company's Indian trader Narbada is to sail for Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin to-morrow to complete unloading cargo from Eastern ports. THE AIAUNG ANUI. Tho Union Company's intercolonial passenger steamer Alauuganui reached Sydney from Wellington at eix o'clock yostordav morning. Tho vessel is to sail on Friday nnd sho is duo at Auckland on Tuesday morning. THE HORORATA. After unloading general cargo for Fiji tho New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Ilororata left Suva for Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, BlufF and Now Plymouth yesterday morning, in continuation of her voyago from Loudon. Sbo is duo at Lyttelton about Sunday. CARGO FROM AUSTRALIA. Tho Union Company hns received advice that tho Kiwitea left Melbourne for Hchart at noon on Friday to complete loading for Dunedin, Timani, Lyttelton, Wellington. Auckland and New Plymouth. Sho is due at Auckland about Alay 21. THE PORT VICTOR, In continuation of her voyage from Wellington to London, Avonmouth, Liverpool nnd Glasgow, tho Commonwealth and Dominion Lino steamer Port Victor cleared Colon on Alay 8. She was despatched from Wellington on April 15. MATAIvANA AT LONDON. The Shaw. Savill and Albion Company has received advice that tho. Alntakana, which Bailed from Dunedin on April 1, for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool and Glasgow, reached London on Alay S. THE RANGITANE. The New Zealand Shipping Company advises that the motor-liner Rangitano cleared Southampton last Friday with passengers and mail for New Zealand and general merchandise for discharge at Auckland and Wellington. Sho is duo at Auckland on Juno 11. MAKURA AT SYDNEY. An arrival at Sydney yesterday morning •was the Union Company's liner Makura from Auckland. The vessel has been withdrawn from the intercolonial run and has resumed in tho Pacific mail servico. She is scheduled to leavo Sydney to-morrow, and Wellington on Tuesday. for Karotonga, Papeete and San Francisco. CHANGES OF MASTERS. Captain S. A. Chatfield is to take command of tho Tofui* in place of Captain A. H. Davey, who has been transferred to tho Narbada, relieving Captain E. Harris, who will como on shoro for instructions. Captain A. Reed hns been appointed to command tho Waiknwa, relieving Captain ,T. Flynn for holidays. Captain F. G. B. Bilton has taken command of the Kartigi, vico Captain Chatfield. THE CANADIAN CONQUEROR. Tho Canadian National steamer Canndian Conqueror is to leave Wellington for Lytelton and Dunedin to-day to completo discharging cargo from Halifax and to load for her homeward voyage. Tho vessel is scheduled to return to Wellington on Alay 23 and Auckland on May 2G to complete loading. From this port alio will be despatched for New York, Boston and Montreal. ULIMAROA IN PORT. Tho Huddart-Parker steamer Ulimaroa arrived from Sydney at mid-day yesterday with passengers, mail and cargo. She is at Prince's Wharf. Tho vessel had a fine weather trip. Sho experienced fresh to strong north-east to last winds in the Tasman Sea nnd south-east winds on thf coast. At eleven o'clock on Friday sho 13 to 6ail on her return trip to Sydney. THE lIUAHINE. Tho Now Zealand Shipping Company's liner Ruahine arrived at Lyttelton from Nelson on Sunday to commence loading for her homeward voyage. Her other loading ports are Wellington, Gisborno and Auckland. The vessel is duo at Auckland next Wednesday and with passengers and mail sho is to be despatched for Southampton and London, via Panama, on May '27. THE TOFUA. Tho Union Company's Island steamer Tofua arrived from Suva early yesterday morning. Sho berthed at Prince's Wharf to land passengers, mail and cargo from Tonga, Samoa and Fiji. The vessel sailed from Suva at mid-day oil Thursday and continuous strong south-east winds experienced on tho trip delayed her arrival by about 14 hours. Sho is to eml on her return trip to tho Islands at eleven o clock on Saturday morning. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels ivro expected to bs within range of tho undermentioned wiroles3 stations to-day:— Auckland.—Canadian Transporter. City of Osaka, Ilauraki, June. Lady Lewis, Alalna. Maui Pomare, Moeraki, Poolta, It. Huon, Taranaki, Waikawa, Waipahi. Chatham Islands.—Port Auckland, Coptic, Alnhana. ... • Wellington.—Tutr.nekai. Aorangi, Niagara. Rangiteiki. Rangitata, British Star. Alalna. Alaimoa. Kai Qra, lonic, Port Sydney, I asmania, Wakakura, Taiora, Huntingdon, iort Mahcno, Brunswick, Kiwitea, Karctit. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. Yesterday's Arrivals.— Arapawa (2 n.m.), from Dnrgaville: Hokianga (0.15 a m.), from Hokiatiga; Hautitru (7.15 a.m.), from NewPlymouth; Thomas Currell (i.uO a.m.). from Coast. BY TELECRAPH. WELLINGTON.— May 13: Arrived-Maori (7 a.m.), from Lyttelton: Lotaia .<] .. a.m.), from New Plymouth; Eimatangi (l-> 0 p.m.), from New Plymouth Sailed—Huntingdon (2.-10 P.m.), for Lyttelton;. lort Ifarclv (7.30 p.m.). for London; Maori (7.00 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Waipiala U..!0 p.m.). for Lyttelton. LYTTELTON.— May 13: Arrived—Calm (0.35 a.m.). from Timaru; Wahino Hi.-10 -i in ) from Wellington; Holmdalc (M.> n'rnY, from Timaru; Paua (11 a.m.), from Dundein. Sailed—Kuku (3,10 P.m.), for Nelson; Cnlm d P.m.), for Wellington; Holmdalc (4.20 p.m.). for WeHmglon; 1 ana (4.50 p.m.), for Timaru; Waluno (8.2,) p.m.;, for Wellington. TIfTN'KDIN —May 13: Sailed—City of Winnipeg (015 a.m.). for Wallaroo: Wingatui (noon), for Timaru: Waintti (3.-10 p.m.), for Ottiliaru; Progress p.m.), for Timaru. SUVA.—May 13: Sailed—Hororata. for Lyttelton. SYDNEY.— May 13: Arrived— Alaungnnui (0 a.m.), from Wellington; Alakura (C.30 a.m.), from Auckland.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20563, 14 May 1930, Page 7

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20563, 14 May 1930, Page 7

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20563, 14 May 1930, Page 7